[THE Waidan (Wacoco Waco)] Nikushoku Danshi Yuki-kun o Konya wa Watashi ga Itadakimasu | Tonight I Will Have the Carnivorous Boy Yuki-kun [English] [Painful Nightz]
002 OG: 別にセックスが好きなわけではない TL: "Another night of having sex I don't even like" ED: he's just saying he doesn't particularly like having sex (directly related to narration on next page)
OG: あ、ここ好きなんだ TL: "Oh! I like it there" ED: wrong speaker
OG: 今びくってした TL: "Let me do that" ED: this line is about being surprised
OG: しゅきぃ♡ TL: N/A ED: erased bubble
003 OG: ただ皆に愛されて大切にきれてきた子が / 俺みたいな人間に身体を許してしまう / その瞬間が見たいだけ / TL: "A child who was loved and cherished by everyone" / "I let people like her take my body as they please" / "I just do this to get what I want" ED: these aren't separate thoughts, they're all connected with the narration from the prev page. he just wants to see a lovable girl give her body up to someone like him
OG: 15時に西通りのカフェどうですか? TL: N/A ED: erased bubble
OG: 了解 TL: N/A ED: erased bubble
OG: こういう空っぽそうな子とセックスするのは TL: "Now I'm curious about doing it with this child" ED: he talking about having sex with a shallow girl like her (directly related to next narration box and the prev page)
005 OG: はんぶんこね TL: "Enjoy your meal" ED: he's talking about sharing the food
OG: みいちゃん悪くないよ TL; "Miki-chan it's not your fault" ED: Mii-chan
006 OG: ね?簡単でしょ TL: "Isn't that too easy?" ED: he's showing the reader like "See? That was easy right?"
OG: そんな1日のはずだった / のに TL: "Was it supposed to be like this?" / "Isn't it?" ED: he's saying that's how the day was supposed to go (related to all of the prev narration)
008 OG: ねえみいちゃん TL: "Hey Miki chan" ED: Mii-chan
OG: ゆきくんももっと飲んで〜! TL: "Do you want another one?" ED: she's not asking