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[Mophingu] - Liquid Latex Experiments (ongoing)

Posted:2021-04-26 22:24
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Mophingu] - Liquid Latex Experiments (ongoing), added 2021-05-01 23:17
[Mophingu] - Liquid Latex Experiments Ch.1-3, added 2021-05-10 23:17

Showing 1 - 23 of 23 images

Posted on 26 April 2021, 22:24 by:   HACB    PM
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You can visit the the Artist here "".

Whew, this wall of words that makes up this story is getting really big.

Story for the Images:
Evelyn was a scientist working in a laboratory that produced liquid latex polymer that could be used to coat the human body to protect it from the elements. While working late one night, she accidentally touched a small sample of the liquid which reacted intensely with the estrogen in her body. Even the tiny amount she had touched made her feel flushed with heat, heart race, nipples erect, and between her legs incredibly sensitive. Catching her breath and checking that no one was looking she grabbed a flask, filled it, and rushed home.

It had been years since she was this excited or sexually aroused. For a second, the scientist in her made her think twice about the idea. Then the thought of what happened at the lab rushed back to her and she threw all judgement aside. "Human tests were only a short way away" she had heard before, "What's the worst that could happen?" Opening her shirt she exposed her small breasts. By now she was shaking with excitement. "Just a small amount to start," she said to herself and began to pour.

Instantly, the same feelings from the lab flooded into her. Body flushing with heat she could feel her breasts becoming incredibly tender and started to grow! Shocked, she thought about stopping, then the first wave of orgasms hit. Pleasure coursed through her body as the small trickle of polymer struck her supple breasts. She could think of nothing else but the pleasure and began to pour more on her chest. Her breasts grew and grew as the orgasms became stronger wave after wave.....

.:2 - 3:.
The more the polymer spread across Evelyn’s chest, the more she couldn’t stop pouring. By now the her breaths were quick and she was doing everything she could to keep her moaning under control. As the orgasms pulsed through her, her hands soon began to quiver like the rest of her body. Finally, losing all sense of reality, the flask slipped from her hand. The sound of glass breaking on the floor snapped her back long enough for her to see the polymer was beginning to form a thin layer on her skin. Unlike water that would flow off her, it was coating her body and the more it covered her skin the stronger the orgasms became.

Suddenly aware she had dropped the flask, she could feel the warmth starting to flow up from her knees. “If it starts to flow up my legs, maybe even between my legs...,” Evelyn considered for a brief second. As the polymer spread up her legs, she could feel her dress getting tighter. Her hips and legs had started expanding just like her breasts! Before long, her already skin tight dress started to tear all the way up along it’s seam and fell loosely to the floor.

The polymer was now moving faster up her legs. “Maybe it’s attracted to itself?” she thought. A fresh wave of orgasms hit. Stronger than anything she’d ever experienced. Feeling how wet she was, her pussy was quivering and dripping so much, she suddenly didn’t care anymore.

All she could think of was pleasure and gave in, moaning louder and louder. As the polymer worked its way up her legs, the orgasms were nearly non stop. Even though the experience had been better than anything she’d ever felt, it was as if some stronger bliss was building up inside of her. “What will happening when it reaches my pussy?” Evelyn thought, “Will it go inside? What will it feel like as it coats inside of me?”

Evelyn's experiment is nearly complete. Her body is nearly completely covered by the polymer and it has even started changing new parts of her body to suit it's needs. The polymer even leaks from her body instead of the regular fluids, ready to find it's next host.

Thanks to all the estrogen and waves of pleasure her mind has slipped into an almost primal state. Lust is all she knows and the pleasure is all she can think of. Can she even think for herself anymore or is it just the latex polymer speaking through her?

As the latex completes it's coverage it decides that the fastest way to continue to spread itself is by keeping Evelyn as human looking as possible. Even though Evelyn's mind is still her own, her thoughts are consumed by the constant state of pleasure she is in. Her body feels as though it is stuck at the peak of an orgasm and refuses to crest into the wonderful stage of release. Hungering for the orgasm that is so close, Evelyn knows she needs to find someone else, someone to spread the polymer to achieve this. Looking at what her body has transformed into, she knows finding the next person to share her gift with shouldn't be much trouble.

As Evelyn was about to leave, she, suddenly realized she didn't have an effective way pump the polymer into or onto others to spread it. Being that her mind is currently stuck in a vicious state of lust, it didn't take long for an idea to come to mind. "Well, I've always wondered what it would be like to have a....." she almost finished before the polymer finished studying her thoughts.

A powerful orgasm rippled through her body, making her muscles like jello as she fell down on to her knees. The polymer was quick to start making the changes to her. The pleasure felt like a build up of pressure, it got stronger and stronger. Her breasts were swelling and she looked down between them she could see a penis forming between her legs. Each pump of her body sent an orgasm rippling through her and increased the size of the shaft. As it reached its staggering full length the pleasure was reaching a peak and the powerful release of an orgasm shuddered through her as she let loose of load of latex polymer. It was leaking everywhere now. From her full breasts, to her rock hard cock and dripping vagina, everything oozed polymer ready to be pumped into the next host.

.:7 Bonus:.
Part 5 alternate version, the feline transformation.

.:8 Bonus:.
Part 5 alternate version, the equine transformation.

Friday had finally arrived and Tessa couldn't wait to get out of work. She was the secretary at a latex polymer laboratory and they'd recently had a breakthrough in their liquid polymer department. She'd heard it wouldn't be long before testing on humans could begin. "Only 40 minutes," she sighed, "So close I can...." The laboratory doors slammed open and the head scientist, the last person in the lab, charged out. In his hurry he turned back to say, "I've completely forgotten about a meeting downtown with the board and I need to leave immediately! Dr. Evelyn has been out for a few days, she usually takes stock of the product and closes up so it will have to be you today," the head scientist yelled to Tessa from down the hall. "Do be careful to count correctly, close up any specimens that are open, and be sure not to get any on your skin!" he added, "Oh, and thank you!"

Tessa stood there, mouth open, unable to come up with a response until he disappeared down the hall. "We'll great, I guess I'll be here a little bit longer thanks to, Dr. Evelyn," Tessa called back as she walked into the lab. The room didn't look too bad, most things already in their place. However, one jar of a greenish blue polymer sat uncapped and per her instructions, Tessa approached it to close it up.

Seeing the cap of the sample, Tessa reached down to grab it. No sooner did she have it in her hand, the cap slip out banging against the bottles of polymer and rolled to the ground. Panic shot through Tessa as she watch some of the bottles sway and then settle into place. Breathing a sigh of relief she took a step back to search for the cap and found it, now sitting under the table. Rolling her eyes, she placed her clipboard on the table and got down on her knees to collect it.

The cap was farther under than she'd anticipated with her positioning and she started to lose her balance. Tessa's empty left hand quickly reached up to steady herself and banged into the tray holding the greenish blue polymer. Bottles clattered down and the one with the open lid started pouring out much faster than she was ready for. The liquid latex quickly spread down her hand and on to her arm. Her concern for the bottles of tipped over polymer was short lived as a flush of heat instantly rushed through her body. Tessa gasped at the feeling as her nipples suddenly became very sensitive and hard. Getting her balance she pulled her hand out of the pouring liquid and attempted to wipe it off on her top. What little came off on the fabric quickly attracted itself to the nearest exposed skin, which just so happened to be her breasts.

As the polymer slowly started spreading across Tessa's breast and arm she was surprised how her initial thought wasn't to panic. Maybe it was because the polymer was designed to be used on humans eventually or maybe it was how incredibly turned on she felt as it slowly coated her body. Kneeling there staring at her arm and feeling the warm sensation spreading over her left breast it wasn't long before the feeling started to build.

Tessa bit her lip, her breathing was getting quicker, she was incredibly wet and her top was starting to feel a little tight. Tessa grabbed the top and pulled it across her left breast to inspect how much the polymer had spread. The fabric pressed into her tender breast as she pulled it and pleasure coursed through her body, her knees became wobbly and she was forced to sit down before she fell over. Panting, she looked down. Her left breast seemed several sizes larger than the right. Was it an allergic reaction? Based on any allergy she'd had in the past, it sure didn't feel like one! She could feel an orgasm slowly building and her body was quivering in anticipation. Tessa wanted the feeling of squeezing her tender breast again. She reached up for it just as the lab door suddenly opened. A figure stood in the doorway inspecting the scene. Tessa's eyes focused on the person, the light from the hall making it slightly difficult to tell who it was but the style of clothing seemed very familiar. "Dr.... Dr. Evelyn, is that you?" Tessa managed as the first orgasm caused her voice to shudder.

Evelyn slowly approached and reached down to help Tessa off the floor. Most of the polymer on Evelyn's body, was hidden. Besides her more curvy physique and blue hair, she looked normal except for the small amount of blue looking liquid leaking from her under sleeve. "Dr. Evelyn... do you know what is happening to me?" Tessa asked as she stood, breathing quickly, and her knees shaking as another orgasm caused her body to quiver. "Yes my dear," Evelyn said, taking her fingers and touching the liquid latex on Tessa arm and running it through her fingers. "As far as I can tell, you are perfectly safe." Evelyn said sounding sincere. "Do how it feels?" Evelyn asked Tessa.

"I..." another orgasm rippled through Tessa as she replied, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... yes, I really do like it." Tessa's breasts were now quite a bit larger than they were. Each orgasm caused them to swell more in size and they begged to be squeezed again. Her vagina was so wet and all Tessa could think about was pleasuring herself as she felt a stronger orgasm building quickly. Panting she closed her eyes and reached up squeezing her right breast, a moan leaking from her lips as she tilted her head back, the orgasm coursing through her body. Tessa could think of nothing else to do as she whispered softly, "Dr. Evelyn, please....please me." A soft laugh came from Evelyn as more blue latex leaked from beneath her clothing. The light shuffle of clothing and the pop of a button on her blouse could be heard as Evelyn's shirt finally gave out revealing her blue latex covered body. Tessa's eyes were still closed and she didn't see Evelyn tasting her greenish new latex. Evelyn's body instantly copied its structure and was soon leaking from her recently formed shaft. Evelyn brushed her hand up Tessa leg, gently whispering in return, "As you wish."

Evelyn rotated Tessa to face the end of the table she sat on while Tessa leaned herself back. Tessa's whole body was quivering in anticipation. She'd never been so turned on in her life and looking down, caught her first glimpse of Evelyn's throbbing shaft, which was now heavily dripping with the latex that coated Tessa's upper body. Tessa bit her lip, looking up at Evelyn, non verbally questioning if it would even fit. Evelyn softly laughed and smiled as if she read her mind and started to help Tessa remove her skirt then panties. Every time Tessa's legs rubbed together another orgasm shot through her body and she couldn't help but to moan each time.

Tessa could barely wait any longer. Her whole body was so eager to be pleased as the latex, still spreading on her body, forced her to orgasm again. Evelyn reached down, grabbing her rock hard shaft and pressed it against Tessa's now dripping wet vagina. The latex running from the shaft quickly coated and lubed Tessa's pussy lips causing her to gasp in surprise. It was as if her whole body was lit aflame in pleasure, starting from her vagina and spreading through her torso and down her limbs. Gripping the side of the table Tessa prepared herself as Evelyn's throbbing shaft head pressed against her and then slipped its way deep inside. The feeling of the latex coated cock suddenly sliding in deep her took her breath away, just as latex started gushing out of the shaft, coating every inch inside her.

The pleasure coursing through Tessa was unlike anything she'd ever felt. Even then, the latex polymer coating her caused her body to want more. Feeling it was time for a position change as well, Evelyn momentarily removed herself and stepped back as Tessa slide off the table. Tessa's new, heavier breasts and ass bounced as her feet hit the ground. She looked at Evelyn for a second, biting her lip. The still hungry doctor licked her own lips and spun Tessa around allowing her to bend herself over the end of the table.

Tessa grabbed the edge of the table, pressing her swelling breasts into it causing a wave of orgasms to flood through her as she prepared for Evelyn to return to work. Evelyn's shaft pressed against Tessa's slippery latex covered pussy and slid in again. The shaft was pumped in and out with renewed purpose, both parties moaning, as more latex polymer flooded into Tessa's body. When she couldn't hold any more in, latex polymer started gushing out of Tessa's pussy lips and began coating her lower body. It didn't take long for the spreading polymer to find her anus easily working its way in to start coating her body from the inside as well. The polymer slid all the way up her body from the inside causing the pleasure to now be coming from both inside and out. With the changes to her body accelerated, Tessa's growing breasts started dripping latex each time she squeezed them against the table. Between her breasts being squeezed under her weight, the spreading polymer and Evelyn's constant thrusts, Tessa was unable to stop cumming. Each orgasm only lead to another stronger orgasm and her breasts and ass kept swelling more and more with each body shaking wave.

The more the latex covered Evelyn's skin, the better the latex ejaculations felt, but the more her desires started to control her. The latex she'd pushed back from her extremities slowly started to ooze back to completely covering her. Finally removing her shirt, Evelyn slowed her thrusts to inspect the still moaning and quivering Tessa in front of her. Even though Evelyn had been cumming latex at a near constant rate, it felt as though her climax was still building up. Evelyn licked her lips as she inspected the thick jiggling ass of Tessa and watched her twitching pussy lips. Suddenly the position she'd been desiring hit her. Helping Tessa to stand for a moment, Tessa took a second to look back, biting her lip, imagining what Evelyn had in store for her next.

With surprising strength Evelyn reached down, grabbing Tessa's thick legs and lifted her up. Tessa gasped at first and then transitioned into a quivered moan as she slowly slid down Evelyn's rock hard shaft. Her body, modified by the polymer, took every last inch. Tessa worked the shaft around inside of her, grinding her round ass on Evelyn's abs. Evelyn's rhythmic thrusts increased in speed, her body renewed by this new position. The large head of her veiny shaft reached all the way inside Tessa bouncing against the very limits of her. Each thrust causes Tessa's breasts to bounce and leak a new latex polymer. Seeing this, Evelyn reached out with her elongated tongue, tasting the sweet liquid coming from Tessa's breasts. A new sensation shot through her, straight down to her throbbing cock. She could feel a climax coming now as she licked up more of Tessa new polymer and pounded harder. Both ladies were twisting, moaning, and quivering in pleasure until finally, Evelyn reached her peak. She felt the largest load ever rush through the length of her shaft and flood into Tessa. Tessa immediately started to cum as the warm latex load filled her up and what she couldn't hold, gushed out of her pussy lips.

The orgasm that rocked Evelyn made her knees wobble and she was forced to set Tessa down. Tessa hadn't fared much better and was forced to steady herself on the table. As the two looked each other over, the latex slowly continued spreading across their skin. It's slippery, warm, orgasmic feel, still working its way over them. It wasn't long before the chemical side of the polymer started to rejuvenate their lust as well. Tessa's long tongue stretched out, licking Evelyn's nipple, sending a shiver through her. Tessa looked at Evelyn's still rock hard veiny shaft as it pulsed, slowly leaking the latex she was covered in and pressed Evelyn back on to the table.

Evelyn laid back and watched Tessa climb up on to the table, resting her round butt on Evelyn's hips. The thick shaft quivered and pulsed as Tessa slid the shaft up and down between her ass cheeks. The polymer's chemical estrogen finally building up enough for the desire for pleasure to coursed through them again. Tessa grabbed Evelyn's cock, rubbing it against her pussy before sliding her lips over the fat head again. The feeling of Tessa sliding down the shaft forced them both to moan, as orgasms flowed through their bodies. Tessa's ass smacked against Evelyn as she started to work faster. She slid up and down Evelyn's full length, feeling the cock pressing against her abdomen with each thrust. Evelyn's shaft begin to leaking latex again. Would it ever stop? She didn't know and wasn't sure she wanted it to. The pressure built up stronger. The pleasure, the release, Evelyn couldn't wait. She grabbed Tessa by the legs, urging her on as Evelyn's breasts started leaking the latex polymer too. The world slowed as her shaft, once again, let loose inside Tessa. The warm latex flooding inside as both ladies came even harder than before. Their bodies quivered and shook from the waves of orgasms as the polymer continued its task of spreading, slowly covering every last inch of their bodies.

Evelyn and Tessa had been together in the lab for several hours but time had passed as if it were mere minutes. Both ladies were becoming exhausted, their bodies quivering from the constant orgasmic exertion. Neither however wanted to stop. The latex had finished spreading over the outside of each of them leaving every inch of their bodies smooth and slippery to the touch.

Tessa stepped down from the table causing Evelyn to sit up to watch what her newest creation would do next. Leaning forward Tessa pressed her lips against Evelyn's and in turn, squeezed their enlarged breasts together squishing them around Evelyn's long shaft. Tender nipples rubbed together causing their breaths to tremble. Evelyn's long tongue reached out into Tessa mouth, and down her smooth, latex coated throat as Tessa began working her breasts up and down Evelyn's veiny shaft. The resulting pleasure sent both ladies into waves of orgasms and moaning. The shaft, which some how was still able to produce latex, ejaculating all over their breasts. Tessa slid her tits down to the base of the thick shaft with barely the tip of Evelyn's long tongue in her mouth. Then she let the tongue slide down her throat until her breasts reached the top of Evelyn's cock and their lips met again. Each time she reached the top, another orgasm would ripple through them and Evelyn's shaft would squirt out more polymer. This rhythmic motion continued until both were so tired they nearly collapsed from exhaustion, their bodies quivering and nearly unable to move from the encompassing hours of orgasmic bliss.

Tessa awoke on the floor, her body humming with sexual energy, but it was restrained enough that she could take in the world around. Her clothing had been neatly folded and stacked as a makeshift pillow, under her head. "Good morning," Evelyn said in a warm tone from near by. Tessa looked up to see Evelyn, clothed and working on some sort of pink liquid, which she could only assume was a different type of latex polymer. "Feel free to put your cloths on, assuming they still fit. We have a guest on the way," Evelyn stated as she eyed Tessa, "and as much as I like your current look, we don't need him being concerned about nearly naked people running around the lab."

Tessa noticed the polymer had started receding from Evelyn's face and extremities. Looking down and touching her own face, realized the same was true for her. It didn't help the urges that kept flaring up inside her though, she needed something badly, just wasn't sure what it was yet. Putting her cloths on, Tessa stood, then leaned against the table for support. Her skirt was short before, now it barely covered anything and she could still feel latex leaking from between her legs. Tessa sighed as she attempted to pull her skirt down and turned her attention to Evelyn's work. Noticing the attention, Evelyn spoke first, "The co-creator of the formula for this polymer will arrive shortly, I'd expect he'll want to see the progress I've made with it. For this particular batch, I've boosted estrogen levels by 300%." Tessa not knowing a lot about the science replied, "Three hundred percent seems like a lot, but will it even matter because he's...well, a male?" Evelyn laughed softly and smiled, before replying, "That's true, he is male....for now."

Evelyn continued to work on the pink latex polymer as the morning hours crept closer and the others would shortly arrive. Both Tessa's and Evelyn's latex coating had completely hidden itself from view under their clothing. A rather convenient natural effect, Evelyn thought to herself as she worked. Looking up she observed Tessa who was struggling to focus on taking notes as instructed. "Are you feeling all right?" asked Evelyn. Tessa leaned over the table, before responding, "Yes....I...I just was thinking about your intern Eric and I suddenly feel like my body is going into sexual overdrive."
"Hmm," said Evelyn thoughtfully, before responding with a smirk, "You like him don't you?" Tessa shyly nodded in response. "Well you'll need to control yourself, he's going to be here in a few minutes and I don't need you scaring him off with your lustful stares!" Evelyn poked fun at Tessa. Tessa rolled her eyes but could barely control herself, nearly panting with desire. "Here, stand to the side and lean on the table," said Evelyn, as she helped Tessa to one side just before she saw Eric's shadow appear on the frosted class doors.

Eric stepped inside, taking in the lab and the two ladies with a quick glance. "Good morning to the both of you," Eric said, trying not to focus on their newer physique. Evelyn noticed his overly observant eyes and responded, "Hello Eric, we both got our hair dyed last night, what do you think?" As an intern Eric was doing his best not to overstep his bounds, "They both look.... nice." he said with a smile before returning his focus to the now panting Tessa.
"Is she...okay today?" Eric asked Evelyn with concern. "Oh yes, she's fine...long night is all," Evelyn replied, trying to change the subject, "I have a new polymer I'm interested in testing on others to see how well it works, would you like to give it a try?" Eric looked at her, "If it's safe, I suppose so." Evelyn gave him a sly look, "Of course it's safe, I've tested it on myself already. Now, take a seat, hold out your hands and we'll give it a try."

Eric held out his hands ready for a small amount of liquid to be poured on them. He watched as Evelyn approached with an emotion on her face that was somewhere between lust and pure excitement. As she was nearly beside him, she stumbled forward, the beaker she was holding completely overshooting his hands and some of its contents dumped directly on his crotch. "Ah!" exclaimed Eric as he shot a look at Evelyn who was giving him her best apologetic look. As soon as he glanced back down and wasn't paying attention to her, Evelyn gave the swooning Tessa a sly smile and Tessa grinned back. The liquid polymer spent no time at all finding it's way through Eric clothing and directly on to his crotch.

Heat flooded through his body and his pants instantly bulged as his cock started to get hard. "Wha...what the... is, is this normal?" he asked slightly embarrassed at his situation. Evelyn looked at him hungrily and responded, "To be honest, it's never been tested on a male, so I have to idea!" She seemed incredibly excited for the situation. Breathing heavily, he asked, "Are you two hot right now?" Tessa's overly sexual response of, "Very." followed as she held her skirt down for reasons unknown to Eric. His body built more and more heat as the two ladies inched closer and closer to him. Evelyn was actively scanning him with her eyes as if taking notes. Finally he was so warm he had to unbutton his shirt. He felt strange, like he wasn't as tall anymore, but maybe it was just the heat. The bulge in his pants was so tight now he had to do something about it. As if reading his mind, Evelyn helped remove the belt and then pulled down on his pants with surprising strength. His cock popped out covered in the latex polymer. "That's way bigger than the other night..." Tessa said under her breath before realizing it was said out loud. "Interesting," was Evelyn's only response before grabbing the flask again. She turned to Eric and said "Well, lets get this show started." Evelyn simply poured the remainder of it's contents directly on to his shaft which caused pleasure to flood through him and he instantly ejaculated.

As the liquid latex polymer continued to spread over his body, Eric was lost in wave after wave of pleasure. Eventually he ran out of cum to release but his body refused to stop the orgasmic feeling that flooded through him. Leaning back he struggled to focus on anything but the constant orgasms that rocked his body. As his cock finally ran dry he almost felt as though he could feel it shrinking in size but every time it shrank another orgasm would wash through him distracting him once more. Each wave also brought a pressure in his pecs as if both of his pecs were pushing forward and growing. Every time they grew more they became more and more tender and just the rubbing of his shirt on his nipples sent an explosion of pleasure through his growing breasts.

Evelyn and Tessa watched his body change before them like hungry animals waiting for their turn to feast. Both ladies somehow instinctively knew to sample the latex applied to Eric, their bodies instantly adapting, ready to produce the new type of latex polymer. Tessa watched excitedly as she licked the polymer off her fingers and her growing cock twitched several times before it slowly started leaking out the pink latex that begged to be inserted into it's next host.
"Can," Tessa ask she looked at Evelyn eagerly. A smile spread across Evelyn's face as Eric suddenly moaned and orgasmed again, his voice now much less a his voice and more a her. "Soon I think...," Evelyn said as Eric's body quivered in delight again, growing around his chest and hips and his cock shrank in size once more, "Very soon."

Eric's body continued to shift into a more feminine shape as the orgasms ravaged his body over and over. Each time they built up and crested his body would change more. His breasts continued to expand out from his chest and his cock slowly shrank away. The only thing he could manage to comprehend through the waves of pleasure was wanting more. His body continued to get warmer until he had to remove his shirt. Slowly his thoughts shifted from pleasing his shaft to that of being pleased by them. Opening his eyes between waves of orgasms, he saw Evelyn and Tessa, their latex suits slowly spreading over their bodies as they also removed their clothing. The lights glimmered across their curvy physiques, their breast and hips seemingly bigger than when he entered the room. Looking down he noticed the 2 largest changes. Both Evelyn and Tessa's shafts sat rock hard and throbbing, waiting to be pleased. The thought of them both pleasing him passed through his mind just as another orgasm flooded through his body expanding is breasts and hips. He braced himself with his arms as he leaned back, savoring the feeling of the latex polymer spreading across his body and the ever increasing pressure in his sensitive breasts that caused them to continue to grow.

Orgasm after orgasm rippled through Eric's body before finally he could do nothing but succumb to the pleasure. His clock had finally shrunk and disappeared and in it's place, a puffy and incredibly sensitive vagina had formed. Tessa looked at Evelyn eagerly has she noticed Eric's new pussy lips quivering in delight from his orgasmic state. Her cock was dripping with the latex polymer that was spreading across Eric's body and was primed to pump more of that polymer inside him. As if Eric could hear their thoughts, between moans he begged, "Please more.. I.... I want more." Nothing else needed to be said for Tessa to take action. With surprising strength, Tessa lifted him up setting his anus on to the tip of her cock that was dripping with polymer.

The latex started flowing inside him, coating his insides and driving his pleasure to a new level. Finally when enough had been pumped inside to lubricate, Tessa started sliding her thick shaft inside, little by little. Eric's body responded in kind, demanding more and shaking with orgasms. More and more latex was pumped in before it coated his entire insides making the pleasure from it radiate from both inside and out. Evelyn finally was tired of watching and started rubbing her cock's head against Eric's new puffy pussy lips before slipping it inside as well. The two thick shafts slipped in and out with ease, pumping more and more latex into Eric's body. Both shafts were so thick they could feel the other sliding inside and out which only excited the ladies more and cause them to ejaculate more latex inside. Eric's body started shifting even faster than before. His breasts and ass growing at an incredible rate and the orgasms continued flooding through him in nonstop waves of delight.
Posted on 11 January 2020, 01:57 by:   lag85086    PM
Score +64
Good art. It will be perfect with high resolution one
Posted on 11 January 2020, 03:11 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +13
Yeess...moooore. Mooore.
Posted on 11 January 2020, 08:39 by:   K1bbu7z    PM
Score +10
more like this!
Posted on 11 January 2020, 16:09 by:   coolmira12    PM
Score +14
LOVE IT This is so good
Posted on 11 January 2020, 19:16 by:   kasperl2    PM
Score +9
Insta boner. MORE
Posted on 12 January 2020, 03:40 by:   Hentairo1    PM
Score +8
I'll take a case of that.
Posted on 12 January 2020, 21:58 by:   HACB    PM
Score +14
<comment moved to Uploder Comment>
Posted on 16 January 2020, 11:44 by:   errata    PM
Score +23
I usually don't like latex stuff that much, but for some reason, turning it into glitter goop makes it hot.

I have no idea how/why that works.
Posted on 29 January 2020, 08:31 by:   Jiltist    PM
Score +8
Wow I just cannot get enough of this artist.

Will likely sub to their patreon. This shit is so cash money.
Posted on 13 April 2021, 06:10 by:   Hentairo1    PM
Score +11
Nice to see this picking up again, and ESPECIALLY nice to see a male getting in on the action.
Posted on 15 April 2021, 22:46 by:   HACB    PM
Score +10
Well, since the artist tagged the images himself as a gender bender, I figured his schlong wouldn't last long ;)
Posted on 16 April 2021, 08:42 by:   Solipsist    PM
Score +6
When I saw page 21, first thing I thought was "LOL, that guy who liked that there's a man in this thing is going to lose his shit." Ain't that the shit Hentairo?

Also, to the author -- what's the point of reducing the guy's dick / removing it / turning it into a vagina, if we already know that the goo-girls have vaginas and dicks? It'd make more sense to me that he'd keep his dick, but just form a vagina, if you're really set on gender-bending (i.e: turning androgynous as he fucks them).
Not that it makes this gallery any less hot, mind you~
Posted on 20 April 2021, 14:06 by:   Edarin    PM
Score -14
too long
didnt read
Posted on 20 April 2021, 22:53 by:   2000m    PM
Score +27
step one give chicks dicks ,step 2 give dudes cooters ,step 3 ?
Posted on 21 April 2021, 18:12 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +6
And it gets EVEN BETTER.
Posted on 27 April 2021, 10:49 by:   Solipsist    PM
Score +6
In page 23, why is that "he" sprays what seems to be milk out of "his" breasts, while the other girls sprayed out their respective colored goo?
Posted on 02 May 2021, 03:59 by:   Alkonium    PM
Score +6
I'm guessing it has to do with the transformation victim being depicted as submissive and the one causing the transformation being dominant.
Posted on 02 May 2021, 10:53 by:   kasperl2    PM
Score +11
Thank you so very much, that's sooo fucking good! Please continue with similar stuff, even if there will be only one picture left. I love that!
Posted on 03 May 2021, 23:08 by:   HACB    PM
Score +10
You should adress the praise directly to the autor. For example in the comment section of the latest image.
Posted on 23 January 2022, 14:57 by:   z415214820    PM
Score +6

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