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More CustomTease Instructor Cards Sets 1-8

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Posted on 28 November 2010, 09:36 by:   Gonki    PM
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I saw that CTI got very popular here and so i decided to upload more cards. These cards are split in 8 sets. You can see which card belongs to which set here:
____________________Set 1_______________________________

#001 (Stroke It!): A slow, teasing stroke concentrated on the underside. Use no more than two fingertips, and rub as lightly as possible.

#002 (Stroke It!): A slower stroke along the full length. Keep the total time of your stroking period per slide constant, but use half as much total strokes. The effect of this card is cumulative, I.E. if it comes up again while you are still under its effect, stroke 1/4 as fast, and so on.

#003 (Stroke It!): A "milking" stroke. On the next slide, use only upward strokes. On the one after, use only downward strokes, and repeat the pattern until the next instruction card appears.

#004 (Nice Mistress): Even Mistresses show mercy occasionally. You've earned the right to stroke at your own pace until the next card.

#005 (Rough Mistress): Of course, that comes with a price - she needs attention as well. Don't touch any part of yourself for the next 5 slides, and ignore any other cards that come up during that period. After the 5 slides are up, return to the stroking pattern established by the last card, or your own if none have appeared.

#006 (Rough Mistress): Can you believe we've been ignoring your balls all this while? Tug, squeeze and rub them as hard as you can as you stroke, until the next instruction card appears.

#007 (Rough Mistress): Stop stroking and hands off - until the next card, you aren't allowed to touch any part of yourself save for your nipples. Pinch, rub and likewise tease only one nipple for each slide, and alternate nipples every slide until the next card appears.

#008 (Rough Mistress): If you're striving to cum, some simple cock bondage is just the right thing to curb your need. Keep a cock ring, hair tie, or likewise instrument handy for this card. Fasten it snugly around the base of your cock (and around your balls to if you can manage it), and leave it on for the next 15 slides. For every instruction card that appears in that 15-card window, add another, preferably around your balls or the head. If you don't have one on hand, double your stroking speed, and double it again for every instruction card that appears in the 15-card window. These instructions also apply if you run out of rings.

#009 (Rough Mistress): On the next slide, break from your established stroking pattern and bring yourself as close to orgasm as you can without going over the edge. Do not touch any part of yourself on the slide after. If you are on Hands-Off when this card appears, ignore it.

#010 (Chance To Cum): At last, an easy opportunity to cum! - but you have to earn it. If you have not successfully followed 5 instruction cards, ignore this card and stroke on as per previous orders. If you have been edging for a while and have obeyed the necessary amount of cards, you are permitted to use any methods to bring yourself to cum, provided you do so within a window of three slides. As a bonus, if you do not cum within that window, your only punishment is a slide of Hands-Off, and after you may continue the stroking pattern established by the previous card.

Artwork Credits:

Cards 1 & 10: "Take On Me 2" by Takemura Sesshu
Cards 1. 6 & 8: Kamitora
Card 9: Sardax

All other artwork credited to unknown sources.

______________________Set 2_________________________________

#011 (Stroke It!): Basic stroking instruction.

#012 (Stroke It!): A faster stroke. Don't stroke the whole of your cock, but don't stroke super-lightly either.

#013 (Stroke It!): Keep something made of fabric of your choice handy for this card. Socks, undergarments, textbook covers - go wild and use anything (provided that it's yours). Use it as a cock sleeve for the next ten slides. Follow any instruction cards that appear during that window as you usually would.

#014 (Stroke It!): Climb up the ladder. On the next slide, reduce your stroking rate to one stroke per slide. After that, add one more stroke to your count per slide, so that you should stroke 2 times on the second slide, 3 times on the third, and so on until the maximum of 10 strokes is reached. If you make it to 10, take your hands off for the next slide before starting the cycle over again.

#015 (Stroke It!): Climb back down the ladder. Follow the instructions for #014, but start at 10 strokes and finish at 1.

#016 (Stroke It!): Keep your stroke count constant, but only stroke from the base until mid-way up the shaft. Don't touch the head under any circumstances.

#017 (Stroke It!): A much slower stroke - only one full up-and-down trip per slide. Whether you stroke light or hard is up to you. Pray that #019 doesn't appear!

#018 (Nice Mistress): If a "Rough Mistress" or "Into The Chastity Belt" card appears that forces you to stop stroking, you have permission to ignore it. While this extends to cards that appear after the next instruction, you can only have one chance at this at a time: If this card appears again and you still haven't invoked the first one, ignore the second card.

#019 (Nice Mistress): Time to serve, but at least She has been kind enough to let you keep stroking. For the next ten slides, use 1/3 the # of strokes per slide you were using when this card appeared (round up if necessary). Ignore any "Stroke It!" cards that appear in the interim. When 10 slides have finished, stroke at your leisure until the next card appears.

#020 (Rough Mistress): For this card, keep a feather, a paintbrush, a sheet of light fabric, etc. handy. Tickle, rather than stroke, your cock for 10 slides. You may tickle any other part of your body as well. If you have nothing on hand, use your fingertips - but touch lightly!

#021 (Rough Mistress): You have duties to attend to. Don't touch yourself until you get further instructions.

#022 (Rough Mistress): Form a circle with your thumb and forefinger, and grasp around the very base of your cock with it. Using these two fingers, "whip" your cock back and forth in the air - find the speed and grasp that suits you best. Follow your instructions, but "whip" your cock in place of stroking it. Continue this for fifty slides or until five instruction cards have appeared and been successfully carried out - whichever comes first.

#023 (Into The Chastity Belt): We've been too lenient on you so far. Stop stroking for 10 slides, but feel free to touch any part of yourself other than your cock.

#024 (Chance To Cum): At last, all your hard work might pay off! Make sure you're using a slideshow program that displays file names (such as Infranview) before shuffling this card in. Pay attention the last numbers in the filenames of the next two pictures. If they're both even, you may cum within the next five slides. If they're both odd, hands off for the next five slides. If one is odd and one is even, keep stroking as instructed. If one of the filenames does not end in a number, ignore it and count the next one that does.

#025 (Special): This gives you the option of mixing up your slideshow a little, in case you've been on edge for a while and have started to get bored. You may choose to follow this card or not. If you do, exit the slideshow and take a five-minute (use a timer if necessary) break. You may remove up to 20 pictures from your slideshow, and replace them with the same number of new ones of your choosing. Do not add or replace any Tease Instructor cards - you're stuck with those. You are on strict hands-off for these 5 minutes. After 5 minutes have passed, you must continue the slideshow.

Image Credits:
#014: "Akiko-san To Issho 2" by Mitarashi Club
#016: Kamitora
#022: "Love Love Semen" by Team Pheonix
#024: "Virginal Communication" by Sasagawa Hayashi
All other sources unknown.

________________Set 3______________________________________________________

#026 (Stroke It!): A very teasing stroke. On the next slide, perform 10 fast, hard, full strokes. However, you are only allowed 5 strokes on the slide after, and they must be as slow and light as possible.

#027 (Stroke It!): Another slow, teasing stroke. With two wet fingers, slide up and down the full underside of your shaft (not just the sensitive part!), down and up again. Perform 5 of these per slide.

#028 (Stroke It!): Are you teased out yet? Here's an even more agonizing stroke. Hold your cock still by the base and rub in small, soft circles around the very tip. Do 7 of these a slide.

#029 (Stroke It!): With all that teasing you've done, now we can really go to town on your cock. Stroke the shaft according to your instructed pattern, but take any number of the fingertips of your other hand and go and around and around the head with them. Twirl them as close to the tip as you like. Do one full circle for every full stroke, 5 for each slide.

#030 (Stroke It!): Follow your established stroking pattern, but for every slide that goes by, lessen your grip on your cock by a degree. This cycle doesn't repeat, so if you're stroking so lightly as to effectively be on hands-off, you're stuck until the next instruction card appears. After the effect of this card wears off, return to a normal grip.

#031 (Stroke It!): Now we're really getting ready for some fun. Don't stroke during the next two slides - devote them to covering your cock in spit, lotion, baby oil, albolene, or whatever lube you choose. The more lube, the better! Re-lube during further instruction cards, if necessary.

NOTE: This set introduces a number of Mistresses that neutralize some of the more frustrating aspects of "Stroke It!", "Rough Mistress", and "Into The Chastity Belt" cards. If you're on the edge, though, they may turn out to be curses as well!

#032 (Nice Mistress): This card allows you to ignore an order to decrease your stroke count - if a card appears that tells you to stroke at a reduced rate, ignore the effects of that card entirely. Only one of these cards may be active at a time.

#033 (Nice Mistress): This card allows you to ignore an order to vary your stroking pressure - if a card appears that tells you to stroke either lighter or harder, ignore the effects of that card entirely. Only one of these cards may be active at a time.

#034 (Nice Mistress): This card allows you to ignore an order to vary your method of stroking - there are cards later in the series that make you use cock-squeezes and slaps in place of the standard up-and-down stroke. Only one of these cards may be active at a time.

#035 (Nice Mistress): You didn't think you'd get through this game without some good old-fashioned prostate teasing, did you? Don't worry, we won't be going through the back door this time. Try to find it by rubbing the area between your balls and your anus for 10 slides. Keep rubbing regardless of any instruction cards that may appear. Only stop rubbing if you find you don't have any hands free.

NOTE: Of course, we can't play too nice. This set also introduces the evil counterparts of cards #32-33 (as well as #18 from the second set) - mistresses that want to frustrate and deny you of your strokes as much as possible. Have fun!

#036 (Rough Mistress): If the next instruction card that appears is one that orders you into hands-off for a specified number of slides, its "no stroking" period is doubled. This is only valid for the next instruction card.

#037 (Rough Mistress): If the next instruction card that appears is one that orders you to decrease your number of strokes per turn, stop stroking entirely until another instruction card appears. This is only valid for the next instruction card.

#038 (Rough Mistress): If the next instruction card that appears is one that orders you to change your stroke rate per slide, you will adjust your grip accordingly. If you must increase your stroke count, stroke as hard as possible. If you must decrease your stroke count, stroke as light as possible. The number of strokes will be decided by the new card. If said card has any instructions in regards to your stroking pressure, ignore them. This is only valid for the next instruction card.

#039 (Rough Mistress): On the next slide, perform double your amount of specified strokes. Don't stroke on the slide after that, and repeat this pattern until the next instruction card appears. Follow all other aspects of the card that established your stroking pattern.

NOTE: The next two cards introduce other forms of cock stimulation in place of straight-up "stroking". These stay in effect until a specified number of instruction cards appear. Follow these cards, but substitute the activities spelled out in the cards for stroking.

#040 (Rough Mistress): Grip your cock, but squeeze and relax your hand instead of moving up up and down. One tight/loose squeeze equals one full stroke. Squeeze, rather than stroke, for the next 5 instruction cards. Adjust the rate, speed and intensity of the individual squeezes according to instructions. Keep your hand steady, but squeeze your cock at whatever point along the shaft you choose.

#041 (Rough Mistress): Hold your cock by the base and slap it with your other hand. One slap equals one full stroke. Slap, rather than stroke, for the next 3 instruction cards. Adjust the rate, speed and intensity of the individual slaps according to instructions. Keep your gripping hand still, but strike your cock at whatever point along the shaft you choose.

#042 (Rough Mistress): Get into a "milking" position - knees and one hand on the ground, the other hand on your cock. Stay in this position for the next 5 instruction cards. Follow their instructions accordingly, but hold yourself as well as you can.

#043 (Into The Chastity Belt): Time to put your cock away, but your Mistress might let you play with it again soon if her temperament is good. Hands off until the next instruction card appears - if it is a "Nice Mistress" card, you may follow its instructions and immediately resume your stroking pattern. If it is a "Rough Mistress" or any other type of card, hands off for an additional ten slides. Disregard any instruction cards that appear in this time.

#044 (Chance To Cum): You have permission to cum, but you'll have to be creative. You have the next 10 slides - more than enough time - to bring yourself to orgasm, but at no point can your hands touch your cock. If they do, this card is void. You can touch your cock with any other part of yourself, however (toys are forbidden this time)- you can use your arms, your feet, your thighs, your tongue - go wild!

#045 (Chance To Cum): At last, a chance to cum with no strings attached!...almost. If this card appears, you may cum anytime via any method, regardless of how long you've been playing or any orders still in effect. Only a chastity belt can neutralize this card. However, this card can not be used every time. If it appears, regardless of whether you choose to cum or not, you cannot shuffle it into your slideshow the next time you play Tease Instructor - whenever that may be. If you put this card in the slideshow but it does not appear before you cum, you can still add it to your next game...though you can disregard this rule if you're up for a challenge.

Image Credits:
#26, 28: "Aqua Bless" by Yamatogawa
#27: "Akiko-san To Issho 2" by Mitarashi Club
#29: "Mirai Urology Department" by Yunioshi
#36: "Virgin (Sequel Chapter)" by Nao Kokonoki
#37: Tsukasa Jun
#39: Bielegraphics
#41: "Virginal Communication" by Sasagawa Hayashi
#42: Dmitrys
#44: "Pink Sniper" by Yonekura Kengo
#45: Kamitora
All other sources unknown.
Some images have been edited.

________________________Set 4___________________________________________

#046 (Stroke It!): Basic stroking instruction. Make sure that both of your hands remain on your cock at all times.
NOTE: I made this card before Card 036 in the official series came out, but I've decided to keep this one in the pack. Consider it a case of convergent tease evolution!

#047 (Stroke It!): Do you like to stroke fast or slow? No matter, because here's a chance to do both! Make your "going up" trips fast, but slide your hand back down your cock as slowly and deliciously as possible. Do five full, up and down strokes per slide.

#048 (Stroke It!): Like #047, this is another varying stroke, albeit a more teasing one. This time, take your time on the upward strokes, but slam down as fast and hard as possible. Do five full, up and down strokes per slide.

#049 (Stroke It!): Take note of the sequence number of this card when it appears. If you are using Infranview or a similar program, this is the number that should appear in brackets somewhere near the bottom of the screen, like this -> [263/390]. Let's use that as our example - since the last digit in the slide number is 3, you would have to do 3 strokes per slide until further instructions. If the last digit in the slide number is 0, then hands off. Whatever number you get, be ready for some heavy duty stroking - don't hold back as far as speed and pressure go.

#050 (Stroke It!): This card determines your stroke count in the same way as #049, but asks the opposite as far as stroking variety goes. Grip your cock as light as you can and gently tease up and down the shaft.

#051 (Stroke It!): Here's a little something to help cool you down if you find yourself on the edge. Whatever your ordered stroke rate per slide is, decrease it by 5. If you are managing 5 strokes or less a slide, then you know what that means. If the previous "Stroke It!" card gave you any orders not related to stroke count, keep those constant if possible.

#052 (Stroke It!): Let's up the ante a bit - do 10 good, full, firm strokes a slide, but give the head a good tease-and-squeeze workout while you do so. You cannot let go of your cockhead while this card is in play.

#053 (Stroke It!): This stroke is designed to put your sense of self-control to the test. This time, there's no cap limit on the number of strokes you're allowed per slide, and you're encouraged to stroke as fast as you can without coming - most of the time. You're on "hands-off" every other slide, and we mean hands completely off. Can you put them right up there where your Mistress can see them? Good. Repeat this "stroke hard/no-stroke" pattern until further instructions.

#054 (Nice Mistress): The next time a "Rough Mistress" card appears, ignore its effects and carry on as usual.

#055 (Nice Mistress): All that stroke-counting getting to you? Well, Mistress is here to help. You may stroke any way you wish - without coming, of course - for the next 10 slides. Ignore all instruction cards that appear during that period, save for "Nice Mistress" cards. When the 10 slides have finished, return to your previous stroking pattern.

#056 (Nice Mistress): Lucky you, your Mistress has decided you've earned a nice pussy-fuck! Thrust your cock in and out of your grip - these will be your "strokes" for a period of three successfully-followed instruction cards. Follow your established "stroking" pattern after this card appears.

#057 (Nice Mistress): Pleasuring your Mistress can be a tough job, but she might grant you some reprieve. Pay attention to the last digit of the sequence number of the next slide - if it's even, continue stroking, at the pace of your choice. If it's odd, hands off (and tongue out!).

#058 (Rough Mistress): The next time a "Nice Mistress" card appears, ignore its effects and carry on as usual.

#059 (Rough Mistress): Are your balls getting sore from all the cum you've been keeping in them? Time to remind them that it could be a lot worse. After you've met your stroke quota for each slide, give a good slap to your balls. The intensity is up to you, but make sure you can feel it. If you fail to finish your required strokes on any given slide, add one more slap on the next. You may stop at the next instruction card - though you'll have to keep slapping if that card is another "Rough Mistress".

#060 (Rough Mistress): If you earn the right to cum at the next instruction card, you forfeit the right to spurt. Squeeze your cock hard during ejaculation and only allow a few drops of sperm to dribble out.

#061 (Rough Mistress): Make sure the slideshow order is set to "random" if you decide to put this card into play. If the last digit in the sequence number of the next slide is odd, you must ignore the next "Chance To Cum" card entirely. If, however, the same is true for the slide immediately after, you must still follow its conditions without reaching orgasm yourself.

#062 (Rough Mistress): Just exactly how much lube have you wasted in these games? You need to learn to be more resourceful. Take the next slide off to put as much spit (no fancy lubes for you!) on your cock as you can - you'll have to make it last. Follow all instructions for the next 15 slides, but don't apply one more drop of lube to your cock, no matter what orders you get or how tempting it seems. There's an immediate 10-slide hands-off penalty for cheaters. Your lube prohibition can be nullified, though, if a "Nice Mistress" card appears during the 15-slide window.

#063 (Rough Mistress): Ready for another knob-polishing session? Lube up your palm (unless you're under the effects of #062, in which your cockhead may never forgive you) and successfully complete 40 circles around your cockhead before the next instruction card appears. If said card appears before you complete your task, resume your previous stroking pattern, but ignore the next "Chance To Cum" card entirely as a punishment. If, though, the first instruction card to appear is a "Nice Mistress", you may continue to keep polishing at no penalty.

#064 (Rough Mistress): How familiar are you with the edge? During the next 3 slides, you must bring yourself there and back 3 times. Space these out amongst the slides as you wish. If you succeed, take a hands-off break for 3 slides. If you fail, hands off for 10.

#065 (Into The Chastity Belt): This belt allows you to keep stroking as instructed, but you can't cum if an oppurtunity rears its head. You must follow all other instructions on that card, though. This belt is removed when the next "Key" or "Nice Mistress" card appears.

#066 (Into The Chastity Belt/Key): This card will either help you or frustrate you terribly. If the last digit of the sequence number of the next slide is even, you may either get out of a chastity belt if you are in one, or use it to ignore the next "Into The Chastity Belt" card if you don't. If you get an odd number, though, you are effectively placed in chasity - hands off until a "Key" appears.

#067 (Key): Even an old, rusty key can offer you some help if you're locked in. If you are not in a belt when this card appears, ignore it. If the last digit of the sequence number of the next slide is even, resume stroking. If it is odd, stay in chastity for the time being.

#068 (Key): This key won't help you if you're suffering now, but it might in the future. You may ignore either one "Into The Chastity Belt" or "Rough Mistress" card that appears in the future, regardless of whether you're locked in a belt or not. It cannot free you now, however - keep your hands off.

#069 (Chance To Cum): Stroke at a steady rate of 15 quick, firm strokes per slide for the next 15 slides. Ignore any instruction cards that pop up during that period. If a "Nice Mistress" card appears during the 15-slide window, you may cum at the end of it.

#070 (Chance To Cum): Do you feel up to some sensitivity torture? Stimulate only your cockhead, as intensely as possible, for the next 5 slides, during which you may cum anytime. When the last drop of cum leaves your cock, though, you must successfully complete a knop-polishing regimen of 10 circles around your head. If you fail to complete this task, you may only play with one "Chance To Cum" card during your next game of Tease Instructor - or think up an appropriate punishment yourself.

#071 (Chance To Cum): You may cum anytime within the next 5 slides, but you can't stroke your cock or use your hands (or any other body part) to bring you to orgasm. Hump your pillow, use a paintbrush on your sweet spot, employ any toys you may have - get creative! 5 slides is more than enough time to think up a way.

#072 (Chance To Cum): Do you think you rely too much on your cock? You have 15 slides, during which you are allowed to cum without stimulating it with anything in any way. There are no rules other than that. Play with your nipples, tug on your balls, incorporate some anal play - show us how much you want that orgasm!

#073 (Special - "Tease Shuffle"): Here's your chance to spice up the game a bit. You have an option of temporarily exiting the slideshow. You are allowed a 3-minute break - keep a clock or a timer handy. During that time, you may delete up to 5 instruction cards from your slideshow, and replace them with the same number of other instruction cards that aren't in play. Keep in mind that you are not allowed to delete/replace any "Chance To Cum" cards. You are on strict "hands-off" during these 3 minutes. After your break time is up, resume the slideshow and stroke at the rate of your choice until further instructions.

#074 (Special - "Mistress Shuffle"): Do you feel that the game is being too tough on you? Here's a chance to let a little more love (or at least mercy) in. You have an option of temporarily exiting the slideshow. You are allowed a 5-minute break - keep a clock or a timer handy. During that time, you may delete up to 2 "Nice Mistress" cards from your slideshow, and replace them with up to 3 "Nice Mistress" cards that aren't in play. You are on strict "hands-off" during these 3 minutes. After your break time is up, resume the slideshow and stroke at the rate of your choice until further instructions.

#075 (Special - "Cum Shuffle"): Have you put up with enough teasing? Or, do you think you haven't dealt with enough? Here's a chance to shift the odds in your favor as far as orgasms go. You are allowed a 2-minute break - keep a clock or a timer handy. During that time, you may delete one "Chance To Cum" card from your slideshow, and replace it with another one not in play. You are on strict "hands-off" during these 3 minutes. After your break time is up, resume the slideshow and stroke at the rate of your choice until further instructions.

Image Credits:
#046: "Nosewasure" by Shiwasu no Okina
#047, 048: "Take On Me" by Takemura Sesshu
#051, 059, 065, 072: Kamitora
#052, 062, 074: "Prince Of The Stars" by Tsukino Jyogi
#056: "I Humbly Recieve" by Yamatogawa
#057: "Sexfriend" (computer game)
#060: Sardax
#075: "Secret Plot Deep" by NeWMeN
All other sources unknown.
Some images have been edited.

___________________________Set 5________________________________________

#076 (Stroke It!): Basic stroking instruction. Don't stroke too hard or too soft.

#077 (Stroke It!): Speed up a little; add 5 to whatever your current stroke rate per slide is. If you are managing 10 strokes per slide, do 15 and so on. Keep the pressure of your strokes constant - this card doesn't replace the last "Stroke It!" card. If you are on "hands off" when this card appears, stay that way.

#078 (Stroke It!): Take half of what you're currently stroking and add it to your current stroke count. If you are managing 8 strokes per slide, do 12 (8+4) and so on. Round up if necessary. If you are on "hands off" when this card appears, stay that way.

#079 (Stroke It!): Take half of what you're currently stroking and subtract it from your current stroke count. If you are managing 8 strokes per slide, do 4 (8-4) and so on. Round up if necessary. If you are on "hands off" when this card appears, stay that way.

#080 (Stroke It!): Using only one fingertip, rub directly under the head until the next "Stroke It!" card. The pace and intensity of your rubbing, as well as lube, are up to you.

#081 (Stroke It!): Going up! Start from the base and stroke straight up to the tip. Do 10 of these per slide.

#082 (Stroke It!): -And going back down again. Start from the tip and stroke straight down to the base. Do 10 of these per slide.

#083 (Stroke It!): Hold your cock in such a way that your fingertips are on the sweet spot and the back of your hand is facing you. Follow your current stroke rate to start off, and stroke using this grip until the next 3 instruction cards have been successfully followed.

#084 (Stroke It!): Let's hope you're not anywhere near the edge for this card. For the next 5 slides, go wild on your cock. No cumming, and no period of respite after these slides are over - go right back to your ordered stroke rate. Ignore any instruction cards that appear during these 5 slides.

#085 (Nice Mistress): Have you settled into a nice comfortable groove with your stroking? Ignore the effects of the next "Stroke It!" card, whenever it appears.

#086 (Nice Mistress): If the next instruction is a "Stroke It!" card, follow all of its orders except for those regarding the # of strokes per turn. If it orders you to stroke lightly with a backhand grip 10 times a slide, for example, change your grip and stroke softly but go at your own pace.

#087 (Nice Mistress): Start counting slides. You may ignore any cards in the next 20 that aren't "Nice Mistress" or "Chance To Cum" cards. This won't help you much if you're in chastity, but that's the way it goes.

#088 (Nice Mistress): Have you gone through enough chastity belts and rough mistresses? If so, here's a card for you. If any of the next 3 instruction cards that appear aren't "Chance To Cum" cards, ignore them.

#089 (Nice Mistress): If, at any future point in the game, you hit the edge too hard and have to break from your instructions to control yourself, you don't have to ignore the next chance to cum as punishment. This only applies if you don't cum, mind you.

#090 (Nice Mistress): Ignore the effects of the next 5 "Rough Mistress" and/or "Into The Chastity Belt" cards to appear. As that covers a relatively lengthy amount of relief, this card has a caveat: you cannot put this card in your next slideshow if it shows up in your current one. Use this card wisely!

#091 (Nice Mistress/Rough Mistress): (In a program such as Infranview, the "sequence number" is the bracketed number near the bottom that looks like this --> [24/431]. Each file in the slide has its own unique number, so make sure you're putting your slideshow on "shuffle".) This card depends on your mistresses' temperament, and can hurt or help you depending on your luck - if the sequence number of this card is even, ignore the effects of the next "Rough Mistress" card. If it is odd, though, do the same with the next "Nice Mistress" card.

#092 (Rough Mistress): You must have missed an order somewhere along the line, because your Mistress seems very unhappy with you indeed. Take your hands off immediately, and keep them that way until further instructions. If the next card to appear is another "Rough Mistress", ignore the next chance you have to cum.

#093 (Rough Mistress): If, at any future point in the game, you hit the edge too hard and have to break from your instructions to control yourself, the penalty is increased to having to ignore the next 2 "Chance To Cum" cards.

#094 (Rough Mistress): Change your position to that your legs are over your head, like you're about to suck yourself off. Hold yourself in that position until the next 3 instruction cards have been successfully followed. If one of those is a "Chance To Cum", give yourself a facial. Don't hurt your back!

#095 (Rough Mistress): Now wait a minute, we've been ignoring your balls! We always seem to do that. Find a cord, a hairtie, etc. and fasten it around your balls as tight as you can manage. Leave it on for the next 10 slides and ignore any chances to cum that appear during that window. After all, there's no use trying to cum with your balls tied up, anyway!

#096 (Rough Mistress): Start counting slides. You may ignore any cards in the next 20 that aren't "Rough Mistress" or "Into The Chastity Belt" cards.

#097 (Rough Mistress): If any of the next 3 instruction cards that appear aren't "Into The Chastity Belt" cards, ignore them. If you already are in chastity, wait it out anyway.

#098 (Rough Mistress): Stroke only on odd-numbered slides. I.E., if the bracketed number at the bottom of the screen (assuming we're using Infranview) is, let's say, [25/300], you may continue with your current stroking pattern. If it's something like [32/300], though, don't stroke during that slide. The effects of this card expire when the next instruction card appears. Make sure your slideshow is set to 'random' or a similar option.

#099 (Rough Mistress): Stroke only on even-numbered slides. I.E., if the bracketed number at the bottom of the screen (assuming we're using Infranview) is, let's say, [32/300], you may continue with your current stroking pattern. If it's something like [25/300], though, don't stroke during that slide. The effects of this card expire when the next instruction card appears. Make sure your slideshow is set to 'random' or a similar option.

#100 (Rough Mistress): At last, our 100th card! Did you think we had something really nice planned for you? Maybe a chance to cum? Really? Take your hands off - I don't think you'll be stroking very much. You can only start pleasuring yourself again on slides whose bracketed sequence numbers end in '0' or '5'. Use your established stroking pattern, if you get to stroke at all. The effects of this card expire when the next instruction card appears. Make sure your slideshow is set to 'random' or a similar option.

#101 (Into The Chastity Belt): Here's a chastity belt that can still allow some pleasure - barely. Give yourself just one light circle around the tip of your cock every other turn. Don't touch yourself in any other fashion. This belt can only be removed with a Key.

#102 (Chance To Cum): Hard work pays off! If you've spent time in chastity and have successfully and lawfully got out of it during the course of this game, you may cum with no restrictions.

#103 (Chance To Cum): Of course, sometimes your Mistress just likes to edge you without a break and keep the chastity folks locked up. If you haven't been put into chastity during the course of this game, you may cum with no restrictions.

#104 (Chance To Cum): This card requires that you sacrifice one orgasm, but may allow you many more. You have to ruin the orgasm you've been building up, but after that you may continue to stroke and cum until your balls are completely empty. What's more, you can safely ignore any further instruction cards! Keep in mind that the effect of this card ends when you exit the slideshow.

#105 (Special - Porn Break): Are you growing a bit bored of your slideshow? Have you been frustrated, staring at the same pictures for hour after stroke-filled hour? You have the option of taking a 5-minute break from the slideshow. Use a timer if necessary. You may look at any porn you like during that time, but remember that you are also on strict "hands-off" for this time. When you return from your break, stroke at your own pace.

Artist Credits:
#076, 081: Kouda Tomohiro
#077, 095, 101: Kamitora
#078, 079: RaTe
#080, 083: Kenji Kishizuka
#082, 104: Team Phoenix
#084: Jingrock
#085: Yukimi
#091: Royal Koyanagi
#097: Dmitrys
#100: Tsukino Jyogi
#102: NeWMeN
#103: Yamatogawa

___________________________________Set 6__________________________________________________________---

Set #6 Details:

#106 (Stroke It!): Make sure you have lube and stamina for this one, because you'll need them. Give yourself 5 slow, full strokes a slide, but manage to work one full knob-polish into each of them. Good luck!

#107 (Stroke It!): (In a program such as Infranview, the "sequence number" is the bracketed number near the bottom that looks like this --> [24/431]. Each file in the slide has its own unique number, so make sure you're putting your slideshow on "shuffle".) Find the last digit in the sequence number of this card and give yourself double that number of strokes per slide. If that number is 0, hands off (I.E., if the number is [76/100], do 12 strokes per slide).

#108 (Stroke It!): Find the last digit in the sequence number of this card and give yourself half that number of strokes per slide. Count half-strokes if you end up with a decimal number. If that number is 0, hands off (I.E., if the number is [76/100], do 3 strokes per slide).

#109 (Stroke It!): This stroke will simulate your mistress's lips. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Lube up your cock heavily and fit into the gap between the middle and ring fingers of your preferred hand. Stroke like that for a period of the next 3 successfully-followed instruction cards. Remember, you are still subject to the "hands off" treatment and chastity belts!

#110 (Stroke It!): You are permitted to go as fast and hard as you can for the next 5 slides, without going over the edge. Once your 5 slides are up, take your hands off until the next instruction card. Sorry, did we get you excited?

#111 (Stroke It!): You are again permitted to go wild, as long as you don't cum, with no slide limit this time! Aren't we nice? Go ahead, drive yourself crazy - that's what you're here for, isn't it?

#112 (Stroke It!): Your balls have done an excellent job of storing all that cum, but we want to punish them nonetheless. Do so - and don't go easy on them - while giving yourself 3 slow strokes per slide. Is that enough pleasure to offset the pain?

#113 (Stroke It!): Which do you like more, your balls or your cockhead? Well, this is no time to play favorites - you'll have to punish them both. Next slide, hold your balls while roughly polishing the knob. You can use lube, but it's not really needed. The slide after that, gently squeeze your head while squeezing your balls as hard as you can. How much can you take?

#114 (Nice Mistress): If the next instruction card is a chastity belt or a "Rough Mistress" that orders you to stop stroking for a defined number of terms, you may sit out for half that number and then immediately resume. Follow all other provisions of that card, though.

#115 (Nice Mistress): Here's a treat that you'll have to work for, but with all the practice you've had it should be no problem. Simply do 100 full strokes before the next instruction card appears, and you may ignore the next card that would put you into chastity. Luckily, there's no penalty for failing this time.

#116 (Nice Mistress): Do you have any toys or other stroking helpers on hand? Of course you must. Use them at your leisure, but put them away when the next card appears.

#117 (Nice Mistress): Do you feel that you're stroking at your limit? If you have to give yourself a certain number of strokes for the next "Chance To Cum", you may successfully cum after stroking half that number. Obey all other provisions of that card, though.

#118 (Nice Mistress): Sometimes, we're too nice. If the next instruction is a "Chance To Cum", use it as a free opportunity to make yourself pop.

#119 (Rough Mistress): Oh, this isn't a "hands off" card, but you'll have to stop stroking nonetheless. Keep your hands on your cock, but resist the urge to stroke.

#120 (Rough Mistress): Here's an alternate stroke that'll have you gasping. Take a strip of fabric, stretch it, and lightly hold the center of the strip against your cockhead. Move the fabric back and forth so that it creates a knob-polishing effect. Use these as your strokes (one full back and forth movement=1 stroke) until the next 4 instruction cards have been successfully followed.

#121 (Rough Mistress): This alternate stroke might just drive you mad. First, lube up your cock and your lower belly, then press the former to the latter and move it side to side so that it stimulates the back of your cockhead. Use these as your strokes (one full back and forth movement=1 stroke) until the next 3 instruction cards have been successfully followed.

#122 (Rough Mistress): Has all that stroking made your cock itchy? Don't worry, your mistress will make it better. Scratch your cock with your fingernails for the next 5 slides. Don't break the skin, but don't go easy on it either.

#123 (Rough Mistress): There might be relief on the horizon, but you'll have to earn it. Do 100 full strokes before the next instruction card - if you're too slow, ignore the next "Nice Mistress" card.

#124 (Rough Mistress): I think we're going too easy on you. If the next instruction is a "Stroke It!" card or any card that tells you to change your stroking rate, bring yourself to the edge as fast as you can and don't start again until further instructions appear.

#125 (Rough Mistress):
Playtime's over. Get rid of any lube and/or toys and return to the 'standard' rate of 10 strokes per slide.

#126 (Rough Mistress): I think you're getting a little too opportunistic. Disregard the next "Special" card that appears.

#127 (Into The Chastity Belt): This belt forces you to stop stroking of course, but there is some good news. One is that you don't have to adjust any toys you have in play - keep in mind you're still not allowed to touch them either, two is that a "Nice Mistress" can remove this belt just as well as any Key.

#128 (Chance To Cum): This set includes a number of chances to cum, but none of them are particularly easy. Especially not this one. You must stop stroking for the next five slides, but you get a free pass to cum at any future point - provided that you don't have a full orgasm. You may still take future Chances To Cum, but you must take the next 5 slides off regardless.

#129 (Chance To Cum): You might be able to cum if the cards are right. Stroke as instructed during the next 30 slides (don't count instruction cards). If 2 "Stroke It" cards or 1 "Nice Mistress" card appears, the chance to cum is yours. Start bringing yourself to orgasm as soon as the prerequisite cards show up. If, however, a "Rough Mistress" appears, you lose your chance.

#130 (Chance To Cum): Lie face-down and put your hips in the air - you have the next 10 slides to cum in this position. Use something to catch the mess for you, and do what you will with it afterwards.

#131 (Chance To Cum): You've been stroking all this time; why should you stop? Come in the next 5 slides, but stroke on for 30 more as per instructions. You are allowed to cum again during this time, but you must stroke on for another 30 slides if you do. Repeat until empty.

#132 (Chance To Cum): Can you remember when your last orgasm was? Here's a treat for all you long-term denial fans - a chance to cum that only becomes active if you haven't blown your load in the past full day. That shouldn't be a problem for most of you, should it?

#133 (Chance To Cum): Here's another one that's all in the cards. Stroke as you will until the next card - if it's a "Nice Mistress" or another chance to cum, go right ahead. If it's not, keep stroking as you were previously instructed, and hope you'll get lucky next time.

#134 (Special - Mistress Tease 2): Do you think that the game is too easy for you? Craving a challenge? Well, here's your chance. You have the option of exiting the slideshow and taking a 5-minute break - keep a timer on hand. During that time, you may exit the slideshow and replace up to 5 "Nice" or "Rough Mistress" cards with the same amount of Rough Mistresses. Do not stroke during this time. When the 5 minutes are up, stroke 10 times per slide until further instructions.

#135 (Special - Lube Up!): Do you find the whole experience to be a bit too dry? You have the option of exiting the slideshow and taking a 5-minute break - keep a timer on hand. During that time, cover yourself in the lube of your choice. Don't be stingy - get every part of yourself nice and wet. Do not stroke during this time. You should be all slick, slippery and ready to go when your time is up. Stroke at your leisure until further instructions when you return.

Artist Credits:
#106, 111: Yamatogawa
#107, 108: Nao Kokonoki
#110, 133: Amatarou
#112: Kenji Kishizuka
#113, 119: Royal Koyanagi
#114: Jingrock
#117: Kamitora
#120: Mitarashi Club
#121: Yoshu Ohepe
#122: Yunoishi
#123, 135: Tsukino Jyogi
#124: Gusu
#125: Inoue Takuya
#126: Utility Pole Spirit
#131: Takeda Hiromitsu

All other artists unknown.
Some images have been edited.

____________________________________________Set 7________________________________________________________-

Set 7 Details:

#136 (Stroke It!): Since this is the lucky seventh set, we've decided to include some card that will seriously test your ability to control your stroking. This is a basic instruction card - simply stroke 20 times per slide until further instructions appear. That shouldn't be too bad, now - you like stroking, don't you? Oh yeah, you can't cum, of course, but there's the challenge.

#137 (Stroke It!): You may stroke at your leisure until further instruction cards, provided you only do so on slides with even sequence numbers. Follow your instructed stroking pattern on odd slides.

#138 (Stroke It!): As with #137, you may stroke at your leisure until further instruction cards, provided you only do so on slides with odd sequence numbers. Follow your instructed stroking pattern on even slides.

#139 (Stroke It!): This is a "ladder" pattern where the ladder is very high indeed. Do two strokes on the next slide, and add two to your stroke count per slide until you reach 30 strokes per slide. By then, your hand should be a blur racing up and down your cock, so start back at two strokes on the slide after. Repeat until further instructions. Keep in mind that you don't get a "hands off" slide to cool off, so you're going to have to be very careful not to cum.

#140 (Stroke It!): This card works like #139, only you'll be climbing down the ladder rather than up it. Start at 30 strokes per slide, work your way down to 2, and repeat. Sure, it's more frustrating to take away strokes rather than adding them, but that's the name of the game.

#141 (Stroke It!): Are you on the edge, or are you having trouble just staying hard? This card can help you in either case, but it can hurt you just as well. Take what you're currently stroking per slide, and either double or halve it depending if the sequence number of this slide is even or odd.

#142 (Stroke It!): This is a stroke designed to simulate a "reach-around" handjob - imagine your Mistress faithfully pounding you with her strap-on if that helps. Put your hand behind your back, hook it between your legs, grab your cock, and give 12 strokes per slide.

#143 (Stroke It!): When you're lost in a fury of stroking, your memory tends to be the first thing to go. This card will help fix that. Can you remember what you were stroking before the last "Stroke It!" card? Return to that pattern if you remember it. If you can't, too bad - hands off, and no cheating!

#144 (Stroke It!): A variation of the old, trusty "Polish The Knob" maneuver. Wet your fingertip and rub in slow circles on the side of your cockhead that faces you. This is a fairly overlooked region - you'll encounter some very intense sensations. Do 6 complete circles per slide.

#145 (Stroke It!): Are you what they call a "wet" masturbator? Do you like to be soaked while you stroke? If you are, this card's for you. Stroke at the "standard" rate of 10 strokes per slide, and apply a healthy amount of lube to your cock every 5 slides (including this one). The catch is, you have to use a different variety of lube each time. Let's say I have vaseline, hand lotion, and baby oil on hand - if I decided to use the vaseline starting on this slide, I would add the hand lotion in 5 slides and the baby oil in 10. Saliva does not count as a lube for the purposes of this card - sorry! When you run out of different lubes, continue the stroking pattern but stop lubing yourself entirely.

#146 (Nice Mistress): Here's an oppurtunity to sneak some more strokes into your tease. Normally, you are not allowed to stroke during instruction cards, but this card allows you to - as long as a "Rough Mistress" doesn't show up. Follow your instructed stroking pattern.

#147 (Nice Mistress): Sick of waiting for a chance to start up again while your cock sits idly by? This card lets you ignore the next "hands off" order - immediately start stroking at your instructed pace if you are already under one. Keep in mind that there is a distinct difference between "hands off" and chastity belts.

#148 (Nice Mistress): Don't want those nasty chastity belts to come and ruin your fun? You may "keep" two Keys at the same time for the rest of the tease. Ignore the next card which asks you to destroy a key.

#149 (Nice Mistress): Are you one of those people who's "all or nothing" when it comes to orgasms? Sometimes, a ruined one won't suffice. You may safely ignore the next card that orders you to give yourself one.

#150 (Nice Mistress): Now here's a handy little number. Not only do you get to ignore the next "Rough Mistress" card, you also get a pass on the next chastity belt as well! If that doesn't give you a sigh of relief, nothing will.

#151 (Rough Mistress): Stop stroking for 5 slides. Do we really need a reason?

#152 (Rough Mistress): Let's play a little game of chance: the last digit of the sequence number of this slide is the amount of slides you will effectively be put on "hands off" for. Ignore all other instructions that may pop up in that time.

#153 (Rough Mistress): Your Mistress has to take care of her needs and will be back soon. Hands off until the next "Nice" or "Rough Mistress" card appears, and follow its orders when it does.

#154 (Rough Mistress): Some cards are of the opinion that you should be allowed to stroke however you want, and this mistress wants to put a stop to that. Ignore entirely the next card which asks you to stroke freely.

#155 (Rough Mistress): Slow strokers get punished. If you have been instructed to stroke at a rate of 5 strokes per slide or less, stop until the next instruction card appears.

#156 (Rough Mistress): Of course, boys who get ahead of themselves get punished too. If you have been instructed to stroke at a rate of 10 strokes per slide or more, stop until the next instruction card appears.

#157 (Rough Mistress): This card will put your skill at following instructions to the test. You must follow all of your orders to the letter for the next 15 slides - no missing a stroke, no stroking during instruction cards, no ignoring a "Rough Mistress", or any such disobedience. If you fail, you've lost your next chance to cum.

#158 (Rough Mistress): You've been pleasuring your cock for so long - maybe a little pain is in order. Take your index finger and flick it hard against your cockhead 10 times during the next slide. You may continue follow your instructed sore cock-stroking orders the slide after.

#159 (Rough Mistress): This Mistress is especially mean - she'll leave you alone if you're not in a belt, but if you are she'll destroy the next Key that appears just to watch you suffer.

#160 (Into The Chastity Belt): Chastity belts aren't known for being particularly enjoyable, but this one means a little extra trouble for you: don't stop stroking, but you are to ignore all chances to cum as well as any "Nice Mistress" cards. With all oppurtunities to improve your situation nullified, you better hope for a key - and fast!

#161 (Key): This is a "time-release" key, one that only becomes effective after a set number of terms. That number is determined by the last digit in the sequence number of this slide. Keep yourself in your current chastity belt for that number of slides but get out immediately afterwards - you might get out immediately, you might have to wait a while, or you might not get to get out at all (if you draw a '0').

#162 (chance To Cum): You'll have to complete a stroking challenge before you earn your right to cum. Do 30 full strokes on the next slide, 25 strokes the slide after, then 20, 15, 10, 5, and 0 on the respective subsequent slides. After your "no-stroke" turn, if you can cum within 5 strokes, do so. If not, keep waiting.

#163 (Chance To Cum): Good things come to boys who wait. You may cum at the end of the tease, when all cards have shown. You may still attempt to try out any other "Chance To Cum" cards until then. Since putting this card in your slideshow guarantees an orgasm if you wait long enough, it is strongly advised that this card be used sparely.

#164 (Special: Penis Worship): Which do you think truly qualifies as torture, relentless, intense stimulation or no stimulation at all? If you're a fan of the former, this card's for you. You may ignore the "no-stroking" policy of any future chastity belts that appear, but in its place you must substitute a policy of stroking as hard as you can. Be as rough as possible - enjoying yourself is not exactly the name of the game as far as chastity belts go. You still may not cum under any circumstances while under a chastity belt.

#165 (Special: Keep Stroking): Normally, stroking during instruction cards is forbidden, but this card helpfully removes that rule. You must still follow your instructed stroking pattern during instruction cards, but extra stroking oppurtunities should be good news to you regardless of details!

Image/Artist Credits:
#136: Bocchi
#137: Jingrock
#138, 139, 142, 143: Royal Koyanagi
#139: Shiwasu No Okina
#144: Tsukino Jyogi
#151. 152, 153: Utility Pole Spirit
#160, 163: Kamitora
#162, 165: Yamatogawa
#164: A-Ta Kawaraya
All other sources unknown.
Some images have been edited.

____________________________________________Set 8___________________________________________________________________________________


#166 (Stroke It!): This card might make you stroke a little slower if you're already going at the normal rate, but it will be a godsend if you find yourself in chastity. Stroke 8 times from base to tip and back again per slide; if you are in a belt, you may feel free to follow this pattern until the next instruction card appears. Keep in mind that there is a distinct difference between chastity and simple "hands off".

#167 (Stroke It!): Hold your cock in a "backhand" fashion so that your thumb rests against the nice spot right under the head, and try your best to keep it there as you slowly stroke a lucky 7 times per slide.

#168 (Stroke It!): Let's hope you haven't opted for an "instruction-heavy" slideshow this time, because you'll soon be stroking at your limit. Do only 5 strokes per slide after this card appears, but start counting slides - for every instruction card that pops up during that time, increase your stroke count per slide by 5. Ignore the effects of those cards.

#169 (Stroke It!): Go at the normal rate, but press down hard on the area between your balls and anus for the next 10 slides. Try to find your prostate if you can!

#170 (Stroke It!): Surely, you know how sensitive the area right under your cockhead is, right? It's time to give it a workout. Take one fingertip and tap it lightly against that spot, 15 times per slide. You may not 'stroke' per se, but you may use your other hand to stabilize your cock if you must.

#171 (Stroke It!): Here's something quite similar to the old "polish the knob" technique. Grease up the palm of your hand with the lube of your choice, and with that and only that, rub circles around the head of your cock at the rate of 10 circles per slide. This technique has been known to drive many a stroker mad, so be careful!

#172 (Stroke It!): Are you having trouble keeping count of all those strokes? Maybe some nice, round numbers will help. Take whatever your current stroke rate is and round it to the nearest 5 to get your new one. If you are managing 7 strokes per slide, make it 10, and so on. If you are in "hands off" or a chastity belt, stay that way.

#173 (Stroke It!): This returns you to the "normal" stroke rate, but you're not all out of the woods just yet - if the last instruction card was a "Rough Mistress", you must still follow its instructions (if applicable) while this card is active.

#174 (Stroke It!): Here's a "challenge" technique for experienced strokers only! Of course, with all the stroking you do, it shouldn't be a problem. It's just a slightly quicker rate of 15 strokes, followed by one head-polish, per slide. Oh, and you'll have to make your own lube for this stroke - no spitting. Good luck!

#175 (Nice Mistress): If you find yourself denied, this card offers some hope. If the next card to appear is a "Stroke It!", you may stroke while it is active while following its instructions.

#176 (Nice Mistress): Stroke as ordered, but pray that no "Rough Mistress" cards figure into your immediate future. For each 50 complete strokes you rack up, you get to ignore the next "Rough Mistress", but the contest stops when one appears (IE, 180 strokes = you may ignore the next 3 "Rough Mistress"es, etc.).

#177 (Nice Mistress): Like the above, this card depends on the luck of the cards, but the stakes are higher. Count the number of complete strokes you make from the time this card appears until the next "Rough Mistress" card appears; for each 100 strokes you do, you may ignore an "Into The Chastity Belt" card (IE, 230 strokes = you may ignore the next 2 chastity belts, etc.).

#178 (Nice Mistress): If you've suffered for your pleasure, this card might be a blessing. You may ignore a number of the next instruction cards (of any sort) to appear equal to the number of times you have been placed and successfully gotten out from chastity during the course of this tease.

#179 (Nice Mistress): Taking a break from stroking can be a good thing, but there are times when you just want to keep going at it. "Special" cards usually force you to take no-stroking breaks, but this card can help you negate that effect. If the next "Special" card offers a break as one of it's conditions, and you opt for it, you may stroke as you wish during it. You must follow all other instructions spelled out by that card, though.

#180 (Nice Mistress): A simple card that should help to relieve frustration. Ignore entirely the next card that forbids to to cum during this tease.

#181 (Nice Mistress): For anyone who can't stand chastity (and there are some out there), this card is a godsend. Take note of the last digit in the sequence number of this card (if you are Infranview or a similar program) - ignore that number of the next "Into The Chastity Belt" cards to appear. If you roll high, you're nearly guaranteed to go belt-free for the rest of the tease - but if you roll 0, no dice.

#182 (Rough Mistress): You must have messed up somewhere along the line; have you forgotten how important your duty of pleasing your Mistress is? Take 7 slides off from stroking as punishment.

#183 (Rough Mistress): Of course, sometimes your Mistress likes to take matters into her own hands and forgo playing with you entirely. Hands off until she finishes and gives you further orders.

#184 (Rough Mistress): Has your cock grown too comfortable in the grip of your preferred stroking hand? Time to shake things up a bit. Follow the orders of the next 5 instruction cards, but switch your hands (from right to left or vice versa) with each card - if they allow you to stroke at all.

#185 (Rough Mistress): Your Mistress says you deserve punishment, and who's to question her? Slap your balls 5 times during the next slide, and don't go easy on them, either!

#186 (Rough Mistress): The punishment continues - a good spanking this time. Give your rear 20 proper slaps before the next instruction card, or else it's hands off!

#187 (Rough Mistress): This set introduces some new cards that may take away your right to cum at all if you aren't careful - here's the first. Ignore the next one or two chances to cum if the next instruction card is a "Chance To Cum" or a "Rough Mistress" card, respectively. If it is any other type, this card has no effect.

#188 (Rough Mistress): This card will test your ability to follow instructions. Stroke exactly as according to your instructions for the next 5 slides - if you miss or add a stroke, ignore the orders of a previous card still in effect, or disobey in any other way, you lose your right to cum for the rest of this tease. That's the way it goes!

#189 (Rough Mistress): The good news is, you might get to cum! The bad news is, you can only cum at the next chance, and only if you pass its conditions, no matter what they are. Otherwise, you must complete the tease without an orgasm.

#190 (Rough Mistress): How skilled are you at controlling yourself? Start counting slides - if, during the next 20, you must stop stroking to keep yourself from orgasm, finish the tease regardless but ignore all further chances to cum.

#191 (Rough Mistress): Keep your head, or you might find yourself locked up! Start counting slides - if you must stop yourself to keep from going over during the next 20, you are effectively put in chastity, and you must wait until a Key appears in order to start stroking again. If you must stop during the next 10, you are in chastity for the remainder of the tease.

#192 (Rough Mistress): This may well be one of the meanest Mistresses of all! Take note of the last digit in the sequence number of this card (if you are Infranview or a similar program) - you must ignore that number of the next chances to cum. You're almost guaranteed a cum-less tease if you roll high, but in you're in for a fair amount of frustration no matter what you roll (provided you don't roll a '0') - but that's what you're here for, isn't it?

#193 (Into The Chasitity Belt): This belt is even more frustrating than usual (if that's even possible), and will push your self-control to the limit. Lay your cock on your belly, and cover it with a sheet of fabric or some other soft material. Doesn't that feel nice? Hope you like how it feels now, because you're not allowed to play with yourself or even move your cock until the next Key appears. Yes, even the tiniest jerk of your cock into the yielding softness would feel amazing, but you are in chastity after all!

#194 (Special - Trim The Deck): Do you feel like you've put up with enough rough mistresses and chastity belts? Or, are you a glutton for frustration who's better off without all those pesky chances to cum popping up? This card gives you the option of taking a break and removing all the cards of any one type from your slideshow. Choose wisely!

#195 (Special - Trim The Deck II): This gives another chance to remove any troublesome cards from your slideshow, only this time they aren't constrained to any one type and are entirely up to you.

#196 (Special - Toy Time): Why s
Posted on 29 November 2010, 14:33 by:   Greenarific    PM
Score +15
Great sets.
Anyone know the source of the piecture in 12?
Posted on 02 December 2010, 06:19 by:   BansheeDemon    PM
Score +16
Balak, I believe.
Posted on 11 September 2011, 07:04 by:   hgrig1    PM
Score +4
Well that was... educational?
Posted on 25 May 2015, 21:29 by:   Lucky8    PM
Score +3
The cti-community is trying to revive after the official forum close.
If anyone is interested in joining us to help rebuild this community, here's a temporary new adress :
Don't forget to register on the forum and be patient while we're working on this project.
Any support/help is greatly appreciated.

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