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[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing]

Posted:2015-07-10 23:24
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:314.3 MiB
Length:114 pages
Favorited:519 times
Average: 4.24
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-07-20 23:25
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-07-28 17:09
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-08-04 15:54
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-08-14 20:11
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-08-20 16:28
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-09-01 15:19
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-09-09 16:28
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-09-15 15:33
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-09-25 16:08
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-09-29 15:59
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-10-12 14:36
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-10-18 18:11
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-10-24 19:01
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-10-30 13:59
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-11-08 18:11
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-12-20 15:29
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2015-12-31 15:09
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-01-11 14:20
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-01-18 14:04
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-01-25 14:01
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-02-01 15:58
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-02-07 15:00
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-02-14 14:45
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-02-20 12:26
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-02-29 15:56
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-03-12 00:32
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-03-20 18:15
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-03-26 17:04
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-04-16 18:06
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-04-21 16:32
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-04-29 17:05
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-05-02 16:57
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-05-12 16:40
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-05-18 14:45
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-05-25 15:09
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-06-01 15:45
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-06-10 14:57
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-06-19 14:40
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-06-25 15:45
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-06-29 15:07
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-07-08 14:28
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-07-21 23:37
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-07-27 21:31
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-08-01 23:18
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-08-13 14:28
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-08-20 21:51
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-09-03 16:59
[Skidd] UberQuest [Ongoing], added 2016-09-12 15:18

Showing 1 - 40 of 114 images

Posted on 30 April 2014, 00:30 by:   A Modest Espeon    PM
Score +96
Because warriors can kick teleporters like a fucking soccer ball

I'm loving this so much
Posted on 17 June 2014, 03:29 by:   Perfesser Bear    PM
Score +27
Story, characters, art and color -- this is shaping up to be a fave. 5 Stars.

Page 123: behold the power of will. And boobs.
Last edited on 26 September 2015, 03:00.
Posted on 01 May 2014, 18:18 by:   Poit 123    PM
Score +216
Since the poster didn't bother to mention it, the actual site for this webcomic is:
Support the artists by actually visiting their site.
Posted on 09 May 2014, 02:51 by:   Nentai    PM
Score -2
It'd be cool if she just built a stronger sword or something
Posted on 13 May 2014, 18:13 by:   Francix    PM
Score +1
dat RE4 reference in pag 20...
Posted on 28 May 2014, 02:21 by:   linksbro1    PM
Score +34
Welcome... sstraaangeerr...
What'ya buyin'?
Posted on 29 June 2014, 00:49 by:   spetefire    PM
Score +244
shouldn't this be Non-Hentai?

edit : yet my reclass have been removed ... damn weird people here.

or better yet , tell me what is "non-hentai" other than "not hentai" , because this is not hentai...
Posted on 02 June 2014, 03:48 by:   NeoStriker    PM
Score +4
Well this is okay.
Posted on 29 June 2014, 02:47 by:   Raziel45    PM
Score +7
Sephiroth's Masamune, Key Blade from KOH, Links Master Sword and 2 Adventure Time Swords
Posted on 29 June 2014, 04:15 by:   Ahräel    PM
Score -4
Also Squall's Gunblade and the Kokiri Sword, LOL I love cameo's.
Posted on 02 July 2014, 06:26 by:   Veral    PM
Score +5
hey, MY name's mason!
Posted on 08 July 2014, 17:06 by:   Nightarix    PM
Score +0
@spetefire technically this doesn't belong in non-hentai as it's non-western(as in not a western porn comic) so it's classified under misc since non-h is exclusively non-hentai manga stuff.(the real Naruto Mangas for example) as it lists here:
Posted on 15 July 2014, 22:19 by:   Demonlogan    PM
Score -39

Generally, Non-H tends to be the rough equivalent of an omake of an already-running series, in the same way that (30%? 40%?) a certain number of Doujinshi and Manga are based on pre-existing anime and manga, and Western drops in general are either based on a Western production or drawn/produced using a style that should be hard to confuse with those of Doujinshi and Non-H drops; among these 3, Doujinshi and Westerns are closer in terms of content in that there are varying levels of H within, while Doujinshi and Non-H are closer in terms of art style.

Meanwhile, Misc tends to encompass content from 3D smut to original webcomics sans H, such as this one. For literally one example I can point to that crosses into both Western and Misc, see Peter is the Wolf; it has a spot as a Western given that the 'original' version features sex, and a spot as a Misc given that there is an alternate version that doesn't feature it.

That said, to my knowledge, Non-H in general tends to be oneshots, whereas this (and a number of other Misc drops) are ongoing with multiple chapters in the same drop.

Thus, labeling this one as Non-H would be incorrect in that while it lacks 'sex', it is not a chapter or series of chapters featured in a doujin or tankoubon, but instead hosted in it's own base online.
Posted on 26 August 2014, 19:30 by:   spetefire    PM
Score +82
Well , the class system here is well-flawed.

There is "how things are" , and "how things should be".

On a hentai site , something that has no hentai (or sex or nudity , etc) should be ....well , non-hentai.
When you think you got a name for something that couldn't be more accurate....some people simply screws up the most obvious things.

Glad people agreed with me though. They know we're right and that the system is , the truth , flawed.
Posted on 26 August 2014, 20:02 by:   cheeks3894    PM
Score +4
Daww, I love Kibbles! She's so cute! Bonus points for being chubby! [extra bonus points for being a redhead]
Posted on 26 August 2014, 21:32 by:   Meccanical    PM
Score +17
Wait she really killed that guy?

I thought it was a joke.

WTF man
Posted on 27 August 2014, 12:13 by:   Francix    PM
Score -2
if they are going to a trial maybe they have to hire an ace attorney, like i dunno a Phoenix, "Wright"?
Posted on 30 August 2014, 19:49 by:   POOT    PM
Score +7
@Meccanical: I forgot that happened XD, also I doubt anyone can recover from burning into ash
Posted on 15 September 2014, 21:41 by:   srennorj    PM
Score +25
Holy shit this is fun. I wish there was a tag for stuff that parodies/references RPGs. Basically OOTS but with porn. Anyone know of other similar comics here? Don't care if furry or not, 2d or 3d.
Posted on 26 October 2014, 07:54 by:   furclubb    PM
Score -63
Ugh. I don't understand Western porn doujinshi artists. They always take FOREVER to get done with their porn mangas, then add some weird furry shit in the mix, & the plot is always usually a knock-off of some other series or comic. Fuck it. This is why I only download doujinshis made by Japanese & other artists NOT WESTERN. They get done with thier little porno drawings, upload it, then it's complete: simple, lightweight, & not dragging on. They get their shit done! You're not making a 100 or 200 episode series, you are UPLOADING FANMADE PORN on the Internet. Get it together Western porn artists!
Posted on 28 October 2014, 20:52 by:   cjdstruction    PM
Score +8
hmmmmm, I smell burglary from that little cow
Posted on 15 November 2014, 13:04 by:   EX7XD    PM
Score -2
I love Kibbles
5 Stars
Posted on 05 May 2015, 05:14 by:   wjj1314521    PM
Score -16
Posted on 15 September 2015, 18:34 by:   Dotto    PM
Score +7
Uh Oh!, it smells of roasted Staggle. I hope Kibbles don't mess up this time.
Posted on 14 October 2015, 15:43 by:   darkwatcher10    PM
Score +6
Yeah...FYI for anyone that didn't know the obvious...but blacksmiths? They're fucking RIPPED in the upper body and arm area when it comes to muscles. Getting punched by one is about the equivalent to having a small anvil thrown into your gut.
Posted on 17 October 2015, 15:10 by:   SpapasaSups    PM
Score +3
Pg 112 Not interested in smelly Dovah Egg :p
Posted on 07 February 2016, 15:48 by:   redwing48    PM
Score +29
I'm so glad so many people like this comic as much as I do.
Last edited on 07 February 2016, 16:11.
Posted on 07 February 2016, 23:36 by:   Kilves    PM
Score +29
I really don't understand how people like this. Plotlines are created out of thin air, exposition is provided in mindless lumps instead of flowing with the main story, expressions are bland, dialogue is unimaginative, characters are generic and dull. Also, cliches are used every third panel. The guy writing this clearly doesn't know even the basics of storytelling or even drawing. My 12yo little brother actually wrote a 300-page book more interesting than this has been so far.

Ok, I'm gonna clarify. The smart nerdy character is not realistic and is generally not funny. Her background story is great but it does not leave an open question. Open questions are the key to good storytelling: you always need to leave something for the readers to hang on to. Something to keep them interested. "what is this guy, why he does what he does and can he change?" these are the subconcious questions a reader should be always asking. None of these characters leave anything to THINK about - they are like billboards with an advertising slogan in them. There are occasional exceptions like the possible symbolic question of punching too hard. It's pretty good actually, props for that. But mostly, the characters dont tell their own stories. I can clearly see how the artist is trying to fix this problem by making one character behave completely out of character suddenly. The problem is it breaks the flow of the story and leaves the reader pondering why the hell would anyone overreact like that. I'm gonna change my rating from 1 to 3 actually. This is decent, but not memorable. I'm actually a little bit offended that the genius girl character is overlooked like that, like the artist wants to make her one big joke. A setup like this is a perfect chance to handle the differences of two worlds and ideas and I'd hate to see it wasted on some mindless ADHD swordclashing.
Last edited on 11 February 2016, 04:32.
Posted on 17 April 2016, 10:17 by:   D-O    PM
Score +9
This is actually pretty good. I'm captivated by this. I should check the "MISC" Section more often. There no telling what kind of treasure one may find.
Posted on 25 May 2016, 16:24 by:   johnsacarsm    PM
Score +6
Maybe not porn but at least it's a good story.
Posted on 25 May 2016, 17:18 by:   solidemptiness    PM
Score +23
I legit hate the other characters that aren't girls. Maybe I just like girls, but I feel the homosexual characters are lame and gay. More Sesame, goddamnit!
Posted on 10 June 2016, 19:55 by:   Asarkan    PM
Score +19
Inb4 "the uber is not an artifact, it's the Warrior girl herself"
Posted on 28 July 2016, 04:23 by:   Driuz    PM
Score +6
Page 163..That spear looks abit like the Spear of Longinus from NGE.
Posted on 21 October 2016, 06:07 by:   Simple_2    PM
Score +13
new pages are up but this upload hasn't be updated...
Posted on 26 May 2017, 13:17 by:   M0M0E    PM
Score +7
@redwing48, this comic needs to be updated, they're currently over page 200 now

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