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[Ramjak] Atonement Camp Ch.1-55 (English) (Ongoing)

Posted:2017-09-21 19:50
Visible:No (Replaced)
Language:English  TR
File Size:319.7 MiB
Length:689 pages
Favorited:3593 times
Average: 4.59

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Ramjak] Atonement Camp Ch.1-56 (English) (Ongoing), added 2017-10-05 19:49
[Ramjak] Atonement Camp Ch.1-57 (English) (Ongoing), added 2017-10-10 20:42

Showing 361 - 400 of 689 images

Posted on 25 May 2016, 23:35 by:   felix883    PM
Score +359
white negative space is one hell of a drug
Posted on 26 May 2016, 00:08 by:   Hakrei    PM
Score +441
The story is actually pretty realistic. I saw the original version, apparently she goes around sleeping with others treating guys as money dispensers...

Edit: Story is getting better as it progresses... She might be bad, but everyone has a dark side as well... She happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, which makes it look like she's the one continuing to cause problems...

Edit: what she did to the teacher was just pure evil...

Edit: What happened to the translation?! It's like they suddenly got a 5 year old to work on it... I can barely understand through the broken English...

Edit: Translations gotten slightly better, but it's still pretty bad compared the original...
Da -Ae is not 100% at fault. Yeah she retaliates by destroying the guy's lives, but seeing how screwed up her life was growing up...
the guys are also at fault for being seduced by her...
Last edited on 18 June 2017, 21:37.
Posted on 26 May 2016, 00:58 by:   BraveDefault    PM
Score +43
That first chapter with the mom was pretty spot on
Posted on 26 May 2016, 03:57 by:   nobody_xxx    PM
Score +96
thanks for uploading this english version ^_^

finally I can read this manhwa in english , yay ^_^
Posted on 26 May 2016, 04:27 by:   windus1992    PM
Score +401
Women like that exist.

Think about that.
Posted on 26 May 2016, 06:06 by:   Jayman52    PM
Score +259
I'd prefer women like her than that super insensitive "Christian" family. They certainly aren't living the way the Bible says to. You don't treat people like shit just because they are different from you.
Posted on 26 May 2016, 22:49 by:   Granten    PM
Score +37
I'm kind of getting the sense that these people are really fucked up.
Posted on 27 May 2016, 23:28 by:   Zoinks    PM
Score +244
Haha, wow. I'm actually kinda rooting for the woman here; she may be a shitty person, but the people around her are even worse. The minister straight-up got what was coming to him, and the former fiancee quickly outpaced any sympathy by reacting like a complete scumbag.

I'm curious about what's going to happen with the teacher, at the moment it seems like he might end up being the first person to be hurt by her who wasn't already a huge piece of shit.
Posted on 28 May 2016, 03:23 by:   GuroLover12    PM
Score +63

isn't that what most women do?
Posted on 28 May 2016, 06:27 by:   nobody_xxx    PM
Score +49
english translation already reach CH 9 , nice ^_^
Posted on 03 June 2016, 16:54 by:   shakuganaexa    PM
Score +39
This Manhwa is actually interesting. There so many Korean Manhwa that I want to read that it makes want to learn Korean. I wonder if it's easy to learn?
Posted on 16 June 2016, 21:31 by:   HigherMakoto    PM
Score +290
These korean doujin are pretty good, but damn... these long vertical formats suck.
Posted on 17 June 2016, 04:09 by:   nicrocon    PM
Score +177
I can't side with her, he may have been an crazy religious person but she was using him and cheating on him the entire time before things went sour and ruined his family purely out of spite. She has no right to get mad at the mom calling her out on the shit she was actually doing.
Posted on 22 June 2016, 02:30 by:   ThatDamnAzn    PM
Score +66
Somehow I feel that if they made a separate manhwa of when she was in highschool, it'd be a pretty decent read on its own.
Posted on 03 July 2016, 07:46 by:   climacus    PM
Score +78
The girl sucks, it destroys the lives of her teacher because he didn't want to be her boyfriend and make false accusations against him. He ended up with dating him and his reputation. She deserves to suffer.
She after being punished for their actions, maybe she learn that their choices have consequences and be more conscious woman.
Posted on 21 July 2016, 21:17 by:   CeilingCat95    PM
Score +58
Remember dear teachers, dont stick your dicks into little bitches. In fact, if you can, just teach boys in this "current year". The risk of losing everything despise being a good person is too high.
Posted on 22 July 2016, 08:52 by:   Asarta    PM
Score +84
@hongfireonly Piss off troll.

Feel kinda sorry for the Teacher as he never slept with her, but was close phone did not go off he would have boned her.
Still least with the teacher it more feels like spite towards him so she made up the rape bit, which pretty harsh.
Lesson is I suppose do not get involved with female students at all in the personal lives.
Sure going get nice sob back story with her to why she a bitch.

Karma a bitch.
Posted on 22 July 2016, 20:10 by:   Unaceptable    PM
Score +235
Excellent story. I came here for a nice fap but I ended up getting caught by the plot.

Last edited on 26 July 2016, 00:44.
Posted on 10 August 2016, 23:08 by:   imercenary    PM
Score +81
Asshole characters everywhere!
Posted on 11 August 2016, 02:15 by:   Domnkou    PM
Score +106
Normally I don't like rape.

I'll make an exception this time.
Posted on 11 August 2016, 02:53 by:   nicrocon    PM
Score +52
she kissed him on 204. She initiated it. on 207 she is stepping back towards the bed.
Posted on 12 August 2016, 22:06 by:   ichingdivine    PM
Score +63
Let's not forget the slut's shitty ass parents. Fucked up homes produce fucked up kids, like a girl with huge daddy issues that will jump the bones of the first male to show her any sort of kindness in order to cling to him as much as possible.
Posted on 15 August 2016, 09:13 by:   omgyourmom    PM
Score +75
Let's broadcast you treating a girl like a slave.. I'm sure the police will be ok with it. #hentailogic
Posted on 09 September 2016, 20:08 by:   9302420    PM
Score +41
Fucking bible thumpers, man. I mean, in the end of the day he's just following his dick. It's not like he'd give a purity pledge to Snorlax or something. No, his pure little angel has to look like a fucking race car model too!

Well anyway, great comic. The style is simple, but gets shit done, and the storyline seems to go kinda deep.

Also anyone else feel some kind of irony in all this? The girl screwed over a lot of innocent guys, but now that she fucked with people who actually deserve it, only then does she get punished. Feel kinda bad for the accomplices too though. I mean, they were still decent, albeit broken guys before, but now their hate's being exploited for church-guy's own ends.
Last edited on 10 September 2016, 03:43.
Posted on 12 September 2016, 00:34 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +108
What she did to the teacher in front of everyone claiming such serious matter in school of all places and then says she didn't expect it to blow up that much? Fucking really?

I can't trust her, this is not the story of a poor girl but a wrongdoer who got too comfortable doing the same and getting away from it always with no consequences.
It's obvious she had it hard with her parents but isn't reason to grow to be a huge bitch and so far she hasn't done anything out of good will for others so far.

I feel bad for the teacher, that's why nowadays teachers don't give a fuck about students anymore.

TL;DR she created her own monsters and now has to taste her own medicine.

I see the irony you talk about.
But the reason is because deep down they're good people who didn't thought of taking revenge on her despite being wronged. The teacher tried to talk it with his fiance and look for a new job, he was going the same path his dead friend went, and I fear the bitch might have been the reason, the similitude is jarring and disturbing. The new young one too, it seems she dated him but was just playing with him and something that made him lose his promising future and the prospect of a good girlfriend that is her coworker, I guess the manager will play a part on that.
What I find ironic and weird is that the Minister's son gave her the same snowflake necklace the teacher gave his fiance.
Oh, yeah the PM's son is nuts about his religion but that's what saved him from despair and somehow gathered those broken people and set them on a path of revenge.

My only concern is that Park Jisoon, the freckles guy, will somehow become the hero we don't need. Based on the small info we got is that he had a crush on her and were close until if I guess right judging from the blood they parted ways likely a blood loss as effect of an abortion.
The issue is, he only knows that side of the story and not what a bitch she grew to be and the life of those people she ruined without remorse.
Last edited on 12 September 2016, 01:32.
Posted on 12 September 2016, 12:51 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +55
The snowflake necklace is from her bitch era, not before.
It was karmic because what she tried to steal with lies due to a crush (about teacher) she won it with lies for convenience (PM's son). Note how little regard she had for it that it didn't even make her remember it but also left it behind in the place of one of her many lovers.

No, she didn't care about the teacher either, it's shown she never tried to look for him afterwards and seemed proud of what she did to him. It would've been different if she tried looking for him because we know he still worked as a teacher some time even after his fiance left him while living on his same place.

The PM's son is a special case. Yes, he he was a fanatic nerd but I don't see him following the path of his father who played dumb because he was too naive. He would've been just another wallet used if she wasn't petty about being called what she truly is though being called for the abortion is what added more flames to her pettiness. She clearly never thinks of the consequences of her actions let alone feel pride about giving them the sting, she didn't with the teacher who was just a good man doing his job as educator, she didn't with a young innocent man showing him how she had sex with a married man, go out with him and then crush his life, God knows what she did to the oldman.
Also, the teacher didn't meet a bitch but a student needing help.

About Park Jiison, I think his part is predictable about what he will show through his past I just hope none of that is tried to be used by the author to redeem Choi that way, there is no redemption where there is no guilt.
Last edited on 30 September 2016, 15:29.
Posted on 30 September 2016, 13:16 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +34
He is a prick. Previous chapters said he was manager because his brother owns the company so he was given the job to support his family.

Now the new guy is becoming popular in the company. So he just hates successful people. Sadly, we know how it's going to end for the new guy because of the gold digger bitch.
Posted on 04 October 2016, 20:31 by:   hmasta619    PM
Score +100
Completely deserves what she gets. Doesn't matter how bad other people are, girls like these just go around wreaking havoc and ruining lives without any regard. Even those who help them they push away and topple over (the teacher who actually worried for her, for example). Girls like these exist and I know of at least 2 irl personally, they honestly act so oblivious and I do not know how they live without guilt.

Does not matter how fucked your life is you cant ruin others without consequences. And what she's getting is just tame imo.
Posted on 22 November 2016, 13:51 by:   CeilingCat95    PM
Score +42
What a gigantic pussy and a retard. How the hell can this retard thinks that he has suffered as much as the teacher did? Even the cucked pastor's son deserves my sympathy more than him.
What a dumbass. A whore is a whore is a whore. And a low level office grunt will never be alpha enough to completely own something like that.
Posted on 23 November 2016, 04:56 by:   climacus    PM
Score +41
There is womans that deserve dating guy equal to Makoto Itou of school days
Posted on 10 December 2016, 02:55 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +53
And this chapter pretty much shows she has no such thing as Guilt as if it wasn't obvious enough with the teacher's tears.

"btw, your father died"
Also author is an edgelord killing the guy's father for the sake of suffering

>Hitting the only one who actually gave her food and water
What a dumb bitch.
She completely forgot she is far away from the city on a place filled with people who hate her while she is broadcasted through cameras.

I guess this is what will lead to the other guy's introduction slapping her shit when she tries to escape.

This time they won't go easy on her.
Last edited on 10 December 2016, 06:53.
Posted on 10 December 2016, 06:58 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +40
Nobody cares about her except Park Jison who knows nothing about her besides being former classsmates. Getting involved with her is bad news, probably will try rescuing her and she'll pretend to be innocent, give the guy head and them dump him for the first wallet she meets after ruining his life.
Posted on 10 December 2016, 12:30 by:   lady jyajya    PM
Score +122
I just finished binge-reading up to page 445 and couldn't help but comment on how irritating both the teacher and office worker's stories were. Not excusing what the MC did at all, but near the end of the teacher and office worker's stories I kept thinking, "What the hell are you doing?" with every turn of the page.

The teacher's fiancé was just as attractive as the MC, if not more. The teacher also had a colleague who lost everything and committed suicide following allegations of sexually harassing a student. Yet he lets the MC try on his fiancé's necklace, lets the MC cling to him after school instead of handing her over to a female teacher (like he himself suggested) after suspecting the stepfather's sexual abuse, secretly takes the MC to a motel instead of cancelling his date to ask a fellow teacher for help to show everyone he had no intentions of taking advantage of a student, and gives the MC an opportunity to seduce him by agreeing to hug her wet, exposed body. To make it worse the teacher was internally questioning his actions just as much as I was.

Not much to say about the office worker. He knew the MC was dating his boss and other men, knew the MC was materialistic to the extreme, and even acknowledged that he would be better off in a relationship with his attractive coworker than with her. Yet he continued to pursue the MC for superficial reasons and developed a crappy attitude that cost him a relationship with his coworker and the job he fought so hard to get.

The minister's son may be a bible thumper in denial about his father's infidelity, but he had a full-blown erection in front of the scantily clad MC yet had the strength to overcome his sexual urges knowing there would be consequences if he gave in.

Why couldn't the teacher or the office worker do the same, was something else clouding their judgment? Those tig bitties weren't worth it that's for damn sure. I sympathize with them, especially the teacher, but they both threw common sense out the window when dealing with the MC.

It's a compelling story and I'll keep reading it but good grief...
Going back to bed, sorry for ranting on a porn site at seven in the morning.
Posted on 24 December 2016, 03:48 by:   henshin    PM
Score +68
I read the entire thing in one go even though I'm usually done after 30 pages or so. Good stuff.
Posted on 08 January 2017, 21:58 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +87
Out skilled.

New chapter, that guy is seriously thinking with his penis that because she is cute she is pure or something.
Part of me wishes he fails saving her, because that's what he is going to do.

But on the other hand I want him to save her so she can "pay" him like she did to the other people who tried helping her, like the teacher so he can join the Atonement Club.
Last edited on 22 January 2017, 00:30.
Posted on 01 February 2017, 14:39 by:   Gamechamp    PM
Score +77
Jesus, translation quality took a nosedive in the later chapters. It's not really worth reading any more, there are glaring errors in every line, the flow gets broken arbitrarily between speech bubbles, important text is left untranslated at all, and the sentences are extremely basic "dog see cat."

Right after I finish learning Japanese to translate all my favorite hentai, I'll just have to learn Korean to translate all my OTHER favorite hentai.
Posted on 03 February 2017, 18:20 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +49
The fuck are you on? The teacher didn't even try to touch her, it was her who was jealous and ruiined his life, she didn't even try to contact him after ruining his life out of jealousy.
The religious guy was devoted to her and even defended her from the accusations her mother threw at her. It was until MC herself admitted it and spat out on his face that he lost it and he didn't even want sexual interactions with her.
The office worker was the idiot one, he was told she was a bitch but got to believe he was "special" a lie she always told anyone with a dick she fucked wit and thought he could change her.

She chose to hurt people even those who wanted to help, she can't be justified, just because you have bad day you can't simply vent on the person next to you and not expect revenge.
Last edited on 04 February 2017, 12:37.
Posted on 13 February 2017, 02:18 by:   nicrocon    PM
Score +35
500 pages in is a little late to try and run things back for her character, but lets see how it goes.
Posted on 24 March 2017, 00:55 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +35
Meh, still doesn't justifies making hell of several people's lives.

Pretty poor attempt to humanize a character we already know of.
Posted on 13 April 2017, 12:11 by:   Foxtopus    PM
Score +40
I didn't know Thot patrol got a korean comic
Posted on 14 June 2017, 21:03 by:   6778ujk    PM
Score +152
she DID get pregnant. remember at the beginning of the story, she was exposed as not being "pure" during the dinner with the PM's family because she had an abortion.

Seems the timeline is told out of order, but basically.

1. Girl is abused as a teen by stepfather.
2. Girl meets boy she likes in school. They seem to care about each other, but drift apart.
3. Girl meets Teacher.
4. Girl becomes infatuated with teacher. Teacher just tries to do right thing, but kisses her and then rejects her.
5. Girl ruins teacher's life by calling him a rapist and he gets angry with her in front of others, they don't believe him. Fired from his job and can't get another. Also his girlfriend leaves him.
6. Girl then goes to college and shacks up with an middle-aged professor.
7. They both get into a relationship that started by her having sex with him for grades. Turns into he gives her money to keep sleeping with him.
8. She gets pregnant and his family finds out about their relationship. We do not yet know what happens, but if I had to guess, I'd say they leave him. Maybe he gets fired.
9. She aborts baby
10. She is working at a bar and by this point, starts having relations with multiple different men for gifts.
11. She is in relationship with office worker's boss. He knows what she is and gives her things anyways, knowing it's just paying for sex.
12. Officeworker falls in lust with girl. Decides he wants to get into a romantically involved with her.
12. Girl makes officeoworker think he's special. He gives most of his money to her, but it's never enough.
13. Officeworker slaps girl for rejecting his gift and footage is uploaded to internet where his coworkers see.
14. Girl he liked and had sex with rejects him for this, boss tries to cheer him up.
15. Officeworker freaks out and goads boss into fighting him. Then he quits his job.
16. Girl has TONS of contacts and meets up with PM's son, uses him as latest sugar-daddy.
17. She gets exposed for having abortion and tells son he's just one of countless men.
18. PM knows the game she plays and says he'll give her cash if she has sex with him when he wants.
19. PM is arrested for sexually assaulting other women. Wife still blames girl. PM son can't get over girl.
20. PM's son makes a blog post rallying everyone whose live was ruined by her. The others respond.
21. They kidnap her and say they'll hold her for X amount of time, most have had their turn with her.
22. Teacher raped her saying he might as well rape her since that's what he was accused of. Leaves
23. Officeworker livestreams what he does to her. Boy she once liked and who liked her from school sees the stream. Knows where they are and heads off to investigate.
24. PM's son tries to figure out a plan with the others. Teacher and Professor smoke on roof, then professor pays girl a visit.
25. Right now we haven't seen what professor is doing outside of the flashback. I imagine it'll end soon though.
Posted on 19 June 2017, 04:10 by:   nicrocon    PM
Score +56
>make sextape
>leave it in the possession of the person with the least to lose if it gets out

Blunder of the century.
Posted on 19 June 2017, 16:26 by:   Madaoke    PM
Score +88
I don't really get how so many have sympathy for the girl, she ruined many peoples lives and not only for the guys but for their families and unrelated people as well.
What sick person sends a sexvideo to a little girl, she will be traumatized for life.
Having a shitty live doesn't give you the right to ruin everybody else's.
Posted on 24 July 2017, 23:55 by:   echarles    PM
Score +48
The only guy that didn't deserve to have his life ruined was that first teacher, all the other guys are straight up retarded. They knew they were being used and they still stayed with her until they fucked up.
Posted on 30 July 2017, 02:56 by:   nicrocon    PM
Score +64
Good thing that is a Korean truck. A Japanese truck would have killed him.
Posted on 28 September 2017, 03:38 by:   sshions    PM
Score +70
The story ends in chapter 58.

- summary spoiler -

* Big fire, religious nutjob dies burned.
* I think psycho co-worker broke his bones and bled to death in the field.
* She lied about HS teacher because she wanted him to feel the same loneliness and go back to her.
* "I see (laughs)... but Da-ae, love it's not something you can get that way"
* He reconciles with Da-ae somehow, say goodbye, goes to hospital, survives.
* Old teacher stays divorced, alone and without family.
* All footage destroyed by fire, nobody goes to jail.
months later
* Jisoon kept the bear god all this years, Da-ae takes it back at the end.
* Good end.
last page
Last edited on 28 September 2017, 04:20.
Posted on 29 December 2017, 12:35 by:   PaizuriEnthusiast    PM
Score -7
This author is off the shits, just mind fucking everyone with the all-around slippery morality questioning.

Chick is just slightly worse than everyone else here.
Posted on 14 August 2018, 15:50 by:   ravaxo    PM
Score +15
I wanted a good nut, what i got was depression instead :)
Posted on 05 September 2018, 02:38 by:   MrBojingo    PM
Score +6
So will there be a benevolent soul who will repost this comic without all the flashback backstory? I'm not saying there's anything bad about flashbacks, but considering 80-90% of this comic is flashbacks, i believe there may be some individuals who may want to enjoy reading this comic again, but would only like to focus on the atonement parts.
Posted on 21 October 2018, 15:16 by:   uanime5    PM
Score +12
"She didn't expose college teach as much because of revenge for getting dumped as much as for asking him to abort, or according to her, 'kill' the baby."

Asking someone to get an abortion doesn't justify revenge.

"When told to abort the baby, she felt very guilty to it since she's known how it is to be discarded from family & treated like shit before."

How is having a child the father doesn't want is going to fix this?

"For fuck's sake this is the one mistake HS teach did. Dae just told him he was abused by his dad (I'm pretty sure rape happened looking at her state of clothing though I'm not sure she told him that, but still) and all he could think of is his dinner date with his fiance? And then drop her off at some motel to just leave her there?"

The teacher is under no obligaion to help her and none of these things give her any right to ruin his life.

Also according to your logic Dae gets raped by her step-father, fails to seduce her teacher, makes a fake rape claim against her teacher, sees how effective rape claims are, goes home to get raped by her step-father again, and never makes a rape claim against him. Can you see the obvious problem here.

"This whole kidnapping thing is a mess, and it's served its' purpose, to make Dae regret, repent & possibly be tortured for what she's done until she realize what she's done wrong, even though every single one of them share the fault."

The teacher wasn't responsible in any way, the professors only fault was having sex with a woman who offered him sex in exchange for better grades, and the minister's son only fault was not realising that someone other than Dae screwed up his church. Only the office worker was partially to blame for starting a fight with his boss after learning the truth about Dae.

"The author just don't show them having fun sexing to symbolize Dae's had it with whoring around, that we can't even see her having a pure relationship's sexing"

No it's the author trying to force a happy ending into the story.

"This ends as it should; a redemption/atonement happened for real for her & everyone"

None of the guys get redeemed due to anything Dae does, so she doesn't deserve redemption.

"don't forget, but forgive & move on."

The problem was that they can't move on because Dae killed their careers and relationships. That's why they hated her.
Posted on 07 January 2019, 22:36 by:   tearsax    PM
Score +13
There is something i dont get about the timeline. There are two moments we see her as a student (not counting college):
1- with Jisoon, when they escape, she kills that dude and the run away and start whoring herself.
2- with the teacher, when he helps her and she ends accusing him of rape.
She wears different uniforms, so its from different schools, and in both moments she is still living with her stepdad (with Jisoon she was just beaten up and with teacher he tried to help her).
Did the thing with the teacher happen first, she changes schools, met Jisoon and then finally ran away from everyone? Or did the thing with Jisoon happen first and then she goes back home with her stepdad and changes schools?
Its really weird because with Jisoon she looks way younger than she did with teacher but its stupid to think she went back with his stepdad after running away...

@Hakrei: Whoa, so its their fault for getting seduced by her, huh? So if you like a girl its your fault if she betrays you? Flawless logic there, bruh.
Last edited on 08 January 2019, 03:49.
Posted on 01 February 2019, 02:32 by:   La Cigarra    PM
Score +3
FKing masterpiece.

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