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[Kon-Kit] Kaya-nee to Homeless Sensei ~Zenpen~ | Kaya-nee and the Homeless Sensei - Part 1 (COMIC Shigekiteki SQUIRT!! Vol. 37) [English] [HOTDOGMAN] [Digital]

[蒟吉人] カヤ姉とホームレス先生~前編~ (コミック刺激的 SQUIRT!! Vol.37) [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2023-04-04 14:52
Language:English  TR
File Size:35.38 MiB
Length:25 pages
Favorited:1234 times
Average: 4.44

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 images

Posted on 04 April 2023, 14:52 by:   hotdogman_    PM
Uploader Comment
Hello kaya-nee fans!

this is the first h-manga i translated just because i
was bored and i like reading this series.

i hope we get a continuation and more kaya-nee stories.

your feedbacks will be appreciated. i would like to improve my translation skills and try do more work in the future!

If you hate ntr/cheating, just avoid this one. lol

- hotdogman
Posted on 04 April 2023, 14:57 by:   stupid army    PM
Score +28
Classic Kaya-nee

edit: Dude, you should add author name on the title.
Posted on 04 April 2023, 15:20 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +399
You got the bitch's name wrong and it's spelled out in plain furigana on page 1.

Add to that:

>wrong 1280x downsized resolution (download the archive or the non-downsized torrent - ride side.)
>text is left-aligned (should be centered aligned. see guides below.)
>Manga Temple as the font (use anything else please. Wild Words, Victory Speech, Richard Starkings, Spinner Rack BB, etc.)

Checking all the boxes, eh?

rough grammar

p.1 I hated myself so much I don't have > tenses?
p.4 schoo
p.6 docile > not the word you're looking for in this context
p.15 this lewd tits > these

Last edited on 05 April 2023, 07:49.
Posted on 04 April 2023, 15:38 by:   Rido911    PM
Score +34
But translation is pretty good. Nice!
Last edited on 04 April 2023, 16:01.
Posted on 04 April 2023, 17:19 by:   naruti049594893    PM
Score +23
can you tranlsate the milf work too ?
Posted on 04 April 2023, 21:51 by:   ncc1701z    PM
Score +77
you sound like a fan of kaya yet you get her surname wrong on the very first bubble that mentioned it. not convincing at all lmao.
also, everything cutegyaru said.
i hope you will fix this soon. kon-kit don't get much love from translators lately so i do appreciate you tackling this. even if the overall quality is not there yet.
Posted on 05 April 2023, 00:04 by:   moximoore    PM
Score +54
Damn. How many chapters has she been cheating on her husband for now? XD
Posted on 05 April 2023, 02:05 by:   Wilton1990    PM
Score +18
Anyone else feel like this story was cut really short before it got to like... the actual part of the sex?
Posted on 05 April 2023, 04:37 by:   B.J.izzle    PM
Score -100
@cutegyaru You know, even when you're right about corrections, can you not come across as a douche discouraging new tranlsators from entering the fray. Its becoming full on gatekeeping now which is terrible in this age considering almosty every legacy scanlation team is either retired or defunct and the ones that still linger - such as yours - are either slow, extremely selective favoriing specific fetishes, (shota, MILF and gyaru/kogal/tomboy specifically) or in the case of RedLantern, have bent the knee entirely to DMCA entities such as Irodori and FAKKU. Again, I still think you are one of the better scanlators around setting the bar at a high level but maybe try mentoring new talent as opposed to discouraging them, otherwise we're left with MTL and shitty AI memelations in between your contributions.
Posted on 05 April 2023, 07:48 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +290
If by "gatekeeping" you mean asking for the basic bare minimum, then yeah, I guess you're right. There's a floor (a very low one) that I expect people to at least TRY to reach.

That being said, I wanna address a few things:

1. Yeah, I'm an asshole when I comment... but I try to give genuine feedback and resources. If I didn't care about new translators improving, I'd call them shit and never try to help them. In fact, I'm extremely supportive of new translators and have gone out of my way MANY times to give personalized feedback in private. Here, I even edited my comment. Just for you.

2. The scanlation scene is actually pretty active. Of course it's not gonna be a torrent of low to medium quality stuff like what you used to see back in the early 2010s - this has mostly been replaced by localizers (hate 'em or love 'em, there's not an infinite amount of translators and editors.) As you mentioned, standards have also gone up significantly, and people (for the better) try to meet them... but it does slow down content.

3. >RedLantern, have bent the knee entirely to DMCA entities such as Irodori and FAKKU
Idk what you mean by that. Obviously no one wants to work on licensed stuff - it's a waste of time. It gets nuked AND it's already translated by professional teams.

4. >otherwise we're left with MTL and shitty AI memelations
And that's why I comment. Most of my dismissive comments are actually made on extremely low-effort galleries to tag them and warn people of potential scams. Rest of the time, I try to be constructive, even if rude.
Posted on 05 April 2023, 08:24 by:   aleden    PM
Score +110
It was a little rough but cutegyaru isn't wrong. They did post links to material that can help hotdogman improve their quality.

Pg. Sobbered -> Sober
Pg. 4 Schoo -> School
Pg. 9 Editing errors in the two dialogue bubbles, white patches
Pg. 11 Importantt o -> Important to
Pg. 13 You'll definitely heal, sensei -> You'll definitely heal sensei (changes the direction of who is being healed, he's talking about the sex healing himself)
Pg 14 What's with these lewd tits, rather than what's with this lewd tits
Pg. 17 I'd probably phrase "How lewd are you" to "You are so lewd" or at least change it from "How lewd are you!!!" to "How lewd are you?" with a question mark if that's the question he's asking
Pg. 24 Again, formatting will help, a comma randomly floating before the "you" looks strange

I'm not a scanlator so I don't usually ever comment on quality/resolution issues, for the most part grammar and spelling were passable but issues here and there made it a little rough. The font was definitely hard on the eyes, but I don't believe the actual translation was that bad. Definitely don't align the text to the left, though.

The good news is that all of these are really easy fixes and won't take you much effort when you translate and edit works into the future. A lot of people have had horrifically terrible first uploads and hopefully you can only go up from here. Thanks for the upload, just take the advice cutegyaru posted in stride and you'll be good to go
Posted on 05 April 2023, 11:47 by:   CDub7888    PM
Score -100

It's cutegyaru. Being a condescending douche is kinda their bread and butter.
Posted on 05 April 2023, 15:51 by:   Farmuhan    PM
Score +29
can anyone make a list for this Kaya series? kinda confuse with the chronological order
Posted on 05 April 2023, 20:10 by:   Kon-Kit Scanlation    PM
Score +16
You can join our Discord for Kon-Kit, everything is explained in there:
Posted on 07 April 2023, 21:14 by:   rsx205    PM
Score +136
only listing enough for the tag but this upload is entirely mtled

OG: 浅茅…
TL: "Asagaya..."
ED: Asou

OG: 第一志望が教師ねえ…ずいぶんおとなしいな
TL: "Teaching is your first're pretty docile"
ED: docile?

OG: バカいえあんな顧問で誰の才能が花開くんだ
TL: "Your talent won't bloom with an adviser like that"
ED: incomplete TL missing detail and tone

OG: 教師が言うのもなんだがちっさい世界だぞ高校なんて
TL: "highschool is a small world."
ED: missing detail as he's giving advice

OG: …ちょっとだけ女優みたいなことしてなくも…
TL: "...I didnd't[sic] want to be an actress..."
ED: she's not talking about her desire

OG: あ!そこ触っちゃ…!
TL: "Ah! No, not there...!"
ED: missing action

OG: だから他のケツの軽い生徒をつまみ食いして…
TL: "That was why I snacked on other students instead"
ED: missing detail, description

OG: あいつら畜生口も軽かった!和姦だったのに俺だけ悪者かよ!?
TL: "They were so easy! I was accused of rape. Why am I the only bad guy?!"
ED: the only correct part of this line is "Why am I the only bad guy". it's missing tone and multiple statements

OG: …だからこのコレクションを見返してはオカズにしてんのさ…せめてもの復讐に
TL: "That's why I kept this collection so I can cherish those times...for revenge, at least"
ED: missing detail, also "cherish those times for revenge"?

OG: 真っ先にお前に手ぇ出していや…
TL: "I couldn't lay my hands on you before..."
ED: he's not talking about being able to

OG: なあああ頼むよおおぉ!!
TL: "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?"
ED: this is just incorrect

OG: もうなーんも無いんだよおぉ!クビになってずっとご無沙汰だしいい!
TL: "I have nothing left! It's been so long since I got fired. It should be fine!"
ED: he's not saying anything's fine

OG: 今日で終わりにしよう…
TL: "Let's call it a day..."
ED: pretty loose translation for a guy about to end his life
Posted on 18 April 2023, 00:51 by:   Smakrakki    PM
Score +22
That was a good fap

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