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[Eric W. Schwartz] A Hairy Encounter

Posted:2020-07-12 23:07
File Size:21.42 MiB
Length:14 pages
Favorited:698 times
Average: 4.66

Showing 1 - 14 of 14 images

Posted on 12 July 2020, 23:07 by:   Buster D.    PM
Uploader Comment
"In another story from the past, we recall the first meeting between Zig Zag and Cathy Kitana, the in-house hair & makeup lady at ZZ Studios. When Zig Zag comes in for a shampoo, the two talk as Zig gets more and more interested in Cathy's body."

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Posted on 29 December 2019, 01:48 by:   shtzandgiggles    PM
Score +106
"Yeah people were dicks to us because we work in porn, I'm just gonna grope you now, hey wanna have some sex?"
Not that I'm not loving it, just seems a wee bit incongruous somehow.
Posted on 29 December 2019, 09:36 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +48
Not to mention, I thought Cathy avoided any of Zigzag's sexual shenanigans, hence why her only porn comic (at least her only porn comic that I'm aware of) is with her and her boyfriend in the privacy of her home. She introduces herself as strictly professional, but then she's climbing all over Zigzag and not even flinching at her advances? (And as someone who "goes to church regularly" and isn't afraid of showing off her faith, I would've thought that a WOMAN coming on to her would be all the more taboo, wouldn't it?)

Yes yes, I'm right there with you that this is hot AF, but we're not looking JUST at pretty pictures here.
Last edited on 02 March 2020, 05:06.
Posted on 05 January 2020, 08:10 by:   shtzandgiggles    PM
Score +16
TBF we don't know they're gonna bang for all we know this is just gonna be one big adorable tease comic. Maybe she's so professional she can easily ignore everything but the shampoo. Also churchgoing doesn't mean knocking the girl on girl smooching.
Posted on 19 January 2020, 20:33 by:   magarey    PM
Score +27

First time reading a comic from Schwartz eh??
Posted on 20 January 2020, 01:47 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score +103
Way to ruin the scene with the dude
Posted on 20 January 2020, 15:53 by:   crazyboy101    PM
Score +6
Isn't that Cathy's husband in a different comic? This is probably before they got together.
Posted on 29 January 2020, 04:05 by:   xXBKARXx    PM
Score +41
Cue Zig finding out about Cathy being the Wife of J.T. and after that the couple start fucking on top their boss, leaving said boss in a not so comfortable position.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 01:29 by:   Buster D.    PM
Score +30

Turns out you were right on the money with that prediction.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 03:10 by:   0ld0neEye    PM
Score +43
If one more shows up, they can have a Barbershop Quartet.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 05:41 by:   Hyperfapz0r    PM
Score -55
Lost when the dude came in. Into the trash it goes.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 13:27 by:   LordGr4    PM
Score +56
It is pretty funny to see Zig on the backfoot
Posted on 31 January 2020, 06:45 by:   Harsh    PM
Score +18
Posted on 31 January 2020, 07:00 by:   hentailover223    PM
Score +7
i sense 3way action afoot
Posted on 01 February 2020, 18:32 by:   misterFoo    PM
Score -58
mang, his style sure looks dated
Posted on 21 February 2020, 00:24 by:   ssj782    PM
Score +51
Lol. She just got cock blocked. Quite literally blocked by the cock :P
Posted on 01 March 2020, 22:54 by:   DracosBlackwing    PM
Score -95
Well drawn as always. Interesting new character. Worst reoccurring character in history ruins the whole thing.

I'm probably one in a million to say this, but... I kinda hate Zig Zag. Been watching her fuck her way through the fandom for too long I guess. No morals, no self control, no limits... nothing. Literally a mass of sexual frustration and energy with nothing of an actual personality beyond getting to the next fuck. I've seen her having been sexually abused as a child, having had children herself, fucking anthos, giants, centaurs, demons and everything else since I first saw her. She's into every fetish. Gender means nothing to her, nor relationships, nor situation; she'd fuck someone's wife in front of them knowing full well said person would kill their wife right after, and though she might try to get revenge for that now dead person, she'd be more impressed with how good a lay they were, or so it seems having watched her career.

This is completely a personal position. I know other people are entranced with her to the point of thinking of her as being immortal and eternally virginal... trust me I've actually spoken to a few of them. But for me, she's just kinda confusing and weirdly annoying. Like, I see her all the time fucking every character imaginable; you'd think after a while she'd settle on a select group instead of spreading to any and all new ones like some kind of disease after so long. But it's always someone new; always some barely legal, barely conscionable situation, like how in the last comic, she fucked some kids mom just to be able to say she had done it to him in revenge for posting some negative review of her, then set things up so she would *keep* doing it, just to put all that mental pressure on the kid. How is that gonna reflect on his relationship to his mom? Would making him see his mom as a slut somehow be worthy vengeance for a bad comment online? Things like this just repulse me from her.

Seeing that expression on her face when that hairdresser's actual partner shows up and steals all the attention from her whorebag self was the best part of this comic so far, and you would think it would turn her off enough to make her stop slutting around with the hairdresser... but we all know nothing can stop Zig Zag from doing that, so... Yes, I looked at this comic despite my dislike of her; is it wrong for me to hope for a decent turn around in one of her comics? Anyhow, nothing can be done by me, some random viewer, so I'll just leave this here and move on.
Posted on 02 March 2020, 00:10 by:   LordGr4    PM
Score +34
I wish I hadn't already commented on this comic. Because then I could downvote your negative-nancy ass.
Posted on 02 March 2020, 05:17 by:   RobDollar    PM
Score +30
"is it wrong for me to hope for a decent turn around in one of her comics?"
Pretty much, since your interpretation of her character is so wrong that even a "decent turn" (whatever that means) would go right over your head.
Posted on 21 March 2020, 07:05 by:   rwpikul    PM
Score +33
@DracosBlackwing from your description you are including lots of stuff from people other than Eric Schwartz and Max Blackrabbit that isn't even a "not exactly what happened but close enough" level of canon for ZigZag. Either that or you are confusing things she does "in front of the camera" for the actual character.

It's also pretty clear that you haven't read the decades of characterization done with her by Eric with Max's blessing.
Posted on 23 March 2020, 04:32 by:   Slytherin    PM
Score +15
I don't think Zig Zag has let it go
Posted on 23 December 2020, 21:14 by:   Brandy Bogard    PM
Score +6

Posted on 03 April 2024, 18:34 by:   drake569    PM
Score +5
i think its bit ruin when dog boy is come in, will be better if they fuck first and after that he come in. Don't like this " accidentally come in middle of process" thing.

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