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[DarkFlame] Alice Miyamoto - That Time I Became a Succubus - Part 14 - Yuuki

Posted:2024-02-15 18:45
File Size:596.6 MiB
Length:724 pages
Favorited:212 times
Average: 4.19

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Posted on 15 February 2024, 18:45 by:   Konata-chan    PM
Uploader Comment
Five months! That's how long it has been since the last TTIBAS chapter! Or has it been 4 months? Too long, some may say! But now it's time, time for the new chapter to be enjoyed by everyone who wants to!

In the previous chapter, Alice was experiencing her worst moments possible. Claire collared her, and she was on the verge of becoming Claire's slave! But thanks to Alice's sister, she managed to escape. This help from Lia, Alice's sister, didn't come cheap. Lia marked Alice's lips with a debt, a debt that Alice would give Lia a slave for her to have fun with. Did Alice forget about that promise? Most importantly, Alice recovered from Claire and fully embraced her life as a succubus, and her succubus powers got enhanced because of that! Neat!

In this chapter, we’ll go into the aftermath of Alice's upgrade. Will Claire know what happened to the clones that Alice absorbed? Will Alice be able to save Yuuki? Or, will she fall into an absolute despair and become Claire's minion? The answers to these questions and many more lie within this new chapter!

If you want the story uncensored, you can support me in Fanbox and you will get a downlaod link for you to keep! (Includes all my previous work and stories!)
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Posted on 15 February 2024, 20:42 by:   vanepicin    PM
Score +32
happy endings are super lame
Posted on 15 February 2024, 20:46 by:   Optitron    PM
Score +37
I really liked this chapter overall. Alice does a masterful job of showing that she can be just as clever as Claire by creating the perfect bait to draw Yuuki into a position where she can finally free her, and then takes the necessary precautions to ensure that things don't go sideways like they did in her previous attempt. I also appreciate that it appears Mae has been allowed to graduate from minion to succubus-in-training without calling too much attention to the transition, the only hints being the half-finished succubus outfit, cute little wings, and the change in her dynamic with Alice (now referring to her by name rather than as “Mistress”). Most importantly, the imagery inside of Yuuki's mind looks absolutely fantastic, and I love the fact that its left to Yuuki to take the initiative and free herself from Claire's control (mostly) on her own.

That being said, there were some rough patches:
- I'm not sure the scene with Maya served any narrative purpose. Alice had already demonstrated her new overwhelming powers (more on that later) and their effectiveness against Claire's clones. This just kinda felt like a rehash of what she did to the two clones in the last chapter, and the result didn't change the overall power dynamic of Alice and Claire's opposing forces. If this segment was removed, I'm not sure the story would lose anything as a result (other than the fap material).
- I get that Claire has an unshakable view of Alice as being inferior to her, but in this chapter it feels like she supplemented her arrogance medication with stupid pills. She knows that someone or something is destroying her clones, but even though she only knows of one other succubus operating in the same area as her, she seems to prefer to lie back and ignore a clear threat rather than entertain the possibility, however remote she wishes to believe it to be, that maybe Alice has found some way to overcome her current strategy and that she needs to consider changing her tactics. Hell, she could even remain in her denial bubble and determine that Alice might have 'cheated' her way to victory and that she needs to confront her rival to find out what is going on. Instead we have Claire, who has done such a good job of out-thinking her opponents, suddenly abandon all logic and reason and take a nap while her slave picks up her slack the instant things stop going exactly the way she wants. And even worse, she leaves her most valuable asset out on the board with nothing to protect her but one of her clones, knowing that THREE of them have vanished from the minds of potential victims in the last 24 hours. I guess it's a good thing I want to see Claire punished for everything she's done, cause with the way she's playing the game right now there's no chance she's winning.
- I don't really know a kinder way to put this: The first meeting between Alice and Yuuki is kinda cliché. So much of what makes this story good is the ways in which it doesn't play out like a typical romance. Giving a choker as a sign of affection. Making your beloved into a succubus as an affirmation of that affection. These are not typical components in a love story. By comparison, having your protagonist meet her great love by rescuing her like a damsel-in-distress feels so dull and unoriginal that, for me at least, it broke the narrative flow of the scene. Much as I hate to say it, this sequence might have been better off without their first meeting being included, given what it turned out to be.
- This could just be viewed as a personal gripe, but I'm a little annoyed we didn't get a good look at Yuuki's new outfit in this chapter. Even if it just ended up buried in the patreon/fanbox supporters pages, it feels like after witnessing Yuuki's great triumph we should get a nice view of her in all her succubus 2.0 glory... though there is an easy way to get a good look at the outfit through Darkflame's Fanbox spoiler post and -personal preference- I liked her old outfit better.

And here are a few additional notes I had:
P028: “her love is so genuine”?! Motherfucker! You made her love you and you know it!
P375: How Claire wouldn't realize this is exactly what Yuuki would do is beyond me. Brilliant maneuver on Alice's part to lead Yuuki toward this conclusion.
P432: Soooo... Alice didn't actually need Mae's help and could have embarrassed the clone even further by escaping on her own? Ummm... good job approaching things in a more cautious, mature way, I guess...
P444: I love how, from this page until the end of the scene, this is basically Alice and Mae doing to Claire's clone the same thing that she and Yuuki did to Alice in chapter 11. Sweet justice indeed.
P547: I don't have much experience in Koikatsu, but this definitely seems like the most impressive render that's been created for this series up to this point, and I love the end result (dialogue sounds like a tagline on the cover of a 1960's comic book though).
P695-702: Not a single thought spared for the loss of Claire's “precious Yuuki”. Guess that proves how much that 'relationship' was really worth to her.

One final thought: I'm a bit nervous about how OP Alice has become. While it could be argued that this is meant to be mitigated somewhat by her helplessness within Yuuki's mind, that's the result of a choice she makes after acknowledging that she is placing herself in a vulnerable position that only Yuuki will be able to save her from - which, to be clear, is a fantastic moment for Alice and her faith in Yuuki and their relationship. Beyond that though, Alice has steamrolled everything that she's faced since getting her power-up with no signs of any potential weaknesses or drawbacks to her new abilities presenting themselves. Showing a little vulnerability on Alice's part might have provided a bit more drama leading up to (and possibly including) the inevitable final battle with Claire. As it stands, I'm not feeling much suspense going into the next chapter in regards to what will happen. If this were a typical corruption story, I'd imagine the villain could still turn things around, but that's what happens in hentai stories of good versus evil where the corrupting forces of evil are supposed to triumph. This is a battle between succubi where neither side is wholly good, and in this case it only makes sense for the most powerful force to claim victory. Claire's position wasn't looking so hot at the end of last chapter, and now she's got nothing left but Annie, who she's punished (i.e. mind-fucked) into uselessness, and… Shinji, I guess. At this point, it feels like the only big question left to answer is how hard Alice decides to come down on Claire once she's defeated. Then again, this story has blind-sided me (in a good way) with how it has proceeded in the past, and I can't say I'll be sad if Darkflame manages to do so again.
Posted on 15 February 2024, 21:18 by:   FQyl    PM
Score +0
Last edited on 16 February 2024, 14:42.
Posted on 16 February 2024, 02:15 by:   Elnormeme    PM
Score +25
Posted on 16 February 2024, 03:44 by:   膜法少女姜    PM
Score +30
Posted on 16 February 2024, 05:22 by:   Optitron    PM
Score +41
@vanepicin there's a "to be continued" on the last page for a reason, right? You know what they say about duels between dream succubi: it ain't over 'til the last succubus screams... out... in ecstasy... yeah, somebody probably said that before... maybe...
Posted on 16 February 2024, 06:52 by:   DarkAnarchy    PM
Score +14
fucking fantastic, thank you! I'm happy to see Yuki and Alice together again!
Posted on 18 February 2024, 18:13 by:   CF7758758    PM
Score +12
Posted on 20 February 2024, 10:50 by:   appelman357    PM
Score +27
I'm so tired to see everywhere a happy endings where power of love and friendship beats everything, and especially when in decisive moment, where power scales turning up to protagonist, antagonist becomes very stupid, arrogant, lazy, that he/she ignores every threat and "red lights" that comes, I start to see it in almost every your big stories that you released. I believe in your choices on how you do your story, i just hope that not every your story would end up a happy endings with love, friendship and other things, that story endings would be unexpected to everyone. Maybe i'm the only one that thinks that way, but if I'm not alone in my reflections, I would be pleased if you consider on what said in this post, thank you.
P.S.: I'm not saying every story must have bad or unexpected ending, good ending also great, just hope not every story would end up like that. Maybe I just want to see my favorite characters to be corrupted by antagonist very bad 😏
Last edited on 20 March 2024, 06:40.

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