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[Suimitsutou Koubou (Momo no Suidousui)] ShiboYuki Futanari Yukiho ga Shiborareru Hon (THE iDOLM@STER) [English] [Digital]

[水密桃工房 (モモの水道水)] 搾雪ふたなり雪歩が搾られる本 (アイドルマスター) [英訳] [DL版]

Posted:2023-08-14 00:41
Language:English  TR
File Size:19.51 MiB
Length:17 pages
Favorited:428 times
Average: 1.62

Showing 1 - 17 of 17 images

Posted on 14 August 2023, 00:41 by:   BowserTheRealOne    PM
Uploader Comment
If any of you want the doujin in the original language, just write to me under the name on the last page or best of all buy it from the artist himself. ;)
Posted on 14 August 2023, 01:22 by:   AriesWarlock    PM
Score +85
Posted on 14 August 2023, 02:05 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +698
MTL is of course at its worst when it's a short, simple work like this one. And yet, despite the difficulty of qualifying, you still managed. Here we go...

Rough Translation Tag:

Page 2
JP: 最近のゆきぴょんは見境無さ過ぎ!
TL: Yuki-pyon's been far too indiscriminate lately!
OP: Yukiho these days is too indiscriminated!
Justification: On top of 'indiscriminated' not being a real word, it drops AmiMami's nickname for Yukiho, probably because OP can't read Japanese and is just guessing.

JP: 第1回!!
TL: First Annual!!
OP: First time!!!
Justification: There is actually a difference here; the point is that AmiMami are announcing a special event, and that this will be the first annual holding of that event. It's not that it's the first time they've all been together to fuck Yukiho.

JP: 搾りきるまで帰れまてん♥
TL: Until she's squeezed dry she won't be allowed to lueave♥
OP: She can't go home... until everything is squeeted out♥
Justification: This one I'm not going to actually count as part of the 10 requirements, but I'm putting it here anyway. Again, this doesn't count towards the 10 because hey, whatever.

Page 3
JP: ふっふっふ…それじゃあさっそく
TL: Hehehe... Then without further ado...
OP: Fu fu fu... Well then...
Justification: Left out the さっそく part.

JP: 真美がお手てで♡ 亜美が足(あち)でしてあげるね♡
TL: Mami's gonna use her handy-hands♡ | And Ami'll use her feety-feets, kay?♡
OP: Mami will use her hands♡ | And Ami will use her feet♡
Justification: Not going to count this one, but the artist specifically had both girls speaking sickeningly-cutesy here.

Page 4
JP: どーお雪ぴょん 真美達のごほーしは
TL: Well, Yuki-pyon~? What do you think of our technique?
OP: oh oh Yukiho... I think you are going to cum♡
Justification: Not even close to what was originally said. As a note "gohoushi" is more like "service (to)," but in an erotic context it refers to servicing someone, so 'technique' is probably the best way to convey that in English. Also there was no heart emoji in the original.

Page 5
JP: 相変わらずすごい量だぞ
TL: You shot a massive load per usual!
OP: It's still a huge amount.♡
Justification: Doesn't actually convey what Hibiki was saying (and we know Hibiki was talking because of the 'da zo' verbal tic). Also there was no heart emoji in the original.

JP: じゃあ次は自分達の番だぞ♡
TL: Well, now it's our turn!♡
OP: Now it's my turn♡
Justification: Hibiki specifically says 自分達 which is her way of using a plural self-reference form. She's referring to both herself and Yayoi here, and again, it's Hibiki speaking not Yayoi.

Page 6
JP: はへ ふひほっひあお♡ (はい つぎはこっちだぞ)
TL: khay, neghst ish aight ere~ ('Kay, next is right here!)
OP: Yukiho... Fuck my throat♡
Justification: Not what was said at all; the artist specifically had Hibiki "speaking" with her mouth wide open, slurring her speech. Nor did she say Yukiho's name.

Page 8
JP: あ、あずささんッ 胸の圧力しゅごいっ♡
TL: A-Azusa-san!! Your tits are squeezing sho amazingly tightly!♡
OP: Azusa, the pressure on your chest... is intense♡
Justification: OP's version isn't really correct English, misses the point, and drops the slight slurring of Yukiho's voice in the original.

JP: あああ♥出りゅ♥
OP: (left completely untranslated)
Justification: This bubble was left completely untranslated because OP probably can't read Japanese and so thought it was just a sound effect instead of a speech bubble.

Page 9
JP: よいのですか雪歩
TL: Are you quite certain, Yukiho?
OP: It's ok... you can Do it♡
Justification: This bubble leads into the next one. The full sentence is, "Are you quite certain, Yukiho? There is more where that came from." There was no heart emoji in the original text for Azusa's speech bubble, either.

Page 11
JP: もう必要ないんじゃない?
TL: But you don't need my help, right?
OP: I don't need it anymore. I don't need it anymore, ore do I?
Justification: This actually refers back to previously when Yukiho suggested she was at her limit. Ritsuko is snarkily commenting that surely Yukiho doesn't need her help here since she's all done cumming. Also, OP's version repeats and makes no sense.

Page 13
JP: これだけ搾れば大人しくなるわよね いや…
TL: If she's been wrung out this many times, surely she'll have calmed down by now... Wait...
OP: I think I will stay quiet... I mean...
Justification: Not even close to what Iori said.

There are more, but that should cover the tag requirements.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 02:29 by:   BowserTheRealOne    PM
Score -100
@Nomake Wan

Thank you for the correction. I usually translate from Korean to English because Korean is my second main language. I'm currently in the process of learning Japanese, which is why I often have to resort to using DeepL. Therefore, I translate these doujinshi just for fun and for learning purposes.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 02:41 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +331
@BowserTheRealOne If you are translating "for fun and learning purposes," please do not release them for public consumption. Thank you.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 02:44 by:   cutegyaru    PM
Score +268
You know it's bad when Nomake gets dragged out of his year-long hiatus to make a rough TL post.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 02:59 by:   BowserTheRealOne    PM
Score -100
@Nomake Wan, you don't have to read it, you can just read the untranslated version if you're good at Japanese. Basically nobody has to read it and can wait for a better translation, I don't force anyone to read my translation. And no, unfortunately I have to publish the doujin, otherwise I can't add it to my favorites. Also, most of my translation agrees with what you wrote just in a different spelling.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 03:05 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +474
@BowserTheRealOne That you do not even grasp the depth of the problem here is reason enough to not publish your DeepL "translations" here. You fail to understand the basics of what makes a translation a translation. You need an understanding of the original language so you can fully understand the context, you need a full understanding of the target language so you can express yourself properly, and you need an understanding of the target audience so you can choose your meanings in a way your audience will understand. It's not just looking things up in a dictionary and slapping some words onto a page and calling it good. It's about giving your (in this instance, English-speaking) reader the same experience as a Japanese reader would have had reading the original work.

I do hope you improve, but again I implore you to take some time and reflect on yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and understand that having respect for the artist means not releasing sub-par MTL rubbish like this.

EDIT: To be clear, the point here is not that people like me can read the untranslated version. The point is that people who -cannot- read the untranslated version rely on translators to provide an English version they -can- read, and they -trust- that those translations are actually correct to what the artist wrote in the original language. When that trust is betrayed by poor-quality MTL, it ruins those readers' experience with the author's works. That's why you should avoid releasing translations you know are of poor quality.
Last edited on 14 August 2023, 03:20.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 03:30 by:   BowserTheRealOne    PM
Score -100
@Nomake Wan
You're talking about respect for the artist on a platform that is designed to pirate artists' works. How about you start by showing respect for the artist yourself and buy the doujinshi before you talk about respecting the artist, ok?
As mentioned before, I've translated it for myself, whether anyone reads it or not doesn't bother me. I wouldn't have expected someone to be so frustrated about a translation of a doujin meant for jerking off. I'm not preventing anyone from translating it themselves and uploading it. In the time you've spent arguing with me, you could have translated and uploaded the doujin yourself. Additionally, I've already apologized; I could have also chosen not to write anything and just ignore it.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 03:40 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +434
It's odd that you think I didn't already buy this from the artist within hours of it becoming available. That was how I knew what the JP text was before there was a raw available on E-H.

Also, you have fallen back on all the usual trite arguments made by insecure people who defend their use of MTL. "It's just porn bro," "It's for free why does it matter that it's poor quality," "I'm just doing this for fun," "If you can read Japanese you don't need this anyway," "Just don't read it if you don't like it," etc etc. If I had a bingo card, I'm sure I would have won by now.

Again, you miss the entire point. At no point in your uploader comment nor your credit page do you mention to anyone that you do not actually understand Japanese, lack a firm grasp of English, that you are "just doing this for fun," or that you relied on DeepL. You passed yourself off as a legitimate translator right up until someone who actually speaks the language called you out, at which point you trotted out all the usual arguments to downplay your own responsibility. Heck in your credits page you even offer to do translation requests, despite not being qualified!

Please, just take a break. There are plenty who can translate these things, and artists like Momonosuidousui and Aomushi are plenty popular enough on their own to get real translations. Just keep your MTL to yourself until you've learned enough Japanese to not rely on it. Thank you.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 04:00 by:   BowserTheRealOne    PM
Score -100
@Nomake Wan
Well, it's true that I mainly do it for myself, but I don't really care if you perceive that as an excuse. Additionally, the assumption is also made that if someone reads the doujin on, they haven't purchased it. Furthermore, the untranslated version was uploaded simultaneously with my translation. But, as I've already mentioned, the majority of what I've translated aligns with your translation, just worded differently. Also, this will be my final message because I truly have better things to do. 👋
Posted on 14 August 2023, 07:05 by:   thowok    PM
Score +205
And now thanks to you we will never get an actual translation of this work. Please never publish anything ever again
Posted on 14 August 2023, 14:45 by:   Ensei Sohryu    PM
Score +109
Absolute trash, holy shit.
Posted on 14 August 2023, 16:20 by:   VetoHunter    PM
Score +170
not that you care but on top of everything Nomake said, the typesetting and image quality are dogmeat
if you did this for your own fun and learning purposes(which you did not, because this is clear MTL with mild corrections) you do not have much interest in your own self-education and you clearly lack any passion that would make the process enjoyable
you churned this out in all of a few hours, rushing every aspect of it from the machine translation to the sloppy typesetting to somehow putting up terrible quality even though this is a digital release- and for what? clout?
you pay for Twitter Blue so i guess attention is all you actually care about
Posted on 14 August 2023, 16:29 by:   Nomake Wan    PM
Score +216
It should be noted that on page 6 in the upper-right corner you can see that the terrible quality compared to the original digital release is at least partially because he probably got this from a website that shares LQ mobile versions of doujins, as there appears to be part of a website's navigational interface visible in the gallery.

As for a proper translation, way ahead of you guys, I intended to have one done before I even wrote the justification for the rough TL tag. It's just that I'm only a translator, not an editor or typesetter. Fortunately someone has already offered to help me there, so you'll have an alternative translation soon(tm). Good scanlations take time is all. Peace!
Posted on 15 August 2023, 04:50 by:   The_Riddler69    PM
Score +2
neck yourself
Posted on 17 August 2023, 00:41 by:   SomeUne    PM
Score +48
for someone that has "better things to do" you sure wasted a bunch of your time on this steaming pile of mtl-fu dogshit
Posted on 17 August 2023, 06:41 by:   crudebuster    PM
Score -4
this reminds me of some RaTe and TK-1's doujins where the girls cum so much they actually stop fucking just to shower themselves for pages
Posted on 18 August 2023, 16:54 by:   maximovich    PM
Score -100
@BowserTheRealOne keep uploading mtl translated dojins, preferably in 1280x, reading the demanding leechers makes me laugh

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