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My Princess Peach Power-ups ideas/art.

Posted:2023-09-01 20:51
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Length:13 pages
Favorited:5 times
Average: 1.48

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Posted on 01 September 2023, 20:51 by:   BeReasonable    PM
Uploader Comment
Here some of my ideas/art for Super Mario. Bros Power-Ups with Princess Peach.

1. Name: The Cock Shroom
Appearance: A power up mushroom that looks like a cock tip.
Description: The power up strips Peach all of her clothes leaving her completely naked revealing the huge hyper endowed flaccid cock and balls that she have gain from the power up. She gain the ability to attack enemies with her huge floppy cock by doing a short spin attack.

2. Name: Junk Head Mushroom
Appearance: A mushroom power up that looks like a cock tip.
Description: The power up permanently turn Peach's head into a huge floppy cock and her breast becomes huge ballsack.

3. Name: The Halo
Appearance: A angel halo with eyes in the middle and two angel wings on the sides.
Description: The power up turn Peach into a naked angelic being with a voluptuous body and huge busty breast and two angel wings. Angel Peach is completely naked except for a tiny green fig leaf on her vagina.

4. Name: The Queen Crown
Appearance: The power up looks similar to Peach's princess crown with eyes on it.
Description: A one of kind power up that can permanently make anyone or thing into a powerful queen. Princess Peach come upon the Queen Crown and it somehow wind up on Peach's rear causing her butt to suddenly gain sentient and awareness. The power of the Queen Crown remove Peach's clothes leaving her completely naked and suddenly her now sentient rear take completely control of her body and mind making her to stand on her hands. With Peach's rear in control Peach now is a completely insentient emotionless being with no will or identity of it own. Peach's rear is now a self proclaimed queen declaring herself Queen Rear.
Note: You can change rear/butt part with Peach's vagina becoming sentient and a queen instead of her rear/butt if you want.

5. Name: Bowser Fruit
Appearance: A fruit power up with eyes and a Bowser's face or symbol on it.
Description: A power up turn anyone into a clone of Bowser. The power up permanently turn Peach into a female Bowser clone that think it is the real Bowser and 'Princess Bowser' is completely unaware of that it is Peach that been turn into Bowser and due to that Princess Bowser is looking for Princess Peach so the Bowser clone can kidnap her but unaware is the Bowser clone is her.

6. Name: Super Pregnant Orb
Appearance: A pink orb-like power up.
Description: A power up that suddenly make the user super pregnant with and constantly giving birth to fully grown naked mindless clones of themselves. A picture super pregnant and naked running through a course/stage with some of her mindless clones that she recently give birth to following behind her.

7. Name: Neanderthal or Caveman Bone Club, Snu Snu shroom
Appearance: The power up is cavemen bone club or a mushroom with eyes.
Description: The power up permanently turn the user into a naked primitive caveman version of themselves. The power up turn Princess Peach into a naked voluptuous and busty cave-woman with a bone club. 'Cave-women Princess Peach' is super strong but is not very smart she speak in primitive grunts.

8. Name: The Street or Ghetto Flower
Appearance: A flower power up that looks like a night district light sign.
Description: A flower power up that permanently turn the user into a cheap slutty street corner prostitute version of themselves. The power up turn Princess Peach into a voluptuous slutty busty street corner prostitute with slutty revealing ghetto clothing that wander street and ghetto-like neighborhoods looking for cock suck for coins despite her being a princess to a kingdom.

9. Name: Inception Suit or the Princess Peach Suit
Appearance: A block with a image of a person within a image of another person.
Description: A suit/costume power up that cause the user to wear a very realistic and detailed power suit/costume of their selves. Peach is wearing a full body power suit of her naked body with her face sticking out of the suit's/costume's mouthpiece. The suit/costume power up enhances or double the power of her abilities.

10. Name: The Hot Morny Milf Shroom
Appearance: A mushroom power up with a red lipstick symbol on it's head.
Description: A mushroom power up that turn Peach in a hot horny milf with a hot mom body with huge hips.

11. Name: The Karen Shroom
Appearance: A mushroom power up with a karen hairstyle and shades or glasses, or a power up that looks like a expired coupon.
Description: A mushroom power up that turn Peach into a rude/entitle busty shortstack Karen with a karen hairstyle and shades or glasses wearing tight revealing pants and a small tight tank top-like slip holding a cup of coffee while demanding to see the manager.

12. Name: The Sexy Bulb or Bimbo Flower
Appearance: A flower power up that looks like a bimbo lips.
Description: A flower power up that turn Peach into a naked voluptuous busty slutty airhead/ditzy bimbo with bouncy breast. Her only thoughts are finding some cock to suck on.

13. Name: Radical Cap or the Hip Cap
Appearance: A the power up looks like a cap from the "radical" 90s.
Description: The power up turn Peach into a voluptuous and radical hip woman wearing tight teen clothes and a cap backward while cringely behaving like the "cool and hip" kids from the 90s. She speaks in 'the young hip cool people lingo'.

14. Name: The Maid Bell
Appearance: A bell power up with a maid ribbon.
Description: The bell power up turn Peach into a submissive busty maid in a revealing maid outfit ready to take her master's orders.

15. Name: The Mecha Shroom
Appearance: A power up that looks like a giant screw.
Description: The power up turn Princess Peach into a sexy busty female battle fembot that is waiting for orders.

16. Name: Wendy Coin
Appearance: A gold coin with Wendy Koopa's face on one side and on the other side her expose privates.
Description: The power up turn Princess Peach into a voluptuous busty slutty naked female Koopaling version of herself.

17. Name: Inverse Mirror
Appearance: A magical hand mirror with a dark sinister expression in the mirror.
Description: A magical mirror that flip Peach's personality turning her into a evil exhibitionist princess wearing a version of her outfit that exposes her breast and privates.

18. Name: Dom Shroom
Appearance: A mushroom power up with a dominatrix police cap.
Description: A mushroom power up that turn Peach into a lewd dominatrix with a revealing dominatrix cop outfit.

19. Medusa's Mirror
Appearance: A hand-mirror with the face of Medusa on it.
Description: A hand mirror turn Peach into a voluptuous busty snake woman with snakes as her hair and a snake bottom instead of legs. She is in a pose that exposes her pubes and pussy.

20. Name: Business Tie or Business Clipboard
Appearance: The power up that looks like a business tie or a clipboard.
Description: The power up turn Princess Peach into a hot no-nonsense business babe or secretary wearing a sexy business woman outfit with a short skirt that shows that she is not wearing any panties revealing her pubes and pussy.
Posted on 01 September 2023, 21:17 by:   Aconic    PM
Score +65
Would it be okay if I forwarded these ideas to Miyamoto-san?, I think they have real potential.
Posted on 01 September 2023, 21:17 by:   redlegionnaire    PM
Score +207
in an age of accessible AI art, this is rebellion and I unironically support it.
Posted on 01 September 2023, 22:46 by:   Hirakimax    PM
Score +16
thanks for this i gave it 5 stars
Posted on 02 September 2023, 00:05 by:   eieiuipoa    PM
Score +2
Posted on 02 September 2023, 00:06 by:   iamlmy_    PM
Score +7
Posted on 02 September 2023, 03:15 by:   SunsetEclipse77    PM
Score +64
nice thank i cummed my pant
Posted on 02 September 2023, 06:20 by:   CG2324    PM
Score +28
This was posted on Miiverse, right? Gotta farm those "Yeah"s
Posted on 03 September 2023, 16:25 by:   Aosiben    PM
Score -14
What the fuck,this is pile of shit😅😅
Posted on 03 September 2023, 19:27 by:   Zoro the Gallade    PM
Score +21
Bepis. Balls, even.
Posted on 05 September 2023, 07:34 by:   nikgtasa    PM
Score +16
Truly the of our time.
Posted on 06 February 2024, 15:20 by:   神永明日见AKAGI    PM
Score +4
Posted on 06 March 2024, 05:12 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +13
dont you have to be 18 at least to be on here?

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