Pixiv (preview?) link attributed by the bounty poster to this work apparently (I say apparently because the link was down when I first found it, and last I checked it's still down): https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=23791793
Note that the above is also a reminder for this: Please backup, download, and otherwise contribute to the preservation of this doujin. You never know when data loss will strike, especially recalling that time the panda went down (I believe it was July of one of the previous years).
Regarding the doujin's internal numbering system: The doujin's page 2 is just the white, blank interior of the cover; I believe that it doesn't need to be scanned plus it's just too much of a hassle to flatten that for just a blank, white page.
Both color cover images are at various dpis close to, but not quite at, 600 dpi (since 600 dpi would put them over the 50 MB png limit). Other images are at 600 dpi.
I had scanned Page 7 color and greyscale versions because they look slightly different, other pages don't really have a difference so that doesn't really need to be done there.