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[DarkFlame] Alice Miyamoto - That Time I Became a Succubus - Part 15 - Tighter Bonds

Posted:2024-05-19 15:08
File Size:435.2 MiB
Length:561 pages
Favorited:161 times
Average: 4.37

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Posted on 19 May 2024, 15:08 by:   Konata-chan    PM
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Hello fans and supporters, I have finally done it! The newest chapter of That Time I Became a Succubus is here! This is still not the final chapter of this season/arc, so I hope you're excited for the next one because it's going to be the final one before the next season/arc begins. I have not yet decided what it’s going to be about, but I have a lot of time to think about it.

Okay, first of all, a little recap about the previous chapter, because it's been quite some time since it happened. Last chapter, Alice and Mae formed a plan to take Yuuki back from Claire's claws. But first, Alice helped Maya and managed to absorb the new clone of Claire that was rooted deep inside of her mind. After a long and tough dream inside Yuuki's mind, Alice's love for Yuuki managed to help her break free from Claire’s control and regain her freedom in a new and sexy succubus form.

Now, right after that whole scene, Yuuki wants to prove to Alice that she is ready, even after all that’s happened to her, she wants to show that she is still tough and a succubus worthy of Alice's love. Will Yuuki prove that she is a better succubus than before? What will Claire do now?

If you want the story uncensored, you can support me in Fanbox and you will get a download link for you to keep! (Includes all my previous work and stories!)
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Or if you want, you can read this story in our new website!
Posted on 19 May 2024, 20:36 by:   toff48    PM
Score +6
lyras chronicles 5.5
Posted on 19 May 2024, 21:53 by:   Flamering121    PM
Score +37
Honestly i wished there was an alternative ending where Claire won, it's so much hotter with her as a villain. Still great work as usual
Last edited on 20 May 2024, 06:55.
Posted on 20 May 2024, 08:34 by:   Optitron    PM
Score +12
My reaction to this chapter is torn. On the one hand, I love the first part of this story. Seeing Yuuki proving her strength as a succubus and showing off her new abilities is fantastic. I love that Annie is not left as an afterthought to Claire's defeat, and the fact that a newly empowered Yuuki is the one to save her, given that it was Claire's use of Annie as a honey trap to ensnare Yuuki that started this whole storyline of events in the first place, feels quite fitting. The only thing that mars this somewhat is Yuuki's repeated comments that its her fault that this happened to Annie in the first place. It's not. It is 100% Claire's fault that all of this happened, and I hope she realizes this and accepts that none of this was on her at some point.

I'm also a big fan of how Annie turned out. I don't mean the design of her minion outfit – if I haven't made this clear by now, I'm a fan of TTIBAS in spite of the latex outfits, not because of them – but rather her characterization after being freed from Claire's control. I like that she has the good sense to be wary of Yuuki despite the fact that she'd just rescued her from Claire, and that her reactions to the bizarre experiences she's having feel realistic and believable. More than that though, I love that pretty much the instant that she's told she can do whatever she wants with the enslaved Claire clone, she does exactly that, and with gusto. Watching Annie tormenting the clone felt so cathartic for me as someone who, for whatever reason, latched onto Annie's character when she was first introduced and never let go of wanting to see her brought back from the hell Claire cast her into and be allowed to join her friends as the minion of Alice and Yuuki that we all knew she was meant to be. In short, this was a moment in the story I've been waiting a long time for, and something I imagine could go down as my own personal high point in the TTIBAS story. But why would I say that, when we haven't yet reached this story arc's climax? Well…

That stray thought Yuuki had about Alice doing something that she might regret has me worried. First off, I'm not really sure where this is coming from. It seems like everyone is on board with punishing Claire, and Alice's words on the matter appear to be perfectly in line with what everyone else is saying. After everything Claire has done to Alice and her friends, why shouldn't she want to make her pay? She says her punishment will make Claire wish she'll never fall asleep again, so she's clearly not planning to kill her. What other punishment besides that could be so horrific that Yuuki would object to it? I get Yuuki not wanting to lose Alice to a path of vengeance that could leave her a different person than the succubus she loves, especially when they've just been reunited, and I'm perfectly fine with Yuuki having to save Alice from her darker impulses if it turns out that her love really is planning to do something too unforgivable to be allowed. However, Yuuki's thoughts here feel like a potential setup for her to prevent Alice from giving Claire the punishment she deserves, and the last thing I want is Claire getting a less severe punishment than she deserves. At this point, Claire has hurt and abused every major character in the story (except maybe Maya? I dunno, she seemed to be kinda into the whole thing), and every major character in the story now hates her guts, and deservedly so. As a general rule, I don't think answering abuse with abuse is a good idea, but given that this is a story involving succubi that can manipulate the dreams of others, I'm sure there are all kinds of ways to make Claire experience a great deal of pain and suffering without causing her any real lasting damage, which is more than can be said for her victims. Alice and her friends probably should not answer cruelty in kind, but they do deserve a justice that insures they will never have to worry about experiencing Claire's wrath (or really ever having to see her face or interact with her) ever again, and I don't want a last minute plea from Yuuki to spare her from getting what she's had coming for almost half of this story's runtime. Anyway, that may have been a bit too much speculating about future events rather than analyzing the work at hand, so moving on…

The rest of the chapter is fine. The stuff with the clones near the end was perhaps a little too goofy, with them basically being used as disposable distractions during that big confrontation, and I kinda hope their use and presence is curtailed a bit in future chapters / story arcs, especially since it has sometimes been hard to know whether a particular Claire is a clone or not, and I don't think it would be great for that to become a potential ongoing issue for all the succubi in the series. I really appreciate that Yuuki's new charm ability was quickly shown to be useful but not ridiculously overpowered. I also loved seeing Yuuki fight through Claire's mind control one last time, though I wonder if I was alone in wishing that she'd followed that up by punching Claire in the face before using the tentacle thing on her. Overall, I think this chapter did its job of progressing the story and providing mostly consistent character development (“you're all rotten inside” seemed like a pretty intense thing for Yuuki of all people to say), and, with the one big notable exception, am pretty happy with what we got.

Here's hoping the final chapter in the Claire arc brings proceedings to a fitting and happy conclusion for all… except Claire, as I wish only the worst for her.
Posted on 22 May 2024, 06:55 by:   SHKQXW    PM
Score +6
To be honest, I wanted more twists in the story, but the piece is still a good one
Posted on 23 May 2024, 01:20 by:   Elnormeme    PM
Score +5
Posted on 28 May 2024, 15:20 by:   yifuyifu    PM
Score +6

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