Base +13, Ragna20 +5, Mr.Pencil +7, Smashproof +9, Anony12788 +9, chriseras +12, Granten +7, Feladrance +4, Nummelin +4, Oblivo +6, Cadavrus +6, Kael Hyun +8, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, and 51 more...
Base +8, Oblivo +6, fatbro +2, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, mickl3 +6, mala112 +6, Anonyslime +8, hacklol +6, EvilSanta +6, Ice_Cream +11, NitroRaikou +3, finnick8 +6, ABDC +6, and 3 more...
Base +14, Oblivo +6, plahplah +6, Ativ +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, HuskyNinja +7, Ice_Cream +11, NitroRaikou +3, finnick8 +6, analbag01 +6
Posted on 24 April 2016, 01:27 by:
Darktaka Score
Base +6, AfromusPrime +6, Kiranta +6, as102 +9, hacklol +6, EvilSanta +6, Iroald +5, Gentleman Chimera +4, Ice_Cream +11, NitroRaikou +3, finnick8 +6, Oharademon +5, Hyoros -11, and 1 more...
Base +7, Kael Hyun +8, mala112 +6, TheRapture +16, DOIHI +6, AfromusPrime +6, Miriah +7, kilroyjr +7, Jago Smith +6, Anonyslime +8, merzkyi +8, Fighnjaci +10, csavarhuzo +6, and 32 more...
Base +9, MADARA-TAKA2 +6, Mission Explanation +9, Anony12788 +9, csavarhuzo +6, clockbot +6, Vanilla Cream +4, as102 +9, Fighnjaci +10, hacklol +6, Ice_Cream +11, NitroRaikou +3, finnick8 +6, and 2 more...
Base +6, AfromusPrime +6, hacklol +6, finnick8 +6
Base +11, hacklol +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, zeuss194 +6, NitroRaikou +3, finnick8 +6, Kinojitsu_Asahi +4
Base +6, AfromusPrime +6, pinoy007 +4, skeksis -6, hacklol +6, finnick8 +6
Posted on 24 April 2016, 03:39 by:
hafini Score
Base +6, AfromusPrime +6, animefan69 +6, skeksis -6
Posted on 24 April 2016, 04:26 by:
Rmdh Score
Base +6, hacklol +6, M4stah +7, Tovarich1 +7, finnick8 +6
Posted on 24 April 2016, 05:08 by:
Noreally Score
Base +11, Anonyslime +8, as102 +9, Anony12788 +9, Ativ +6, EvilSanta +6, Iroald +5, Gentleman Chimera +4, grankuwaga +6, Ice_Cream +11, tcvds +6, Prof. Tree +5, finnick8 +6, and 5 more...
Posted on 24 April 2016, 05:17 by:
mac77 Score
Base +6, csavarhuzo +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, finnick8 +6, jere512 +6, 44inf +6
Posted on 24 April 2016, 05:18 by:
keronos Score
Base +6, Kiranta +6, Job Truniht +11, emome +8, b3ta +7, karambula +5, Iroald +5, Gentleman Chimera +4, Ice_Cream +11, tcvds +6, Prof. Tree +5, NitroRaikou +3, Elrabin +7, and 5 more...
Base +7, Gentleman Chimera +4, Job Truniht +11, krim1 +6, finnick8 +6, Kinojitsu_Asahi +4, Hyoros -11
Base +14, finnick8 +6, Gentleman Chimera +4, 151132 +7, jere512 +6, Hyoros +11
Posted on 24 April 2016, 23:07 by:
yadua Score
Base +7
Posted on 25 April 2016, 00:56 by:
zappzoe Score
Base +6, Hyoros +11
Base +5, Hyoros -11, Poe mk.II +6, 44inf +6
Posted on 25 April 2016, 09:44 by:
Krozam Score
Base +9, raiden18 +7, Gentleman Chimera +4, Hyoros +11
Posted on 26 April 2016, 18:49 by:
poondog1 Score
Base +6