Posted on 12 December 2021, 07:47 by:
TKLF Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, avryanz -6, Rebel Ry +6, as102 +12, gotee +6, baneonplane +5, Condemned8008s +6, LokiFox +6, Washma Butt +9, trololo21 +6, TimWasHere +6, ZeirThunderGod +6, and 6 more...
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, Spookghetti +6, kamisking +6, Rebel Ry +6, as102 +12, baneonplane +5, LokiFox +6, Washma Butt +9, hwhdbdh +6, trololo21 +6, ghostvortex100 +6, ShrikeRisen +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 12 December 2021, 15:36 by:
nabusco Score
Base +8, Romi the Byzantine +6, AAF -11, kamisking +6, Rebel Ry +6, as102 +12, gotee +6, baneonplane +5, Washma Butt +9, hwhdbdh +6, trololo21 +6, ShrikeRisen +6, Shota_Cried_WolfGirl +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 13 December 2021, 04:37 by:
funk_u_up Score
Base +12, Rebel Ry +6, as102 +12, baneonplane +5, Shota_Cried_WolfGirl +6, TheRmbomo +6, somercet +14
Posted on 13 December 2021, 10:26 by:
Baddan Score
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +6, as102 +12, lewgnik +6, baneonplane +5, Condemned8008s +6, LokiFox +6, AkumaDesu +11, Washma Butt +9, Aianostre +7, trololo21 +6, TimWasHere +6, Muhkura +6, and 4 more...
Base +7, Romi the Byzantine +6, baneonplane +5, AkumaDesu +11, Minipyps +6, somercet +14
Posted on 17 January 2022, 06:46 by:
skyton34 Score
Base +6, Minipyps +6, IM_Mortal +7, ShrikeRisen +6, somercet +14
Base +6, ShrikeRisen +6, somercet +14
Base +7, Romi the Byzantine +7, somercet +14
Base +6, Romi the Byzantine +7, TheRmbomo +6, somercet +14