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[ratcha] chapter 6: The Visit

Posted:2019-11-12 20:01
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:141.5 MiB
Length:38 pages
Favorited:1041 times
Average: 4.68
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[ratcha] chapter 6: The Visit(ongoing), added 2020-01-20 12:53
[ratcha] chapter 6: The Visit(ongoing), added 2020-01-22 13:57
[ratcha] chapter 6: The Visit(ongoing), added 2020-01-23 21:52

Showing 1 - 38 of 38 images

Posted on 12 November 2019, 20:01 by:   life with fur    PM
Uploader Comment
Hi! Rick and Rina are back! Now in monochrome! I've been doing the comic for more than two years now and I want to experiment a little. I averagely do 25 pages in half a year which is a really small amount.
I want to try and do it without colors. I believe it will help me draw more story and prevent burnouts.

If patreon collects $3k I'll color it :)

Posted on 07 July 2019, 02:40 by:   JoHal    PM
Score +43
What is the dialog in the 1st panel?
Posted on 07 July 2019, 02:46 by:   P-dog    PM
Score +195
@JoHal I think that's intentional, most likely "Rick I'm pregnant" and can't read the other stuff, but the implication is that it's kinda world shattering/he's getting super lost in thoughts and not able to rationally hear her.
Posted on 07 July 2019, 04:21 by:   blackheart327    PM
Score +35
So is this ch6 then?
Posted on 07 July 2019, 07:18 by:   NinoM4ster    PM
Score +51
good to know that Ratcha isn't dead like I thought he was.
Posted on 07 July 2019, 09:01 by:   EvilCoffeeInc    PM
Score +23
@johal @p-dog it could also be that incest content is against the Patreon TOS and Ratcha wants to cover their ass. Of course, porn in general is also against the rules but Patreon refuses to clearly define that so /shrug
Posted on 09 July 2019, 20:04 by:   ringorm    PM
Score +50
Well that third page took a huge turn in the story.
Posted on 10 July 2019, 13:32 by:   Elf_Sponge    PM
Score +41
Gotta say, I really miss the color.
Posted on 10 July 2019, 15:04 by:   FrenchMLPfan    PM
Score +30
@treblig1995 Really wish people would do research before acting like a waste of society on the internet... Incest is wrong, and shouldn't be normalized or whatever, but 1st and 2nd generation incest isn't that dangerous (otherwise, Europe wouldn't have gone so long without retarded leaders in the medieval age). Incest starts to be "dangerous" from 3rd generation incest and forward (less than 1% for 1st generation incest to produce a retarded offspring, it's high, but still in the "safe" range). It shouldn't be normalized, but I can understand people like the fetish (and who cares, it's hentai and furry, what did you expect).
Posted on 10 July 2019, 17:50 by:   preaplanes    PM
Score +30
@EvilCoffeeInc SubscribeStar exists. You really don't have to rely on Patreon after that whole debacle, competitors exist.
Posted on 10 July 2019, 22:24 by:   shadowspider    PM
Score +133
pregnant furry incest.
It's isn't your average everyday fetish.
This is...advanced fetish.
Posted on 12 July 2019, 09:02 by:   NX3    PM
Score +157
This is fiction so i don't give a fuck... And don't give me the whole "normalizing" shit, because by that logic the movie saw, cube and the like are normalizing torture and gore or something... But yeah incest babies are wrong. On the other hand, if its abnormalities and problems the baby may have we care about, late motherhood increases the risks considerably too. No one's fighting it for some reason tho. Kind of the opposite actually, women are being encouraged to postpone motherhood and persue careers first, despite the increasing dangers of disprders, hardship s of having a baby, raising it (kind of easier to handle sleepless nights in your 20's, but not so much in your 30's and certainly not approaching 40...).
Last edited on 23 August 2019, 12:48.
Posted on 13 July 2019, 02:29 by:   Sturmjager    PM
Score +172
To the artist/writer:
I'm just going to politely wait and see how the whole pregnancy thing turns out. Please don't let the real-world arguments get to you. It's your comic, do it the way YOU want.

Incidentally, at first I wasn't sure how to feel about the comic suddenly being in monochrome. But it's pretty clear it's still the same great comic it's always been, only improving with time. And if it helps avoid burnout, keep doing it.

EDIT: again, to the author: 25-ish pages every six months is actually quite a lot. I've read comics where you're lucky if you get a new page every other month, so go easy on yourself. Besides, I'll take quality over quantity any day.
Last edited on 13 July 2019, 13:17.
Posted on 16 July 2019, 02:19 by:   BishieDe    PM
Score +124
This is porn ffs. MAKE BELIEVE. With all the nakadashi incest pregnancy hentai out there, this is the first time I have seen anyone bring up morality and statistics. If anything the way this story is going it's probably going to teach a lot idiots the importance of contraceptives. Especially if you're fucking your sister...

Anyway I think the comic is fine without colour.
Last edited on 16 July 2019, 02:36.
Posted on 17 July 2019, 22:38 by:   Yossen    PM
Score +50
No-no-no, this is an extremely serious business. It's totally okay for hentai characters to have incest nakadashi because they would have only 1% chance of having a goblin child, but for furries who are also animals, with all their hormonal imbalances, this chance is so much higher. And health of furry society is something worth fighting for in the comment section of porn comic.
Posted on 25 July 2019, 14:52 by:   qwertz789    PM
Score +44
Don't flake out on me, It's their kid, otherwise the comic would be pointless. We went over the NTR shit already.
Posted on 01 August 2019, 05:49 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +112
Boy, there's nothing better than visiting your local propane and propane accessories store, I tell ya hwat.
Posted on 01 August 2019, 16:17 by:   nad    PM
Score +65
Oh my lord, is that actually "Sweet Home Alabama" on the mall radio? The absolute madlad.
Posted on 11 August 2019, 01:40 by:   Suzusaki    PM
Score +60
~Sweet Home Alabama~
Posted on 11 August 2019, 02:20 by:   NapalmFlame    PM
Score +61
Sweet home Alabama in an incest comic... fucking golden. 10/10
Posted on 11 August 2019, 03:35 by:   milicite    PM
Score +56
Space Marine: Greetings, Imperial Citizens. Whats going on in this thread?

Space Marine: By the Emperor...
Posted on 11 August 2019, 08:44 by:   krautbernd    PM
Score +37
Please tell me they aren't about to have sex in a tent inside a hardware store.
Posted on 11 August 2019, 12:55 by:   tchubert    PM
Score +25
Black Magic Mechanical Lawnmower? That seems a bit over the top. The black magic alone should have sufficed.
Posted on 13 August 2019, 05:18 by:   secondsilver99    PM
Score +20
love this series!
Posted on 17 August 2019, 04:44 by:   HikariNoKitsune    PM
Score +45
Is it me, or has suddenly another comic fallen victim to someone else writing the conversations? This is like, the third or fourth 'good series' on here that has just mysteriously had its English competency dialed from 'pretty darn good' to 'obviously google translated'...
Posted on 23 August 2019, 07:57 by:   Sturmjager    PM
Score +47
Page 14, did anyone else read Rick's statement to the tune of "I'm a Little Tea Pot?"
Posted on 21 September 2019, 18:45 by:   jerichojack    PM
Score +66
the fuck happened to the dialogue? Am I the only one that thinks all their lines feel a bit off-translated? or am i just having a stroke here?
Posted on 16 October 2019, 17:30 by:   spartan117825    PM
Score +28
Why all the fuckin moralfags? Just fap to the fucking porn
Posted on 17 October 2019, 19:13 by:   Dafez2    PM
Score +45
@spartan117825 I think had to do with the format. short comic or pinup are easy to digest regardless if they push some damn disturbing shit if analyzed briefly, but a comic, with a story involve more commitment so can be hard take it easy expecialyb if ti touches some stuff one feel too...much.
In some way is prooff that is quite good. Because if was bland lame there would have been no involvement by people. they would have brushed off or ignored the whole fucking thing. Preety pron pic fill the internet and most are not commented. Watched once, twice and then go for the new shit. If you comment somethign is commitment.
(By the way i foresse a twist in the story. A "oh yeah btw me and your mom are cousins" twis of sort)
Posted on 18 October 2019, 23:39 by:   Wolflorz    PM
Score +116
Is it wrong of me to expect a plot twist where it turns out that the parents are siblings too?
Posted on 20 October 2019, 01:10 by:   UnknownName    PM
Score +42
"They didn't even ask about the belly"? *looks back to page 19* Pretty sure that question is literally asking about it.
Posted on 23 October 2019, 10:19 by:   hoigoigoi    PM
Score +70
So they aren't worried that their dad possibly might smell their fucking.
Posted on 23 October 2019, 20:43 by:   DROGONDOLDOS    PM
Score +211
inb4 the parents were fucking while they were kissing and it does turn out they're siblings too
Posted on 31 October 2019, 05:13 by:   hentailover223    PM
Score +50
her round bod is nice to look at
Posted on 09 November 2019, 05:46 by:   Lelter_skelter    PM
Score +60
Oh man now she's going to be double-pregnant.
Posted on 20 January 2020, 14:03 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +82
39 - Oh yeah... Mommy and Daddy know...
Posted on 22 January 2020, 14:34 by:   Stussz    PM
Score +30
UH-OH! Shit is going down!
Posted on 22 January 2020, 23:50 by:   shtzandgiggles    PM
Score +51
TWIST the parents are also related!!! NOW FOURSOME!!
Posted on 23 January 2020, 03:33 by:   vegadarkslayer    PM
Score +59
Mom and Dad knows....
Posted on 23 January 2020, 23:29 by:   aceer125    PM
Score +74
I hope they don't. Get that step cop-out shit out of my incest stories. How many of you other degenerates agree?
Posted on 23 January 2020, 23:44 by:   Warhawk42    PM
Score +33
a bit surprised the parents were so accepting of it, Expected just a wee bit of drama.
Posted on 23 January 2020, 23:56 by:   penryn    PM
Score +115
Not too late for the parents to reveal that they are also brother and sister.
Posted on 24 January 2020, 00:32 by:   DrAlpaca    PM
Score +181
Posted on 24 January 2020, 01:58 by:   Gamefreac    PM
Score +42

totally agree! there is so much more interesting ways to take a story if they actually are related. the only reason to give a cop-out is to make the people getting off to it feel better.
Posted on 26 January 2020, 07:48 by:   Jackdavid544    PM
Score +34
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
Posted on 28 January 2020, 05:23 by:   DROGONDOLDOS    PM
Score +26
based and degeneratepilled
Posted on 11 February 2020, 21:16 by:   somercet    PM
Score +9
Is no one going to mention page 13, panel 3? Her pose and eyes are so perfect: "I'm so horny I'm going feral."
Posted on 25 March 2020, 10:25 by:   Nippon1944    PM
Score +23
the dad's reaction last panel p41 just got lmaoooooooo

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