Ha! Fun to see the Ratchet and Clank reference, that's a nice touch since both it and Starfox are furry science fiction series. Also, nice job with Fox's bulge. You've handled Krystal's curves nicely, so it'll be great to see how much of a big stud you can make Fox! A good detail throughout the comic is how well you've used different fonts to match the dialog, doing "huge" in all caps here is an excellent example along with the long look afterwards.
Thanks for sharing your artwork! Looking forward to seeing more from you!
Nice montage on page 8! Really impressive work with all the font effects there, like the zipper, BREAK and pussy. Neat to see you do so many different stylish fonts well. Also, you draw a beautiful big butt! Fox's Looney Tunes style reaction to it was hilarious. The other details like the floating hearts were nice touches too. Hopefully Fox is is big enough to justify all the build up!
Thanks! I'm trying to try harder on the next pages :] And for me, I think Krystal is going to love it as much as Fox! Well... Once he gets rid of his nerves he will draw the sword of the thundercats! I'm sure of it. Thanks!
Glad to see you're continuing with this! The new page is funny. It's great how unique your comic style is, you really make these pages feel dynamic with the different angles, sound effects, and other details. Also, you do hilariously great expressions and reaction shots! Looking forward to seeing how over-the-top you can go with the sexiness.
Do you have a gallery anywhere online? In any case, thanks for sharing your artwork!
Thanks as always!, right now I don't have gallery on other sites, right now I'm a bit busy with boring adult life/work xd as soon as I get a good job, I'll try to be faster with this : ]