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[Light Rate Port Pink] Saimin SEX Dorei -AKANE- (Ranma 1/2)

[ライト・レイト・ポート・ピンク] 催眠SEX奴隷 -AKANE- (らんま1/2)

Posted:2015-02-01 07:55
File Size:44.75 MiB
Length:28 pages
Favorited:59 times
Average: 4.55

Showing 1 - 28 of 28 images

Posted on 01 February 2015, 07:55 by:   Optitron    PM
Uploader Comment
By popular demand!... well, one request anyway...

Before we get down to the nitty gritty (never typed that before... looks weird) I'd like to take a moment to explain why I didn't initially upload this when I got it a week ago... well, aside from the fact that I wanted first crack at translating it and I thought I'd see if I could finish said translation before anyone else noticed this was available and posted it ahead of me, but I digress...
The main reason I chose not to upload this RAW initially was the artist himself (I assume Light Rate Port Pink is a 'he', as I firmly believe that no 'she' would be caught dead drawing something like this). As a fan of Light Rate Port Pink's work (from here on I'm going to use LRPP to save myself a little misery) I always make sure to check his blog at least once a week for updates, which definitely took some dedication when, for the better part of a year, nothing new was posted. I would guess that for most people it would take a lot less than nine months to give up on ever seeing another LRPP work, but - full disclosure - Akane has always been the Ranma ½ character I've been most... interested in, and the prospect of seeing her transformed into a "Hypno Sex Slave" was enough to keep me checking.
And, lo and behold, about a month ago LRPP finally reappeared - and with four new works to boot (well, three new works and a compilation, but since the components of it were only offered in limited numbers and not outside of Japan I say it counts). There was also a New Years post that caught my attention. Now I admit I didn't try to translate everything he wrote, but I did catch the words "recovery" and "rehabilitation", which suggests that something rather serious happened to him during that time he was away.
So, what does all this have to do with my reticence to publish this RAW? Its pretty simple really. It sounded to me like LRPP has been having a rough go of things for the better part of the last year, and while I'm not all that concerned about an English translation of his work affecting his sales numbers (since they're mainly from Japanese consumers), it seemed possible that posting the original Japanese work could. I knew that eventually someone else would download the RAW and post it here, but I felt that by not being the one to do so myself (a) my conscience would be clean, and (b) at least that would be one more sale for LRPP. But then it occurred to me that I could do something that another uploader likely wouldn't...
And that's to say if you like this work please, PLEASE, PLEASE SUPPORT THE ARTIST! It's only about a dollar fifty for this doujinshi on (give or take, based on the current exchange rate), way cheaper than the price of a regular comic book (at least in the US). Also, there are several LRPP works there that haven't been uploaded here yet, so if you're interested in any of them you can be the first to get them and upload them here (I was only really interested in this one). Better yet, showing your support means there's a greater chance that LRPP keeps making doujinshi for us to enjoy.
Anyway, that's my spiel (Huh, another word I don't think I've ever typed before). I suppose if I've convinced even two of you to purchase the original then my efforts won't have been a waste.

Since this is the Japanese RAW, I decided to post the original description... in Japanese ;)

Links (so far*):

The first two extras come from the artist's DLsite blog:

The last image is an extra I found on the artist's pixiv page (Note: you will need to be registered and over 18 to view):

...Oh, and I suppose I should include a link to my English translation:
Hypno SEX Slave -AKANE- [English]

*I'll add DLsite and DLsite English links when (or if) they become available
Posted on 01 February 2015, 11:46 by:   Red of EHCOVE    PM
Score +64
I think posting books here is great for driving traffic to the artists, it is just that the entire "buying" stuff becomes often way too difficult for Japanese products. I totally support giving back to the artist; I just wish it would be as simple as PayPal, or Flattr, or Patreon... through that DMM link you posted seems in English. Can anyone comment on how easy it is to create an account and buy a book there? In other words, how painful is the registration and payment process? Will they accept PayPal? I'll be frank: if I can spend ~1 minute to give the dollar fifty, I am game. If I have to spend ~10 minutes to register and pay... my time is worth more, I am sorry.
Posted on 01 February 2015, 16:05 by:   SchlockHolmes    PM
Score +9
"This page is not available in your area" Well, I guess they would rather I steal it
Posted on 01 February 2015, 17:28 by:   Optitron    PM
Score +23
@Red Piotrus
Well at least I know one person was willing to read the wall of text ;)

DMM doesn't have a Paypal option, but the English DLsite does! here's a link to LRPP's offerings there:

Unfortunately the Akane book hasn't been posted there yet (hence the reason I didn't include this link in my uploader comment), but a lot of his other great MC stories, including the Hypno SEX Slave -RANMA- story and his two DBZ MC sotries, are available there, though the prices are a little bit higher ($1.80 instead of $1.50). I will say that I don't recall having any particular trouble registering on DMM or the English DLsite. Both had registration pages available in English that I don't recall being any different from a registration page you might find on Amazon or eBay. I'm sure the owners of the sites don't want their registration process to be difficult for foreigners. They just want your money, regardless of where you live.

Yeah, I got the same message here in the States for about a week. Try giving it some time or, if it is important to you to show support, keep an eye on this page, as I will be sure to add the DLsite and Dlsite English links as soon as they become available.

Umm... did you not see the link in the uploader comment to my English translation?
Last edited on 02 February 2015, 03:34.
Posted on 01 February 2015, 20:46 by:   averagejoe32    PM
Score +0
I may be a bit biased, but it I found opening a account on dmm pretty easy.
Posted on 02 February 2015, 00:57 by:   rhudson765    PM
Score +9
Requesting an english translation
Posted on 02 February 2015, 04:48 by:   meow_pao    PM
Score +11

Optitron released the English translation before posting the raw. He even mentioned it in his comments.

In any case, here's the link:

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