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[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing)

Posted:2018-01-18 15:14
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:147.7 MiB
Length:179 pages
Favorited:2584 times
Average: 4.58

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-02 07:22
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-10 18:28
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-13 13:12
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-15 11:54
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-28 18:10
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-03-29 11:57
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-04-16 18:26
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-04-19 18:40
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-04-26 19:21
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-05-04 18:52
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-06-07 11:15
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-06-17 20:18
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-07-05 18:57
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-07-12 20:16
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-07-19 20:23
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom Ch.1-2 (Ongoing), added 2018-07-27 13:19
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-09-15 21:27
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-09-20 20:36
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-10-13 11:52
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-11-11 22:03
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-11-22 22:46
[ArbuzBudesh] Price For Freedom (Ongoing), added 2018-12-06 22:12

Showing 1 - 40 of 179 images

Posted on 22 January 2016, 13:37 by:   Mihanu    PM
Score +468
This story has gotten preeeetty sloooooww...
Posted on 22 January 2016, 15:40 by:   Jasse    PM
Score +147
Love it, great art and story.
Posted on 22 January 2016, 19:30 by:   DrQuint    PM
Score +65
Well right now the story is moving.

But you just know the scene will turn towards 2 guys we haven't seen before who will die to something we haven't seen before and both parties will seemingly have no relation to the ongoing, uh... uhhh.... plot.
Posted on 26 January 2016, 03:17 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +35
i'm liking this tall guard guy

just wait till lady wolf shows up & claims she sent the elf on an errand for her, but "forgot" the travel papers

then the elf's gonna resent lady wolf even more ;)

too bad that dead guard of the one eye guy subplot seems to have gone no where

i'm still enjoying the ride though

edit: seems, i was pretty close to the mark. possibly she needs a nondemon disguise since her true form gets the same reaction the dark elf gave her. but the body language sells it. she gave the elf some time on her own & she broke & entered, dueled an eyepatch guy & got caught w/out travel papers. lady wolf to "rescue"

edit: So it would seem her name is Agaya Wolf, either a disguise, or she can posses proper servants to act in her stead

Edit: Dead guard subplot, 2 yrs later it finally does go somewhere
Last edited on 20 March 2018, 03:34.
Posted on 16 February 2016, 08:43 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +39
Wolf family? As in, theres more than one of them? Not sure if this is bad news or worse news for the dark elf.
Posted on 28 February 2016, 10:49 by:   snickso    PM
Score +46
This is one of the best comics i have ever read!
Last edited on 22 May 2017, 20:26.
Posted on 10 March 2016, 11:36 by:   Mihanu    PM
Score +41
The dialogue seems to be getting worse in terms of grammar and sentence structure...
Posted on 17 March 2016, 10:45 by:   RoflCat    PM
Score +61
My expectation later on:

Nameless: Fuck me (complaining)
Dude: Okay...*fucks her*
Posted on 17 March 2016, 11:01 by:   YetAnotherFap    PM
Score +31
Now that's cute.
Posted on 28 April 2016, 15:30 by:   Liquid Shadow    PM
Score +50

Considering how common the grammatical errors are among this particular artist's work, I don't believe them to be intentional. However, thinking of it like that does add a bit of flair to this story, and they aren't anything too major. They are pronounced enough to lead me to believe the artist isn't a native speaker, but the sentences and their structure are still intelligible and easy enough to understand, so I don't personally have an issue with it.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 00:21 by:   Kalezian    PM
Score +54
you know, when Blue first showed up I got the vibe that it was a woman, but then I got a bit confused as it could be a guy as well.

Posted on 07 May 2016, 11:13 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +32
ah, it's a woman guard :D

that's what's great about comics, since you can't hear their voice, these kind of surprises can pop up

i'm really loving this story.

now, a prediction; i had wondered if big blue might've been the guy Nameless was looking for, but since blue's a girl, that's less likely. so i change my guess to blue being connected to the guy's group

at least blue's likely to be a nicer lover than lady wolf, who's downright SCARY!
Last edited on 12 May 2016, 09:30.
Posted on 16 May 2016, 15:55 by:   ataru1    PM
Score +38
Whoa, is that you Soraka? Did you have too much steroids? ^^
Posted on 27 May 2016, 02:24 by:   Mars11    PM
Score +55
Oh for fucks sake! Can we just get to the raunchy lesbo sex!?
Posted on 11 June 2016, 00:37 by:   DrQuint    PM
Score +75
The question is not why the artist is bothering, it's why the uploader is, and lastly, why you are bothering clicking it.

I'm going to click it when it shows up anyways, because it shows up what, once a month for a couple pages and then stops? It doesn't consume much of my time. And it's always a bit fun poking at how slow it is in here. In fact, these comments are most of my pleasure with the comic as is.

Also, I think it doesn't take a genius to analyze our frustration with it. Like for example, this scene right here. Now, if this were a story with an actual plot made by someone with a clear idea of how to write a porn comic, we'd not be wasting all this time with this scene unless there were one of two reasons: 1 - The guard lady IS the person MC wanted to meet, AND they need to check something on her naked body that's plot relevant. Or 2 - Porn. Or even 3 - All of the above, why not, no one said the smuggler wouldn't request payment in sex. I mean fairly reasonable assessments. But we've had like three scenes already that failed hilariously to do any of these, they were plot pointless and they had no spectacle porn.

So this is the expectation we have now. I would say, again, that "the plot is moving forward at least". But I no longer know that even. Like, the ogre is NOT going to be the person they had to meet and they will actually miss that meeting and then we're going to waste a few more pages after the rape looking at miss dark elf waking up and failing to quietly get out of the room, and being dragged around town being forced to lie about who they are and then she can't go back to that same bar the next day and... sigh.
Posted on 15 June 2016, 05:54 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +55
"now throw away that toothpick will you?"

It's all OGRE now ;)
Posted on 23 June 2016, 17:04 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +37
Gotta admire the captains dedication to duty. All that effort just to get her undressed and check her shoulder.
Posted on 24 June 2016, 12:08 by:   under18thenitsloli    PM
Score +46
It amazes me how many people are bitching over what is free.
this story is fun, but I can understand a bunch of slobs only looking for pump and dump to be upset over it.
There needs to be more manga like this. Where the slavery slowly creeps in until you're too brow beaten to resist it anymore, rather than "lol lets just rape her until she cums too much"
Theres something special about the fear and helplessness in stories like this you just can't get anywhere else. The fact that mistress wolf doesn't seem to be a scumbag only heightens that feeling.
Posted on 16 July 2016, 06:05 by:   under18thenitsloli    PM
Score +48
nothing like a nice gentle rape from a stronger woman.
Posted on 14 September 2016, 04:49 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score +32
Posted on 06 October 2016, 18:40 by:   Forsaekn139    PM
Score +32
Aww, there is always time for cuddling!
Posted on 06 January 2017, 01:43 by:   Azhi_Dahaka    PM
Score +30
Actually not, you can find her at page 27. His drawing style changed with time so it was probably misleading.
Posted on 29 January 2017, 16:40 by:   Dustubuni    PM
Score +64
southrim, you've been reading WAY too much Anne Rice if you think getting sold into slavery and raped is "crazy good luck." Or maybe you're just too focused on her precious character development to consider that she's trying to get out being a fuck-doll for people's amusement. I get that we're are all too jaded and horny to care about the issue of consent (or freedom, like that one word in the damn title of the comic), but it's honestly cringe-worthy to see readers get pissy about an MC because they're not taking too kindly to being violated, enslaved, sold like cattle and blackmailed into sex for cheap brownie points.

I'm pretty sure if and when she gets back to her homeland (or at least away from people who want to wear her as a meat puppet and try to explain how "wonderful" being a slave really is) she'll chill and give you all sweet and neighborly develop you could ever want. Until then, get used to her 'asshole' demeanor. Or just leave and read something else.
Posted on 12 February 2017, 16:00 by:   tilesqual    PM
Score +52
@TrueFreedom It might be the fact that I'm not delusional levels of horny, but I see what you mean. This certainly isn't a "sexy" comic, despite the fact that sex is the fundamental theme (Obviously). I don't really get the praise that it's getting because to me it just seems like a violent, awkward experience.
Also that ogre yuri scene was terrible. Arbuz was never really good at yuri in the first place though so it's not surprising.
Posted on 12 May 2017, 14:09 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +55
See, I'M just tired of this whole theme of the main character not being able to catch an actual break. Yeah, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but it also isn't all thunderstorms and gloom.
For once, can that scent she smells be actual potpourri, and not turn out to be feces?
Posted on 18 May 2017, 16:41 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +44
Kinda weak for a war slave...
Posted on 24 May 2017, 08:32 by:   pentagonofpeople    PM
Score +61

Also is it weird that I kinda wish this wasn't porn so we could get more story? It's really interesting in spite of the not-so-great english
Posted on 25 May 2017, 15:02 by:   noneatall123    PM
Score +64
Well yeah, since the author's name translates from Russian as "will you have a watermelon?", you might guess that English here is not on the native level. But the comic is incredible nonetheless, and besides, in port towns they speak even worse, so sit and enjoy.
Posted on 24 August 2017, 19:37 by:   D. Hart    PM
Score +41
So Sam is brought back just to be killed off for real this time... Seriously?!
Posted on 25 August 2017, 04:37 by:   l4chuga    PM
Score +44
Why did he bother bringing him back if he was going to kill em right away? Seems pointless. It could have been some other random guy instead.
Posted on 25 August 2017, 07:19 by:   Ezio45    PM
Score +48
sam got fucked over in this. damn I still love reading this but geez nasty
Posted on 06 September 2017, 17:18 by:   azzalin    PM
Score +66
If the whole this is going to be arranged in volumes later, it doesn't matter that it's on the "last frame" because it's not the last frame of a chapter. If it is, then that's a different story. On the character going from "badass" to "weakling" and "lack of character development," do keep in mind that it's literally only been a few days at most. She has had little time to recover from injuries, has had little rest, and probably drained of energy. Just because the comic panels take a while to come out doesn't mean it's been that long in the world it's taking place in.

And seriously? "I would never willing put my head down to get executed." ???? It's easy to say that when you're warm, safe, and dry. It's another to say that when you're starved, in pain with broken limbs (and probably other things) and subjected to torture. Truth of the matter is people will say all sorts of shit and lie and do anything to make the pain stop, even if it's just for the moment. It's why confessions and information extracted through torture during wartime is often considered useless and has to be confirmed by other sources.
Posted on 14 September 2017, 13:20 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +51
What the fuck is Iron Man doing in this comic and why is he a damn headsman????
Posted on 28 September 2017, 19:50 by:   RoflCat    PM
Score +51
@Arkaana: apparently the 'battery' the red head took out back around page 130 isn't actually battery...(looking back now, we didn't see the guy's face as he leave)

Looks like the redhead can send some kind of simple command and have the guy kill the others (probably the moment before Nameless get changed to Headless)
And when the rescue party burst in, the controlled guy was about to go murder them as per command, but the other guy who know the secret code use it to have him kill himself.

Well, we might get some explanation on this little' battery' when Nameless ask him about what's going on.
And hopefully we'll get some more Lady Wolf x Nameless moment :v y'know, as compensation for saving her.
Posted on 13 October 2017, 08:50 by:   Dustubuni    PM
Score +39
Do it. Save the Warslave. Save him!
Posted on 16 October 2017, 10:02 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +51
Hm. This may seem like the elf growing a spine, but I still think Wolf is playing some Xanatos chess here. She saddled Nameless with the warslave, made him her responsibility, and now she is playing into it. They band together to rescue him, she feels relief when they save him, and starts forming attachments to the rest of Wolfs men. Or at least starts trusting them to not be as bad as the rest of the city, even if Wolf is (to her) the worst thing in it.
Posted on 27 October 2017, 17:42 by:   erdervv    PM
Score +40
@Jarvis_42 i know what Xanato's gambit is, i was just making a reference...and it looks like some people got it, holy fuck, there are these many people reading the comment section of a porn site?
Posted on 05 March 2018, 23:31 by:   Galgano    PM
Score +43
@shitaro: Don't you mean more PG? Or do your friends only look at things that have humongous tits on every page?
Posted on 04 May 2018, 23:39 by:   MSTGMA    PM
Score +163
I like the implication that this isn't the first time she has broken through her neighbor's wall...
Posted on 05 May 2018, 08:46 by:   erdervv    PM
Score +55
Comedy, porn, politics.

This comic has it all!
Posted on 06 July 2018, 11:11 by:   erdervv    PM
Score +37
Oh, oh shit.
Posted on 20 July 2018, 02:20 by:   Mars11    PM
Score +35
Dem feels....
Posted on 08 September 2018, 06:56 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +123
Nameless doesn't want to play nice with two women who straight up raped her and you're holding it against her? Get the fuck out of here.
Posted on 19 September 2018, 15:52 by:   darkshivafatt2330    PM
Score +66
Anyone else have a mega boner for Lady Wolf? I love her design too.
Posted on 12 November 2018, 12:19 by:   erdervv    PM
Score +30
Oh nice, we now get also a cute lizard grill, i'm not even upset at the lack of porn: the story itself is quite interesting.
Posted on 12 November 2018, 13:59 by:   nuggistrike    PM
Score +34
so she is gonna rape the new girl and can track them by her magic seed she implanted in them ? is that how she track down namless ? awsom !
Posted on 23 November 2018, 17:17 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +18
"I've been looking for a lusty argonian maid"
Posted on 04 December 2018, 13:54 by:   Trapstar102    PM
Score +35
At the time of this writing, there hasn't been a sex scene in 88 pages...

On the plus, the drawings, story, and sex scenes are really good. So good, that I WANT ANOTHER FUCK SCENE!

But I really got into the story and can't wait for the updates. Saving this gem.
Posted on 07 December 2018, 02:29 by:   desuer    PM
Score +16
It's lacking a bit on the porn department, but the story is enjoyable.
Posted on 07 December 2018, 04:24 by:   MegaPerv333    PM
Score +22
I can't tell what is going on anymore.

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