Base +10, My7h +11, Kelsero +10, Geylnidae +6, Flammz +2, Palaxius +7, SaittaMicus +14, HorridGuest +12, Nights002 +6, b0rk +9, Oscuro +5, kudo01 +6, cAntW0 +7, and 39 more...
Posted on 09 March 2012, 20:57 by:
Den Roze 
Base +4, SaittaMicus +14, Nights002 +6, MoonShine +7, Zero Angel +35, Csumyee +6, calis920 +14, DJ_Puchuu +8, AcrossSix +7, Adrin +9, HentaiM@ster +9, SeekerOfDestiny +9, Zaolao +7, and 4 more...
Posted on 09 March 2012, 21:16 by:
Base +8, SaittaMicus +14, Nights002 +6, Oscuro +5, QwertySS +9, MoonShine +7, Zero Angel +35, Csumyee +6, Moe Zayik +26, calis920 +14, DJ_Puchuu +8, AcrossSix +7, MechWarriorNY +7, and 6 more...
Base +4, DJ_Puchuu +8, Ooe Kintarou +4
Base +5, AnimeLov3rxXx +9, StillWind -7, Lanim +9, WashOxide -6, Arsel -4, lotornomiko -8, calis920 -14, skeksis -8, HentaiM@ster -9, Ser Maggot -7, shadowlancer2000 +6, ForteGK -6, and 8 more...
Base +9, AnimeLov3rxXx +9, SilverWolf765 +9, etothex +16, exia45 +8, wertweet +9, DJ_Puchuu +8, madbakh +5, AcrossSix +7, Adrin +9, HentaiM@ster +9, wataleslie +3, SeekerOfDestiny +9, and 4 more...
Posted on 10 March 2012, 15:53 by:
Base +6, Csumyee +6, Lanim -9, WashOxide +6, wertweet +9, calis920 +14, DJ_Puchuu +8, Blhue +8, Zaolao +7, Ser Maggot +7, shadowlancer2000 -6, ForteGK +6, Ooe Kintarou +4, and 3 more...
Posted on 10 May 2012, 15:20 by:
Base +15, Askhandar +7, Ooe Kintarou +4