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N647 - Brother CompleX (Ongoing)

N647 - Brother CompleX

Posted:2020-04-01 15:29
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:454.4 MiB
Length:223 pages
Favorited:2345 times
Average: 4.05
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

N647 - Brother CompleX (Ongoing), added 2020-05-21 09:20
N647 - Brother CompleX (Ongoing), added 2020-08-01 12:11
N647 - Brother CompleX (Ongoing), added 2020-10-15 18:22
N647 - Brother CompleX (Ongoing), added 2020-11-15 09:00
N647 - Brother CompleX, added 2020-12-29 06:57

Showing 41 - 80 of 223 images

Posted on 01 April 2020, 15:29 by:   MacKnight    PM
Uploader Comment
New comic by N647
Posted on 18 September 2015, 13:50 by:   mokko    PM
Score +75
this reminds me in part of that one mega milk doujin so far
Posted on 18 September 2015, 17:54 by:   Soldier A    PM
Score +54
New comic based on a series of very old pictures.
Posted on 24 September 2015, 00:11 by:   Cridel    PM
Score +56
This is more like the one with the girl with the short hair style who is obsessed with her brother, given she is his little sister. Oh! Imoto by Wamusato Haru.
Posted on 25 September 2015, 02:43 by:   Michaelares    PM
Score +38
Like it so far keep it up👍
Posted on 13 May 2016, 17:04 by:   olbrigr    PM
Score +304
36 pages and nothing even close to sex, or nudity. Are we sure this doesn't belong in Non-H?
Posted on 06 June 2016, 21:36 by:   MikinTodo    PM
Score +63
And a Page 12 Cop-out for incest. At least it wasn't right at the end like some like to do.
Posted on 13 July 2016, 16:37 by:   Medra    PM
Score +37
Get a proofreader please. That english is horrible.
Posted on 13 July 2016, 22:00 by:   mac77    PM
Score +73
I would have liked to see some amazon on smaller guy action, instead I basically got non hentai.
Posted on 17 August 2016, 04:40 by:   stolhanske    PM
Score +41
even skypin grades
Posted on 01 September 2016, 01:41 by:   hmmmmmmm    PM
Score +304
So its not porn? The faces are rough, it speaks in weabanese (everything english except for generic jap/weeb terms.) and there has been literally no character progression with it being one big anime cliche after the other. (who the fuck rates this thing so highly the only enjoyment you could get out of it is maybe big girls and extreme cringe every two pages.)
Posted on 01 September 2016, 13:06 by:   masturbear    PM
Score +85
don't think you could fit anymore onii-chans<3 if you tried
Posted on 04 September 2016, 18:42 by:   winged_immortal    PM
Score +82
The fact that this has such a high rating baffles me. And the number of copies of the same page uploaded is bordering on satirical.
Posted on 01 October 2016, 00:52 by:   The Vexel    PM
Score +56
This makes me a little sad as an anime fan. God I hate when people use buzzwords that have meaning but are now lost in the typical weeaboo vocab.
Posted on 04 November 2016, 22:29 by:   MexicanMau    PM
Score +145
The yandere tag doesnt fit here.
yandere are characters who are violently insane in their affection for another person. unless someone threatens to kill the guy unless they date them, then this isnt yandere
Posted on 05 November 2016, 09:42 by:   mombastical    PM
Score +63
Maybe we you should reorder the gallery, so that all the old draft pages are at the back instead??
Posted on 03 December 2016, 14:55 by:   JJ_Zalem    PM
Score +387
Posted on 22 January 2017, 06:44 by:   Z-Byte    PM
Score +96
Retagging as Non-H...
Posted on 16 February 2017, 05:46 by:   Chup@Cabra    PM
Score +39
Although the art style is good, this does seem to be pure soft core (no nudity [at least in the few pages I saw]), and certainly no sex.
Posted on 15 March 2017, 07:08 by:   adallam107    PM
Score +63
Drop the other shoe!

Almost a hundred pages of tease, whew.
Last edited on 25 October 2017, 17:02.
Posted on 08 June 2017, 13:01 by:   gboy64    PM
Score +254
No courage.
Posted on 08 June 2017, 18:48 by:   Mr.Sal    PM
Score +115
there will never ever be any smut, right?
Posted on 11 June 2017, 18:45 by:   fakeuser002    PM
Score +71
As a support main I'm triggered when people think any noob can just pop in and go support >__>
Posted on 24 July 2017, 20:35 by:   JoseFett    PM
Score +164
So... Where's the sex?
Posted on 16 September 2017, 17:36 by:   IgotSWEG    PM
Score +143
I'm just tryna see a titty
Posted on 27 October 2017, 16:08 by:   ArsonAverage    PM
Score +59
I’m I the only one that hates her character. She’s the Mary Sue of all Mary Sues. Perfect in everyday and EVERYONE loves her. Hell she could kill someone and no one would care! This is just me but I just don’t find any appeal in this
Posted on 20 January 2018, 06:32 by:   the phantom limb    PM
Score +66
I agree with the sentiment that she's just *too much*. It's basically impossible to connect to her, as she doesn't present as anything remotely resembling an actual person. So my sympathies ended up staying completely with the poor, long-suffering meganekko childhood friend (who could probably do much better than the onii-chan anyway).
Posted on 01 April 2018, 03:10 by:   addabug    PM
Score +63
did the plot just jump the shark in the span of 3 pages?
Posted on 02 April 2018, 06:38 by:   MexicanMau    PM
Score +52
@addabug it sure as hell did. honestly dont care for suddenly super spy bs
Posted on 18 May 2018, 03:20 by:   justin878    PM
Score +47
that has got to be the hardest left turn i have ever seen in a comic on this site, bravo.
Posted on 11 June 2018, 06:16 by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score +148
Can someone just fuck now please?
Posted on 25 July 2018, 23:37 by:   Sylvrwolflol    PM
Score +73
Fun fact: Rose’s code name is Mary Sue.
Posted on 20 August 2018, 21:44 by:   Haloya    PM
Score +70
If there's not gonna be any giantess growth, BE, AE, WG, incest, or literally anything that would make this remotely interesting since this Mary-Sue-esque plot surely isn't enough to hold its ground, then why the fuck does this exist?

161 images later and I'm still clueless as to what the hell is happening or even going to happen.
Posted on 07 October 2018, 13:15 by:   piston    PM
Score +37
When is the fucking going to start this bullshit is dragging out too long, HOW MUCH OF A FUCKING TEASE IS THIS SERIES GOING TO BE!!!!
Posted on 08 October 2018, 17:58 by:   PaiRho    PM
Score +40
This is all a massive useless tease. 169 pages of jack and shit.
Posted on 06 February 2019, 07:02 by:   MexicanMau    PM
Score +58
honestly the art isnt bad, but the writing is so fucking terrible
Posted on 23 June 2019, 01:29 by:   Tristail    PM
Score +41
I appreciate the wholesome brother complex, but it gets pretty annoying when literally every sentence she says contains "onii-chan".
EDIT: I just realized, she doesn't actually have a brother complex. She has a weeaboo complex that's so deeply ingrained in her that she's convinced herself she has a brother complex.
1) She calls him nothing but "onii-chan", even in public. She doesn't even say "you" early in the story when proper grammar calls for it. Meanwhile, he calls her "sister".
2) Page 19, she says "imouto senses tingling". It's ingrained itself so deep in her mind that she calls herself "imouto" instead of "little sister". It'd be more of a brother complex if she did the latter, instead of the former.
3) She gives her brother practically no opening to even think about refuting her advances. She's not thinking about loving him, she's thinking about satisfying her own fantasies. Those "fantasies" likely being the stuff she read/watched.
It could be manga/anime/lewds that got her into the complex, but it could have also been a brother complex that her friend (coughwhorecough) encouraged to have/continue. Either way, I personally don't think it's a real "brother complex".
Last edited on 23 June 2019, 03:39.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:55 by:   thatguy26    PM
Score +70
When someone gonna grab a bit dang tiddie already?!
Posted on 16 October 2019, 05:11 by:   addabug    PM
Score +51
So like the art is great and all. But are we ever going to see a nipple?
Posted on 16 October 2019, 23:10 by:   starmanic96    PM
Score +101
I have one big problem about this story and that's that rose is just...the biggest Mary sue I've ever seen. she's a genius, she's super athletic (even though she should trip over her own boob weight every 5 minutes.) she's basicly a super soldier for no God damn reason other than to give her sudden size change an explanation. I would rather have it stay unexplained than get a shitty reason as to why she's so big. And honestly her father couldn't think of any other way to save his daughter than "oh let's give her this super experimental super serum and see if that works." but what I hate most about all of this has to be how she's so disgustingly aware of how hot she's become and how easily she can get stuff. (see the Valentine's page. where she got a toooon of chocolate form basicly all the guys and then when they ask where she got it all form she just says. "oh no one inportant" thats 1. fucking disgusting behaviour 2. incredibly selfish. all this coupled with her being good at littelary EVERYTHING just makes her come off as annoying and irritating. and when Jack yelled at her for slapping that girl I can't remember the name off she basicly guilt trips him and when I read it she didn't come off as sad to me it felt like she was guilt tripping jack to get what she wanted. and as I saw another comment on here say. I don't think she actually has a brother concept. it's more that something is so ingrained in her mind that she thinks she needs one. in short. she's basicly a super soldier with what I can only describe as a psychosis. one i have no doubt was caused by her near death and then revival or what ever. or that's what it would be if this story had any good writing. now I know you might be thinking. "why are you taking your time to criticise something that's basicly porn?" well to that I say this. while I read this and the comments It just made me so mad I had to do it.

lastly I just want to give a small tip to any writer. (yes even porn writers) don't make your charcter a mary sue unless you intend to make some sort of twist. in this story I feel like the super spy thing was extreamly uneccecary and just made rose even more unbearable to me. however I do like Jack and Megan the only two characters that had...well character. Especially that Megan refused roses offer about the serum. that's some strong charcter right there. and if the story is headed the way I think it is. well Megan is going to cave in and take roses offer. and I won't like that.

I doubt anyone will read this far but who knows. if you did. thanks I guess. and sorry if anything was misspelled or any werid grammar. English is not my first language so I tried my best.

biggest Mary sue I've ever seen. super soldier sister for no reason. makes me mad

unless the story makes a twist about the whole serum and brother complex thing I won't continue reading it.
Posted on 02 August 2020, 05:49 by:   msgameandnsfw    PM
Score +65
I think what ultimately bothers me most is just how selfish and manipulative Rose is throughout the story. It's explained that the process to make her huge also increased her intelligence, but it clearly didn't do anything to her maturity. She wants to be with her bro, and nothing will stop her from getting him, not even his own discomfort with the scenario. Her obsessive single-minded focus with being with him isn't healthy for anyone involved, even aside from the incestual sibling element, and the moment later on when their mother says she wants them to be together really threw me off. Like, I don't necessarily expect good morals and perfectly healthy relationships out of the stuff on this site, but without any actual sexy moments all that's left to contemplate on is how absolutely messed up Rose's behavior is, and how the narrative basically lets her do whatever she wants on account of her being hot I guess. Quite frankly, I hope she doesn't end up with him by the end of all this, and has to learn how to be her own person. It wouldn't satisfy the sexual teasing that's been set up, but it sure would provide some catharsis in that her manipulative behavior would be stopped and improved upon.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 02:20 by:   addabug    PM
Score +65
I feel like I got blue balled reading a comic with massive tiddies yet nothing done with them
Last edited on 31 December 2020, 05:40.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 05:23 by:   miroku888    PM
Score +103
That's it!? THAT'S THE ENDING!?

What a waste of time. NOTHING that got set up had any payoff. Turning the other girls into amazons meant NOTHING. The constant incest teasing meant NOTHING. The ending was rushed and lazy. The MC showing attraction to his best friend at the end felt super forced.

This was trash.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 06:30 by:   DarkShadow6    PM
Score +53
yeah... that vulnerability I was talking about... turns out everyone suddenly loves Rose and forgives her for anything and everything so she doesn't have to learn any lessons at all. what a piece of shit story.
Posted on 31 December 2020, 08:14 by:   a84    PM
Score +59
So 254 pages, years of waiting and no sex. Great.
Posted on 01 January 2021, 00:15 by:   occo    PM
Score +26
With some tweaks to rose the story wuold have been way better, the way it is the story is just cringe worthy boobies in your face and pressuring your close family to do only what you do want, it's garbage.

If at least they had sex the cringe would be an excuse to push the sex, but there isn't even that.
Posted on 01 January 2021, 02:32 by:   starmanic96    PM
Score +42
Well the ending is out and as I feared this didn't improve at all. Rose ended up being forgiven by everyone with no repercussions for her actions. the ending ended on a what feels like a cliffhanger/sequel bait with not showing Megan fully at the last screen and jack blushing like crazy. the only thing that could have been worse was if Rose got Jack wich she thankfully didn't. oh and the fact that nothing ever happend that is anywhere remotely close to porn is a shame. the story had potential once but no more. almost a years wait for basicly nothing.
Posted on 01 January 2021, 07:03 by:   NightLillith    PM
Score +23
Did anyone else just want Jack to say "Rose and Megan are fine, but I barely know you two. Sorry, I can't do the harem thing" or at least occasionally tell Rose to give him some space when he's doing pretty much anything without Rose.

Rose seems to fucking butt her way into everything. He can't even say "Yeah, I need some privacy for like 20 minutes. You've been hanging around me like a bad smell ever since I got off the plane and I'd feel really awkward doing what I want to do with you hanging around" because Rose would then offer to give him a hand (or a mouth) with it. I bet that when he goes to take a piss, Rose offers to hold it for him.

If it is revealed that Megan took the sloot serum in the sequel, I will be disappoint.
Posted on 02 January 2021, 07:54 by:   Invisibull Girl    PM
Score +42
Just as a reminder to the author: there are literal thousands of porn comics with way dumber plots than this one. The only reason we're all tearing the story apart so hard is because THIS NEVER ACTUALLY TURNED INTO PORN. You can get away with a lot of bad writing if theres actual sex involved, but if theres no sex then all we have left is the story, which is why we're calling bullshit.

Your art is pretty good, and you clearly have a desire to do this. Just try to practice writing and story building more if you're going to keep making these kinds of comics. Otherwise... Get your characters to fuck next time.
Posted on 10 January 2021, 22:52 by:   onemoment1985    PM
Score +15
This series is stupid wish forfilment, and a little boring, but I respect the author for going with it. He wants a generic brother with like, 3 big tittied sisters? Good for him, he did it. His gallery of single images is more tolerable though.

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