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[Mophingu] Museum Night Prowl (ongoing)

Posted:2022-02-10 00:49
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:8.71 MiB
Length:9 pages
Favorited:344 times
Average: 4.13
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Mophingu] Museum Night Prowl (ongoing), added 2022-02-17 00:34
[Mophingu] Museum Night Prowl, added 2022-02-22 22:45

Showing 1 - 9 of 9 images

Posted on 10 February 2022, 00:49 by:   HACB    PM
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Story for the Images:
Aisha slowly made her way down into the collection of stolen art pieces from the skylight. As a person who doesn't believe in keeping precious artifacts in a private collections, she'd come here to liberate a piece from this band of mercenaries who had been robbing sites all over the world. Usually she unanimously donates them to some major Museum to keep them safe so that all could share in their beauty. The mercenaries haven't dared to try to take them back from any of the major institutions yet. One quick sweep of the area verified that the cameras were taken care of and any alarms where disabled.

As she lowered herself down she spotted her prized right in the center of the room. The ancient feline statue was one of the rarest known to the world. Legend says that it once would bestow great strength and speed to one it deemed worthy. Aisha didn't really believe in legends, but as she lowered herself to the ground as quietly as possible, she thought how nice it would be to have some super speed to get herself out of here as quickly as possible. Chuckling to herself at the thought, she turned to start cutting into the glass case. Another day and just another regular job, almost in the wraps or so she thought.

Aisha slowly and carefully cut through the case with her glass cutter and then gently moved the round piece of glass to the side. As she reached in to grab the statue a warmth spread through her body. Had to be the trill of the job, she thought to herself, as she grabbed the spotted feline figure and carefully removed it through the hole she'd cut out of the glass.

As she clutched the figure to her side, the warmth spread through her body even more. The feeling was like a soft warm blanket had just wrapped around her skin. As she attempted to take a step toward her rope, the heat rushed through her once more, but ended up down in her groin. A shuddered breath left her lungs as she tried to get herself under control. The heat continued to radiate through her body, but continuously traveled down to her privates where a growing pleasure started to build. She took another deep breath and without thinking ran her tongue over her lips. As she did her tongue found slightly elongated canines in her mouth. Surprised, she ran her tongue over them again to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Another wave of heat washed through her ending between her hips and all the way out to the tips of her fingers. She felt the warmth in her nails as she watched them stretch and grow into claw like shapes. Aisha struggled to grasp what was happening as she knelt down and set the figure on the ground while wave after wave of pleasurable heat continued to wash over her.

As Aisha tried to get herself under control, the warmth continued to flood through her body, growing in its intensity with each passing second. She noticed the feline figure she set down now had glowing eyes and it had taken on a strange sheen. She couldn't focus on that now though, she had to try to get her body under control and get out of there.

Breathing heavily she straighten herself and her tight body suit pressed harder into her now tender breasts. A light moan escaped her lips as the pleasure coursed through her body. With each wave of heat that passed through her it felt as though her hips and breasts were growing in size. That couldn't be possible, she thought to herself just as another wave of pleasure coursed through her. Her breathing approached borderline panting as she felt her body grow in size once more and her harness belts tightening around her body. Without thinking she ran her hands up her torso, resting them on her tender breasts and squeezed. The feeling that flooded through her caused her to gasp then her whole body to quiver and shake in delight. It bought her a few seconds to realize she needed to remove her harness before it became too tight. Quickly, she started to unbuckle each clip and just as she reached and unclipped the last, another wave flooded through her body and a moan of pure pleasure echoed through out the room.

Looking over at the statue, Aisha noticed it continued to change color and almost appeared to be melting. She tried to reason what was happening with it, but could barely concentrate between the waves of heat and pleasure that were alternating throughout her body. Aisha's whole body was humming so badly with pleasure she decided to stabilize herself on all fours in an attempt to get herself under control.

Panting and moaning, her eyes rolled back into head as another wave of delight spread through her. She felt her face start to tingle and stretch as her nose and mouth began to stretch forward and change shape. The suit Aisha was wearing was now unbelievably tight. As another wave of heat flooded through her, she felt her breasts and hips grow again, pushing the material to its limits and rips started to form. Her feet also felt incredibly tight in her boots and as the wave hit made it's way down her legs her boots gave way as well, allowing her changing feet to stretch out from their restrictive shoe prison. Aisha also felt a new pressure forming around her tailbone that had been steadily growing with each wave. Her suit wasn't going to last much longer, so removing seemed like the best option before it shredded to pieces right on her body. Sitting back, breathing heavily and shaking with delight, Aisha attempted to start removing the top portion of her incredibly tight body suit.

Aisha struggled to get the top half of her suit down as her breasts continued to expand. Each wave of heat that washed through her made them more and more sensitive. Panting she slowly pulled her first arm out which squeezed the opposite breast sending a tremble of orgasms though her. Thankfully the other arm wasn't as difficult and she managed to get the top pulled down after a short recovery. As her feet continued to change she noticed her boots had burst open at the toes showing her new pawed feet sticking out the bottom. Kicking each boot off she had a few seconds to inspect her new feet before another wave of heat washed through her expanding and transforming her more.

Each wave was getting stronger and her suit was now torn all over from her expanding hips. The pressure in her tailbone was also getting stronger and something back there felt like it was being pinched. Reaching back with her sharp claws, Aisha made a small tear in her suit near the source of her discomfort. Relief washed over her as her tail popped out swishing freely from the confines of the suit. Happy with the freeing of her pinched tail, Aisha leaned back stretching her more taunt feeling muscles just as another wave of pleasure washed through her. The feeling of a wonderful stretch and near orgasm combined caused an involuntary moan of delight as she felt her body expand and grow again. Gripping her breasts Aisha gave them a light squeeze as she felt her body stretch and grow as a white downy fur began to cover her chest. Each time felt so wonderful, she couldn't wait for the next. However, sound of ripping fabric once again reminded her that she needed to remove the rest of the suit before there was only shreds left. Balancing herself in case another wave of pleasure washed through her, Aisha slowly started removing the rest of her bodysuit.

As Aisha worked to get the lower half of her suit off, the waves of heat and subsequent pleasure started to become more frequent. She could feel her downstairs was basically dripping wet and burning with desire. The suit ripped and tore the more she tried to remove it but finally she flung it off her feet and it landed near her boots. The warmth had spread to cover her entire body and she felt the need to please herself so badly, her whole body was quivering in anticipation of the release.

Looking to her right, the statue had continued to shift and change as well. It's shape now resembling and item that could certainly satiate the desire burning between her legs. Pulling it over she positioned herself on top, her pussy lips puffy and incredibly sensitive, just waiting to be wrapped around the shaft, touched the top. Nearly dripping wet, Aisha started working the shaft inside little by little. A feeling of pure delight started radiating through her and each slip downward pushing her transformation farther. Fur started spreading all over her skin, its feeling softer than any velvet she'd ever felt. Panting and moaning, Aisha slowly continued working the shaft deeper and deeper insider her, every inch adding to the waves of pleasure washing through her.

Aisha's powerful new legs helped her up and down the new toy faster and faster. Each plunge down she took an extra bit of length into her causing the pleasure to drive higher. Turning to face the display case she braced herself against it and used a free hand to keep her now larger breasts under control as she rapidly road up and down.

With a light squeeze to her breasts, her body quivered and shook harder as orgasms started rolling through her body. The riding only drove her transformation ahead, hips still expanding and muscles hardening into powerful strands. Aisha moaned and panted in delight with no regard to her current situation. The pleasure had taken complete control of her and she wanted nothing more than the promised powerful orgasm at the end. She could feel her body getting closer, and with generous squeeze of her full breasts she finally felt herself reach that peak and start to crest over. Orgasm after orgasm rolled through her body as a hot liquid from the statue gushed into her pussy. Waves of orgasms kept flooding through her along with the fluid entering her vagina. Aisha's legs finally ran out of strength and she collapsed with the shaft still inside her, quivering in pure delight as the blissful orgasms refused to stop.

Lying on the ground, quivering and moaning, Aisha was doing her best to get herself under control. Her whole body felt as though it was stuck at point just after the crest of an orgasm. Pleasure was flooding through each and every part of her body as the shaft continued to pump fluids inside her. Since collapsing on the ground, Aisha had passively noticed that the shaft was feeling lighter and a new warmth was spreading over her lower body. As the warmth spread, it only served to intensify the waves of orgasms that continued to roll through her. Any orgasms she'd ever experienced had only lasted around a minute at most, but this felt like it had been fifteen minutes or maybe more! Farther and farther the heat spread up her body from between her legs and the quivering pleasure that accompanied it, only fanned the flames of her desires.

Slowly the statue continued to spread over her body. Previously a large toy, now reduced to a smaller shaft inside her vagina. Aisha thought maybe it's reduced size would help her start to gain control of herself, but the spread of the liquid like substance over her skin and fur was only making things worse! It hugged every inch and curve of her body, molding to the inside of her sensitive pussy and her anus. As it continued to spread so the the heat that emanated from between her legs. She couldn't believe it, but the ongoing orgasms only felt like they were building to a second, stronger orgasmic release. Leaning forward she pressed her sensitive warm breasts against the cool floor and let the pleasure take her. Moaning and panting Aisha mentally urged the spread of the liquid on, waiting for the sweet release of the building pleasure that kept washing through her new body.

Posted on 14 January 2022, 00:26 by:   Pseudo-Nim    PM
Score +58
One page.

One bloody page.
Posted on 14 January 2022, 09:14 by:   rwpikul    PM
Score +88
One page from an artist with a strong reputation for finishing sequences.

Ongoing comics and sequences have long been exceptions to rules and guidelines about image counts. TBH, the ones from known and quality sources are going to be posed from the page 1 release simply for an uploader to stake a claim.
Posted on 15 January 2022, 13:31 by:   lag85086    PM
Score +22
You should wait couple weeks
Posted on 26 January 2022, 16:34 by:   Eric Forse    PM
Score -38
Three pages.

Three bloody pages.
Posted on 28 January 2022, 02:24 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +21
Sexy, now that it actually has more then one image!
Posted on 28 January 2022, 03:46 by:   lucky3221    PM
Score -32
Five pages.

Five bloody pages.
Posted on 04 February 2022, 19:27 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +6
Oh my. Now it's moving to latex or statue kitty?
Posted on 11 February 2022, 20:42 by:   2000m    PM
Score +4
now its going places always a fan of creeping goo it just seems to always end up a giant candy apple metallic flake cock blasting you in the face
Posted on 13 February 2022, 01:40 by:   ReaperOneSix    PM
Score +15
I can't wait what happen next
Posted on 23 February 2022, 05:41 by:   Eric Forse    PM
Score -3
A finished sequence.

A bloody finished sequence.

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