Site StatusLately we have been seeing a surge of old accounts with weak/compromised passwords being taken over by spammers, causing them to get banned. If you still use a weak password or a password you ever used anywhere else, you need to change it as soon as possible. We will not manually restore access to your account if you ignore this warning and it happens to you. Scheduled Downtime & Maintenance No maintenance is currently ongoing or scheduled. Automated Monitoring Status No server issues have been detected by the monitoring system. Last Monitoring Update: 2025-03-12 01:20 UTC Site Changelog2025-03-03 - The last of the old frontends have been upgraded and now support stuff from this century like HTTP/2. Let me know if you notice any issues with the new config. 2025-02-07 - Minor CSS fix for a regression in Chrome 133 affecting gallery lists in Extended mode. 2025-01-14 - Implemented a better thread tracker for archive downloads, to prevent people with poor connectivity from experiencing issues with hitting the thread limit due to lingering download threads that did not finish properly. 2025-01-01 - Cycled the site's crypto wallets. As usual, this means that addresses generated more than a year ago will no longer be automatically credited; if you do accidentally reuse an old address, send me a PM and I'll add it manually. (The address that shows on the donation screen is always current and should be used whenever possible.) 2024-12-17 - Corrected an issue where quotation marks were eaten in gallery comments. 2024-11-29 - Applications for H@H clients in Europe has been suspended due to excess capacity. Donators and people who are already running H@H can still request new clients in Europe, but other users can no longer apply for clients in this region. 2024-11-20 - Made some changes to H@H trust calculation to improve overall behavior, especially for clients that experienced recent downtime. 2024-11-12 - When updating galleries, any existing v1 images in the gallery are now upgraded to v2 to avoid an inconsistent mix of resamples. Let me know if you notice any issues with this. - A conversion process was also started to gradually migrate existing public galleries to v2, working its way backwards. This process is currently estimated to finish around mid December. Of 2026. 2024-11-04 - The new uploaders have now been swapped in for - 200x300 thumbnails are now used by default for galleries with v2 image handling. If you prefer the old default of 100x150 thumbnails, you can change to these from the settings page. - A separate limit for posting private galleries was added, and is now 5/week for bronze star donators and 10/week for gold star+. 2024-10-28 - The backend and DOM changes are now fully live. Let me know if you encounter any issues with this when NOT using outdated third party scripts/apps/programs, which may need an update to work properly. - As part of the changes required to support the new thumbnail system, lofi basically needed a complete rework, and may now actually be useful to some people. - Regenerated archives of galleries older than a year are now a fixed 3x cost rather than a variable 2x-5x cost. 2024-10-25 - The previously announced backend and DOM changes are now live for a section of the site, let me know if you encounter any issues with this NOT related to outdated scripts. 2024-10-16 - The minimum supported version of H@H has been increased to 1.6.2. Clients still running older versions should update ASAP. - The H@H RPC/C&C servers have been replaced. Let me know if you have any issues with H@H after this. You don't have to restart your client, they have been automatically migrated to the new servers. If you use a custom client that doesn't support auto-migration, the old servers will go offline soon, so you should update them ASAP. 2024-10-15 - A test build that adds support for upcoming changes to image and thumbnail handling is now running on the onion site. The changes are mostly internal, but there are some thumbnail-related DOM changes in case people want to check for script compatibility. This will be pushed to the main site in a few days. 2024-09-11 - The 980x resample option has been retired due to a combination of performance/overhead issues and lack of use. 2024-09-07 - Switched to a new set of servers for the repo service. (This stores stuff like torrents and bounty images, and has all the various moderation tools.) - Made some changes to how torrents are downloaded to get rid of some old hacky behavior. Let me know if you encounter any issues downloading torrents after this. 2024-09-02 - Implemented some changes to the torrent stats pipeline to improve backend performance. As part of this, there were some minor consistency improvements to the "Seeded" and "Unseeded" viewing modes: * "Seeded" shows all torrents where the tracker saw self-proclaimed seeds in the last 24 hours, as well as all torrents posted in the last 24 hours, since the initial seeding peer could be using the "super-seeding" mode which will not self-proclaim as a seed. * "Unseeded" only shows torrents older than 24 hours, where the tracker has not seen any self-proclaimed seeds in the last 24 hours. 2024-08-26 - The cutoff for when quotas can be used on archives is now one year after the gallery was posted (increased from 30 days), matching the cutoff for the H@H downloader. - Extra re-creation costs are no longer applied to archives for galleries posted in the last year (increased from 30 days) or archives downloaded in the last 90 days (increased from 30 days). - The way the image downloading limits work have been reworked, mainly to address various issues caused by an increase in IP address sharing due to increased use of CG-NAT and VPNs. The old system had two modes, an account-based quota for donators and an IP-based quota for everyone else. This had a few notable quirks, like how if non-donators spent GP to reset the quota, it could be consumed by someone else sharing the same IP address. The new system has three modes: * Donators and people with the More Pages hathperk have an account-based quota, like what donators had before. * Everyone else defaults to an IP-based quota, similar to before. However; * People who do not have an account-based quota and spend the GP to "reset" it are now assigned a dedicated quota for 24 hours, set with a cookie-based token. Meaning that if you spend GP, the resulting quota can no longer be used by anyone else. Furthermore, the behavior when you hit the limit has changed: If you hit the limit while browsing normally, it will no longer error out with a 509 "bandwidth exceeded" screen as long as H@H is enabled in the image load settings. Instead, it will force using the 1280x resampled version even if the image size settings are set higher than this. If you hit the limit while downloading source images, it will start automatically charging GP for this in the background like before, erroring out if you don't have any. If H@H is disabled, it will also still error out with the 509 "bandwidth exceeded" screen when browsing. In other words, unless you have the image size setting at "prefer original images" or above 1280x, or H@H is disabled, hitting the limit while browsing will have no effect. Though you could still trigger the DDoS protection if you overdo it. For IP-based quotas, it will no longer show what the limit is. This is intentional. It will however explicitly tell you on the home screen if your IP is currently restricted from using high-resolution images. 2024-08-20 - Corrected an issue with the search engine where some searches with many tag matches could take a long time to process due to a sub-optimal query strategy. (Let me know if you notice any weird search results after this.) 2024-08-18 - Switched to a new set of servers for large thumbnails. 2024-08-17 - Switched to a new set of servers for small thumbnails, with some changes to how they are served. 2024-08-15 - Corrected an issue with the search engine where non-applicable cached data could be used in some search results, causing some search terms to be ignored. - Corrected an issue with the search engine where result count estimate caching was broken for some searches, causing excessive estimate fluctuation. 2024-08-14 - The site has been migrated to a new web cluster. Report issues in this thread if you spot any. 2024-08-11 - The taglist tool now has a toggle to only show tagvotes on galleries where at least one of the votes has been assessed as "bad". Note that unlike the normal mode, this mode sorts by the time the tag was assessed instead of when it was voted on. 2024-08-09 - Tags votes will no longer be counted as "bad" by the site's accuracy metrics if the vote was made more than 60 days before being assessed. It also will not be counted if the vote was made on an older version of the gallery, unless the vote was by the uploader. - Tag accuracy counts will now be applied to the month the vote was placed instead of the month the vote was assessed. (Toplist points are still added to the current month.) 2024-08-08 - Reworked the stat processing pipeline for the tracker. Let me know if you spot any stat weirdness after this. 2024-08-07 - The tracker has been moved to new servers. 2024-08-04 - New archive and L2 image servers are now live. These will gradually replace the old servers over the course of this month. - Voting on the tags "language:rewrite" and "other:defaced" now requires 15 MP. 2024-07-23 - Due to unbalanced traffic caused by missing round-robin allocation on third party clients effectively causing a DDoS condition, IPv6 on thumbnail servers has been disabled until further notice, and random subsets of Chinese IPv4 ranges have been blocked on different thumbnail servers to force them to use different servers. This will remain until the majority of Chinese traffic use the available round-robin balancing properly. 2024-05-21 - A number of changes have been applied to the forum database that should prevent it from crashing and burning the second we hit 8388608 registered members. Let me know if you spot any issues after this. (Especially people registering after we hit this number.) - Corrected an issue with the mechanism used to determine whether to prefix filenames in archives with the page number or not; for some specific sets of filenames, it would neglect to do so even if the filenames could potentially be out-of-order depending on OS and filesort settings. 2024-05-20 - When creating a new gallery and selecting "Translated" as the language type, it will now show an additional checkbox to indicate whether or not the translation is by a proficient human translator. If this box is not checked, the gallery will be auto-tagged with "rough translation". (You will not be prompted when updating an existing gallery. Frequent or consistent misrepresentations of machine translations and translations by novice translators as "by a proficient human translator" may affect your ability to toggle this box in the future.) 2024-05-05 - The BTC fee rate used for the fee warning is now calculated in a different way, and should both better reflect and respond much faster to real-life conditions. 2024-04-23 - If a gallery has a language tag implicitly set by the uploader's language selection, the first vetoer downvote on the tag will now always be -100, allowing one vetoer to cancel it out. 2024-03-26 - A new Tag Tracker is now available. Read more about this here. 2024-03-22 - Starting expunges on previously de-expunged galleries is now restricted to vetoers. 2024-03-19 - A number of changes have been made to how tag voting works. Read the full details here. - Since tag power is now capped, solid-border tags are now sorted alphabetically in the tag pane even if you choose to sort tags by power. 2024-03-11 - A new "Site Status" readout can now be found on the front page. This will be used to inform of planned and ongoing maintenance. It also has a section which will be automatically updated by the site's monitoring system every five minutes, which will list any automatically detected server issues. 2024-03-07 - For versioned galleries, the gallery torrent list is now separated by "current" torrents (those uploaded after the current version of the gallery was posted) and "outdated" torrents (those uploaded before that time). - Instead of having a 100% expunge, the uploader of a torrent now has a "delete" link instead, which removes the torrent from the list immediately. This also fixes an issue where if you expunged your own torrent, you could not reupload it. - Various minor tweaks and fixes to torrent readouts and functionality. 2024-02-11 - The "similarity scan" function for file searches has been disabled since the algorithm used can no longer scale with the size of the database. We'll be looking into if this can be replaced with a better performing lookup. 2024-01-17 - The image servers at one of our locations have been replaced with higher-capacity ones. (Different from the one in December.) 2024-01-12 - Switched to a new way to store and handle things like toplist awards and xmas cookies internally. Let me know if you spot anything missing after the conversion. (It used to be a large bitmask, and it was all out of bits.) 2023-12-29 - Cycled the site's crypto wallets. As usual, this means that addresses generated more than a year ago will no longer be automatically credited; if you do accidentally reuse an old address, send me a PM and I'll add it manually. (The address that shows on the donation screen is always current and should be used whenever possible.) - Due to persistently high fees on the BTC network, the donation page will now default to BCH for new users. (It still remembers which coin you last interacted with and defaults to that if you previously used it.) - The transaction list will now show the current number of blockchain confirmations for transactions that have not been credited yet. - If a transaction is no longer confirmable due to a conflicting transaction being mined, usually due to a transaction replacement (RBF) or double-spend, it will no longer show up in the transaction list. - For BTC, if you create a legacy (P2SH-wrapped segwit) address, it will now revert to creating modern (native segwit P2WPKH) addresses after using it. Legacy BTC addresses are strongly discouraged since while certain non-BTC wallets will accept them as valid, any non-BTC coins sent to these addresses will be lost, so this function may be removed in the future. 2023-12-20 Corrected some issues with archiver cost calculations: - Fixed an issue where whether or not an archive was downloaded recently affected whether or not you could use a download quota for H@H downloading. This is now set to be available for galleries posted in the last year. - Fixed an issue where the GP auto-converter was not used for H@H downloading. 2023-12-13 - A replacement set of image servers was set up at one of our locations, and is now live. 2023-11-27 - Similar to how hath is calculated, H@H toplist score is now also adjusted based on the average file sizes served by the client. Practically, this means clients with a lot of high-capacity ranges (serving large+original files) now score higher than before to reflect the higher bandwidth usage. 2023-10-31 - Numerious layout tweaks to the pages under "My Home" to improve mobile usability. - We now do an URL rewrite for fullimg requests to fix an issue specific to Firefox where files were sometimes being saved as "fullimg.php" - Changed unnecessary onclick buttons in MPV to proper URLs and improved overall scaling behavior for the image bar. - Corrected some buggy MPV touch handling that made some buttons unclickable. - Added a toggle under My Settings to re-enable the gallery page thumbnail selector. There were also some tweaks made to this selector to make it fit better on narrow screens for galleries with many pages. 2023-10-27 - H@H High-Capacity Ranges are now live. This change lets us efficiently take advantage of surplus H@H capacity for original images with some limitations. Specifically, the system will now use H@H for original images smaller than 10 MiB in galleries that were posted in the last year, assuming that you haven't changed the H@H setting under "Image Load Settings" to "Default port clients only" or "No". Otherwise, it will still use the regular image servers. This change applies for regular browsing when "Prefer original images" is selected and the file would normally be resampled at 2400x, when using the "Download Original" button, and when using the H@H Downloader. - When the "Default port clients only" setting is used, the cost for using the "Download original" button is increased. - The settings page was somewhat reorganized. The old "Original Images" (Source Nexus) option can now be found under Image Size Settings since it logically interacts with the resolution toggle. - When browsing with "Prefer original images" enabled, the cutoff for when resampled images will be used is now 10 MiB for galleries posted in the last year, and 4 MiB for older galleries. - The "Download Original" button will no longer pop up a download dialog, instead it will open the full image directly. Mostly because H@H doesn't support doing the former, but also because it's been a somewhat frequent usability request. If you want the download dialog, do a right-click then "Save link as". PS: If you still want a one-click Save As dialog, you can get it by alt-clicking the link in most browsers. Note that in Firefox, to enable this behavior you have to turn it on in about:config (browser.altClickSave). - Minor layout tweaks to address some glaring mobile/touch usability issues. Most notably, the thumbnail selector was removed from the gallery page; you can still find these toggles under My Settings. Some links are also no longer visible in the upper navbar when browsing on mobile, but they can now be found at the bottom of the page. - When browsing on mobile, the system will now default to using 780x resamples instead of 1280x ones if the browsing resolution is set to "Auto". 2023-10-21 - If someone with the ability to create temp tags (up)votes a temp tag on a public gallery and said tag does not have a pending approval record (usually because it's old), they will now be considered the creator of said tag, initiating the standard tag justification process. 2023-10-07 - GP and effective hit gain from Adopt-a-Server slots was increased from 50/minute to 60/minute. - The effective hath rate for static ranges for H@H clients is now capped to the same speed requirement the allocation algorithm uses (5 KB/s per range). 2023-10-02 - China was split out as a separate region for the H@H readouts - it has been a separate region internally for some time. Note that due to the overall quirkiness of this region, the Quality readout is not available. Regions that are on the "China" side of the GFW will be considered part of this region for routing purposes, and as such it is currently limited to mainland China only. (We still don't care about politics.) - H@H regional stat tracking are now based on the region of the client rather than the region of the visitor, which makes more sense overall. - Removed the "H@H Miss%" since it was getting rather meaningless being at ~0% all the time. Added a Files/sec readout instead. 2023-09-13 - You now need 2 MP to start a tag vote or downvote a tag, and 5 MP to start a rename petition. 2023-09-11 - Added the ability to set a monthly data transfer (bandwidth) target for H@H. The system that assigns priority to static ranges will use this value to adjust the priority of the ranges to try to stay below it. While it's unlikely, it's not absolutely guaranteed to not overshoot the target, so you should still keep an eye on it and/or enable overage warnings with your host if available. Range priorities will be adjusted so your client's traffic is at most somewhere between 70% and 90% of this target. It won't increase your traffic if you set it to a large number, so you should not set it if you don't have a cap, or it is so large that you would never realistically hit it. - If you reduce your maximum upload rate or monthly data transfer target, and the new value is below the requirement for the number of assigned static ranges (5 KB/s and 5 GB/month), it will now remove ranges as necessary. It will require you to shut down the client and check the "Allow removing static ranges if necessary" button to do so. Note that low-priority ranges (starting with P5) will be removed first, and it will still allow you to save your settings with the current value even if you're over the cap, assuming that you don't decrease it. - The ability to set a schedule for H@H has been deprecated. It will still use previously set schedules for some time, but these will be removed in the future. If you had previously set an hourly bandwidth limit or a schedule, these will be retired in about a month (after October 1st), so you should update your client to use the new monthly cap if necessary. 2023-09-08 - The ability to set an hourly bandwidth limit on H@H clients has been deprecated. It will still enforce a previously set limit for existing clients for some time, but if you have one set, it will clear it the next time you change your client's settings. 2023-09-04 - Added readouts for priority ranges to the H@H settings page. - Fixed an issue with tag searching for words ending with a period. 2023-09-03 - Archive download costs were reduced from 20 GP/MB for donators and 30 GP/MB for non-donators, to 15 GP/MB for donators and 20 GP/MB for non-donators. (The costs are calculated by MB, or one million bytes, not MiB.) - Fixed an issue where the archive recreation multiplier was applied to H@H download costs. |
Posted Wednesday, 1st of January 2025, 10:29 UTC
The Seventeenth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery
2024. What can you say, except let's just move on to the next one. The PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator returns to draw fifty lucky winners from those who entered. Like previous years, you got one ticket per level. The prize, given to each of the lucky winners, is 500 Hath and one Tenbora's Box. The winner is: Amffqfbs (4986337) The winner is: Mind Flayer (3728418) The winner is: stev123 (722647) The winner is: Kross25 (1989798) The winner is: tjjyuki (5783632) The winner is: DaydreamingPO (3700916) The winner is: Somebro (280017) The winner is: イレイナ (1825345) The winner is: chriseras (359756) The winner is: conb (1017341) The winner is: mewsf (1941026) The winner is: nyuue (285072) The winner is: VawX (788346) The winner is: poks (105208) The winner is: Maharid (322837) The winner is: sola470 (2892976) The winner is: weioh (40723) The winner is: Holy Bunny (1130394) The winner is: stormbuzai (5520183) The winner is: Juggernaut Santa (962093) The winner is: Pretty anon (3639955) The winner is: ChatGPT (5806153) The winner is: war121213 (1170282) The winner is: jcullinane (304639) The winner is: disfeawby6423 (2121396) The winner is: Draw99Gray (2899452) The winner is: Chisato Nishikigi (638489) The winner is: VatsuX (287978) The winner is: helno (1684257) The winner is: 幸运兔子脚 (3327478) The winner is: TopGun22 (175551) The winner is: observer1980 (116392) The winner is: black bear (1620980) The winner is: JamesCID (30471) The winner is: soliloquy (407781) The winner is: LQj47gmTELOcoxwt (2033131) The winner is: TESTER11 (673044) The winner is: PanHun (1378258) The winner is: kserox (497916) The winner is: qinkin1979 (1676492) The winner is: aaattt3 (871726) The winner is: tazmanian devil (1156542) The winner is: yxp2510 (2224385) The winner is: Gillden (203817) The winner is: ericeric91 (367313) The winner is: bonbon303 (55761) The winner is: a123111111 (6889744) The winner is: sunshineandlolipops (753100) The winner is: BF110C4 (479190) The winner is: kujinsi (1460703) In addition, everyone who participated in the lottery gets a free Apfelküchle! The Apfelküchle gives a 20% bonus to all gained EXP and 1 Hath every day you visit the site. This effect stacks with the cookies from previous years. The Seventeenth Annual E-Hentai Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence Which is where people get a Wheat Pouch for contributing to the site in various ways. May harbor the spirit of a harvest goddess. Do not eat. Points are awarded for every toplist you place in, with 3 points for a Top 10 placement, 2 points for placing 11th through 25th, and 1 point for placing between 26th and 50th. 3 points or more would get you the Golden Wheat Pouch, which adds +100% EXP, +4 Hath and +7000C per dawn event, and +3 mod power. 2 points would get you the Silver Wheat Pouch, which adds +75% EXP, +3 Hath and +5000C per dawn event, and +2 mod power. And 1 point would get you the Bronze Wheat Pouch, which adds +50% EXP, +2 Hath and +3000C per dawn event, and +1 mod power. Additionally, all of the awards grant +2 GB/week of free archive downloads as well as an imaginary fluffy traveling companion of your choice. Everyone who made a Top 50 showing in the Toplists will also receive one Tenbora's Box for each placement. Gold 8 nasu (3169265) 6 rsx205 (3200608) 6 Rogabute (1913944) 6 cs987987 (911792) 6 BlackHimari (485420) 5 ddvd (4944111) 5 Srac (1635371) 5 Guardian of Loli (3663610) 5 Scumbini (2831103) 4 Mocha Gold (2967667) 4 ZIGMA44 (5843942) 4 niuniu4019 (2873564) 4 somerandomdude33 (825505) 4 Zero Angel (36342) 4 泷奈の鱼鱼 (7752125) 4 arthurbrown918 (5745537) 4 Floripes (84182) 4 Celticlen (7664185) 4 Waitugreat (3172187) 4 alfredmeow (1857818) 4 Fatesifaeve (2022231) 4 Daniel_Sheng (4121306) 4 Satoru II (7982656) 4 Fofotron (1586448) 4 华曦君 (7633183) 4 A2冫 (7234614) 3 th-nn11 (4546790) 3 -terry- (4842635) 3 Redlof (1066953) 3 OnceForAll (5648780) 3 3x2 (2317055) 3 cirrostratus (1526092) 3 rick-kun (2773770) 3 Necromusume (986243) 3 114514beastman (2694451) 3 The Magi (2153245) 3 Kurankamili (5132783) 3 svines85 (976341) 3 ElisaG (3059093) 3 ehaa (4103205) 3 kafi (1385443) 3 Larequirem (1506949) 3 中川かのん (856150) 3 babydragon0123 (793709) 3 工ロ魔人 (350152) 3 Based Brandon (1334122) 3 jimmyren6357 (3315270) 3 terrefee (368941) 3 dluin12345 (1590027) 3 evenc (6157591) 3 Plavantha (2707) 3 Glovelove. (3737344) 3 ming.eva (1099725) 3 Kunopes (747021) 3 yyyun (1504807) 3 Leo_Kamiya (640174) 3 Pokom (4764920) 3 qq3870990 (1725168) 3 b217285 (2098974) 3 KEYLUN (1984660) 3 cgc (803161) 3 jplshejeser (2667842) 3 mifukata (1285836) 3 kikimaru024 (160009) 3 VVFGV (2903506) 3 Konazumi (230357) 3 momijichan (3278989) 3 米凯拉的卫兵 (3039608) 3 Sushilicious (445951) 3 milannews (976540) 3 Bowden (399592) 3 ysawseq (5149441) Silver 2 FGHRSH (3250284) 2 Undfry (3184412) 2 R-wild (229469) 2 Ming28561 (3775954) 2 darkwing42 (66788) 2 BlueDo87 (8549262) 2 yinscape (675436) 2 caxerx (2306709) 2 growl_xy (1953934) 2 ranpers35 (4936881) 2 rinruririn (958849) 2 boosharwo (1451449) 2 raytest (1474540) 2 WildHerbs (3680578) 2 apcnc (2778897) 2 RndOrc (1533203) 2 fjsdhgft7vg (3579549) 2 opaidejavi (2129210) 2 Lampads (4896897) 2 Superlatanium (1647739) 2 -bronya- (5571176) 2 Alan Zhuang (2019960) 2 Gruntled (3447436) 2 alanyhq (5359145) 2 zentath02 (744645) 2 Deetr (1289472) 2 Oniiichan (737191) 2 wyyxhztls (2332324) 2 james58899 (2988674) 2 Amiganer (5043927) 2 charlmin (6243609) 2 jantch (981462) 2 beta_ecchi (5054523) 2 Village Idiot (49472) 2 Molinxx (1447302) 2 quanbuzhineng (6614282) 2 varroami (6616252) 2 fk6655 (2026919) 2 zarathustra3 (842884) 2 MotherEmperor (7617263) 2 杨声器不成器 (6244357) 2 mhhjhj9511 (6150120) 2 25kk (1301748) 2 kemono69 (536497) 2 carradio2014 (5550537) 2 dragolem (5007532) 2 ChO_Hentai (3067718) 2 ROBBOO (1132407) 2 TMDlixin250 (6338722) 2 hobohobo (689598) 2 xiao_sun (3704172) 2 IronKratos (8013056) 2 masterreviewer1000 (5846070) 2 Yolm (365112) 2 kit07 (569102) 2 mundomuñeca (3788586) 2 Randommember (463350) 2 泉水小夜 (2052022) 2 Wilfriback (111517) 2 kenabrxg (2161736) 2 minnazzo (6840271) 2 白色的柔软 (6163811) 2 liuzy777 (5604500) 2 blacker0713 (1933746) 2 yetsun (81973) 2 Coledas Ukgent (6706779) 2 romanicyte (4362764) 2 sirlachdanan (55286) 2 ndamuleu (5875387) 2 csk233 (1699554) Bronze 1 dekamaster2 (8690) 1 lancers5566 (3839866) 1 bunnygunny (1904467) 1 cky (183693) 1 yupokamusi (1079911) 1 Leoncavallo (642716) 1 d0tax (344306) 1 ArmoredPlatypus (4939312) 1 Nokiacat777 (4922086) 1 a603185423 (5130836) 1 chachax2 (1197278) 1 Michelle465 (4472773) 1 s976113 (462463) 1 narukami5 (2865916) 1 Fog Magic (755111) 1 TheGreyPanther (582527) 1 danticat420 (2946428) 1 Lady_Slayer (3476597) 1 lurphysmaw (5313759) 1 小白-白 (4233260) 1 剑行血间 (5363065) 1 NBRa (5862900) 1 Shepardus (2720349) 1 平山奈奈 (4062532) 1 jm320 (561643) 1 -TT- (1520259) 1 Daydrinking (6448916) 1 钱迪? (1440059) 1 LHZ1545256 (5765505) 1 zwei7 (1472037) 1 Forgunia (3664190) 1 Swiss77 (2200350) 1 little red hat (5533302) 1 loogutsp (700357) 1 Mistermd (2983181) 1 precure556 (7456218) 1 hoigoigoi (1111181) 1 spierdalacz (265809) 1 angelafreet (649958) 1 oneer (789059) 1 atomicpuppy (2328) 1 giepoe6399 (7051291) 1 futaldona (5716655) 1 CAMELLIA-WH (7834508) 1 Elr91 (7714104) 1 Muffinlemon (3655031) 1 20Ilya (520630) 1 Padlom (3267670) 1 javar88 (1682890) 1 Bane13 (256409) 1 whalbum (1613322) 1 VatsuX (287978) 1 LittleSweetLoli (439791) 1 NEET Cartel (1167228) 1 IcePlume (2878703) 1 Kagoraphobia (4850902) 1 taskmgr818 (7835368) 1 sadjklfjs (6013781) 1 sadikus (24486) 1 To thе moon (4396815) 1 3t14 (6661509) 1 ranma-chan (649981) 1 Nid135 (5195165) 1 任凭三千落花 (4824134) 1 JPMaximum_321 (192368) 1 NaNoNaX (5252410) 1 kira9022 (7491344) 1 qW@qqq (1845932) 1 0xPanda (1827242) 1 Melnet (2510733) 1 みぅく (6940243) 1 Ookamitsu-Sama (1878793) 1 jehaknaboom (291442) 1 tanaab1234567890 (200014) 1 AHFZS (6898467) 1 scp10011 (2202854) 1 Crockan (4308427) 1 yumibow (7934499) 1 Foojack100 (1588473) 1 -Lumina- (4791588) 1 sasquatch42 (993289) 1 Astia (1009057) 1 marco.r (460676) 1 Chevalier K (1064662) 1 silentbob111 (249417) 1 ComanderVenom (5003169) 1 lingzhi0c (1403778) 1 EternalEndless (3433232) 1 richangfan (2904676) 1 Kessara (315859) 1 ectweak (1986420) 1 geotek (1640372) 1 Eatable8347 (7819361) 1 farryz (7203584) 1 ccnan23 (7085790) 1 hwlalwa (2967608) 1 wonderzone (2814577) 1 ffshrntau (4820854) 1 Kasugano_Haruka (1571972) 1 高垣 楓 (1872548) 1 1235789gzy1 (4244474) 1 ggmm206 (1184241) 1 ttp... (3837163) 1 NSVSHL (3118821) 1 ChairmanMiao (3342297) 1 Darksoul0 (91277) 1 chris1004tw (3243382) 1 jerry38 (5852714) 1 jiongtl (1073642) 1 kuangchibo (3793131) 1 波兰不惊 (7434757) 1 Alicia Florence (899950) Additionally, the following people were boosted one or more ranks due to MVP Nominations, which is a mechanism where select staffers are able to nominate people who contribute in ways outside of what can be measured by the toplists. Each nomination adds 1 point; people who were nominated but already qualified for the top one are not listed, and any excess points/nominations may be left out. Nominations for people with the ability to nominate others ("staff") are no longer part of this system, but are specifically awarded by me. +3: peterson123 (892479) poiuytrewqazx (3139892) ericeric91 (367313) sparroff (692363) L프레이 (3950842) mathl33t (4675561) sssss2 (1843795) Pretty anon (3639955) what_is_name (4713630) ikki. (3380128) feftak (6011981) +2: Shepardus (2720349) nebula rains (2572296) FabulousCupcake (1848351) 幻猫儿 (2833228) Firew (544326) simplesimon32 (1732804) chriseras (359756) noones (600260) Lady_slayer (3476597) lurphysmaw (5313759) +1: hexid (1462699) varroami (6616252) rizelbr (242621) -Lumina- (4791588) rinruririn (958849) qqnumd (863578) caxerx (2306709) kamio11 (1397626) 天命不又 (5698502) jacquelope (2615882) BlueWaterSplash (561064) YasuoQAQ (5004417) Offone (8045826) LHZ1545256 (5765505) shiluo (2714686) hobohobo (689598) Jo.To (160561) XMoreLater (1736631) chjj30 (1714698) 1235789gzy1 (4244474) Look A Moth (2015231) Tumbres (2550052) arashileung (142541) romanicyte (4362764) jackbobby (923125) zwei7 (1472037) mysterymeat3 (199441) wrongdoormaster (5701184) salar (229374) Fellano (2096740) Village Idiot (49472) Staff: Shank (989173) Kagoraphobia (4850902) meow_pao (204246) Cipher-kun (1207129) Byza (3201420) Spectre (2203) Dnkz (1908893) Noni (2977124) Eboshi (2115725) MrSuperhappy (1898816) Nezu (867559) EsotericSatire (384226) Miles Edgeworth (317696) -terry- (4842635) Maximum_Joe (589675) Congratulations, and thanks to everyone who have contributed in some way for their hard work in the last year. And a Happy New Year to all contributors and visitors alike. Akeome, kotoyoro, and all that. (Thanks to Shank and Noni for the award and cookie graphics.) Posted Saturday, 21st of December 2024, 07:58 UTC
As is customary in E-Hentai tradition, we always hand out a little something to our loyal members and contributors this time of year. Everyone who has reached the Member status on the forums and have been active in the last five years should now have received a few trinkets of appreciation, namely:
50 Hath 1x Marten Pelt (unique trophy) 3x Stocking Stuffers (trophy) In a repeat from the previous sixteen years, everyone who makes a post in this thread can also participate in the E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery. To participate, make a post in this thread containing the phrase I PREFER IT A LITTLE LONGER somewhere in your post. Make sure to enter before 23:59:59 (Midnight) UTC, December 31st. As usual, The Yuletide Lottery Drawings will be done by the PHP Mersenne-Twister Random Number Generator. The winner will be announced on the 1st of January. And to everyone, have a Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas, a Festive Festivus, a Lavish Longest Night, or a wonderful whatever other winter celebration you happen to observe. Posted Tuesday, 26th of March 2024, 09:35 UTC
As part of the tagging revamp, a new tag tracking tool has been developed, and is now live.
It can be found here: The tag tracker allows you to browse tags sorted by when they were first placed (or last revived) on a gallery, including weak and downvoted/vetoed tags. This should make it significantly easier to perform various vigilante tasks, such as keeping a lookout for bad tagging, or assisting in making weak tags strong. It has a number of filtering options that should be mostly self-explanatory, allowing you to filter by the power of the tags and/or view a subset of the tags themselves. For example, you can show all tagging actions on the single tag female:big breasts, or all tagging actions for the entire female namespace. Note that it is limited to tags started in the last 30 days or so. Let me know if you encounter any problems with this tool. 2024-03-27 - Added a toggle to exclude expunged galleries - Added a category readout - Searching for a tag without a namespace now looks it up in all namespaces - Searching for all tags in a namespace is now done with the "special:" prefix (like special:character) - Tweaked the weak/active/etc labels a bit with some opacity tweaks and light coloring - Any existing upvote or downvote you have on a particular tag is now indicated with , respectively 2024-04-02 - Added a "revived tags" filter that will show tags that were previous killed and then brought back to life. (It has to be dead for at least five minutes to count as a "revival"). - You can now use :<namespace> as a shorthand instead of special:namespace. For example, you can now use :female to search all tags in the female namespace. - You can now track several tags or namespaces at the same time. For example, this track will show all tags in the male namespace or the tags f:big breasts and f:sole female. Each tag/namespace must be separated with a comma. Posted Tuesday, 19th of March 2024, 08:25 UTC
Some of the fundamental rules of voting for tags have been revised.
Tag vote scores are now capped to beween 0 and 200. In other words, additional upvotes on a solid-border tag will not increase its effective power past 200. As soon as a tag becomes solid or downvoted, this will now start a five minute lock-in timer. After this timer expires, votes for the tag are restricted in various ways. To avoid the need to make people rush to get their votes in, everyone can still upvote solid tags for 5 minutes after the vote that turned it solid. Everyone can also downvote fully downvoted tags for 5 minutes after the vote that downed it, though with the current UI, that assumes that you didn't refresh the page. After the five-minute lock-in timer expires, a new "soft veto" and "soft enforce" mechanism now takes effect: - If a tag is solid, you need at least half the mod power of the highest vote in favor of it to vote it down, capped to 25. - If a tag is downed, you need at least half the mod power of the highest vote against it to vote it up, capped to 25. Vetoes are now counted separately in the logic, as a "veto score" which is the number of vetoers voting for it minus the number of vetoers voting against. Similar to how votes are tallied, this is capped to between 3 and -3. These vetoes now also work both ways. If a tag has a veto score of 3, it is considered "enforced" and will be solid regardless of other votes, and cannot be downvoted by non-vetoers. If it has a veto score of -3, it is considered "vetoed" and will be downed regardless of other votes, and cannot be upvoted by non-vetoers. If a tag is vetoed, existing votes are no longer cleared. If a tag is fully downvoted and then revived after more than 5 minutes, it will count as if this voter was the first person voting on the tag, for toplist/blame purposes. As tags are capped to 200, if there are conflicting language or reclass tags, instead of tie-breaking by score, the one with the earliest lock-in time wins. In other words, to make a new language or reclass tag take effect, an existing solid tag must be downvoted to at least be non-solid. Overall, this fixes a number of existing issues with the tagging system. Most importantly, there should no longer be any significant issues with "unkillable" tags, and the way vetoes work is much cleaner. Making tags solid now has a purpose since it effectively locks them in, which is also the case for tags that are killed off without being vetoed, since in both cases incorrect casual/low-power votes are now prevented. (Edited to make it more readable.) |