To the comments about Oruta: I'm well aware of that, this is not the first time I've done FGO if it wasn't obvious, but the thing is this isn't "Jalter" the servant, but "折田" (MTL will give you Orita, every FGO related source I could find used "Oruta") from Ordeal Call 2, Guda's classmate. There's specifically a line in the game's dialogue that has her correcting Guda for calling her "Alter" when her name is "折田". Yes, they're read the same, they're the same character, but there's a very clear distinction made between their names at least for the context of this book. We'd have to wait to see what NA comes up for her name when OC2 drops there, but until then, it's not a mistake.
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Jeanne Alter = ジャンヌ オルタ. Someone clearly saw オルタ and transcribed it phonetically, which, uh, isn't the best idea when you're sounding out loan words in katakana lol please update this, man, it's a bit jarring
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