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[Youkai Tamanokoshi (CHIRO)] Kiniitta Hitozuma o Itsudemo Netoreru Saimin Kousui [English/Deepl AutoTranslate]

[ようかい玉の輿 (CHIRO)] 気に入った人妻をいつでも寝取れる催○香水 [英訳]

Artist CG
Posted:2022-12-23 23:25
Language:English  TR
File Size:92.40 MiB
Length:350 pages
Favorited:406 times
Average: 1.47

Showing 281 - 320 of 350 images

Posted on 23 December 2022, 23:25
Uploader Comment
Auto-Translation using Deepl API (until someone translate it properly)
Posted on 23 December 2022, 23:32 by:   spierdalacz    PM
Score +495
Go fuck yourself. Almost every retarded sped who posts deepl/google tl shite uses the same fucking excuse - "HURR DURR LET'S WAIT FOR PROPER TRANSLATION".

Newsflash: by committing this "translation" you've ensurer that nobody will pick it up and do it properly. In mind of most able people it's already been translated, so there's no need to fix someone's mess. Now because of your hunger of attention WE ALL have to suffer this abomination of release.

Oh and the editing is shit - pick better font, scale it to fit the bubble and center it properly, you fucking cretin. Go take a bath with toaster-chan.
Posted on 23 December 2022, 23:38 by:   hobohobo    PM
Score +266
cmon bro if you're gonna mtl at least make the font size readable feels like I'm reading a doujin for ants.
Posted on 23 December 2022, 23:44 by:   derp699    PM
Score +132
How about putting that effort into an actual fucking JOB to pay for a commission instead of doing this SHIT.
Posted on 23 December 2022, 23:50 by:   shakuganaexa    PM
Score -100
Shut it. Machine translation is the future, hell machine translation should be called AI translation, the exact type of translation that would work well with Japanese. It will only improve and honestly, the quality of AI translation now is better than majority of the earliest translations of hentai. AI translation is so common in the manga , novel and games scanlation community.

If you are aware of wokeness in localisations, you would know how an AI translation of Elden Ring reveals so much more of the lore and is actually more faithful. The game of the year is also the worse translation of the year (what on earth is a mistbegotten? It should be mixed breed).

AI translations are now like 99% accurate. The only weakness of Ai translation right now is that it cannot combined text from multiple bubbles to form a sentence, character names, specific lore and story text and poor word choices sometimes. For normal hentai with simple text (which are the majority), AI translation will be indistinguishable from a human translation.

It inevitable that AI translation will take over human translation for most things in life, rather than fighting against inevitability let's find ways to improve it.

Also most translators nowadays are using AI translation. Most hentai will never get translated especially older ones. Maybe it's time to use AI to do them. Non Japanese have this misunderstanding that most things in Japan including hentai is full of complicated shit. News flash: most of them use basic vocabulary, so basic that AI that understand and translate it accurately.

So what the hell is a good translation if it's not accurate? Surely even none gamers would agree how bad the translation of Elden Ring is. Rather than trying to be accurate with the context, the translators rewrite and destroyed any semblance of the cultural context of the game. The meaning was lost in translation

Machine learning is artificial intelligence. This misunderstanding is common with normies. The thing is, your artificial intelligence is uselss without machine learning. This division in the meaning is thanks to companies trying to lock machine learning tools and techniques when they should be transferable. Capitalism at its finest. Even bioscience companies are trying to scam hospitals about having superior machine learning techniques on test analysis when there is only one single universally agreed method.
Last edited on 24 December 2022, 00:39.
Posted on 24 December 2022, 00:04 by:   outofpower007    PM
Score +43
why does he keep calling her handsome
Posted on 24 December 2022, 00:09 by:   Kyuume    PM
Score +282
I never thought I'd say it but the font is actually too fucking small lmao.
Also, I gotta hand it to you, you're pretty special aren't you. You actually sat through and ran 300+ pages through an MTL.
Not only that but you had the genius idea to upload this garbage.

Cope. Accuracy isn't the same thing as a good translation, and I say that as someone who values accuracy a lot.
Also I don't get your boner for AI. Machine learning is not the same thing as "Artificial Intelligence" btw.

If you were to distill machine learning down to extremely simple terms, it is literally just pattern recognition except it has massive datasets worth of "patterns".
It is incapable of thinking / form original thoughts on its own. That alone makes it very disingenuous to claim that it has any sort of "intelligence".
As for your hard on for hating on the Elden Ring translation, you should've gave a better example.
If you simply searched for "mistbegotten" / "misbegotten" in google you would've landed on the definition of the word and saw that it means badly conceived or the archaic meaning of a child illegitimately conceived. I don't know about you but that not only conveys the meaning of something that's a damned "mixed breed" while also sticking to the context of using archaic English / vocabulary.

Again, accuracy doesn't mean good because languages are not the same. The culture of the people who speak the languages are not the same. Sure you can translate a Japanese pop culture reference to English and it would by all means be "accurate" but the English reader would not have the same connection as a Japanese person to that reference at all.
Last edited on 24 December 2022, 01:20.
Posted on 24 December 2022, 00:24 by:   yufang97    PM
Score +50
Can we at least get halfway decent typesetting on machine translated stuff.
Posted on 24 December 2022, 00:34 by:   Jennos    PM
Score +49
While I won't especially resent the use of mtl because tbh, most hentai are just never going to be translated properly anyway. Like I agree now, no one is going to properly translate this one
But let's face it, when was this set released ? You could wait for years before maybe someone picked it up, or maybe never
but at least, at the very least, you could have made some effort to typeset and edit. it's actually unreadable. You can't have seen this without zooming to 150% and say, this is fine
Posted on 24 December 2022, 00:36 by:   shakuganaexa    PM
Score -23
Yes and no. You need the hacked Papago for this. I think the person is using the DeepL app with is far from the best in terms of image recognition. Manga scanlators are using hack Papagos to insert translation to an entire manga in seconds. I don't know why hentai translators haven't caught up. Yes the text is sometimes inconsistent but it works.
Because the Japanese sentence probably ended with the heart symbol.
This is also common also on many game translations but idiots can't configure Translator++ even though a universal corrections list for Japanese have been out there and updated regularly.
Posted on 24 December 2022, 03:58 by:   Mr_Person    PM
Score +217

There are a few points in this argument that can be challenged or qualified:

While machine translation (MT) has certainly come a long way in recent years and can be very useful in certain contexts, it is not yet at a point where it can completely replace human translators for all types of content. MT is best suited for simple, straightforward text with a limited range of vocabulary and syntax. However, many forms of written communication, including literature, technical documents, legal texts, and marketing materials, require a high level of nuance, cultural understanding, and stylistic finesse that cannot be achieved by current MT systems.

It is not accurate to say that AI translation is "99% accurate." MT systems can produce translations that are largely coherent and grammatically correct, but they often lack the depth and precision of a human-translated text. They may struggle with idiomatic expressions, cultural references, and figurative language, and they can sometimes produce translations that are confusing, misleading, or outright incorrect.

The claim that "most translators nowadays are using AI translation" is not supported by evidence. While some translators may use MT as a starting point or reference, professional translators generally rely on their own language skills, knowledge, and experience to produce high-quality translations. Using MT alone for professional translation purposes is generally not considered acceptable in the translation industry.

It is not true that "most hentai will never get translated, especially older ones." While it is true that some older hentai titles may not have been translated, this is not necessarily due to a lack of demand or interest. There are many factors that can influence the availability of translations, including copyright issues, licensing agreements, and the availability of translators with the necessary language skills and subject matter expertise.

While it is true that some hentai titles may use simple vocabulary and syntax, this is not true of all hentai. Some hentai titles may include complex storylines, character development, and intricate details that require a high level of language proficiency and cultural understanding to accurately translate. In these cases, MT may not be sufficient to produce a translation that accurately conveys the content and meaning of the original text.

In conclusion, while machine translation can be a useful tool in certain contexts, it is not yet capable of completely replacing human translators for all types of content. There are many factors that influence the quality and accuracy of a translation, and it is important to consider these factors when deciding whether to use MT or to rely on a professional human translator.
Posted on 24 December 2022, 06:32 by:   Daruna    PM
Score +39
in case anyone doesn't know, this mentally ill schizoid from the 4chan /h/ e-h threads shakuganaexa is arguing the virtues of mtl against ChatGPT now:

and ChatGPT disagrees with him lol
Posted on 25 December 2022, 16:20 by:   SonicBlu    PM
Score +14
Wait you mean DeepL still hasn't fixed that Japanese to English bug where it defaults to translate some things and symbols as handsome?
Posted on 27 December 2022, 09:12 by:   FrizzyB    PM
Score -20
I mean at least this is something None of Chiro CG Works Have been translated, some of the doujin have but none of the CG and some of the CG have been around for years. Is this perfect No but at least its something.
Posted on 03 January 2023, 06:57 by:   saitemaru    PM
Score +43
i'd rather wait at nothing rather than get this
"nothing" can be improved into "something"
but this shit is already in negative value, you can only fix it by deleting it entirely to return the value into "nothing"
Posted on 05 February 2023, 23:43 by:   nkaR    PM
Score +44
Hello, I hope someone can see this in the near future, I adore this artist and very slowly and independently I have been doing the translation of this work, I still have to finish about 60 pages, in my profile you can see my work, to avoid In cases like these, since English is not my language, I contact a proofreader to correct any grammatical errors and give the work more slang. All that said, if anyone is interested, you can contact me at my email and I'll give you a discount since most of the work is already translated and would only be minor costs.
Posted on 20 March 2023, 08:25 by:   NiceLad312    PM
Score -16
Jesus you guys are autistic. Imagine getting pissy over porn translations. The grass needs touching
Posted on 26 May 2024, 21:22 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +39
>Auto-Translation using Deepl API
tagging rtl (uploader comment, title)

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