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[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing]

Posted:2020-02-01 23:40
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:34.00 MiB
Length:25 pages
Favorited:4073 times
Average: 4.63
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2020-02-03 17:18
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-01-10 01:26
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-04-22 16:30
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-06-20 23:49
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-10-15 03:38
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-10-15 11:23
[Tekuho] NILF [Ongoing], added 2021-10-26 01:21

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 images

Posted on 05 April 2019, 05:46 by:   H-Knight    PM
Score +242
(initial post, page 13)

1. As per stereotypic cliché: Popular Girl lures-in lonely Nerd Girl with malicious (or is it "malevolent"...?) intent, to degrade, humiliate, &/or harm Nerd Girl (in this case: guessing drugged drink and then gang-raped for when the boys arrive) simply because Popular Girl "can" do so. Because that is what Popular Girl does.

2. I think I would have liked it better this had subverted the cliché and Popular Girl (Suzan) simply wanted Nerd Girl (Anna) herself, without malicious intent. {shrugs}

3. One positive thing I can say about this h-comic: the Art Quality and detailing is pretty good; down to how Nerd Girl (Anna) has uneven teeth and thus needing dental-braces. :)

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

4. [EDITED]: @ScopeInOn. The Vexel… See, that angle I would have also accepted and liked to see in terms of subverting the cliché, that Nerd Girl (Anna) would discover and let loose her naughty and sexually-voracious side with a (benign) nudge and (also benign) encouragement from the girls (like how Ashley gave Anna her first-kiss); even if it led to a lesbian orgy (per @The Vexel's idea) &/or a consensual (meaning non-mind-break) gangbang with the boys.

But no, I wager this will follow the cliché with Anna drugged, (probably) bound, molested (by the girls), gang-raped (by the boys), and mind-broken (or just plain broken); and Suzan being smug and self-superior at having brought harm, humiliation, and degradation upon someone "just because she can"; because that is what Popular Girl does.

5. [EDITED]: @njack46, RedUnit10... (page 13) Yeah, this h-comic telegraphs "Western-style Emergence" a lot; by both the "Before" Cover Page (page 01) and "After" Inside Cover (page 02), as well as Popular Girl's (Suzan) malicious expression and "slut" comment (page 13).
Last edited on 17 May 2019, 08:14.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 06:24 by:   The Vexel    PM
Score +194
Yeah the dialogue is a clear set up for getting the nerd girl drugged and handled by the boys. I'm seeing some gang rape into forced slut slave of the popular kids vibe. Personally if the girls passed her around in full lesbian orgy I'd enjoy it but we'll see how this goes.

Edit: The kiss would seem very random if this actually is the cliche drugged and fucked story. They have no reason to kiss her in this context as it does and doesn't allude to anything. The title as alludes to something being "Nerd I'd Like To Fuck" as you can imagine a cute nerdy girl who is quiet and shy being hit on by the popular guys and even girls but gets invited to a party and sexual things go from there. Once again we will see as I'm interested in this as I love Tek's art style and characters but I'd honestly be disappointed if this just turns into "popular bitch drugs shy nerd girl and has her gang banged by the popular clique"

I know it's a porn story and I'm over analyzing it but if there's a plot of course people can talk about it before anyone makes one of those type of comments like "IT'S JUS PORN BRO". Let us also say Tek does have character behind his comics and it's not just random fucktoys with no personality doing porn things (not saying porn needs a plot or doesn't need a plot it can just be porn).
Last edited on 05 April 2019, 07:59.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 06:50 by:   ScopeInOn    PM
Score +17
I mean, I like seeing nerd and geek girls letting out their naughty side.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 08:43 by:   njack46    PM
Score +316
Hey this doesn't seem so bad. I mean, a nerdy girl becoming more sexually attractive is good stuff.... Though this sorta reminds me---*Sees the alpha bitches giving the cute girl a spiked drink...Has intense flashback of a certain hentai that left me scarred* ...OH HELL NO! NOPE! NOT AGAIN I WILL NOT ENDURE EMERGENCE 2.0!! YOU LEAVE THIS POOR INNOCENT GIRL ALONE, YOU BITCHES!!!
Posted on 05 April 2019, 09:13 by:   Meowshi    PM
Score +72
It's hot how the popular girl kept her eyes open for the kiss.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 09:56 by:   RedUnit10    PM
Score +377
Meh, Nerd girl was hotter in her full Nerdy style. Looking at what she's going to be morphed into, I'm filled with disappointment. Oh well, such is hentai.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 14:07 by:   maybekins    PM
Score +75
I really really *really* want to see the nerd and that popular girl who kissed her go at it more.
Posted on 05 April 2019, 21:07 by:   Spetsnards    PM
Score +123
Oh man this is Emergence all over again.
Posted on 06 April 2019, 10:42 by:   midori-chan    PM
Score +91
kinda would have loved it if it just ended up being more wholesome. oh well
Posted on 14 April 2019, 15:41 by:   Alesin    PM
Score +147
Well, I think nerdy girl looks pretty cute in her nerdy style, with all her innocence. So, I don`t like this porn cliche "nerdy girl being turned into rotten slut". Anyway, porn is porn.
Posted on 13 June 2019, 20:16 by:   M0M0E    PM
Score +25
Daaaaang, it's been months since the next update. Is he even still working on this? I want to see the final product!!!
Posted on 27 June 2019, 13:02 by:   Chup@Cabra    PM
Score +61
I"ve worn glasses all my life, and that cracked lens of hers is just pushing all the wrong buttons for me (how can she STAND to look at the world through a cracked lens?!?! ^_^)
Posted on 25 August 2019, 06:43 by:   Galgano    PM
Score +51
The braces kind of come out of left field. I wasn't able to see them until the kiss scene. Even when she had her mouth open (like the cover), you don't see the braces. Maybe they're really high up on her teeth. Like, in the gums level of high. Also, I wasn't able to see crooked teeth until the last page. For the most part, all the other teeth-shots were taken from far away so they all looked straight to me until after the close for the kiss was already done. I don't know, maybe I'm missing something and am as blind as a bat.
Posted on 20 October 2019, 03:41 by:   vjm3    PM
Score +146
This reminds me of something from Shindol........and that didn't end very well for that nerd girl either..."
Posted on 09 November 2019, 07:14 by:   hoigoigoi    PM
Score +99
I want this nerd girl.
Posted on 09 November 2019, 08:14 by:   Subject614    PM
Score +74
This feels like a trap.
Posted on 09 November 2019, 10:46 by:   M0M0E    PM
Score +169
Jesus mother of christ, Tekuho actually made some progress on this comic!? Isn't this like freaking years past now?
Posted on 22 November 2019, 04:19 by:   Almighty19    PM
Score +175
I want to protect Nerd Girl
Posted on 23 November 2019, 05:04 by:   fdcx    PM
Score +52
I never thought I'd see full on porn in the Otomo Katsuhiro style. Looks nice here.
Posted on 18 December 2019, 03:36 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score -57
The sad part is that this will be ruined by some het shit
Posted on 18 December 2019, 07:36 by:   Tristail    PM
Score -56
I'm just wondering why they never took her glasses off. Not that I don't like the look, but wouldn't she look sexier without them?
Posted on 03 February 2020, 17:43 by:   anthrofan    PM
Score +11
can't wait to see how many times she cums before passing out, I wouldn't be surprised if she kept getting fucked and cum while passed out
Posted on 03 February 2020, 19:15 by:   omgnotsuckpuppst    PM
Score +32
How come the rough sketch reads "whining" correctly, but the finished page reads "winning"? Anyway, so far so good, save for the wrinkly granny hands.

Oh, if I was the one writing this I'd probably have fun with the title and not only turn Anna into the titular N.I.L.F. but also introduce a nerdy guy who also has a decent physique, basically a nerd Anna herself would like to fuck. Make 'em fuck in front of the others, then they could start sharing some nerdy trivia about porn or something while everyone else is doing their own business, then finish with a good ol' orgy fuck-fest. You know, kinda like the 1st day of Mizuryu Land.
Last edited on 06 February 2020, 16:59.
Posted on 05 April 2020, 19:28 by:   deadlymopo    PM
Score +6
Nilf page 35
Posted on 15 July 2020, 10:55 by:   mr pornoman    PM
Score +13
is this dead?
Posted on 10 January 2021, 01:38 by:   Ricchi    PM
Score +17
eww this took an ugly turn, gotta unfave it :/
Posted on 10 January 2021, 05:56 by:   Nintyfresh    PM
Score -24
Why's that, Ricchi? You don't like cheating? You sad turd.
Posted on 10 January 2021, 11:47 by:   Wiseman8    PM
Score +7
I don't know what's more confusing, if this gallery, or in general the comment section dating system.
Posted on 10 January 2021, 15:46 by:   jfgkjgfkjg    PM
Score +26
Posted on 10 January 2021, 19:55 by:   FarkyMac    PM
Score +83
You know I thought there would be some kind of progression or reluctance or something from a girl that's established at the start as being shy and reserved. But no, she goes along with whatever they say instantly so it doesn't really matter.
Posted on 11 January 2021, 15:55 by:   PoorWhiteTrash    PM
Score +32
Maybe that bottle of vodka she pretty much downed has her black out drunk and acting a little different to normal?
Posted on 16 January 2021, 20:09 by:   shodan89    PM
Score +23
Ruined by rape shit
Posted on 18 March 2021, 19:18 by:   hentiast    PM
Score +72
Welp, see you in another year.
Posted on 22 April 2021, 17:53 by:   M0M0E    PM
Score +107
ROFL yup!

While I really enjoy this comic, FFFF me it's been over 5 years in the making. Each page takes a lifetime for Tekuho to publish. People have grown old and died by the time he finishes this thing.
Posted on 24 April 2021, 13:31 by:   dexterer    PM
Score +14
She was beautiful and dare I say even sexy in some way, but those kinky rags ruined her beauty and instead she's just vulgar now =_=
Posted on 25 May 2021, 16:36 by:   c.abrio    PM
Score +13
great work
Posted on 27 May 2021, 17:20 by:   fugazworld    PM
Score +27
please CONTINUE!!!!

* crickets singing in the night *
Posted on 21 June 2021, 02:03 by:   Kairu_Hakubi    PM
Score +35
How does an artist this good not know what piercings are. That had me laughing. Fantastic art.
Posted on 22 June 2021, 04:14 by:   alaion    PM
Score +12
Holyshit, this comic is still going??? I thought it was a dead work
Posted on 22 June 2021, 04:16 by:   phantom116    PM
Score +20
This has some Shindol vibes
Posted on 15 October 2021, 07:13 by:   Dr.Dank    PM
Score +89
So at first this was big ShindoL vibes but now she's cuckqueaning them using the power of gap moe
Truly the best ending
Posted on 26 October 2021, 19:01 by:   erana    PM
Score +44
Stay tuned for part 2, S.L.A.W (Sluts I'd Love to Adventure With), where the nerd girl invites the slutty cheerleaders over for a D&D game just for them to ninja her out of every single XP and piece of treasure.
Posted on 29 October 2021, 19:35 by:   KhornateGod    PM
Score +6
The last image of the four girls. All the blondes are pissed. Brunette (the one who kissed Anna) is biting her lip and looks turned on
Posted on 04 November 2021, 20:46 by:   Kobra Queen    PM
Score +12
Nerds are (one of) my fetish(es)!
Posted on 09 November 2021, 09:17 by:   The Vexel    PM
Score +1

Yep.....Tek is still a fantastic artist but I sat this one out because the build up gave either disappointing or predictable results. Wasn't expecting some novel level writing but the whole nerd angle gets thrown out the window when she becomes a "cumslut but better" compared to the other girls.
Posted on 01 February 2022, 15:59 by:   neko421    PM
Score +25
ROTFLMAO at the nerve of the popular bitches getting all butthurt over their plan going horribly right when they should be counting their lucky stars that the worst thing that happened was awakening Anna's inner sex freak.
By all that is right, their antics should have earned them all a starring role in their own "women in prison" movie (I mean, I'm counting at least drugging Anna, setting up her gang rape, sexually assaulting her themselve and one charge of rape for at least the girl who shoved that huge plug up Anna's tight little rear, and of course rape charges for all the boyfriends), but no, they find nothing better to do than gripe and whine over the fact that... they basically lucked into getting themselves a willing and eager little fuckpet? Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth!

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