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[kino-jaggernov] The Pet Project

Posted:2018-03-11 11:34
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:39.94 MiB
Length:28 pages
Favorited:1027 times
Average: 4.47

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[kino-jaggernov] The Pet Project, added 2018-03-24 19:01
[kino-jaggernov] The Pet Project, added 2018-04-27 15:25
[kino-jaggernov] The Pet Project, added 2018-05-09 21:54

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 images

Posted on 15 January 2015, 07:58 by:   TigerB    PM
Score +163
This is realy good. I like the quality.
Last edited on 15 January 2015, 17:01.
Posted on 15 January 2015, 08:08 by:   bob2ball    PM
Score +91
Posted on 15 January 2015, 08:46 by:   Xianyu    PM
Score -59
This was actually look good up until the retarded drowning shit started.
Posted on 15 January 2015, 15:08 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +31
Re-uploaded with updated page 6 (line art).
Posted on 16 January 2015, 07:13 by:   epiq fail    PM
Score +24
its real good but there are what seems to be a lot of typos
Posted on 18 January 2015, 16:16 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +60
Added WIP page 8, enjoy. Also added update of page 8.
Last edited on 10 March 2015, 16:26.
Posted on 26 February 2015, 07:02 by:   Furryiff    PM
Score +30
Awesome stuff , rather good Quality
Posted on 26 February 2015, 23:11 by:   x34    PM
Score +49
Guy is a bit whiny about the university, nice story and artwork nonetheless.
Posted on 27 February 2015, 04:51 by:   Cloud1120    PM
Score +25
Yea... um. When can I sign up for that class?
Posted on 28 February 2015, 06:20 by:   Polyno    PM
Score +95
"I want to taste you"?
More like
"I want to taste chlorine"
Posted on 11 March 2015, 13:03 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +31
Added Bonus comic page! Lani isn't the only teacher that has a turn with the wolf.

Addded finished Page 8. Enjoy!
Last edited on 14 March 2015, 01:01.
Posted on 14 March 2015, 02:18 by:   tcs0    PM
Score +35
Posted on 14 March 2015, 06:16 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +20
Added another bonus page! Enjoy!

Added page 9 WIP, Enjoy!!!
Last edited on 19 April 2015, 02:24.
Posted on 19 April 2015, 04:49 by:   imercenary    PM
Score +18
Good quality, poor page usage.

Theres 13 panels on the third page, talk about overload.
Posted on 19 April 2015, 19:25 by:   wafflesiobpib    PM
Score -21
that is a weird looking vagina...
Posted on 27 July 2015, 04:18 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +20
Posted finished page 9, enjoy!

Posted a rough sketch compilation of Kino's current works, top left is a sketch of page 10, enjoy!

Keeping up to date with page 10, support the illustrator if you want to see more! to read more about it!
Last edited on 03 June 2016, 11:51.
Posted on 03 June 2016, 15:02 by:   Noni    PM
Score +29
Great coloring! And I love the internal view in page 9! Thanks
Posted on 03 June 2016, 15:51 by:   MINATO38    PM
Score +38
finally an update
Posted on 05 June 2016, 23:18 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +35
Huh, so a story series where this nice guy with some talent and no friends ends up becoming the "personal plaything" for all the ladies of the faculty? I could certainly go for that, plus the art style is very enjoyable to boot.
Posted on 08 June 2016, 08:57 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +20
Page 11 pencil updated! Enjoy!

Page 11 completed
Last edited on 16 June 2016, 10:58.
Posted on 18 June 2016, 04:46 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +24
PG. 12 - Yeah, no... All credibility is now completely lost. The model in a life drawing class is a sexy, curvaceous bombshell instead of a 60-year-old hobbit? Even in a world of sexy otters, in what fantasy world does THAT happen? lol
Posted on 19 June 2016, 17:53 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +24
I don't think we want to see the WIPs of the pages.
Posted on 20 June 2016, 02:40 by:   fur555    PM
Score +19
I know where this is going
Posted on 22 June 2016, 04:44 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +20
Updated page 12 WIP, enjoy!
Posted on 22 June 2016, 06:23 by:   jackalo    PM
Score +29
really like underwater sex scenes, 6/10 could fully cork again
Posted on 13 July 2016, 17:11 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +20
Page 13 WIP, enjoy!
Posted on 25 July 2016, 03:31 by:   joaodasdesgracas    PM
Score +77
A furry story with great art? What? It has plot?! wat? IT'S NOT GAY? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT

So much win
Posted on 25 July 2016, 06:13 by:   1mrgame3    PM
Score +18
This is really good, but I wish the panels were a bit more spread out. The pages feel uncomfortably cramped. However, the art is great so far. I'll be following this one.
Posted on 11 August 2016, 15:10 by:   foxlover    PM
Score +21
Page 15 wip, enjoy!
Posted on 14 August 2016, 19:10 by:   Dalboz    PM
Score +16
Very nice art !!
Posted on 21 November 2016, 05:40 by:   PlayPanther    PM
Score +7
TIL that underwater is a fetish. Also great job on this.
Last edited on 02 December 2016, 21:17.
Posted on 01 December 2016, 08:25 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +12
Hey, look who it is on pg. 12, panel 4. It's Peter and Whitney! lol
Posted on 05 December 2016, 19:57 by:   Delta Maxine    PM
Score -42
i really wish they would just finish the page completely before posting it. this sketch, ink, color BS is annoying
Posted on 07 December 2016, 20:49 by:   Kibanekowolfboy    PM
Score +13
Finally teaser is over now we can see the meat of this now.
Posted on 01 May 2017, 20:43 by:   PlayPanther    PM
Score +21
This thing is more than two years old and still going on. At this rate, by the time it's complete it'll be old enough to view itself.
Posted on 13 May 2017, 05:18 by:   mathwizi2005    PM
Score +22
Sometimes life gets in the way. Glad the artist found time to continue.
Posted on 13 May 2017, 20:40 by:   Havel The Rock    PM
Score +9
A sled insert? Huh
Posted on 21 May 2017, 01:20 by:   Randomness-Wat    PM
Score +11
23 is out now
Posted on 26 May 2017, 06:47 by:   stealthg    PM
Score +10
That title finally makes sense.
Posted on 04 June 2017, 00:04 by:   sakom322    PM
Score +29
"And we call them our pet projects"

*In cinema sins voice* Roll credits
Posted on 23 July 2017, 02:49 by:   Vkey saintji    PM
Score +7
Nice one. Artist you nailed it with the colouring and fetish
Posted on 05 August 2017, 03:55 by:   lorddrakath1522    PM
Score +4
The story was going so well until that revelation.
Posted on 06 August 2017, 04:01 by:   James Almasy    PM
Score +6
Art's good, I guess.
Posted on 09 August 2017, 05:30 by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +5
Wonder if he will knock them up? >;3
Posted on 27 February 2018, 02:21 by:   Havel The Rock    PM
Score +5
Why the fuck my pee pee hard
Posted on 08 March 2018, 03:24 by:   IronHide77777    PM
Score +5
Your pee pee hard, because of physics. :)

A pee pee at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

A pair of breasts in motion have acted upon your pee pee as an outside force.

Simple, got it? :3
Posted on 09 March 2018, 09:18 by:   Havel The Rock    PM
Score +5
What’s physics

Is that a type of crystal sorcery or something
Posted on 09 May 2018, 22:36 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +14
Well, it took over 3 years, but it's finally come to an end...
Posted on 10 May 2018, 00:59 by:   madnessspawn    PM
Score +7
NOOOOOOO NOT THE END. (sniff sniff) the comic was getting so good just to end it now :( so many questions remain to be answered...

however i wonder if the artist is going to continue this comic on a second part or just permanently end it.

Maybe the artist was getting bored of doing all the extra coloring and stuff.
Posted on 10 May 2018, 14:00 by:   Caesar Czarson    PM
Score +11
This here is how one single person has won life in a 30 page comic.

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