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[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing)

Posted:2016-10-20 00:56
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:148.1 MiB
Length:48 pages
Favorited:656 times
Average: 4.15
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-10-26 14:03
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-11-02 12:51
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-11-09 07:16
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-11-23 00:43
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-12-07 09:46
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-12-15 11:19
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-12-21 16:19
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2016-12-28 02:34
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-01-04 01:07
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-01-18 12:26
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-01-26 05:32
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-02-03 14:34
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-02-08 04:12
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-02-15 07:18
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-02-22 23:40
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-03-01 03:09
[Malaika4] The Monster Within (Ongoing), added 2017-03-08 04:19
[Malaika4] The Monster Within, added 2017-03-16 00:26

Showing 1 - 40 of 48 images

Posted on 18 March 2016, 20:19 by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +37
This comic is commissioned by SkanDrake and of course drawn by Malaika4.

You can find SkanDrake here if you want to try and find the latest images or visit Malaika4 at
Posted on 18 March 2016, 21:19 by:   MasterRedx    PM
Score +226
What the fuck.
Posted on 18 March 2016, 23:45 by:   wafflesiobpib    PM
Score +133
It's like the lion king except with not lions.
Posted on 19 March 2016, 05:27 by:   wibbler    PM
Score +220
It's a shame it's just some depressing edgelord shit, because the art is pretty good.
Posted on 23 March 2016, 04:22 by:   ShadowUYF    PM
Score +32
Gone a similar route as most of ShadowOfLight's commissioned stuff.. Shame..
Posted on 01 April 2016, 18:36 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +143
Ok, so... Bro and sis end up humping like rabbits. Mom is a voyeur but also has a huge mouth and tells their dad thinking it'd turn him on. Instead it pisses him off that someone is fucking a female on his turf (even if the female is his own daughter) so he brings his son over to a river and tells him to fuck off and when he doesn't his dad knocks him stupid and throws him into the river because he's sociopathic about his own son and then somehow rapes his wife for trying to help her son, though really she caused all this shit in the first place.

Talk about a clusterfuck.
Posted on 01 April 2016, 22:49 by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +34
@Daneasaur I'd assume the rape is his way of expressing his dominance over her but you've pretty much summed up what has happen so far. It is classic feral all pussy in my territory is my property mentality.

Some point to parallels with Family Secrets but I disagree. The father in Family Secrets I don't think would of cared his son messing with his sisters. I think its more that he had the audacity to mount his father's mate. I could be off base so I will look at Family Secrets again and update my comment
Posted on 07 April 2016, 13:40 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +30
it's due to varying tastes. it's like saying 'I fap to hentai but i still don't understand hentai fans". There are obviously many different types of hentai and same goes for furries.

This really feels like it was written by someone with depression who wanted to make an edgy story, reflecting what they find appalling yet also arousing. it lacks the charm that family secrets has due to it not being self aware and trying to be serious, thus coming off as silly in a negative way.
Posted on 20 April 2016, 13:40 by:   wafflesiobpib    PM
Score +42
Ohhh his eye turned red after being cut symbolizing something something daddy issues?
Last edited on 21 April 2016, 01:59.
Posted on 27 April 2016, 13:40 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +44
Shalien's a frisky one, isn't she??? Or just a horny pussy, whatever you kids like to call it these days...
Posted on 04 May 2016, 19:31 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +32
Cougars and snow leopards don't live anywhere near each other. :T
Posted on 05 May 2016, 19:48 by:   Agentsoda    PM
Score +29
Page 17: SHORYUKEN!!
Posted on 12 May 2016, 00:10 by:   MidaranaKitsune    PM
Score +18
This is kind of a problem when people anthropomorphise the behaviour and their rationalisation. Especially one so very different from humans and our ethical, moral values as well as our way of applying logic to understand and rationalise.

It end bad in almost all ways when it's done because people can't figure out how to separate it. Such as calling the male pack leader a sociopath even though that would be by HUMAN standard and not by many different feline species including cougars. The world doesn't exists because of moral, ethic values nor rationalisation, it's cold hard existence of survival where individualism beyond the concept is a unobtainable goal since it's just and idea and the collective survival of the specie outweighs any and all desired individualistic ideals and behaviours we humans come up with.

And is exponentially so for any animal with even a smidgen of less cognitive abilities than we have.......
Posted on 13 May 2016, 02:05 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +17
Ok so now he's hauled up from the river by two snowleopards, they introduce themselves, and then the female is whoring out to him within 5 min with no rhyme or reason.

I didn't just miss out on some plot information, that's actually how it's playing out.
Posted on 01 June 2016, 13:42 by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +30
@bf90rono Han only father 2 cubs Skan and Skanita. It is the mother who he rapes because she is the one who went chasing to find him to try and stop him. Mother and daughter look similar, but Maka is lighter than Skanita.
Posted on 21 July 2016, 21:44 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +44
So the son is a digusting outcast but the daughter is an innocent snowflake??
Posted on 21 July 2016, 22:57 by:   Gilgaa    PM
Score +21
Now skanita has to do the pawjob too :3
Posted on 29 July 2016, 02:56 by:   crap128    PM
Score +27
He's clearly going to try to fuck his daughter so why the fuck did he outcast his son for fucking her?
Posted on 29 July 2016, 06:44 by:   Project_Demise    PM
Score +38
@crap128 Because he wanted to fuck her himself. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. I hope the son shows up and tears out his jugular.
Posted on 03 August 2016, 07:03 by:   shamful7    PM
Score +23
I'm betting daughter planned it all to replace mother as alpha
Posted on 03 August 2016, 07:04 by:   aMGee    PM
Score +28
I wait for the son's REVENGE! I hope, it will be a big fight! The dad deserves the bloody execution.
Last edited on 03 August 2016, 09:26.
Posted on 03 August 2016, 08:34 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +29
Posted on 03 August 2016, 09:34 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +28
Page 37: Jesus Christ if the mother wasn't dead inside before, she is now... Those eyes say it all.

Also, I find it weird the daughter isn't fazed that her brother is gone though, does she know what happened or does she not care (or is she going to take her revenge now by biting daddy's dick off?)??
How much time has passed between the brother being thrown in the water and the page where the mother is skinny?? I assume several weeks have passed by now.
Posted on 03 August 2016, 20:47 by:   Kael Hyun    PM
Score +20
If the mother doesn't go Ape shit and Rip the fucking shit out of the father or the daughter doesnt bight his dick off I'm fucking done
Posted on 04 August 2016, 06:43 by:   Darlumina    PM
Score +50
Okay guys here is what I understand:

First it appears to have been weeks since Han got rid of Skan
Second it is likely Han has threaten Maka with harm to Skanita to make her keep silent about what happened.
Third Han probably used some lie about where Skan has gone it wouldn't be strange for him to kick Skan out to go establish his own territory.
Fourth Skanita's behavior could be caused by her starting to go into heat again and Maka has been refusing to eat food caught by Han so she is now too weak.

Yes Han seems like a villain but he is a cougar and male cougars will normally kill their own male offspring if when they grow up they haven't left his territory because they with be treated as a competitor for his territory which may overlap with any nearby female territories. I can't say I like it but it is what it is.
Posted on 10 August 2016, 10:21 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +40
Posted on 11 August 2016, 21:45 by:   lemustang    PM
Score +18
Moooooore please 👍🏻
Posted on 02 September 2016, 15:28 by:   weirdoxs    PM
Score +20
and how stupid the daugther is ....most be a blond
Posted on 23 September 2016, 01:18 by:   csv2681    PM
Score +18
This is coming along nicely.
Posted on 28 September 2016, 01:52 by:   Kulkum    PM
Score +65
Now, if the path of this story follows true...

He'll nurse mom back to health, bang her while the snow leopards (who are "just siblings" in a comic that starts with a brother fucking his sister) watch. Then he'll go back and kick his father's ass, take control of both his dumb sister and his adoring mother, and screw them happily ever after.

Until his father's zombie rises and rules over the land with a dark and terrible fist! (or cock)
Posted on 28 September 2016, 06:44 by:   stealthg    PM
Score +25
That mom better be happy by the end of this comic.......
Posted on 20 October 2016, 03:25 by:   Vulpes Fennekin    PM
Score +17
Man, all this comic is doing is making me feel sad for the mom...
Posted on 20 October 2016, 14:49 by:   SSSdriver    PM
Score +20
Really, making the son an asshole now too? Mom was better off killing herself holy shit....
You don't get Schizophrenia just like that you know... Give her some mercy.
Posted on 26 October 2016, 16:10 by:   Nightwishman    PM
Score +36
Wow, this is just getting worse and worse.
Posted on 27 October 2016, 02:57 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +36
To be fair, the mother STARTED all this shit, but honestly, there isn't a character that is likable in this whole cast. The mother is an idiot, the daughter is a mega slut AND an idiot, the father is an abusive asshole, the son was fine until he "now has a super wicked dark side!" that comes off as being written by an edgy teen.

I sometimes wonder why shit like this exists here, but then i remembered that anything that has SOME sort of sex can stay here.

I think it's more depressing that someone is wasting their time making this shitty comic.
Posted on 29 October 2016, 05:17 by:   MaskedGibdo    PM
Score +76
Why can't we have some nice lion sex comics without Freudian edgy bullshit slipping in?
Posted on 09 November 2016, 09:21 by:   horny wolf    PM
Score +24
Oh! My ass! IT'S ON FIRE!!!! too much broccoli! it reeks!!!! :(
Posted on 15 December 2016, 15:51 by:   Daneasaur    PM
Score +25
Because The Lion King had a couple of edgy drama moments, so now EVERY feral based story must have them!

Fuck those doorknobs who can't think outside the god damn box.
Posted on 03 February 2017, 16:57 by:   Wolflorz    PM
Score +45
Anyone else but me who feels that this is gonna be one of those stories that ends hinting that you can't break a cycle of violence? Feels very much like Skan is gonna become the new Han and repeat these events once he becomes a father himself or something like that.

Or in the words of the Fallout: "War never changes."
Posted on 03 February 2017, 19:38 by:   bob2ball    PM
Score +86
Damn nature you scary!
Posted on 08 February 2017, 15:44 by:   Kyago    PM
Score +27
Too much Naruto in this comic xD
Skan:) (*Shwiiiiiing!!!*)MANCOUGAR SHARINGAN!!
Posted on 08 February 2017, 18:50 by:   Towelee    PM
Score +24
Hope he fucks his sister afterwards
Posted on 16 February 2017, 13:02 by:   EHWAT    PM
Score +19
The longer this goes on the quicker and cringier the the story gets
Posted on 23 February 2017, 06:32 by:   TheRipped    PM
Score +35
I just have to feel bad for the mom. Married a megalomaniac, had a sociopath nymphomaniac for a daughter, and her son has either a split personality, or a rage disorder. And she's starving, and hurt. just, her life has been entirely trashed at this point. We're in full Greek tragedy mode now XD

...Which probably means his sister is going to kill his mom to keep her brother for herself, and then he's going to kill his sister because he liked his mom, dang it, she was the only sane family member(!), and then angst will occur.
Posted on 01 March 2017, 21:39 by:   hahaheha123    PM
Score +22
Skanita is real semon demon
Posted on 03 March 2017, 13:37 by:   Vulpes Fennekin    PM
Score +48
Nothing like that after-patricide sex, amirite?
Posted on 16 March 2017, 06:59 by:   Septusembra    PM
Score +2
It's so funny when people watch the ACTUAL animal way of living (well except the part of BJ) and they suddenly get disgusted. Even though it's absolutely normal for father to fc daughter or for son to fuck siblings in animal world. If I recall they dont have the problems with blood mixing.

I'm more than sure that if our genetics would allow it there would be billions of fammilys with "Pure" blood. Like we think that it's all about morallity wheather in reality we don't have sex with sibling just because it will lead no further.

We can't have normal kids if we mix our own bloodlines... Well we actually can..... But OUR kids won't be able to have. There's enough of storys on that part. Also in movie you can see what would happen in that movie where there is fammily living in the trees who feeds on human flesh "wrong turn" or sth like that. It's shown how our kids kids would look like if we would start breeding with relatives.

But oh well the humanity. Although I don't see why somebody would start speaking about moral part of the storys sitting on hentai site o.-
Posted on 16 March 2017, 14:24 by:   TheGMeister    PM
Score +13
I swear I'm just reading for the plot...
Posted on 19 March 2017, 08:17 by:   blunt005    PM
Score +12
Ow the edge
Posted on 29 March 2017, 13:38 by:   hunter117    PM
Score +11
what the fuck
Posted on 07 May 2017, 14:53 by:   HyugaTepez    PM
Score +32
"I saved myself for you"

Posted on 03 February 2018, 01:03 by:   ShazamJr    PM
Score +2
Is their ever gonna be a sequel?

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