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[Hentai-Foundry] Evulchibi

[Hentai-Foundry] Evulchibi

Posted:2019-07-10 03:19
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:461.9 MiB
Length:291 pages
Favorited:1927 times
Average: 4.53
This gallery has been replaced; tags can no longer be added on this version.

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Hentai-Foundry] Evulchibi, added 2019-08-26 03:34
[Hentai-Foundry] Evulchibi, added 2019-12-17 03:30
[Hentai-Foundry] Evulchibi, added 2020-05-01 12:59

Showing 201 - 240 of 291 images

Posted on 10 July 2019, 03:19 by:   pork:zero    PM
Uploader Comment
You got it chief.
Posted on 25 February 2019, 23:12 by:   Eromenos    PM
Score +81
#12 has some choice graffiti on the walls

"Things I hate:
1. Vandalism
2. Irony
3. Lists"
Posted on 22 June 2019, 04:51 by:   Typhoid    PM
Score +144
Eagerly waiting for the Nessa pic to be added.

Last edited on 24 June 2019, 15:37.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:08 by:   Happygo2    PM
Score +8
@Typhoid Welp wish granted So any history into why he drew that ?
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:09 by:   WoodenGlaze    PM
Score -44
@Happygo2 Whaddya think? He's a racist shitbag who'd rather put work into something specifically to upset people, rather than, y'know, something productive.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:11 by:   warmpiss    PM
Score +110
sjws were complaining about this character getting whitewashed so that was his response
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:19 by:   instant_noodle    PM
Score +12
@WoodenGlaze Making you sjw screeching is the 2nd most productive thing ever. Absolute madlad.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:24 by:   Gaivous    PM
Score -36
So basically: SJWs kept bitching about Sakimi-chan's Nessa image, because the effects used made her "seem" whiter( while, of course, they didn't). Then there was a comparisson between that other trainer blackwashed and Nessa whitewashed, to wich no one cared, because the bitching about Nessa whitewashed needed to be the only one. Then this happens. You know, i blame the guy for being a racist shitbag, and yet still blame SJWs for not only doing nothing relevant outside the internet, they now are triggering others to counter that with this kind of thing. That's how shit works nowadays...
Last edited on 23 June 2019, 23:52.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:34 by:   loozerflydo    PM
Score -6
How can he be racist when his art is full of an assortment of different races and colors? Maybe you should look into the whole Nessa controversy to understand why artists are shitting on SJWs. Also, where's your extensive art portfolio if you are going to be calling other people unproductive?
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:35 by:   Happygo2    PM
Score +23
@ warmpiss I mean i get that but he coulda just drew her as a white chick with blonde hair or something would have been funny bait this is just a little over the top like killing a roach with a steamroller
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:51 by:   rapeshit    PM
Score -27
He's racist because he drew a black character as a chimpanzee. I hope this is simple enough for some of you to understand lol
Posted on 23 June 2019, 00:52 by:   Deidmann    PM
Score -68
I appreciate jokes that can make me chuckle and wince at the same time. It can have a good impact, going, "you seriously thought that crossed the line? I'll SHOW you the line." It can put things into perspective, jokingly showing an extreme to shine a light on what really matters. Stuff that Dave Chappelle and Filthy Frank excelled at. In context I know that this is done in good spirit to protect another artist who did nothing wrong and meant no ill will against anyone, saying "THIS is what it looks like when someone is being rascist." Outside of the context however, that Nessa pic is fucking terrible. It gets the job done, but risk loosing its message to anyone whose avoided or missed this drama. Its probably not good for that to be on here lest more people jump in to the gallery and have to ask why one of their favorite porn artist just turned pokemon into Jim Crowe propaganda, or worse, don't ask and just assume that this is some incel artist who hates black women in pornography.

TL;DR The pic is funny and made to prove a point, but it probably not good to have it as the thumb of this gallery.
Last edited on 23 June 2019, 02:22.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 01:29 by:   afffaf    PM
Score -44
I think the "Racist" card has really lost its impact when you get to the point of equaling someone making a racist joke for pure amusement to someone who sincerely hates other races or even trying to legitimize discrimination. I mean sure, call him racist, but if this is your definition of 'racist', that only shows you have no real issues on your hands.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 01:56 by:   Shmutz-Art    PM
Score -7
Nessa ain't even black, you mindless outrage drones, who even come here for their blood sports. Get a sense of proportions and let people fap in peace for crying out loud! dude got skill and humor
Posted on 23 June 2019, 02:06 by:   Zymemaru    PM
Score +152
>ChimpNessa gets posted

Aw shit, here we go again.

As a black guy myself I have a suspicion most people "outraged" are white "alleys" with a suppressed "white savior" complex. But what do I know, I need other people to tell me what I need to be offended by
Posted on 23 June 2019, 02:12 by:   MiyanagaSaki    PM
Score -60
You know what counted as racism back then? Killing people of another color, not giving them the same opportunities to better themselves, force racial segregation etc. Now that we've solved all of that, idiots need a new way to feel "superior" and shout at others, they label others who don't agree with them with a term that could literally end their career for DRAWING A FICTIONAL CHARACTER DIFFERENTLY. No, not even a malicious intent towards an individual, literally just a modification of a fictional character. Fucking disgusting. War is shit and all that, but at least the people who survived them thanked and appreciated what they still had! These idiots who thrived in peace constantly have to look for something to hate.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 02:42 by:   googler11    PM
Score +46
I don't know about yall but I don't see a lot of non-racists publishing pieces like that.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 02:44 by:   flaurne    PM
Score -63
Context my dudes. There's a difference between doing something for the sake of it and doing it to make a point.

Throwing a random picture of Muhammad up in a bathroom stall so a random Muslim might see it is just you being an asshole.
Putting it in newspapers as a response to pressures trying to control what you write about is making a point that you'll stand your ground in an inflammatory manner that'll make people pay attention.

Posting a random black girl as a monkey is just being an asshole.
Posting a chimp Nessa right after a Japanese artist with no context of any implications ends up getting hate mobbed for being racist for getting the fictional character's skin "wrong" by a couple shades is making a point about artistic freedom and what real racism would look like.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:11 by:   CapCorn    PM
Score +71
That thumbnail is godly
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:19 by:   frogposter101    PM
Score -50
seems like someone nuked their carrer over twitter bullshit, geez, social media really does make people stupid.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:24 by:   LakeofLava1    PM
Score -54
Le Monkeee
Ack Ack Okki Okki
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:32 by:   loozerflydo    PM
Score +4
You're delusional and living in a bubble if you think even 10% of people give a flying fuck about this social commentary. If anything we need more stuff like this to point out the hypocrites and real racists who hold people to different standards and don't understand context. The more ridiculous and loud the reaction from these people the more apparent and dismissed they will become by the general population.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 03:57 by:   firecat666    PM
Score +78
Hmm, yes, very catchy thumbnail.

However, I feel the obligation to remind everyone that chimps do not have boobies, chimps are flat. And flat is justice, of course.

So as a flat justice warrior, I feel outraged by this insulting anthropomorphization[sic?] of chimpanzees. Why must you boobwash chimps you despicable boobcists!

Also, the Earth (and Earth-chan) is flat. fite me
Posted on 23 June 2019, 04:07 by:   TheWarriors    PM
Score +51
Yeah no even with the context in mind this doesn't excused the Jim Crow Era picture of Nessa. By your logic me drawing a Nazi Swastika and making a Jewish a character a racist caricature just because a guy got falsely called an anti-semite doesn't make it any less bad.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 04:10 by:   Cryptoclidus    PM
Score -13
Has it been confirmed by Game Freak that Nessa is in fact, Black?
Posted on 23 June 2019, 04:39 by:   loozerflydo    PM
Score +4
Except people do regularly use Nazi symbolism and jews in social commentary, political cartoons and stand up comedy on a regular basis. The whole point is reflection. If you can't see imagery without being able to look deeper or disassociate race with stereotypes then you are a racist, period.

Race relations will never improve until everyone is treated with a single standard.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 04:53 by:   Zymemaru    PM
Score -5
@Cryptoclidus It'd be amazing if they confirmed she wasn't
Last edited on 23 June 2019, 23:01.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 04:58 by:   Fapitupapi    PM
Score -3
Oh yeah... because if you're on patreon, you're basically under gestapo jurisdiction and they will cease everything you have on their platform for what you have said and done in other platforms. I'm sorry I forgot about fascism being twitter and patreon's most favorite things. Please forgive meee~
Posted on 23 June 2019, 05:03 by:   vjm3    PM
Score +60
A monkey is fine too.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 05:13 by:   moximoore    PM
Score +124
Hmm... A bit more twittery on here than usual.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 10:33 by:   BlueDye    PM
Score -24
He actually has a prequel thing to the nessa piece and it's actually a monkey that nessa dressed in her clothing. It's not really Nessa. It's drawn on his discord.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 10:42 by:   Kaitero    PM
Score +118
@flaurne you're an idiot if you think Asian people have no concept of racism/colourism or have never seen a black person.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 10:47 by:   Comrade Claus    PM
Score +27
race relations are actually even WORSE & will continue to do so (interracial murders in the US, Canada & the EU have skyrocketed)

there IS a legal double standard in about all 200 world nations, if u care too look

if you are a certain race, your govt WILL fuck you over, seize your land, & make every excuse

like I doubt the folks in Darfur care about the n-word, or offensive images

or blacks in Haiti getting flattened by hurricanes and & earthquakes

internet folks r such babies, especially the "White" Allies

the art is pretty good
Posted on 23 June 2019, 12:48 by:   frogposter101    PM
Score +39
lol at all these retards living in their basement thinking this chimp shit he pulled off wont affect his work, he will never get any serious work without someone bringing this shit up, the only money he will get is fringe retard money, which seems like what his fanbase is composed off by the looks of it :)
Posted on 23 June 2019, 14:49 by:   kanozen23    PM
Score +2
I can definitely see how the Nessa art can come off as "racist" but, I can't assume malice when it could just be stupidity. There is a stupid debate going on on Twitter so I completely understand the point he was trying to make. This was 10% Racist and 90% trolling. Shame he's catching so much flack and closed his twitter.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 16:43 by:   frogposter101    PM
Score +56

youre half right, hes both stupid and malicious, see , he saw a chance to display his /pol/ tier racism as a joke but he was too stupid to pull it off, good ridance.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 17:15 by:   googler11    PM
Score +22
holy fuck lmao on those receipts

Occam's razor wins again.
Posted on 23 June 2019, 22:11 by:   MiyanagaSaki    PM
Score -52
People in South Africa are literally hunting white people just for being white and this is what counts for racism for these snowflakes.
Posted on 24 June 2019, 00:45 by:   AzuriteX    PM
Score +39
lmao these neckbeards sure are funny with their "drawings can't be racist" rhetoric.
Posted on 24 June 2019, 04:21 by:   porno-mancer    PM
Score -34
I miss when people could laugh at jokes. The world is full of too many uptight fags these days.

EDIT: Well this comment aged poorly. Whoops.
Last edited on 13 July 2019, 12:24.
Posted on 30 June 2019, 07:39 by:   EtherealSoul    PM
Score +6
Came for the dickgirl stuff...saw the thumbnail and checked to confirm this is in fact the artist I thought it was.

Well that's a damn shame.
Posted on 09 July 2019, 16:14 by:   Karanos    PM
Score +0
I remember this guy,the one that made T'challa look like Captain America and people got pissy. Then when it was pointed out how often the opposite happens they started screeching about it being different and how racist it was to compare the two,if I recall. Interesting to see people stuck around and combed through discord and twitter just looking for an excuse to exercise their "authority". But nah,he's totally awful,or something.
Posted on 10 July 2019, 05:22 by:   lylbron    PM
Score +5
Reading the comments and not seeing anything about it in the actual archive makes me think something was removed. I guess you could call it censorship, but it seems more like cutting a bonerkiller.
Posted on 10 July 2019, 15:30 by:   WoodenGlaze    PM
Score +26
I like how my down-voted comment was the first to talk about what a shitbag he is, only for receipts to be provided on how bad he was, proving me right.
Posted on 14 September 2019, 00:56 by:   fiamole    PM
Score +7
Yes this: /s/d67fbdf56f/1435645-1 was censored because of bullshit politics. For gods sake there is literal lolicon snuff hentai content and people can't take a satire joke portrait of an imaginary character. For all those who can't stand the violent coloraid-hair stereotypes remember that we will win trough dick unity.
Last edited on 14 September 2019, 01:31.
Posted on 15 December 2019, 02:36 by:   DinoCock    PM
Score -7
Evulchibi is a bad person but a good artist.
Posted on 23 December 2019, 00:00 by:   joesenzanome    PM
Score +11
Niggas out here stroking their dicks on naked children and rape but patting themself on the back because " chimp joke bad".
Posted on 15 January 2020, 06:53 by:   chennike    PM
Score +1
OMG,you western peole discuss the racial problem everywhere ,even in this website.

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