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(Bokuman) Virtual Nightmare (Ms Marvel) -COMPLETE-

Posted:2016-10-28 01:51
File Size:19.33 MiB
Length:11 pages
Favorited:489 times
Average: 4.20

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 images

Posted on 28 October 2016, 01:51 by:   rafasilva    PM
Uploader Comment
A Ms Marvel comic by Bokuman.
EDIT, sep. 13th: Skin color on Kamala fixed
Hope you enjoy the comic.
Posted on 04 August 2016, 21:25 by:   H-Knight    PM
Score +75
(initial post, pages 01-02)

1. Heh... Internet Rule #34 certainly took its time with hentai for Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel IV). Though I suppose the faux-controversy over Kamala's ethnic (Pakistani) and religious (Muslim) heritage(s) could have slowed Internet Rule #34's progress. /shrug

2. Though were I in Kamala's shoes, I would be walking out the door, waving my arms in the negative, and saying, "Nope-nope-nope-NOPE! I'm out! Call Tony Stark or...oh I don't know...Big Hero Six. Japanese Heroes should know how to deal with this kind of thing!" ;D

3. And man... I want to work at a VR facility where female lab personnel dress like the blonde girl. Lab coat, tube top, and mini-skirt...rowr. ;>

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

[EDITED]: @rafasilva... Definitely much improved (skin) :) . Always remember: Source Accuracy, both overt and subtle, for any type of fan-work (-art, -comic, -fiction, etc.) will always positively add to the overall quality of the fan-work. The more Source Accurate your fan-work is, the better and more believable/acceptable, it is to your audience.

[EDITED]: @TwistedGoggles... I admit, I laughed ;D . That ("educational tentacle rape") would have been a hilarious angle over the standard tentacle rape &/or mind break, especially when one considers Kamala Khan's power-set
Last edited on 04 September 2020, 23:27.
Posted on 04 August 2016, 22:31 by:   dennydarko    PM
Score +39
I understand this is more of a Japanese manga style art but this artist has made Ms Marvel looks more Caucasian than Asian in this comic.
Posted on 04 August 2016, 23:44 by:   diebesgrab    PM
Score +13
The large majority of Pakistanis ARE caucasian. She's certainly very light-skinned, though.
Posted on 08 August 2016, 01:39 by:   mn22    PM
Score +44
Huh...a hentai featuring a muslim character, that'd be a first--although, I do see a ton of nun /shrine maiden fetish manga so I wonder if hijab hentai is gonna pop up in the future.

Also, the japanese manga style makes it absolutely hard to distinguish race/nationality.
Posted on 27 August 2016, 00:56 by:   IvanaJackov    PM
Score +142
Oh my god, the "Hentai is haram" absolutely cracked me up!
Posted on 31 August 2016, 07:43 by:   lapras    PM
Score -57
Why the hell is Kamala white washed?
Posted on 14 September 2016, 00:25 by:   TwistedGoggles    PM
Score +63
Kamala: Ahh!

Demon: Hello, Kamala! I'm the Sex Demon. Today, you'll go where I go. Defile what I defile. Rape what I rape!

Scientist: Did you load the educational tentacle rape?
Last edited on 14 September 2016, 00:48.
Posted on 21 September 2016, 03:37 by:   drapp87    PM
Score +34
This is okay and all, but I really wanna see squirrel girl play with nuts. Js
Posted on 25 September 2016, 00:27 by:   RabidTanker    PM
Score +40
I can't believe that she tried to walk out on this...
Last edited on 25 September 2016, 02:01.
Posted on 25 September 2016, 01:19 by:   hoigoigoi    PM
Score -38
Making Kamala do very politically incorrect (but actually fun) things. Now it's guaranteed she'll become a feminist just like her NSA loving mentor.
Posted on 25 September 2016, 15:15 by:   johnsacarsm    PM
Score +35
Hey.... this is good though. 10/10. Kamala vs Demon but Demon will won.

[Updated] Awww.... that's all? But this is still a good story. Still 10/10.
Last edited on 28 October 2016, 03:59.
Posted on 12 October 2016, 01:41 by:   RabidTanker    PM
Score +72
To be honest, I was rooting for Kamala on the grounds that she twisted just about every tentacle rape stereotype that I know.
Posted on 12 October 2016, 22:07 by:   TwistedGoggles    PM
Score +48
Kamala: HOW DARE YOU?! *turns into giant*

Posted on 27 February 2017, 06:14 by:   NiGHTS4life    PM
Score +7
Japanese hentai in a nutshell.
Posted on 19 November 2023, 06:11 by:   JustAnotherHornyWeeb    PM
Score -2
Ngl, probably more interesting than anything Marvel comics have done with the character themselves since she was first introduced... lmao

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