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[Azuma Hideo] Azuma Hideo CD-ROM WORLD -HIS WORKS AND DATABASE- [Part 2]


Posted:2018-12-03 05:51
File Size:82.21 MiB
Length:1223 pages
Favorited:10 times
Average: 1.87

Showing 41 - 80 of 1,223 images

Posted on 03 December 2018, 05:51 by:   tooecchi    PM
Uploader Comment

I split this work into two galleries as it consists of over 3000 images, and 2000 images are the most that can be contained in a gallery on this site.

This work consists of a 40 page book along with a CD-ROM that was designed to work with Windows 3.1/ Windows 95 and old versions of Mac OS.

The book itself is simply scanned as any other book although the CD-ROM itself is also scanned and presented here. There is nothing irregular or special about this type of presentation of the item.

The contents of the CD-ROM are intended to be accessed through an executable program that contains an interactive menu system that runs in a resolution of 640 pixels by 480 pixels. The contents are not accessible through many other types of items like the usual doujin CG which contain primarily image files that can be clicked on directly and opened through your computer's image viewer. Since this CD-ROM cannot be viewed normally through a computer of the current era, I've tried to present the contents of this CD-ROM as a series of still images and animated gifs consisting of accessing the data directly rather than through the menu system as much as possible and, where not possible, through screen captures.

I've divived the contents of the CD-ROM into seven main sections, some of which have subsections, one of which has subsections. The scheme is as follows.
1 Opening
2 Main Menu
3 Ajima Manga Kanshoushitsu
4 Digital Ajima
_A Screen Saver Viewer
_B Kabegami Viewer
_C Ajimeeshon
5 Bishoujo Illustration Gallery
6 Ajima Time Slip
_A Azuma Shiki Sanmi Ittai Kensaku
__a Sakuhin List
__b Tankou List
__c Character List
_B Anime List
_C Ajima ni Otamatebako
7 Exit

Much of the data on the CD-ROM can be accessed outside of the menu system to allow for high quality conversions rather than simply screen captures. The comics of the Ajima Manga Kanshoushitsu section are all stored as images in the old PIC format common to many old doujin and commercial CG of the early 1990s. I've used the Japanese program Susie, that is especially useful for old CG, to convert these to BMP and then subsequently convert these BMP files into PNG files. The images of the Kabegami Viewer subsection of the Ajima Manga Kanshoushitsu section are avilable on this CD-ROM as BMP images which I've converted to PNG images. The images in the Bishoujo Illustration Gallery are stored with the extension of PIC but seem to actually be JPG files with some irregularities. I've converted these images into PNG files. (There are two instances where it seems that these JPGs were erronously omitted, but, since these images are nothing more than lower resolution versions of the images of higher resolution images provided on the disc, there is no loss. I've created placeholder files for these omissions, however.) Finally there are a large array of video files with the MOV extension and seem to be in an old QuickTime format which was common in the mid to late 1990s. However, most of these movie files are not what should be properly called movies whatsoever. The highest resolution images that I'm presenting here in the Ajima Manga Kanshoushitsu are actually stored on the CD-ROM as single frame high resolution video files. In other words, they are images unusually saved as video files. I've done screen captures of these single frame videos and outputted them in their full resolution as PNG files. The remaining eight video files are more like that of real videos in the sense that they all have more than one frame but three of them consist of unusual storage methods of still images. Of the five true videos, three of them belong to the Ajimeeshon subsection of the Digital Ajima Menu section and are short humorous animations in low resolution and low frame rate and lacking audio. I've converted these videos in the MOV format into MP4 as well as animated gifs. Since they lack audio, the animated gifs are rather accurate representations of these videos. The remaining two videos are ones that play during the Opening and Exit sections upon the starting and ending of a user's interaction with the CD-ROM through the executable program and show a 3D rendered animated head of Azuma Hideo himself spinning around. I've converted these two MOV videos similarly into both MP4 and animated GIFs. Of these, only the opening video has music, and so the animated GIF rendering of this video is inaccurate as animated GIFs lack audio, although the audio in this video is without much significance in my opinion. Finally, of the remaining three videos, they are, again, in the old MOV QuickTime format, but consist of still images saved as each individual frame and are more of what would be called a slideshow of images. However, playing these videos in a normal video player at the default frame rate, which I think is far too fast and the individual images should be viewed separately. These three videos correspond to the three sub-sub sections, Sakuhin List, Tankou List and Character List, of the subsection Azuma Shiki Sanmi Ittai Kensaku List of the section Ajima Time Slip. The Azuma Shiki Sanmi Ittai Kensaku List subsection comprised what the title of this work refers to by "DATABASE" as it's a giant list of Azuma Hideo's works and characters. I've outputted these three MOV videos, frame by frame, into PNGs.

One subsection of CD-ROM, Kabegami Viewer, seem to be ones that I should have been able to find as single image files openable outside of the CD-ROMs menu system, which consists of small images that make a wallpaper type effect, perhaps sutiable for a wallpaper type background that were fashionable in the 90s on computers, of the Digital Azuma section and the Ajima ni Otamatebako subsection, which consists of images of non-book type items that Azuma Hideo provided illustrations for, of the Ajima Time Slip section. For these two sections, I've saved their contents as screen captures.

For the Opening, Main Menu and Exit sections, as well as the graphics of the menus of each section, these all are represented, with the exception of the two videos associated with the Opening and Exit, here appropriately as screen captures.

The Screen Saver Viewer subsection under the Digital Ajima section provides some challange in presentation as it consists of five images, when clicked, that show an animiation of a screen saver. The screen saver files themsevles are available as SCR files in the OMAKE folder on the CD-ROM. However, I've decided to present these screen savers as video screen captures of what happens on the menu interface when each of the five images corresponding to each screen saver is clicked on. I've saved these video captures as both MP4 files and animated GIF files. I've had to divide two of the animated gifs in half to be under the 10 MB upper limit of GIF files on this site.

For the Kabegami, I've provided both the BMP to PNG conversions and screen shots of the wallpapers (kabegami) as they appear in the menu interface.

All sections of the Ajima Time Slip are provided as screen captures. As I stated above, the images in the Ajima ni Otamatebako subsection seems like they should have been included as directly accesible images on the CD-ROM, but I could not locate them. The Anime List is a simple menu driven list. The Azuma Shiki Sanmi Ittai Kensaku, the database section, requires more explanation. As I mentioned above, three of the MOV files consist of slideshows of images corresponding to the three subsections of this database. When clicking on the database, an image (frame) from one of the three videos is supposed to load onto each screen that describes some database item. However, despite a multitude of attempts to get these images (frames) to load, I could not get them to appear, instead receiving a blank black rectangle in place of the corresponding image. I tried using Virtual Box with Japanese versions of Windows 98SE and 95 to no avail. I could not get 3.1 Japanese version to work on Virtual Box. I also tried DOS Box with Japanese version of 3.1 and this also produced no image. Finally, I installed Windows 98SE on an actual old PC that I had, and, again, I could not get the image to appear. Instead, I've sequenced the extracted screen frames from the MOV files in order with the screen captures of the database entries so that the image corresponding to the database entry/ entries preceeds it/ them. For items in a series, which are often marked with numbers such as (1), (2), etc. at the end of their names, a single image often covers the entirety. Using a database file on the CD ROM, I was able to decipher exactly which frame of the videos correspond to each data entry. Furthermore, I discovered that there were six images which did not correspond to any data entry but seem to be additional images and I've placed them where they seem appropriate and marked them with the word "extra" near the end of their filenames. Additionally, five entries resulted in error messages when clicking on them. However, their data was contained in that said database file, and I edited the screen captures corresponding to the erronous data so that they would display the correct data and marked these images with the term "error correction" near the end of their filenames.

Here is a brief description of how I've presented the data of the CD-ROM according to the scheme.
1 Opening - Screen Captures, MOV to MP4 and animated GIF conversions
2 Main Menu - Screen Captures
3 Ajima Manga Kanshoushitsu - Screen Capture (for menu), PIC to PNG conversions
4 Digital Ajima - Screen Capture (for menu)
_A Screen Saver Viewer - Screen Capture (for menu), Video Capture while waching screen saver animation in menu. Conversion to MP4 and animated GIF
_B Kabegami Viewer - Screen Captures (menu and wallpaper) and BMP to PNG conversions
_C Ajimeeshon - Screen Capture (for menu), MOV to MP4 and animated GIF
5 Bishoujo Illustration Gallery - Screen Capture (for menu), single frame MOV to PNG, non-standard JPG to PNG
6 Ajima Time Slip - Screen Capture (for menu)
_A Azuma Shiki Sanmi Ittai Kensaku - no data for this apart from its subsections as there is nothing beyond its subsections
__a Sakuhin List - Screen Captures, MOV frame capture (extraction) to PNG
__b Tankou List - Screen Captures, MOV frame capture (extraction) to PNG
__c Character List - Screen Captures, MOV frame capture (extraction) to PNG
_B Anime List - Screen Captures
_C Ajima ni Otamatebako - Screen Captures
7 Exit - Screen Captures, MOV to MP4 and animated GIF conversions

I'm not sure what type that I should set this gallery to be but, since more of it is CG than book scans, I've decided to use "Artist CG Sets".

Finally, I've also included uploads of the unmodified CD-ROM iso image along with the MP4 conversions which cannot be posted here as e-Hentai does not support the hosting of MP4 files. Feel free to download from here, .
Posted on 03 December 2018, 06:28 by:   Hinoron    PM
Score +20
So instead of picking and choosing what from this was actually worth sharing, you dumped the entire 3K images in, despite that a huge number of them aren't art at all?
Then you talk like E-hentai has inconvenienced you by capping upload counts at 2000???
Yeah they do, and it's in no small part to prevent people from doing exactly this. Maybe it should be 1000?
Posted on 03 December 2018, 07:38 by:   homogenized    PM
Score +9
Posted on 21 October 2019, 21:40 by:   anyone191919    PM
Score +6
better to put ISO to torrents.
Posted on 29 October 2019, 02:19 by:   MAXIMO1180    PM
Score +6
puedes ponerlo de nuevo por favor?.
Posted on 30 January 2023, 23:32 by:   adoggo    PM
Score +6
Please, if possible, upload this to or somewhere else. This doesn't help preserving this document :/

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