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[Jay Naylor] Aron

Posted:2016-08-06 03:48
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Average: 4.74

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Posted on 05 May 2016, 21:28 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +123
No matter what, you can always count on Naylor for a great rimjob.
Posted on 05 May 2016, 22:03 by:   NeoStriker    PM
Score +113
It's interesting how Aron has become a second Fisk, but...why? Just because he became a masseuse? This ain't you, Aron.
Posted on 05 May 2016, 22:11 by:   blakfayt    PM
Score +251
I just have to point out the thing about anal sex isn't deviance, it's the fact that the average anus is much tighter than the average vagina, without being iron vice, crack-your-dick levels of tight. It's a different level of pleasure entirely. Some people do not like it, some people love it. Some love it because it's the wrong hole, some love it because it does feel better. But there are reasons why it feels better other than, "IT'S FORBIDDEN!" Just thought I'd put that out there.
Posted on 05 May 2016, 22:17 by:   The Chronicler    PM
Score +205
Jay is a monster and we love him, but either he's putting his own views into his porn comics more than he used to, or I'm just now starting to notice. I don't mind it in Better Days and Original Life. Hell no, I mean those comics are part of the reason I'm trying to better myself. But it feels wrong to be hearing these things when you're looking at porn.

Edit: I want it clear that despite what I said above, I respect Jay's right to do what he wants with his work.
Last edited on 10 May 2016, 01:21.
Posted on 05 May 2016, 23:08 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +76
Note to Zoe: anal sex is kind of the ONLY lower body penetration Audrey can do--seeing how she, you know, lacks a vagina.

No need to be jelly.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 00:15 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +90
Remind me again why Aron and Beth broke up? Because growing up and character arcs are for chumps? :(
Posted on 06 May 2016, 01:03 by:   sparhawkian    PM
Score +22
@RobDollar last I remember it was Aron wanted to settle down in that town, but Beth didn't. Been a while since I read it.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 03:53 by:   all41    PM
Score +21
No fun anal
Posted on 06 May 2016, 06:40 by:   bigtim11    PM
Score +20
Brenda is hot as fuck. More please.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 08:50 by:   moximoore    PM
Score +26

Anal hasn't been a taboo anymore for the better part of a decade now.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 11:06 by:   tomo_023    PM
Score +98
@neostriker Are you really surprised naylor can't write diverse characters? He's a terrible writer and person, and his porn is the only thing of value he produces.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 13:18 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +39

Because they stopped at Southaven for a laundry run, and Aron really liked it and wanted to stay but Beth wanted to keep sailing/traveling. So he got a job and a place, and she left. Different desires in life, I suppose. It happens.
Posted on 06 May 2016, 22:04 by:   KhanJr    PM
Score +79
The anus is only tight at the entrance, though. It's like a ring sliding up and down the penis. Vaginas grip the entire shaft.
Posted on 08 May 2016, 12:36 by:   Xavier Price    PM
Score +77
As a massage therapist myself... I kinda wish I had a boss like that...

That, and I am proud that he said Massage Therapist and not 'masseuse.' Points for accurate terminology.
Posted on 10 May 2016, 18:13 by:   Strykarkatt    PM
Score +126
Naylor should see a shrink. It would enforce his belief that other men should fuck his wife and that he is an objectivist overlord for letting it happen.
Posted on 12 May 2016, 01:43 by:   Alpha103    PM
Score +19
So Brenda is a girl who "prefers" anal sex over vaginal? Do such women actually exist?
Posted on 19 May 2016, 20:59 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +62
Option C: When she reached adulthood, Brenda tried different kinds of penetrative sex and decided that she liked anal the best.

It's really not that hard to figure out, man.
Posted on 24 May 2016, 23:53 by:   UltimU10    PM
Score +28
I like his work and won't say much besides 2 things. This looks good and I'm glad he brought back Aron....

On the other thing I find it funny that Aron says that his boss looks for every problem in a relationship like a cynical type andJay had some of his characters just that as Aron Describes. I don't know why its funny to me.
Posted on 05 June 2016, 21:28 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +100
The fuck, is this seriously turning into an "Uncle Naylor will give you advice about women and sex" comic??? Just stick to the porn, Jay.....
Posted on 05 June 2016, 22:32 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +129
naylor couldn't give sex advice if he grew up in a brothel.
Posted on 06 June 2016, 02:34 by:   Muffdiver884    PM
Score +40
...And just like that, this got fucking boring. Naylor is using pages to explain body shape? What???
Posted on 06 June 2016, 07:00 by:   moximoore    PM
Score +124
Oy. I love Naylor's works, but I hate when he overly over thinks things. There are some pretty massive assumptions in this one, probably should have put that as number 6 on Aron's list, " Don't assume you know everything.".
Posted on 06 June 2016, 08:12 by:   th0usandeye    PM
Score +99
Man what is with this preachy bullshit I just came here for porn
Posted on 06 June 2016, 08:44 by:   TheViktor    PM
Score +52
There is a difference between doing a porn with plot, and then there is these sort of porn that claims to tell us something but ends up being just preachy and dull... This one as well some of Naylor's works lately has been like this.
Proof? Look at his "Riding Red Hood" series that was followed by the "Wolf Queen" series. The Red Hood series had a more fun and unique take on a fairy tale that started to evolve into a weird epic fantasy tale with the same look and idealism of the artist. Not to mention the last part of Wolf Queen seem to ended abruptly, a common event in his comics it would seem.
Looks like SOMEONE needs to reread his own tutorial about how to do a porn comic:
Posted on 08 June 2016, 08:16 by:   rashant    PM
Score +46
I've had a girlfriend who was more into anal than vaginal. At first it was cool, but then i started to prefer vaginal more. It was her who initiated our first anal sex.
This also left me with a desire for butts for years to come, which is now kinda a problem since my current girlfriend despises anything that has to do with anal.
Posted on 18 June 2016, 01:44 by:   Vortex5000    PM
Score +99
So according to Jay Naylor I have to sleep around with several different lovers at the same time? Also apparently I have to date a lot of people in my life (or the way he puts it, more just sleep around, not truly date them) or I won't be able to settle down. Well fuck this guy, I'm trying to fap while my long time live in girlfriend (only my second lover, hopefully my last) is doing a dig overseas this summer and instead I'm getting this preachy bullshit, what a buzzkill.
Posted on 05 July 2016, 21:20 by:   yourking    PM
Score +55
Is this really turn on for someone.
Posted on 05 July 2016, 22:23 by:   Konradz    PM
Score +35
Posted on 06 July 2016, 00:14 by:   core1991    PM
Score +34
Pee harmless? No it is harmful if ingested/arbsorbed by the body; since pee has pathogens that is harmful to the body. This why the body expels it in the first place. I know that bear grylls drank his and he's fine when he drank it but he explained it as a last resort if water is not readly available. geez naylor should research this he could get in trouble if tries it for himself.
Posted on 06 July 2016, 04:13 by:   all41    PM
Score +34
Sounds like Naylor is getting a bit desperate.

@moximoore It's not Aron. It's Naylor projecting himself.
Last edited on 06 July 2016, 06:05.
Posted on 06 July 2016, 05:06 by:   moximoore    PM
Score +17
Sooo.... I guess Aron is now Fisk?

Is this commissioned or is it canon? I think the reason this story is rubbing some people the wrong way is because it really should be about Aron getting to know many sides of himself and his partners. But instead, it's just him droning on and on about what he thinks is what and why it is. Which is kinda suspicious for someone to make all these assumptions when he's just now experimenting with new partners.


Yeah, like Fisk. Doing it with Aron is just redundant.
Last edited on 06 July 2016, 09:03.
Posted on 06 July 2016, 20:19 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +20
Jay Naylor thinks that he is all men. o3o
Posted on 07 July 2016, 04:21 by:   Pleadies    PM
Score +57
People say that Aron is turning into Fisk, this is only really partially true.
Fisk is, in Nalyors mind, the fursonification of the ideal true male. Every act Fisk does is that of perfection and control. Its what Naylor desires to see in himself and possibly how he actually see's himself. (I can't say, never seen the guy in person; Though given that Fisk is his literal fursona it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say so). So for any percieved 'Growth' of any male character will be towards the perfection that Fisk embodies. That includes the domineering aspect of things when it comes to the male side (See that Beth One Shot where Beth's with the guy who's so Domme he can eat you out and still be in control)

As for Aron specifically changing, this is a product of the limited cast of Naylors universe, most of the fleshed out characters are currently either Female or children, so there's a limited cast of men to throw around in without the women just suddenly apparating a relationship with some guy and then dropping it the next (See again, the Beth one-shot). The only other fleshed out male besides Aron and Fisk would be Tommy, and Naylor's not going to draw Tommy and Lucy comics because of Lucy's status as Matt's character. (even with him saying "well she's strayed and become so unique from Matts character that she might as well be just mine now." The justification is enough to have her cameo in a few of the stories in Original Life, but his brain won't let him pull her into a Pornographic work) So at this point, yup Aron is going to change into Naylors new vision of Fisk but single, cause currently he's the only one who can.

Secondary note for people really overthinking this.

This is a pornographic work. Even if these depictions weren't furry, no one including the artist is expecting you to say "This is an accurate depiction of what sex is like, what relationships are like" ext. I'm not going to say that none of these people exist in some fashion because this is a really big world. But they aren't the norm. Jay Naylor isn't telling you to believe that you should sleep around, or that anal is some magic fantasy wonderland of joy and richness (okay maybe that one he is but still) What this work primarily is, is a work of fantasy and wish fulfillment.

No Porn director has ever declared "If you're a pizza guy you'll get tons of tail" or that "The Plumber laying pipe is actually him fucking your lonely wife" They like Naylor are selling the fantasy of it, the escapism of it. Letting you spend, 10-20 minutes believing that sure, if you went to a nudist colony everyone would be super attractive, you'd become a massage therapist, and you'd bang all the girls. And then when you're done, you come back down, re-enter reality, and throw away the tissue.

That's not to say you have to enjoy the story or enter into that world of fantasy if its not your thing. Tastes for porn vary people don't have to get off to the same stuff. You don't like this fantasy go right ahead, wait till the next one comes out and it might suit your tastes. Or look for other artists. There's thousands of thousands of them out there right now, I can nearly guarantee you at least one of them is catering to your specific kink at this time. But please for your own sake, don't take everything in pornographic work as actual sex advice or anything. It's a fantasy, all of it. Applying any of it to the real world will only end in tears.
Last edited on 11 July 2016, 08:06.
Posted on 12 July 2016, 11:06 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +54
"You're overthinking it" says the guy who types a fucking wall of text about Jay Naylor... I'm not under the delusion this comic is speaking to me, I'm talking about the retarded concept he keeps shoving into his comics. Mostly self-insertion.
Posted on 20 July 2016, 06:47 by:   wafflesiobpib    PM
Score +57
Jay naylor is the David cage of porn.
Posted on 25 July 2016, 18:18 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +38
Last few pages: "I HAVE A HOT FRIEND WHO DOESN'T WANT TO FUCK ME EVEN THOUGH I GET PLENTY OF ASS, WAAAH". Get over it, Aron, not every hot woman in your life owes you a lay.
Posted on 06 August 2016, 04:36 by:   YarnHorns~    PM
Score +25
Turns out being able to draw well is not a good substitute for personality, which Naylor lacks. You could say, he's more 1 dimensional than the characters he draws
Posted on 06 August 2016, 05:10 by:   jackalo    PM
Score +50
@YarnHorns~ his characters can be 0 dimensional as long as he keeps producing art of this quality. every time a new page is added i get on the verge of exploding in my pants.
Posted on 06 August 2016, 07:55 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +48
So now that the comic's finally over.... what the fuck did I just read? Is this supposed to be the same Aron who got all twitterpated just from the description of his friend's gf's D&D character walking into a tavern? How did we get here? How does a guy go from being happily devoted to only one girlfriend for 9 years to effortlessly and nonchalantly nailing everything he comes across? If Naylor REALLY had to tell this story for whatever reason, fine, but why do it with THIS character? Why not show a younger Fisk and his transition from sexual abuse victim to lady killer? One doesn't just go from feeling like someone else's symptom of THEIR OWN abuse to having multiple girlfriends from all corners of the world. Wouldn't THAT story be more appropriate? All this happens to Aron just because he gets the urge to settle down in a place where he can see naked people whenever he wants? Really?
Posted on 06 August 2016, 10:45 by:   all41    PM
Score +27
So... could anyone rewrite this so it's less cringe?
Posted on 06 August 2016, 15:33 by:   randomletterjumble    PM
Score +82
When I first stumbled onto Naylor's comics, I thought they were well drawn and varied. I liked how there were a variety of positions and scenarios, rather than just 'two furry characters do it doggy style' like so many of the other comics at the time. But what I liked the most were the characters.

The first comic I had found was Amy's Summer Camp Adventure. I loved how instead of just jumping from 'I'm hot, he's hot, let's fuck,' he took the time to build up the characters in a believable way. It's what led me to looking for his other work, and when some of the characters started showing up in multiple comics, I wanted to know if they were coming from an underlying work. So I found Better Days, and was delighted. There were the characters I was coming to love, in greater detail but still consistent with what I'd already learned about them. They loved and grew and hurt and matured, and they felt almost real. Yeah, it got a little overly philosophical at times, but I can accept that as a quirk of the writer.

So it didn't bother me when some of the future comics started to get a little one note with how they treated it as 'Man wants/needs sex and it is Woman's purpose to fulfill that.' Yeah, kinda cringe-y, but the art was still good and they were new characters, so I didn't care much about the material, even if I did wish they were a little better written. Besides, every one of those characters seemed to be screwed up in some way, so I could justify the attitude as part of a damaged psyche and flawed emotional self.

This almost feels like a betrayal though. It's not some random character with undisclosed issues that broke them a little, this is Aron. One of the characters that had thoughts and feelings, that grew and matured and had... well, character. And here he's presented as just like all the other damaged individuals in opinion. No, that he *grew and matured into this.* As if rather than unhealthy sexual attitudes being the product of tragic circumstances, they're the norm and everyone should realise it. That the character that remained happily monogamous with a poly-inclined girlfriend, never judging either viewpoint as wrong, decided 'nah, that was stupid, as much sex with as many as people as possible!' seems to spit on those characters and lives I used to be fascinated by. I can't even say he did it at the first opportunity, because Beth *gave* him that opportunity the entire time they were together. This went out its way to change who and what Aron was.

I'm fine with the author writing a (honestly kind of lame) self-insert story from time to time where he works through his own issues or lives out some fantasy. He just needs to leave his actual strong characters out of it.
Posted on 13 August 2016, 03:06 by:   randomletterjumble    PM
Score +37
Thing is though, Naylor has *done* rebound comics before, and managed to avoid 'single guys should sleep with as many women as possible.' And Aron's had the chance for years in the comic. Leaving Beth gives him as much freedom as taking the gate off of a two foot picket fence.
Posted on 22 August 2016, 22:48 by:   redragon1990    PM
Score +30
funny how he left out audrey for this one considering "she" is arons primary lover
Posted on 07 November 2016, 10:58 by:   BrainPain    PM
Score +28
You wouldn't believe how much I hate that armchair philosopher.
Posted on 07 November 2016, 16:02 by:   Octo2650    PM
Score +6
Series Comic Name ~Main Characters
-Main Kink/Sexual impact {Date}
*Non Canon Aticston Fisk ~Fisk and Unnamed Female Dragon
-Male/Herm {1999}
*Non Canon Bath Time ~Fisk and Dracoia
-Male/Female {1999}
*Non Canon Spank with rest your Gun Here
~Fisk and ZIg Zag
-Male/Female Recording Porno {1999}
*Non Canon Take Two ~Fisk and Syndra (Zig Zag)
-Male/Female Recording Porno {1999}
*Non Canon Intensive Care ~Unamed Cat Nurse and Cat
-Patient Sexy Nurse {1999}
*Non Canon Laundromat ~Unnamed Sibling Cats
-Sex inside a washing machine {1999}
*Non Canon Lucy's Scrap Book ~Fisk and Lucy
-Male/Female Brother/Sister {1999}
*Better Days A Better Mouse Trap ~Persia and Flounce
-Male/Female Husband/Wife {2005}
*Better Days Wicked Affairs Pt.1 ~David and Unamed Mouse, Elizabeth & Lucy
-Male/Female Sex Dream {2005}
*Non Canon Mrs. Dorris Henderson ~Dorris,Unnamed Exotic Cat and Canine
-Males/Female Cheating, Impregnation {2005}
*Better Days Beth's Night In ~Beth
-Female Masturbation
*Better Days Rachel's Confessions ~Rachel and Unnamed Catholic Hyena
-Female/Male Cheating Priest Sexual Confession
*Better Days True Love ~Persia and Flounce
-Male/Female Husband/Wife
*Better Days The Best Friends Brother ~Fisk and Beth
-Male/Female Best Friend Sexual Encounter
*Better Days On the Rebound ~Lucy and Tommy
-Male/Female Virginity Lose
*Better Days Wicked Affairs Pt.2 ~Fisk and Elizabeth
-Male/Female Cheating/Eventual Marriage {2006}
*New Worlds Mercedes the Wolf ~Mercedes & Admiral ?
-Male/Female Prostitute {2006}
*Better Days Amy's Little Lamb Summer Camp Adventure
~Amy and Austin
-Male/Female Virginity Lose {2006}
*Better Days No Remorse ~Rachel & Alex & Trent
-Male/Female Male/Male Cuckold {2006}
*Better Days Undies (Pic Collection) ~Many Girls
-Female Solos {2006}
*Better Days Puss N'Boots ~Beth and ?
-Male/Female Swinger {2007}
*Better Days Something New ~Lucy and Tommy
-Male/Female Anal {2007}
*Better Days Breeding Bobby ~Bobby (Mother of Persia)
-Male/Female Cheating Impregnation {2007}
*Better Days Puppy Love ~Robert and Jessica
-Male/Female Cheating/Eventual Marriage {2007}
*Huck World The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.1
~Marry Anne and Apollo
-Male/Female Cheating, Adult/Teen {2007}
*Non Canon Doggone ~ (????)
-Female/Male Sub/Dom {2008}
*Better Days The Kitty Sutra 1 ~Beth and Aron
-Male/Female Many Sexual Positions {2008}
*Huck World The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.2
~Marry Anne, Lenore and Apollo
-Male/Female Cheating, Horse/Milf {2008}
*Better Days Haukaiu and the Lutrai - Chapter #1
~Haukaiu and Lutrai
-Male/Female Virginity Lose {2008}
*Better Days Haukaiu The Hero - Chapter #2: Haukaiu and the Elves
~Haukaia and Anne Elf
-Male/Female Impregnation {2008}
*Huck World The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.3
~Marry Anne and Fox Brothers
-Male/Female Anal {2008}
*Better Days Girly ~Persia and Flounce
-Male/Female Cross-dresser {2008}
*Huck World The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.4
~Marry Anne and Alexander
-Male/Female Many Sexual Positions {2008}
*Better Days Passion ~Beth and Aron, Lucy Background
-Male/Female Many Sexual Positions {2009}
*Red Riding The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
~Red Riding Hood Anne & Wolf
-Female Human/Male Wolf Impregnation {2009}
*Better Days "Honey, I'm Home" ~Fisk and Elizabeth
-Male/Female Many Sexual Positions {2009}
*Better Days Those Small Town Rumors
~Sissy and Chris and Horatio
-Male/Male/Female Piss Cheating {2009}
*Non Canon The Adventures of Lance Cannon ~Lance, many females
-Male/Female Many Sexual Positions Male Prostitute (????)
*Red Riding The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 2 (Little Red Riding Hood)
~Red Riding Hood Anne and many wolves
-Female Human/Male Many Sexual Positions Male>to>Female {2009}
*Better Days Good Morning, Tommy ~Lucy and Tommy
-Male/Female Morning Sex {2009}
*Red Riding The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 3 (Little Red Riding Hood)
~Red Riding Hood Anne, Paladin, Queen and many wolves
-Female Human/Male Wolf Impregnation {2010}
*Huck World Trish's Doodle ~Trish and Marry Anne
-Female/Female Female>to>Herm {2010}
*Better Days Trixie's Creep ~Trixie and two Unnamed Sexual partners
-Male/Male/Female Anal Recording {2010}
*Priscilla Mikey Begins ~Samantha, Mikey, & Priscilla the Poodle
-Female/Male Male/Male Sub/Dom {2010}
*Better Days Bad Boys ~Persia, Flounce & Mikey
-Male/Male Allowed Sexual Contact {2011}
*Red Riding The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 4 (Little Red Riding Hood)
~Red Riding Hood Anne, Paladin, Queen & many wolves
-Female Human/Male Wolf Impregnation {2011}
*Priscilla Cruel and Usual ~Minh, Mai, Sparky, & Priscilla the Poodle
-Transgender, Incest, punishment, early cumming {2011}
*Better Days Sissy's Issues ~Sissy and her unnamed brother
-Male/Female Incest,Anal {2011}
*Better Days The Naked Truth ~Zoe and Kavek
-Male/Female Cheating {2011}
*Better Days Bad Love ~Sissy and Unnamed Canine Student
-Male/Female Cheating, Adult/Teen {2012}
*Better Days Selfless Love ~Marry Anne and unnamed love interest
-Male/Female Lust, Want, unrealized love {2012}
*Better Days Selfless Love (Rewrite) ~Marry Anne and unnamed love interest
-Male/Female Lust, Want, unrealized love {2012}
*Better Days Beth's O-Natomy ~Beth, Aron and Porn
-Female Masturbation {2012}
*Red Riding The Cottonewine Field Notes ~Multiple characters
-Examination promiscuity and swinger society {2012}
*Non Canon Not a Chance ~ (????)
-Making wait in lust and saying NO {2012}
*Better Days Straight Girls Kissing in the Shower
~Beth and Trixie
-Female/Female {2012}
*Better Days Brother Maintenece (Never Finished)
~Lynne and brother (Forgot his name)
-Male/Female Incest {2012}
*Priscilla Samantha ~Samantha, Priscilla the Poodle
-Female/Males Voluntary Sex Toy {2012}
*Better Days Red ~Red and unnamed Dalmatian
-Female/Male Not Bf & Gf but sexual relief partner {2013}
*Non Canon Craid (3 pg Commission Comic)
~Craid and wolf Queen
-Male/Female Impregnation {2013}
*Red Riding Rise of the Wolf Queen - Part 1: The Inquisitor
~ Red RidingHood Wolf Queen & Paladin {2013}
-Male Wolf/Female Paladin
*Better Days House Cats ~Minh, Mai, & Priscilla the Poodle
-Male/Female Incest {2013}
*Non Canon Dixie ~Dixie
-Pet fantasy, Dom/sub {2013}
*Better Days The Honey Pot Fisk and Veronica
-Male/Female Quick Oversea Fling Anal, Piss {2013}
*Huck World Lenore ~Unnamed male horse and Lenore
-Male Horse, Female Human Cheating {2013}
*Red Riding The Rise of the Wolf Queen - Part 2: The Usurper
~ (????) {2013}
*Non Canon Spies in the Shower (2 pg Commission Comic)
~ Unamed American Dog & Russian BItch
-Male/Female Sex in Shower {2013}
*Priscilla Dogging ~Samantha
-Random Sexual Encounters {2014}
*Original Life Hands On ~Aron and Audrey
-Male/Dick Girl? {2014}
*Original Life Second Chances ~Rachel and Trent
-Male/Female Cheating {2014}
*Original Life Twisted Sister ~Lynne and brother
-Male/Female Incest,Anal, Piss {2014}
*Original Life Her Type ~Beth and Andrew Swanson
-Male/Female {2014}
*Huck World Mandy ~Mandy's and many Zebra Males
-Males/Female Cheating, Impregnation {2014}
*Original Life Sissy's Loose (Patreon) ~Sissy, many males
-Males/Female Cheating, Wanting Impregnation {2015}
*Red Riding Rise of the Wolf Queen Part 3: The Infiltrators
~ (????) {2015}
*Original Life A Unique Relationship (Patreon)
~Audrey and Mary
-Dick Girl?/Female {2015}
*Priscilla The Best Laid Mistress (Patreon)
~Minh and Mai, Priscilla the Poodle, multiple males
-Male/Female Male/Male anal, piss, impregnation {2015}
*Original Life Maritial Aid (Patreon) ~Persia and Flounce, unnamed intervention
-Male/Female Cheating, Cuckolding Impregnation {2015}
*Original Life Twice as Hot (Patreon)(Finished 2016)
~Brooke and Andrew Swanson
-Male/Female {2015}
*Non Canon Dog Days (Patreon)(Finished 2016)
~Unnamed Hispanic Female, many dog sexual partners
-Female,Males Impregnation {2015}
*Red Riding Rise of the Wolf Queen Part 4: The Assassin
~ (????) {2016}
*Original Life Aron ~Aron: Zoe, Brenda, Milly & Trixie in Background
-Realization of his sexual aspects and preferences {2016}

I added these definitions seeing as some people
1.Can’t ever spell them right
2.Don’t know their meaning or connotation
3.The difference between cuckolding, out right cheating or promiscuity
4.Clearing up the myth that, Jay Naylor is a cuckolding only comic writer.

a·dul·ter·y (Adultery)
-Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.

~(This is the proper definition of cheating in terms of sex. MAle=Adulter/Female=Adultress)

pro·mis·cu·ous (Promiscuous)
-Having or characterized by many transient(casual) sexual relationships.
-Demonstrating or implying an undiscriminating or unselective approach; indiscriminate or casual.

~(Not sluts or man whores but a person who is not locked in a relationship and has casual sex)

prom·is·cu·i·ty (Promiscuity)
-The fact or state of being promiscuous.

~(The state to be in the above definition)

cuck·old (Cuckold)
-The husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.
-(Of a man) make (another man) a cuckold by having a sexual relationship with his wife.

~(The man in a relationship that again KNOWS his wife cheats on him, either being a sub or having sexual pleasure from it)

Jay Naylor has Written and illustrated 82+ Comics
*Many see him as a person driven solely on cuckolding and cheating. I’m here to disprove that with numbers and facts.

Cuckold Comics (#2 Entirely)
*NOT counting any of the Red Riding Hood or Huckleberry Anne comics as she was not married or in a solid relationship.
No Remorse
Maritial Aid (Patreon)

Cheating Comics #16 (14 Not counting rewrites and pic collections)
*These either imply cheating as the main kink or have it at some point in the story.
Mrs. Dorris Henderson
Wicked Affairs Pt.1
Wicked Affairs Pt.2
(Though Elizabeth did get married to Fisk, she still cheated with him. Hmm would you call it justifiable cheating? Let me know your opinion)
Rachel's Confessions
Breeding Bobby
Puppy Love
(Though Robert did end up with JEssica, he did cheat on his past girlfriend. But kida same situation with Elizabeth)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.1
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.2
(I the first two Huckleberry Anne comics. Lenore cheats with Apollo and in the end of the first, the father is receiving a blow from a random woman.
Those Small Town Rumors
The Naked Truth
Bad Love
Selfless Love
Selfless Love (Rewrite)
Second Chances
Sissy's Loose (Patreon)(Pic Collection)

Impregnation Comics #11
*Surprisingly a good number of comics so impregnation, not counting ones where one wanted to become pregnant but ever was.
Mrs. Dorris Henderson
Breeding Bobby
The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red Riding Hood)
The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 2 (Little Red Riding Hood)
The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 3 (Little Red Riding Hood)
The Fall of Little Red Riding Hood Pt. 4 (Little Red Riding Hood)
Craid (3 pg Commission Comic)
The Best Laid Mistress (Patreon)
Marital Aid (Patreon)
Dog Days (Patreon)(Finished 2016)

Prostitute/Tramp Comics #4
Mercedes the Wolf
House Cats

Promiscuity (Casual sex with many partners) #10
*Key in on the word casual, not random hook ups or high sex driven characters.
Rachel's Confessions
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.1
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.2
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.3
The Adventures of Huckleberry Ann Ch.4
Puss in Boots
Trixie's Creep
The Cottonewine Field Notes
Hands On

In total, 28/82+ comics have a possible uncomfortable kink.
2/82+ have actual cuckolding
16/82+ some form of cheating
10/82+ have a promiscuous person.

So he does what now…?
It's easy to judge a person based of a few things. But try to please look deeper before fully judging.
Posted on 06 December 2016, 15:41 by:   Dos-Tree    PM
Score +9
Octo, are you actually Jay Naylor himself or something because you seem awfully intent on spamming this post.
Posted on 06 June 2017, 22:33 by:   Bookrat15    PM
Score +8
Just saying. Brenda is beautfiul <3
Posted on 11 June 2017, 00:39 by:   lolicious333    PM
Score +21
I know every artist puts something of their personal beliefs into the work, but this is just so blatant and in-your-face preachy . . . . I came here to fap not get relationship advice.
Posted on 28 December 2018, 20:35 by:   BlueRoses23    PM
Score +17
As a side note: maybe Aron should have included a reminder to wear protection if you plan to have multiple partners. I know that his universal canon is that different species CAN interbreed (Samantha, for example, is a cat that is constantly popping out puppies), and STDs are probably a thing somewhere in there. Having bareback sex with all of these different women, including anal, and cumming inside them is not going to end well. And even if the ladies are on birth control, it's really just good manners/good sense to wear protection if you plan to be sexually non-monogamous.

If Jay is going to try to teach us about dating, maybe he should do some basic research first.
Posted on 21 October 2020, 01:04 by:   MD40    PM
Score +1
I’m just glad he admitted that men test women by asking them to do outrageous stuff to see what they will put up with like some kind of game. I’ve personally noticed that men tend to respect women who don’t put up with their shit and who value themselves enough to have standards & boundaries that if crossed will immediately cause the relationship to be over, no excuses. I don’t understand the allure of anal sex. The fact that you have to do so much prep (enemas) & stretching to even do it has always given me the feeling something isn’t right about it. As a woman, I have a perfectly good, naturally lubricating vagina that can contract upon demand, so we don’t need to have backdoor sex. I also have no interest in doing anything ever to men’s (mostly hairy) buttholes & if you insist after being told no then it’s a dealbreaker. Many women I know try it b/c they feel they need to be willing to engage in any crazy sex act to keep their man, not because they desperately want to do it themselves. They don’t know it’s ok to say no & let a man know that if he violates your boundaries you’re wiling to immediately end your relationship.

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