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[redpillcomics] Red Pill Comics

Posted:2015-03-20 03:36
File Size:5.13 MiB
Length:23 pages
Favorited:13 times
Average: 1.38

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Posted on 20 March 2015, 03:36 by:   Evil Scorpio    PM
Uploader Comment
Authors site:
Posted on 20 March 2015, 04:34 by:   preaction    PM
Score +111
The author, and the uploader, have serious psychological problems.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 04:50 by:   monix    PM
Score +144
Get out normies reeee
Posted on 20 March 2015, 04:53 by:   Bruv22    PM
Score +108 so so sad
Posted on 20 March 2015, 04:56 by:   Gh3yz0r    PM
Score +82
Manlets, when will they learn?
Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:00 by:   Seyser Koze    PM
Score +64
I laughed, because insecure, inadequate people are funny.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:16 by:   Gh3yz0r    PM
Score +85
Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:18 by:   fletchlives    PM
Score +76
"Abloo bloo bloo why don't these stupid whores like me?! I blame feminism!"
Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:18 by:   Katzies    PM
Score +35


Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:25 by:   Ryouga Urashima    PM
Score +71
"private kuk"

Oh you.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 05:54 by:   djagito    PM
Score +57
If you can't laugh at gallery, you should probably take a good long look at your life and fix your shit.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 06:35 by:   NiGHTS4life    PM
Score +39
I'm glad I don't have to deal with the problems of relationships.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 06:45 by:   craft user    PM
Score +62
This cartoonist has a really skewed view on dating and women. I cant tell if they are sarcastic... I really hope he doesn't think this is what life is like. Clearly hes not working off of personal experience, but some twisted fantasies.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 06:54 by:   Zeikfried    PM
Score +44
Well to be fair, you'd be better off avoiding those kind of women in the first place. It was only the guys stupid enough to marry them that suffered in these comics. For better or worse, the world is too different to let yourself get caught up in a Hollywood movie fantasy like those guys.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 06:54 by:   nv_zs_aa    PM
Score -27
you guys should say thanks to these artist/up-loader, sometimes people need to take a good look at their real life.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 07:13 by:   sadpanda4ever    PM
Score +48
So...the short guy kills himself because he can't get laid, because women don't want to date a guy shorter than them...
I don't know what's more insulting to me as a short person: someone saying they won't date short guys, or implying that I would give enough of a fuck about not getting laid to want to kill myself over it.
I think I'd have to go with the second one.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 07:45 by:   IHavoc    PM
Score +39
I'm really super pleased this is getting slammed like it is.
Once again supporting that anyone who uses the red pill/blue pill metaphor in a serious capacity is usually a complete and total joke with a persecution complex and/or undeserved sense of superiority.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 08:33 by:   footsteps    PM
Score +38
lol @ the salty red pill weirdos downvoting comments about how sad and pathetic they are
Posted on 20 March 2015, 11:34 by:   Xarniwoop    PM
Score +121
This is what happens when you turn away from 2D.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 12:56 by:   iamaneskimot    PM
Score +84
This is Poe's law in full effect. I just cannot tell if this is satire or not.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 15:08 by:   Kalezian    PM
Score -42
these comics make me laugh in two ways.

The art is so fucking bad that the guy who made it is probably autistic.

The people that actually believe that these comics are "le ebbin red pill XD" are probably so pathetic they couldn't get a guy to fuck them if they paid a thousand dollars.

He does make a point though, if you are short, a "good guy" and all that other bullshit, do yourself a favor for the rest of us men, get castrated and take yourself out of the gene pool.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 16:57 by:   nv_zs_aa    PM
Score -84
you guys artists/authors probably wont be accepted here, most of people here(hentai/porn addict) trying their best to ignore all these "calamities" that happened and pretend that these things are not real.

somehow i enjoy it, not in dirty way, but i've got the message u guys delivered in these stuffs.

you know, there's only few people who are able to see the reality around them and then spread the message in different way so that people can understand it, since ignorant will always be ignorant, don't give a f about them, just keep going.

do me a favor, make some good comics about today's politic and monetary crisis, so that these people will stop accusing you as "jealous people who cant get a single whore to fuck".

for every ignorant out there : stop believing about what US/Zionist related media(e.g CNN, FOX, MTV, etc) say. They'll try to push drugs that keep you all dumbed down so that you will never see the truth around. They can even change people behavior, standard, and even their way of life. you know that don't you? NOPE, YOU DON'T.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 17:06 by:   MrDreamy    PM
Score -26
There is a problem with the dating scene, but this is over-the-top.

I don't know if the author is mostly serious or just half-serious and going for the gags.

I say it's 'sex ratio', not the 'alpha male theory' that is the biggest problem with the dating scene. Reverse the 'sex ratio' and the redpill comics would be made by a woman, albeit since men are more polygamous, so the problems will be different, the problem will still be the same order of magnitude.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 17:56 by:   away1213    PM
Score +34
So if we can develop a profile of this humanoid, he's a misogynistic, reddit hating, russian midget racist. Sounds like a fun guy!
Posted on 20 March 2015, 18:08 by:   Renocraft    PM
Score -15
seems like he's making fun of the men who date actual whores (who actually exist irl) or who defend them. his opinion on the whores themselves seems to be they just exist.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 19:49 by:   ParrotBall    PM
Score +69
Ugh, now I need some mind bleach. Guess I'll go read something less vile and absurd, like that one where the schoolgirl breeds with an extraterrestrial fly.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 20:14 by:   AdmiralYang    PM
Score +44
The fuck is this shit?
Posted on 20 March 2015, 22:25 by:   invincibell    PM
Score -21
Posted on 20 March 2015, 22:25 by:   IHavoc    PM
Score +68
@MrDreamy- it doesn't matter. Alpha Male and Sex Ratio both basically simplify the dating scene into terms of supply and demand. You are literally commoditizing potential partners. It's more intellectual but still just as shallow a way to deal with interpersonal relations, so one shouldn't be surprised when the only people they find with this outlook are equally shallow (though in a different sense).

@nv zs aa - how the fuck would political or economic knowledge make us value his stance on women?
Ignorance does not cover all subjects equally. When you assume that there are "ignorant" people, as opposed to logically identifiable instances of ignorance, it is generally just a mechanism to justify one's own ignorance. And again- conflating interpersonal relationship with large scale economics and power dynamics.

@inincibel- both the material being criticized and the critic are fucking retarded,sensational, and overly-victimized. Welcome to pretty much all discussion regarding gender on the internet.
Renocraft seems to have said it. There's no real commentary here other than A) shallow, hypocritical women exist (no shit) B) all women are like that (????) C) anyone who defends women at all is just trying to get laid. Repeat ad infinitum. This isn't smart. There's no insight. It's too sweeping and oversimplified to be even remotely convincing if you've had any interaction with human beings outside of the superficial observations of the lowest common denominator. I'm not saying these comics don't depict situations that don't occur- I'm just saying they're not relevant if you yourself are not interested in relationships with shallow superficial people.

You don't have to treat women with respect because they ALL deserve it. You treat a woman, singular, with respect because the actual interesting, worthwhile human beings, that Nice Guys claim to want so desperately, are looking for that. I'M looking for that (in theory). A good relationship should be founded on it. It's also basic human decency. The one's who don't deserve your respect will reveal themselves in almost no time unless you are desperate and/or a moron (which does happen, but then maybe you weren't so nice and/or smart, respectively in the first place. WOW). Otherwise move on. Who gives a shit.

But the people who write comics like this don't want relationships with a particular individual. They want a woman. They think they deserve a woman. Like they are things that magically plop in you lap once you meet certain requirements. "Girls want smart and nice guys? I'm smart, I'm nice. Where's MY girl." Then they see shallow girls hooking up with superficially appealing guys and determine that THAT must be the secret, and that prior claims by "Women" were simply hypocrisy, instead of maybe considering that approx 50% of the human population are not a homogeneous entity. Or that maybe the only interaction you get with women is exploitation and dismissal from shallow dumb sluts because anyone WITH half a brain finds you completely fucking intolerable. Maybe you are a narcissistic, objectifying, entitled, and/or condescending asshat who would much rather come up with social commentary that looks and reads like it was made by a five year old instead of actually reflecting on yourself and the way you interact with people. Assuming you're even looking for someone with half a brain in the first place, instead of someone who just thinks that you're desirable so that you can assure yourself that you're winning in this weird game that you've contextualized the entirety of human society as, as opposed to your currently sitting alone and complaining about how you're being "cheated".

That's the big problem I have. These people don't think it's wrong that a large portion of human society simplifies individuals down into a handful of relevant traits and inhibits meaningful relationships that acknowledge the full complexity of either individual. They're just pissed that THEIR handful of traits aren't the ones that people flock to mindlessly. You are not a making commentary. You are a wannabe.

And the hilarious nail in the coffin is the claims that all male feminists or defenders of women in general want sex. Not only does it again conflate the entirety of females into the slut category again, but it also projects like hell the author's desperation to be valued by these Sluts onto those defenders. Because no one could possibly have
a) found legitimate instances of women being pressured, persecuted, or systemically oppressed outside of the author's own limited realms of experience
b) Looked at the superficial nature of certain demographics from an ACTUAL, objective sociological perspective and tried understand, identify, and oppose the factors behind them- for reasons OTHER than wanting to fuck them- as alien a concept as that might be.

Because the paradoxical stigma for and valuing of rampant sexuality that leads to this apparent superficiality and hypocrisy in modern women is in part a result of patriarchal influences, as well as modern media, and numerous other sources. Some people wish to understand them even though they have no desire to interact with the women in question. Some acknowledge this accept them and work through these tendencies. Some will even accept these women romantically despite them. We don't know them, or what they may see in each other aside from their most obvious surface value. It is their prerogative.

And of course some are just looking to get laid. Again: No shit. Doesn't mean all male feminists are like that. And I don't give a shit about the one's that are, because theirs really nothing to say about them other than they exist. They certainly don't comprise the entirety of the movement- they would have zero influence or credibility.

You have not been wronged. You have taken up a philosophy on dating that is an objectifying, antagonistic, and treats romance like a market, or a game- with simple demands and winning conditions that must be met to get what you want. If you play that "game" and no one values what you have or how you play then it's your own god damned fault. Quit bitching.

Otherwise A) Don't play that game. Treat girls like god damned human beings holy shit. Maybe 50% will disappoint you that is acceptable. People are numerous and varied and a whole bunch are gonna be disgusting or intolerable along with the complex, stimulating, and sympathetic ones.
B) Accept 2D. It's much less messy and complicated than dealing with real people. But also accept that you are essentially opting out from intimate human interaction and that you are completely fine with this trade off.

TlDR- Yeah women can be shit but so can dudes IDGAF. Go find the cool people or stop bitching.

And again kudos to EX by and large for not being the type of whiny wannabe "normies" found on most porn sites.
Last edited on 20 March 2015, 22:57.
Posted on 21 March 2015, 03:22 by:   Evil Scorpio    PM
Score +1
@IHavoc: alright, now I have the will to respond for a once in eternity. Let's start with the obvious, eh?

> A) shallow, hypocritical women exist (no shit)
So what's wrong about writing a comic of it then? It's a social satire, so to speak. If somebody's taking that too seriously - it's his/her own problem based on possible insecurity or whatever else. People need satire to shake them up and force to look at thing without pink glasses. It's doesn't mean all the world are like that - it means PART of the world like that, regardless of the actual subject. But applying it on the whole world (regardless of the reasons) just because you "think so" isn't very bright.

> I'm not saying these comics don't depict situations that don't occur- I'm just saying they're not relevant if you yourself are not interested in relationships with shallow superficial people.
Well excuse me, not all of us have mental mind-reading powers to see others all through. And IRL there are no "stats page of the character" to ensure you're "compatible" or whatever. These comics are showing what happens when you fail at your "calculations" (or how else you wanna call the searching process).

> B) all women are like that (????)
Where is it? I've re-read all the pages, but I haven't found a single one where this was stated. If we've agreed about the part above - then people have their rights to observe life from their point of view. Only because your point of view is different - it didn't make you better, and life can show you that in a hard way. You complaining about authors imaginary "statement about all women" which never even been stated, why? Because all of their comics are showing that? Well, big news: every author has its own "prize horse idea", which he rides 'til he gets sick of it or his/her point of view changes. So these guys draw comics anbout women being dumb sluts, good for them. So? You can write a comic about men being dumb assholes, if you think that and want to express your point of view (and somebody is doing it already), but shouldn't mean what you think ALL men are like that. Making such accusations is an equal ignorance like the ignorance you (and others) are accusing the authors (and even me, which is kinda funny). Keep your imaginary theories to yourself before you can get a real proof of it, mmkay?

> C) anyone who defends women at all is just trying to get laid.
> And the hilarious nail in the coffin is the claims that all male feminists or defenders of women in general want sex.
Again, where is this stated? Only because on the couple of pictures it LOOKS like that? It looks like it hits the spot then, because such overreaction is a sign of broken mask. Like my people says "The hat that thief stole will burn on thief's head". If you're not like that - why such irritation? Only because you don't like the idea? Aww, welcome to the Internet then.

> But the people who write comics like this don't want relationships with a particular individual. They want a woman. They think they deserve a woman. Like they are things that magically plop in you lap once you meet certain requirements.
ORLY? "He draws comics about women being sluts - He's a loser, liar and probably a virgin"? It remind me about social trends like "all otakus are pedophiles", "all MLP fans are infantile manchilds", "all furry fans are latent zoophiles" and so on. It's so amusing to see people build these cloud castles of theories without any understanding of the person. Sounds almost like the stuff you accusing the authors for, amirite?

> These people don't think it's wrong that a large portion of human society simplifies individuals down into a handful of relevant traits and inhibits meaningful relationships that acknowledge the full complexity of either individual. They're just pissed that THEIR handful of traits aren't the ones that people flock to mindlessly.
Sure. Especially pages with indian guy and his daughter or a soldier who came back home. That haven't touched any painful strings of the human society and relationships. Yeah.

> You have not been wronged. You have taken up a philosophy on dating that is an objectifying, antagonistic, and treats romance like a market, or a game- with simple demands and winning conditions that must be met to get what you want. If you play that "game" and no one values what you have or how you play then it's your own god damned fault. Quit bitching.
Hel-lo-o? Can I live in your reality, please? This philosophy is a general line of life, thanks to our animalistic roots. Nice fairty tales of white knights and beautiful princesses are made to stop people from hanging themselves in desperation from material-based existence. Sure we can EMULATE this stuff, but it's all going down to hormones, pheromones and reproduction instincts, regardless of you likng it or not. Social cell and media cell are just exploiting our primary instincts. You won't blame restaurants for making food, right? So it's not the media - it's a crowd. Pic#5 is kinda shows what I mean. And no, I don't think it only applies for women, but men at least has less problem describing what they want and much less like to use unfigurable non-material conditions.

> A) Don't play that game. Treat girls like god damned human beings holy shit. Maybe 50% will disappoint you that is acceptable. People are numerous and varied and a whole bunch are gonna be disgusting or intolerable along with the complex, stimulating, and sympathetic ones.
Oh, don't even start about people being different. There are two kinds of people: a) who lives on society standarts; b) who don't. Part A is pretty much people we've discussed in the paragraph above. Part B is a bunch of wannabe fighters with the system, which usually are merging with it or get crushged by it in the end. I've seen enough people who stated things like you and submerged in the media mass afterwards - because it's hard no to do so when these "standarts" being showed up your ass from every angle of life. All this hippy stuff is good for poetry, not reality. No "princess and beggar" stuff, forget about it. The system WE created is putting US in the same casting moulds and cuts everything which poking out, standartizing everything, regardless of you liking it or not.

Oh, stop this emo bullshit, please. If you're eager enough to write an essay in the comments to some ugly-drawn, non-famous and pretty much narrow-thinking comic - then this statement looks like a high state of hypocrisy like "I don't care so much I can't stay silent" and so on.

1) stop making accusations without proofs;
2) stop building cloud castles of theories without proofs;
3) stop treating everyting you don't accept so goddamn serious.

Posted on 21 March 2015, 05:55 by:   fletchlives    PM
Score +28
@evil crybaby: "Oh, don't even start about people being different. There are two kinds of people: a) who lives on society standarts; b) who don't."

"Well excuse me, not all of us have mental mind-reading powers to see others all through. And IRL there are no "stats page of the character" to ensure you're "compatible" or whatever. These comics are showing what happens when you fail at your "calculations" (or how else you wanna call the searching process)."

[BEEP BOOP HUMONS CONFORM TO 0 OR 1 BEEP DO NOT DISPUTE MY PROGRAMMING BOOP] How's that assburgers working out for you?

"Hel-lo-o? Can I live in your reality, please? This philosophy is a general line of life, thanks to our animalistic roots."

Lmfao, biotruths.

"It remind me about social trends like "all otakus are pedophiles", "all MLP fans are infantile manchilds", "all furry fans are latent zoophiles" and so on."

Hmm... yes, yes, and yes.
Posted on 22 March 2015, 06:01 by:   Ilovecock    PM
Score +33
I wonder when realized that not a single human being loves him, not even his mother.
Posted on 01 December 2015, 12:11 by:   holy_demon    PM
Score +38
You know, tall musculuar tatooed men got rejected/ignored too, a lot. The difference is that they don't kill themselves over a few failures.

And skinny, nerdy, pale men can be very successful sexually. It's never about looks, you just need the right attitude. Most of the time, just approaching 10 girls that attract you work wonder (a 10% success rate will get you laid daily).... It's like job-seeking. you have to put yourself out on the market, and be ready to learn from your failures. Along the way, you will figure out what strategy works, and what doesn't. NEVER blindly follow "tips" the Bible/society/your parents/roommates/co-workers/strangers on the Internet give you. What works for them might not work for you.

The next step is to realise that people, both men and women, can be manipulated. Now start climbing the hierarchy. Fucking a few brain-dead drunk sluts is easy, getting your ideas/agenda approved by the mass/authority is the true challenge. Everyone is playing this game. Hell, even romance used to be just a byproduct of the games known as religion and population control, then evolved into its own game.

ps: the big irony about redpill is that they accuse women of being "manipulative, attention-seeking, inconsistent, emotional, and hypergamous", then become exactly that.
Last edited on 02 December 2015, 02:45.
Posted on 27 August 2016, 10:16 by:   tdncuseepjjmn    PM
Score +9
@Evil Scorpio

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