Posted on 13 July 2022, 23:38 by:
Base +7, Drakkonab +6, gemman +6, EvilScotsman12 -14, Dexys_Stryder -8, Chainjailhunter +6, SSSdriver -9, Tasogare1 -6, Retrospective -7, andyroid94 -6, SapphireScorpio +6, Hkaa +6, wiltyfag +6, and 2 more...
Posted on 14 July 2022, 04:41 by:
Base +6, EvilScotsman12 -14, Chainjailhunter +6, zapdos55555 -7, supermandffff +7, Retrospective -7, bananapie62 +6, AeroVelocity +6, Tasogare1 -6, Dexys_Stryder -8, darkblane257 -8, fluk98 -5, GravityQueen -6, and 1 more...
Last edited on 28 July 2022, 06:31.
Base +6, EvilScotsman12 +14, Pooplord +6, Tasogare1 +6, Retrospective +7, bananapie62 -6, AeroVelocity +6, darkblane257 +8, GravityQueen +6, orvu +6, tacobowl8 +10
Base +7, Someone54 +6, Tasogare1 +6, Retrospective +7, EvilScotsman12 +14, AeroVelocity +6, darkblane257 +8, GravityQueen +6, orvu +6, Miss-Mittens +6, tacobowl8 +10, golden_hue +6
Base +7, GravityQueen +6, tacobowl8 +10
Base +6, orvu -6, Miss-Mittens -6, wiltyfag -6, tacobowl8 -10, worldofwarcraft5000 -6, Masacre 123 +8