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[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)

Posted:2014-09-30 05:04
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:28.70 MiB
Length:51 pages
Favorited:798 times
Average: 4.52

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2015-01-23 17:29
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2015-02-28 16:31
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2015-06-02 15:17
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2015-10-22 06:27
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2015-11-07 08:47
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2016-01-05 06:04
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2016-03-16 05:45
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2016-05-12 15:37
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2016-07-06 15:56
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2016-10-16 04:54
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2017-05-20 06:15
[YogurthFrost] Going Against Destiny (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), added 2017-05-20 06:19

Showing 41 - 51 of 51 images

Posted on 30 September 2014, 05:04 by:   Project_Demise    PM
Uploader Comment
A Star Wars: The Clone Wars comic by YogurthFrost ( Definitely take a peek at his gallery when you get a chance, and donate if you are able, since he pays for the scans out-of-pocket and a few donations would probably speed up release times on his comics.
Updated: 9-30-14
Posted on 05 January 2013, 23:58 by:   marc455    PM
Score +254
I actually like that story quite a bit. But still, so many words!

Edit: Damn, this shit is all over the place.
Posted on 04 July 2012, 05:23 by:   Omnis Ra    PM
Score +343
This is amazing. I hope there is a follow up to this? Like what happens after the Clone Wars?
Posted on 05 July 2012, 04:54 by:   johnsbollocks    PM
Score +479
This is how it should have happened.
Posted on 07 July 2012, 15:18 by:   LoneWolf3574    PM
Score +317
I like it, great fanfic.
Posted on 05 August 2012, 06:05 by:   Oriandu    PM
Score +189
It's well done, but the artist behind this has some very severe issues with perspectives and maintaining character dimensions. Not to mention skipping plot events.
Posted on 05 August 2012, 07:37 by:   SJMK    PM
Score +69
This was great. I admit I didn't read everything I just wanted to see if it had an actual ending. This seems like it's still not ready.
Posted on 06 January 2013, 04:56 by:   psicomenace    PM
Score +136
WoW, I can't believe, but, this actually is a pretty amazing work, thanks ;D
Thanks a lot for the first update of 2013 ;D
Posted on 14 September 2012, 16:25 by:   Juniper69    PM
Score +129
Absolutely love it. The style of drawing is so flexible. Really appealing to most people who read it I bet!! Awesome FanFic.
Posted on 15 September 2012, 05:58 by:   COMMI3    PM
Score +141
Now see, i much rather prefer an ending such as this compared to what Lucas pulled put of his ass. Bravo, good sir, bravo.
Posted on 26 February 2013, 04:45 by:   Rensune    PM
Score +217
Came for the porn, stayed for the story.
Posted on 14 May 2013, 04:09 by:   Hecatom    PM
Score +79
I am usually not into fanfiction, but man, this one is actually very good, as Rensune said, i came for the porn, but stayed for the story.
Saying that, I still hope that we see more hot action between Anakin and Ahsoka, throw some action betweenObi Wan and Asajj Ventress for good meassure too :3

BTW she looks beautiful while pregnant <3
Posted on 21 October 2013, 14:37 by:   DJjames    PM
Score +67
Better than the actual starwars plot lol
Posted on 13 February 2014, 13:24 by:   NeitherMyName    PM
Score +28
Well, this isn't bad and is quite interesting, but... it's confusing, at the times. Feels like it's jumping from one point to another. Such as Ashoka not knowing Anakin is now Vader espite talking to him and switch between narrators.
Posted on 07 April 2014, 11:15 by:   xap42    PM
Score +4
can't wait for more of this story eps 1-3 wer a let down to me this is better
Posted on 22 April 2014, 03:44 by:   Sir Vicious    PM
Score +6
MOor please
Posted on 23 April 2014, 00:05 by:   Maryu    PM
Score +6
Una muy buena Parodia de "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" mis camaradas. Gracias.
Posted on 29 May 2014, 07:36 by:   Xion Rabbit    PM
Score +19
This reality is the best. No choosing which color is shining brighter. Just Neutrality. I love this universe's story line.
Posted on 18 July 2014, 17:43 by:   Lord Dashwood    PM
Score +42
Too much text. Far, far too much text.

Then again, I like the prequel trilogy, so most of you will probably downvote this.
Posted on 19 July 2014, 06:26 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +6
I want this to be complete, already... With about a million pages. It's great!
Posted on 05 September 2014, 19:54 by:   noahb3    PM
Score +6
Is the little guy in the robot suit a real star wars alien or just made up for this?
Posted on 06 September 2014, 01:43 by:   Lord.lukas    PM
Score +18
it updates slowly but is worth the wait (hoping it up dates alittle faster thow)
Posted on 01 October 2014, 18:08 by:   NamelessFace    PM
Score +54
Came for the sex. Stayed for the story.
Posted on 04 October 2014, 03:08 by:   Maryu    PM
Score +23
Realmente es un muy buen trabajo y espero que no sea el Final. Gracias.
Posted on 29 January 2015, 18:30 by:   NamelessFace    PM
Score +14
Posted on 03 March 2015, 00:49 by:   ZeoUnit    PM
Score +11
Man this is one good comic. Hope he will make a lot more updates for this story.
Posted on 03 March 2015, 09:10 by:   crazy4sian    PM
Score +12
Going Against Destiny: A better love story than Episode I, II, and III.
Posted on 02 June 2015, 18:51 by:   Manzor    PM
Score +24
This is a twelve years old kid's fantasy. It's ilogic, melodramatic, non-sense and fool. But the draw style is quite good and it keeps some romantic continuity. Not bad for a fanfic. But only really good for "freak" children XD
Posted on 07 June 2015, 04:19 by:   xap42    PM
Score +17
glad this is still ongoing can't wait for more
Posted on 22 October 2015, 12:05 by:   brandon jenkins    PM
Score +6
Can't wait for more pages
Posted on 22 October 2015, 15:16 by:   Insanity4362    PM
Score +35
@PregnantWhoreFucker: Hating something isn't the problem. The Jedi actually hate the sith. No, the problem is keeping your emotions under control and not letting them control you. If you were to act on your hate, you would undoubtedly do something horrible. You might feel as if nothing had changed within you and so it becomes easy to rationalize that something of this level isn't as bad as people say. So you tell yourself that it's alright to do things like that. THAT is the trap. The more acts you do with this train of thought, the less likely you'll see anything wrong with them and the more likely you'll do something worse. It's a slippery slope and all it takes is a little push. This is exacerbated by the fact that you can literally fuel you power with your hatred and even the fear and hatred of your enemies can give you strength. Not to mention that the reason you turned to the Dark Side is not always the reason that you stay. You know what they say about power and corruption. Anyhoo, I've rambled enough. If you'd like a better understanding of the Dark Side, I would suggest reading the Darth Bane trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn. Great books that illustrate the workings of the Dark Side of the Force from the perspective of the one who established the Rule of Two. Kyp Durron is another character I recommend reading about to understand how slippery of a slope it is and the long and difficult journey to redemption.
Posted on 22 October 2015, 20:48 by:   Tnecniw    PM
Score +6
Love the story... but it is SO DAMN CONFUSING :P
Posted on 25 October 2015, 00:13 by:   Inceptor57    PM
Score +7
Honestly, I don't mind waiting like weeks or months if that's what it takes to get one page out, each page so far has been worth gold mines in this continuity.
Posted on 29 November 2015, 21:11 by:   xap42    PM
Score +17
i was wondering how dooku would react to these events. can't wait to see h ow things progress.
Posted on 08 January 2016, 06:20 by:   BoomerRetrive2    PM
Score +6
I just look over the comic and every time I see that it's been updated it looks the same. What's changing?
Posted on 14 January 2016, 20:15 by:   Hecatom    PM
Score +38
Like i said before, great story.
I like this new continuity.

BUT, we need more sexy time between Ahsoka and Anakin
Posted on 16 March 2016, 12:56 by:   TikiFish    PM
Score +5
What was updated?
Posted on 21 April 2016, 08:40 by:   AnthonyMoses    PM
Score +24
I honestly like How you imagined Darth Plagueis. A demonic serpentine creature. Instead in his book hes a Muun. I liked that.
Posted on 13 May 2016, 04:39 by:   Bulgakov    PM
Score +10

But damn the shapes are all over the place/no sense of depth of field :,< my eyes hurting
Posted on 06 July 2016, 20:32 by:   mobius_flame    PM
Score +15
This takes forever but I love this story
Posted on 17 October 2016, 18:35 by:   UxoriousBark    PM
Score +7
By page 13, its better than canon. Can't w8 to see where it goes from this, maybe some Rebels characters can join in too? Heres hoping
*Plus props for not screwing Boba over
Last edited on 27 October 2016, 10:44.
Posted on 19 October 2016, 17:52 by:   SeabeeGR    PM
Score +20
OMG! This was wonderful! Hope to see more and eventually see when they take down sidious.

Will we see more characters from the Star Wars EU? What about Amidila? So much filler left. The one I want to see if their kids Will be human or Tog.?
Posted on 20 May 2017, 21:20 by:   AGMlolz    PM
Score +11
Ezra is Bobba Fett!? D:
Posted on 26 May 2017, 05:10 by:   rubius    PM
Score +6
If AGMlolz thinks erza is bobba fett than what are natsu and happy? My guess would be either Hans solo and chewy or Luke Skywalker and R2D2? I'd definitely say grey would be jabba the hut since juvia is like his slave.
Posted on 03 August 2018, 13:11 by:   LordLhikan    PM
Score +20
I've been aware of this for years, and it certainly remains not only one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars fan-material out there, but I think it might also be the best alternate timeline. The art is great, the writing is pretty solid, and the main relationships are believable. Not sure where Boba Fett and Riyo Chuchi came from, but color me interested in seeing their relationship explored a bit further. I also love Alpha and Htumza's designs, Ventress and Obi-Wan's new armor, and especially that the identity of Vader is more like an alter ego than something Anakin was forced to become. Overall, this is how the timeline SHOULD'VE unfolded, though I must admit that Ventress having Obi-Wan with her after Dooku's betrayal KINDA screws over Maul, since Savage was never recruited and transformed and thus has no reason to go looking for him. If he could somehow be integrated but NOT have so big a revenge-boner for Obi that he would become a problem, that would be awesome cuz Maul is too cool a character to leave out of a re-imagining of the timeline like this. Just a suggestion, not a demand, you understand.
Posted on 17 February 2019, 05:17 by:   FriendsofSandwiches    PM
Score +18
I remember seeing a continuation of this, sort of, via the deviantart page.
Unfortuately the progress of the story was getting stalled by the art taking a while, so each page tried to cram as much into it, and as a result, bounced or pushed along to the point of near incoherency, or more specificly, to where you felt you were missing stuff.
Damn shame because I have to agree this is THE best star wars alt story out there, bar none.
Posted on 04 August 2019, 19:09 by:   Lightnigh    PM
Score +1
Hey if ya like i could make this comic digital if youd like :3
Posted on 05 June 2020, 05:40 by:   jonadi    PM
Score +7
definitely some weird canon issues. Like how old han solo is in this, how he meets chewie if theres no imp slavers or how the clones have a limited lifespan.

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