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[Jay Naylor] Penelope's Secret [Ongoing]

Posted:2025-03-05 18:54
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Length:23 pages
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Average: 4.67

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Posted on 06 December 2024, 00:00 by:   Red Fang    PM
Score +42
Calling it now, I'm going to bet that Piper and Penelope are both fucking the same guy.
Posted on 06 December 2024, 01:52 by:   TheGoodGiggle    PM
Score +44
It is amazing what furries will tell about themselves...
Posted on 06 December 2024, 04:16 by:   all41    PM
Score +43
Meeh, sidelined Penny.
Posted on 06 December 2024, 07:06 by:   masterdies    PM
Score +129
Funfact: not a secret. That's called bisexual homoromantic. She only has romantic interest in women, but likes fucking any gender
Posted on 06 December 2024, 12:22 by:   DerAsiate    PM
Score +12
Damned I love Penelope, hope to see far more of her for a long time. Nice.
Posted on 06 December 2024, 16:15 by:   noxfeur    PM
Score +75
To those who think this story is far fetched, there are quite a lot of internet forums about women with this exact same dilemma.
Posted on 06 December 2024, 19:42 by:   Blastercat    PM
Score +49
@masterdies its not so much that she "likes fucking any gender" its more that she's fascinated with the penis as an object by itself rather than recognizing it as a part of a man/pre-op trans woman. Its a love for the penis specifically and not anything about the gender it represents.

Although Jay Naylor has joked about Penelope just being a reluctant bisexual. like she may be into both sexes, she just doesn't want to admit it.
Posted on 06 December 2024, 22:52 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +49
You can be into both men and women sexually, but only develop romantic feelings toward one of them. I relate to this comic somewhat.
Posted on 07 December 2024, 21:40 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +18
Ideally, what will happen here is that Penelope will partner with a femme who doesn't mind if she occasionally prowls for dick. But probably not, since the artist doesn't seem to like it when open/flexible relationships work.
Posted on 08 December 2024, 08:54 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +38
This kind of crap is why my bisexual girlfriend will sleep with women but never date them; in her words, "women are crazy".
Posted on 09 December 2024, 12:22 by:   Dos-Tree    PM
Score -100
Penny, buddy. I think you're just a twink...
Posted on 10 December 2024, 09:28 by:   Arcanine813    PM
Score +137
She's been a transwoman character ever since her literal debut.
Posted on 17 December 2024, 20:46 by:   Dos-Tree    PM
Score -88
"Penny is trans"
and naylor likes to fuck with themes. He's even subverted his own themes later on. Penny's entire character arc is saying she's a woman, most (if not every) piece of media (s)he' been in has been focused on the least feminine aspect. Even here, it's about a woman who SAYS she's a lesbian while getting dicked down on every page except the ones to say, "I'm a lesbian...BUT".
Sure. Penny is a trans woman, but the obvious joke here is that Penny is the only one that is wiling to give any real value to "her two cents" on the matter.
Maybe I'm wrong, and there's a "Penny gets dicked down and called a pretty girl by Chad Thundercock III, Son of Thadwick Thundercock the Second and Heir to the Thundercock Fortune" comic in the works as I type this, but until then Penny is definitely a joke from a narrative perspective.
And before anyone gets their panties in a twist, this isn't some "You will never be a real woman" tomfoolery, it's just how Penny's stories have gone so far.

Edit: Added the last line for clarity.
Edit: fixed a typo, changing "almost" to "most"
Edit: The downvotes won't save you from the truth, my dudes.
Edit: This one is just for funsies. I won't tell you what was changed.
Last edited on 17 February 2025, 03:42.
Posted on 04 January 2025, 19:25 by:   somercet    PM
Score +27
Page 7: Penelope is not so unusual. Mary Renault, whose interest in men was strong enough to write the man-on-eunuch-femboy historical novel The Persian Boy, was in a committed relationship with a woman for most of her life. Both regularly slept with men when they were younger, but that tapered off and (apparently) ended as they aged, and both "identified" (hate that word) as lesbians. I wonder if Jay knows about Renault's personal story.

Obligatory tag bitching: "male on dickgirl" for one panel, really? And she's not "swinging," she wishes to waifu Piper but hasn't yet.

ETA: Okay, I was expecting dick... but gloryholes... wow.
Last edited on 06 January 2025, 11:43.
Posted on 05 January 2025, 20:05 by:   FakeFx    PM
Score +20
Why do I suspect Penelope's gonna confess the fact she likes dick and her lover's just gonna go "that's fine, whatever" and end this on a humorous (for Naylor) joke?

I mean that would be fine...
Posted on 06 January 2025, 02:52 by:   ChangelingMoth    PM
Score +13
The "Not lube" sign on the purell is so real. Having run a sex club I can confirm that people *will* make that mistake when they are horny and in a rush
Posted on 06 January 2025, 19:25 by:   ralanr    PM
Score +48
If you didn't know Naylor's previous work (like you lived under a rock or are just entering the furry fandom) you could see this as a story about a closeted bisexual woman exploring her attraction to men and struggling with her prior identity as a lesbian.

Knowing Naylor's work, this likely isn't going in that direction or won't be treated as something that's fine just something she's shameful about.

Jay's art does a lot of the lifting for his audience retention imo.
Posted on 09 January 2025, 01:59 by:   HLR3    PM
Score +0
So this

but gender flipped and way more melodrama monologue.

Anyone want to start a betting pool this end in a gangbang?
Posted on 10 January 2025, 14:12 by:   Laser_angerman    PM
Score +11
She deserves a gangbang with hogs, horses and tapirs.
Posted on 28 January 2025, 14:01 by:   Ginkei.    PM
Score +19
She kinda confused me in the comic "Switches" when she was fine with Genwyn going down on her despite that he knew that she was lesbian.

So why not just telling she's bi-curious, pansexual (attracted to dicks of any gender) or simply just romantically attracted to the same gender but sexually to both.

I mean some guys are bisexual but aren't interested in dating other guys (or even gay leaning but having fun with women sometimes).
Posted on 06 February 2025, 04:37 by:   HLR3    PM
Score -100

Because the dirty secret for many in the alphabet community is that their personality is their sexual orientation. Everything that make up their character stem from whether they prefer tacos and/or hotdog, rather than it being just another piece of their character. This is why some people get ostracize/ from that community and/or harass for being either on the fence (i.e. bi), discover another preference, or lord forbid hetero.

I can see Penelope being one of those, and now struggle to come to term with getting moist at the whiff of a dick.
Posted on 06 February 2025, 05:06 by:   D-puffel    PM
Score +40

Yeah, I'm kinda on the side of "Life would just be easier if we didn't want to attach ourselves to a label so badly".

Like, if Penelope wasn't so attached to her identity as a "lesbian", she'd probably be able to explore this side of herself more honestly and with less guilt.

That being said: I can't say this is her fault, or even the fault of the LGBT community at large. Society has historically really fucked with the natural development of LGBT as a culture, and to the extent that half of who we are and what we do is an honest to god trauma response. The threat of having all of that suffering invalidated because you no longer meet the strictest dictionary definition of a label is just another kind of damage societies impose on queer people, and yet another trauma we have to figure out how to navigate.

If Penelope were real and wanted to be called a lesbian, I'd still call her that despite being aware of this entire situation. Maybe not because I necessarily believe it, but because it would be best for everybody that she come to her conclusions about her sexuality / identity in a non-judgemental environment.

Also because she so cute and I don't wanni hurt her feelings :{
Posted on 06 February 2025, 15:45 by:   Foxxy008    PM
Score +43
Also doesn't help that bisexuality isn't so accepted: If you like the same gender as yourself then you're considered a closed gay or lesbian, even if you also like the opposite. And in many instances, you won't be so welcomed since you gotta stick to one side or the other.
Posted on 07 February 2025, 03:14 by:   HZivai    PM
Score -62
A woman cock addicted in the Naylorverse?! Who would have guessed?
Sarcasm aside, Penelope went from 0 to 100 in 2 seconds, I mean, it wasn't progressive. Her fucking Penny was fine because they're both women, but Genwyn? He wasn't in a femboy role at the time but in a dominant alpha male mode. And now she went into a gloryhole to suck on unknown men's cocks. It was just an abrupt change.
Posted on 08 February 2025, 15:04 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +33
"I'm a lesbian! I have relationships with women...and sometimes sex with men." (I'm sorry, I understand the nuance,
Posted on 20 February 2025, 14:02 by:   Dinaih    PM
Score +70
There's nothing deep about it. Sure people struggling with their sexuality happens in real life. But this is Jay Naylor, of course he wrote the character who he introduced as a lesbian to be absolutely obsessed with cock and fucking guys.
Posted on 05 March 2025, 19:32 by:   Ginkei.    PM
Score +31
@HLR3 : Sorry for the late answer (I barely go on the site logged) but people are more complex than that. Bi invisibility is sadly still present in many circles who would consider them as "fake LGBT" if they date the opposite gender or "gay that does not admit" if they date the same...

But Genny and Charles are supportive of her and even the later guy was gay until he went in couple with Lynne (well, more of a dom/sub relationship but still). Genwyn wasn't himself bi since he was in couple with Charles in one pic (while he casually committed incest)? I am lost in the lore sorry.

@D-puffel : Sapphism is not a "no boys allowed" private club, it just meant being in relationship with other women. Now the thing is that some don't mind dicks but other don't like them (even if the person is identifying as a woman) but the most important principle is consent imo so at the end of the day if someone wanna experiment they are free to do so as long as nobody forces them (even straight guys may have tried homosexual experiences before finally knowing it's not their thing).

I feel that forcing labels is counterproductive and is actually more harmful towards the LGBT (regardless if the person attaching labels is straight or LGBT). I think the Internet worsened it as there are many new names and labels like "demisexuality" when it's more about context than sexual orientation.

@Foxxy008 : Bisexuality is sadly more socially accepted when it's women that are there to kiss in a threesome with a guy (since it's a common phantasm) while male bisexuality is quite rare (even among furries despite the higher amount of LGBT).

@HZivai : As much as the whole "I can be as much as a woman as you need" in that one comic was badly executed but I think that deeply she liked him so she was fine to give him a chance even if she was into girls. I mean in the same comic Charles accepted to crossdress and get fucked by him despite his rivalry in the previous comic. At the end of the day even if he was rather androgynous she's probably bi/pan with a heavier female lean.
Posted on 05 March 2025, 19:34 by:   Anti Symboi    PM
Score +84
@HLR3 Dude. Calling queer people "the alphabet community" clearly shows you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about and just want an excuse to hate. You literally had to go out of your way type more for "alphabet community" than you would have had to type for "LGBT" my dude. It seems like you've made hatred and inadequacy your whole personality.
Posted on 05 March 2025, 21:22 by:   Carrottt    PM
Score +20
its so good
Posted on 05 March 2025, 23:07 by:   Yay1efeo    PM
Score +12
My theory: That yellow furred "guy" has got to be Audrey, right? And they're there together because Piper has secretly been fucking her just like Penelope has with Penny.
Posted on 06 March 2025, 03:10 by:   unikal3n    PM
Score -39
Looking for friends ..

Discord: clarrigore
Posted on 06 March 2025, 04:26 by:   HLR3    PM
Score -100
@Anti Symboi

On the contrary, you lumping everyone under the Q exposed you as someone out of touch or woefully ignorance. It is not LGBT anymore, and it has not been LGBT for many years. It is now the LGBTQ+. Many in the community don't consider them self queer, not the G, not the L, not the T, not the N(on-binary), and the P(an) is too busy justifying their fetishes to think about it. Queer is a vaguely define term that some liberal art major co-opted to label anything not heteronormative, which is a shit way to define an identity btw.

And you know what, you are right. The + in LGBTQ+ would probably not go the full English alphabet because then they would have to include the H(etero), and that would destroy their identity if they have to be lump with the "heteronormative". A good chunk of them would consider the M(AP) before they even entertain the thought of including the H. Which is a great irony because the original movement that start with the LGB was so that everyone can be under a H(uman).

Many of the community and their "ally" forget that their humanity is larger and stronger than their orientation and preferences, and that the shitty side of their humanity (the narcissisms and us-versus-them mentality) consumed the movement to turn it from a movement about joining together with everyone under the larger umbrella of human, to one that tearing itself into smaller and smaller niches to cater to every self-centered need to stand out. Go check how many LGBTQ+ flags are there and how many pronouns that had been invented and tell me how long that + is.

If you think I treat the LGBTQ+ community as a monolith then you didn't read my original post clearly, and the "alphabet community" phrase trigger your ass to make you missed the "many" part that precede it. I know people in the community that want to be seen for their humanity and despise that the alphabet letter overshadowed them. I use the "alphabet community" as a bait, so I can sus out the idiots that can only see the letters and not the human behind them. The stupid shitty glorious and brilliant humans like the pervs roaming this site and the artists feeding our depravity.
Posted on 06 March 2025, 13:05 by:   gwasp    PM
Score +18
tl;dr, yuri is the purest form of love
Posted on 07 March 2025, 05:56 by:   HZivai    PM
Score +15
It would have been more believable if Genwyn had used her androgynous abilities to seduce Penelope instead of completely breaking the lesbian role that characterized her, which is why I mention that the change was not progressive.
Although the theme of that comic was to reverse the top/sub roles of Genwyn and Charles, Penelope was out of that equation.
It was certainly poorly executed as it is in this comic even if Naylorfans don't like the truth.

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