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[ArcturusX1(Xarcturus)] Warpaint

Posted:2014-07-23 07:24
File Size:12.15 MiB
Length:12 pages
Favorited:469 times
Average: 4.72

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 images

Posted on 23 July 2014, 08:52 by:   deican    PM
Score +22
Dat art though (‾▿‾)
Posted on 23 July 2014, 09:43 by:   southrim    PM
Score +99
Semen is the best warpaint.
Posted on 23 July 2014, 10:38 by:   random1680    PM
Score +15
beautiful painting!
Posted on 23 July 2014, 13:23 by:   tcs0    PM
Score +16
Definitely one of Xarcturus' best works.
Posted on 23 July 2014, 16:05 by:   cg8    PM
Score +13
You're the best <3
Posted on 23 July 2014, 16:48 by:   cornholio666    PM
Score +20
very good. more plz!
Posted on 24 July 2014, 18:09 by:   Anthony883    PM
Score +17
Really good stuff. Best I've seen from you.
Posted on 27 August 2014, 22:40 by:   facebookuser8    PM
Score +16
Is there going to be a story to this too?
Posted on 05 September 2014, 17:58 by:   Unwinter    PM
Score +56
Sunliss Zoya dreams of one thing...Warpaint.

Eager to join 'The Oakers' Sunliss submits an application at the recruiting office of the the Black Oak Brigade.

Brigade rules stipulate that applicants must be at least twenty one years of age. With a twinge of conscience, Sunliss fudges a little.
All three of her older sisters are BlackOak captains…powerful,busty and broad in the buttocks.

Sunliss got a double dose of the 'curvy' gene.

Her body began developing feminine curves at a very early age and now her voluptuous figure is the subject of discussion throughout the realm.

Up til now, her huge breasts and mountainous bottom have been a curse, but when the Oakers recruiting officer sees Sunliss’s bouncing tits and fat jiggling ass he approves her application without even asking about her age!
Sunliss is a powerful athlete and quickly passes all the Brigades's strength and agility tests.

Proving herself to be a capable young recruit, she is trusted with increasingly dangerous missions.

Her latest quest is to seek out and disband a growing army of troublesome sex-slavers lurking in the misty heart of the ancient realm of Malonar.

Now ,climbing down into a foggy chasm, Sunliss smiles in anticipation of this new adventure!
As the rocky cleft that she is climbing down becomes narrower, darker and more slippery, a seed of fear takes root in Sunliss's young heart.

The awkward weight of her large bottom and swaying breasts is at its most inconvenient and for the first time she wishes she had a 'normal' body like all her friends.

As a wave of panic washes over her, down in the gloom a gentle, re-assuring light appears.
With the agility of a born climber, Sunliss flips around.
She spreads her thick legs and wedges herself between the walls of the narrow canyon.
Gazing down over her immense tits , the source of light becomes clear.

A tiny man raises a gnarled wooden staff, its tip clasping a stone that emits a hypnotic pulsing light.

Un-natural curiosity replaces caution in Enrique Zoya’s youngest daughter.

Confusion, dizziness and vertigo mix in equal proportions accompanied by a deep subconscious dread.

Sunliss suddenly realizes she has no control over her voluptuous body and the little man with the pulsing light seems less like a friendly guide and more like a hungry predator!!!
Sunliss finally reached the bottom of the rocky canyon… but it was not her will which guided her.

Like so many girls before her, Enrique Zoya's youngest daughter has fallen victim to the disgusting, perverted mind-control of High-Shaman Thykdyk.
Thykdyk and his brood trade in sex-slaves and from Thykdyks experience.... the curvier the girl, the better the sex-slave!!!

Thykdyk's unholy instincts detect a prize of great value in the warm young body of Sunliss Zoya.

As he holds Sunliss in his ensorceled gaze, his tribe materializes around her, running eager, lustful hands all over the young adventurer’s fabulous curves!

Thykdyk’s huge penis rises out from under his robes.
He forces it through the ring in Sunliss’s top...deep between her soft, pale breasts.

Sunliss is fully aware that she is being sexually molested but is powerless to stop her violation.
A flurry of hands grips her fat thighs and immense mammaries.

Paralyzed, the busty teen can't even stop the hand reaching between her legs, thrusting hungrily into her vagina!!!

High Shaman Thykdyk removes the pulsing blue gem from his staff and prepares the spell that will turn Sunliss into a permanent sex-slave.

Thykdyk binds Sunliss with lianas and forces her anus open with his right hand.

With his left hand, he thrusts his evil SlaveStone deep into Sunliss's huge naked ass.

Enjoying the heat inside Sunliss's well rounded rump, Thykdyk eagerly anticipates the next stage of her enslavement!
Even under the influence of the SlaveStone, Sunliss's will is strong...she tries desperately to eject it from her body.

Thykdyk shoves his fat cock into her rectum to hold the evil gem inside her ass.
To be totally effective, the SlaveStone must remain inside Sunliss's body for eight hours. Only then will Sunliss become a completely powerless sex-slave.

Thykdyk and his disgusting tribe of perverts take turns drilling into Sunlisses butthole with their throbbing, squirting cocks!
Taking over from their HighShaman, Thykdyks entire tribe assaults Sunliss...forcing their fat cocks into her big,bouncing rump...enjoying her squeals of shame and degradation.

As the hours pass, Sunliss weakens.

Panting and sobbing, the young girl desperately tries to eject the SlaveStone but to no avail.

Every time she gets close to shitting the horrible thing out, another penis is plugged into her rectum.

Crying with frustration, exhaustion and humiliation as her body is repeatedly violated, the youngest daughter of Enrique Zoya slides inexorably into Thykdyks disgusting power!!!
After eight long, terrible hours of contesting her fate, Sunliss realizes that resisting Thykdyks magic is in fact, futile.

The entire tribe have taken turns violating her fat young bottom, holding Thykdyks evil talisman in her anus.

As the final seconds tick away and the last throbbing,squirting cock is rammed up her ass, Sunliss gives up hope.
Sensing the completion of their spell, Thykdyks tribe close in on Sunliss, stroking their cocks excitedly.

Defeated,degraded and humiliated, Sunliss finally gives in to the relentless power of Thykdyk.

In an act of total submission to her new masters, Sunliss rolls over onto her back and opens her magnificent legs.

The tribe climax together in an explosive shower of semen, splashing and spattering their new slave's voluptuous body.

Thykdyk and his tribe bestow on Sunliss what she has strived so hard to achieve...Warpaint!!!


Epilogue…Sunliss's adventures are not over.

Sadly for Thykdyk, Sunliss's body was meant for bigger things, and she will not be in his power for long.
Last edited on 06 September 2014, 00:43.
Posted on 17 April 2017, 23:08 by:   digitgate    PM
Score +5
thanks for the update.I look forward to new updates.

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