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[NT00] There's Something Loose in Her Head (Fan-Continuation 2) (English)

Artist CG
Posted:2023-03-03 03:27
Language:English  RW
File Size:44.19 MiB
Length:113 pages
Favorited:360 times
Average: 4.20

Showing 1 - 40 of 113 images

Posted on 03 March 2023, 03:27 by:   expectingediting    PM
Uploader Comment
Hi everyone, this is another fan-made continuation I wrote for the series after the Christmas play.

I hope you enjoy!

Support NT00:
Posted on 03 March 2023, 04:33 by:   Suntar    PM
Score +26
Masterfully done. This level of understanding of the characters and development of their relationship and feelings has been missing from the "canon" since at least after the curtain play, if not since the weird inclusion of Sena into the relationship in the first place.
You used Sena masterfully here.

Seriously, I can't praise this enough. Please keep going like this and show us a relationship between Haru and Yumi where Haru starts putting in effort and they finally start communicating about each others sexual desires and working together to create a sex-life that fits what is wrong with both their heads.
Posted on 03 March 2023, 11:52 by:   Leguna    PM
Score -100
Posted on 03 March 2023, 13:54 by:   Uggadolem    PM
Score +68
That was a lot of fun, and the ending made me laugh pretty hard. Great job.
Posted on 03 March 2023, 17:13 by:   Mr. Buddy    PM
Score +33
Posted on 04 March 2023, 00:31 by:   savageactual    PM
Score +10
love it thank you!
Posted on 04 March 2023, 01:22 by:   expectingediting    PM
Score +16
@Suntar - Thank you. I enjoy NT00's story (the struggles, the developments, the decisions) and wanted to add to it for more personal enjoyment. I like Haru and Yumi's relationship and I agree that Sena can be used in interesting ways. I would love to do more, but each of these takes a lot of time and effort...

@Uggadolem - Nice, glad you enjoyed it.

@Mr. Buddy - Thanks, those links are very helpful.

@savageactual - Thank you too!
Posted on 04 March 2023, 08:16 by:   Shallfallen    PM
Score +6
Actual meme ending.

edit: It's still a great read.
Last edited on 26 April 2023, 14:41.
Posted on 04 March 2023, 15:27 by:   Eyeless wonder    PM
Score +6
now this is an interesting part to explore. Sena is such a wasted character and could've easily been more
Posted on 04 March 2023, 20:22 by:   fufu12345    PM
Score +2
Beautifully crafted!!! thanks!
Posted on 05 March 2023, 11:58 by:   AniimeyForYou    PM
Score -10
Really need more fan fiction 😳
Posted on 22 April 2023, 12:51 by:   valesauce    PM
Score +0
Think for me this is a case of I love the destination but not the journey there. It's a but too far off from what we've seen of senator unless this is more than a year after the canon ending. Also the story essentially being like 4th hand account is a bit memey on top of the setting being the same as the last one you made. I recognize theres only so much you can do recycling art so not much can be done there in the end. What i can say is I think you released this too soon since your first one was so well done, and it was too similar to the first one. Part of nt00s magic was slower releases and letting the viewer cook. He let his fanbase over cook unfortunately theres a healthy balance to maintain and the soggy way he ended his series gives evidence to that. I wanna say it would be good to have smaller releases even if you made a whole 200 pages to release like 50 per week and leave I dont wanna say suspense but like, when in your first one when yumi said look forward to the video I make for you, that's a good spot to let it cook. The story never wants to leave the reader with a sense of anxiety or fear so much as just a curiosity of what happens next. I can proudly say I allowed myself to not read the ending before reading the rest of the story knowing your style, and that trust is actually priceless to have built with the reader with just 1 previous work cuz a lot of these manga artists have completely dropped the ball on their endings, I knew no matter where you took the story it was gonna be fine in the end. Maybe that on the other hand takes the story suspense away but I'm not a fan of fear anyway. I see yumis story from a lens of not "will she betray me" so much as "how will she surprise me this time".

Overall good job and thank you for taking the time to make another of these, and the ending was 12/10. Maybe with the redux coming out you can have more base material to work with if you plan on another, I'd definitely appreciate it myself you obviously have the heart for it. Personally I'd like to see an interpretation of yumis pov since even the author of the story stopped making those. you detailed in your last one how she started to understand that the "negative space" was what drives him crazy since his imagination will run wild without reality anchoring him, but what she ends up doing is giving him that space, he gets off to his imagination, and then teasing him more with the reality that he was safe the whole time basically playing his own mind against him but in a good way. That for me at least why yumi seems like such a good character is she mind fucks him but isnt vindictive in the least and doesnt take any pleasure in hurting him, hence wanting to see her pov during the scenes. Like in you first one when she said to the camera "this is all for you", that's a perfect example of her character shining through, cuz ultimately that's what the story has been about is how far shes willing to go to please him, even if it takes her in a strange direction she knows the payoff is gonna be making him feel good and the sex when she comes back is gonna be more charged rather than routine.

Lul that i made the review more about yumi. Idk I cant think of how senna might integrate better into the story. Nt00 should have given her more of an arc later instead of all the jin memes, let haru have his good ending with a 3some.

Keep on keeping on my dude you do good work.
Posted on 01 July 2023, 08:49 by:   Jakob34    PM
Score +13
Even for a fanmade doujin, this was probably one of the best written NTRs I've read. I genuinely wanted to kill the MC for how much of a loser he is. I think cuckolding as a fantasy is extremely hot, but I personally would never want to live it out because it's genuinely fucked up on both ends. A fantasy should stay a fantasy. Obviously, swinging and actual cuckolding are real, and people can both enjoy it and have a healthy relationship with it, but in NTR doujins, it almost always ends up with the MC being cheated on and abandoned because he's pathetic fucking loser. I was actually screaming at the screen. Like holy shit. I know people like this don't exist but sometimes, that trope of pathetic loser cuck just pisses me off. Literally get up and take her back. Stop being a fucking loser. Realize that it wasn't you that implanted this idea into your mind. If the GF wanted more from you, she should have said so instead of enabling your fantasy. It takes two to tango, or in this case, fuck. Both are at fault here, but being the pathetic loser MC that they always are, they can't seem to realize that and can only let themselves be their shitty pathetic selves. Anyway, lmao at the ending, but Malenia was ez. Yumi's a scrub. git gud
Posted on 17 July 2023, 00:09 by:   Aniimey    PM
Score +6
Need more Fan version 😌

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