Posted on 03 May 2017, 15:28 by:
hafini Score
Base +7, Lostalgia +6, csavarhuzo +6, MechWarriorNY +8, pond39267 +6, MadMilkPT +7, Senhai-kun +7, Vanguard3125 +6, finnick8 +7, wertweet +11, LettermanZA +6
Base +7, GamerNovel +18, Lostalgia +6, selyts +5, Amariithynar +7, Feladrance +5, LoneHero33 +7, Megaton +25, isxek +4, Vanguard3125 +6, finnick8 +7, Junkie 2002 +7, abrickhouse +4, and 3 more...
Base +20, Juggernaut Santa +23, pluckyp +6, Refon_S +10, Lostalgia +6, CheezyBun +7, Cheshire Cat -9, Josh0975 +6, colonialdog77 +6, Arisseos +4, Anony12788 +9, Megaton +25, n00ps +6, and 19 more...
Posted on 03 May 2017, 16:34 by:
piyin Score
Base +23, Jomppaz +8, Lostalgia +6, Arisseos +4, MaulanaMuhammad +6, MechWarriorNY +8, MadMilkPT +7, Hiltrax +4, Chaotic Anonymous +6, Vanguard3125 +6, as102 +9, LokiFox +4, Daddyfatsack +6, and 4 more...
Posted on 03 May 2017, 16:44 by:
Reboot Score
Base +7, Lostalgia +6, MechWarriorNY +8, Feladrance +5, pond39267 +6, Vanguard3125 +6, LokiFox +4, LettermanZA +6
Posted on 03 May 2017, 17:09 by:
nabusco Score
Base +7, Lostalgia +6, MechWarriorNY +8, Feladrance +5, pond39267 +6, MadMilkPT +7, 21gunshow +6, Ahryman +6, Chaotic Anonymous +6, Vanguard3125 +6, lordbaldur +4, finnick8 +7, abrickhouse +4, and 4 more...
Posted on 03 May 2017, 17:17 by:
Hakrei Score
Base +23, Amariithynar +7, MechWarriorNY +8, pond39267 +6, MadMilkPT +7, 21gunshow +6, Jwake +3, LokiFox +3, Vanguard3125 +6, abrickhouse +4, Refyrsen +6, as102 +9, LettermanZA +6
Base +6, MechWarriorNY +8, pond39267 +6, 21gunshow +6, abrickhouse +4, Refyrsen +6, as102 +9, TheUnknownable1234 +6, LettermanZA +6
Base +2, Brerose +5, Daktyl198 +7, LettermanZA +6, gronkle +7