Raw: https://e-hentai.org/g/2400938/f17ffe28ee/ Eng TL: Fjorded, my non-donating ass can't search & link it for you. ----------------------------------------------------------
I wish those who publish officially uncensored versions stop messing with original images beyond what's necessary. Those obnoxious fuckers keep upscaling, cropping and messing with original colors and details and quality. No issue with you uploader. You just uploaded whatever mess you got from them.
Ideally you should take only the uncensored parts from messed up release, and then just paste them over the original release while preserving the original quality. But rarely anyone has time for that kind of effort. Somehow only those lolcowizer fuckers who mess with original images have the time do it, While any person with a normally functioning brain would find it a bother.
Those at Doujins.com start to look more and more like "official publisher" these days with how they constantly mess with original image quality and resolutions.
Also DLsite with their jpeg 80 artifacted low quality mess, that they were also initially bloating to jpeg 100 file size to try and fool their customers into believing that they didn't mess with the quality. But at least they stopped the deceptive bloat part recently. Hopefully they stop compressing and destroying the image quality as well.