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Sisters of Mars (Ranma 1/2) (Ongoing)

Posted:2020-12-30 04:00
Visible:No (Replaced)
File Size:2.84 MiB
Length:10 pages
Favorited:50 times
Average: 2.66
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There are newer versions of this gallery available:

Sisters of Mars (Ranma 1/2) (Ongoing), added 2021-05-25 23:55
Sisters of Mars (Ranma 1/2) (Ongoing), added 2021-07-15 13:07

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 images

Posted on 02 January 2021, 19:15 by:   Ilyia    PM
Score +57
What is the point of the Ranma of Mars series? There isn't sex in it, it isn't sexy... The action is bad... Every single one is OCC... They wear different clothes and right now the original plot doesn’t even apply to it.
Last edited on 10 January 2021, 09:53.
Posted on 25 June 2021, 13:02 by:   swfanman4    PM
Score +8
I love it, it makes me want to be abducted by aliens to become a sexy slave girl and be sold to a sexy martian
Posted on 15 July 2021, 14:54 by:   Rocket 4000    PM
Score +6
Funny part is the Original 1912 onward books had everyone male and female totally nude and inferred little if any hair down there only harnesses and Jewelry worn that did not cover any private parts. Part of the scandal like nature of the tale in that prude time. But you don't find drawing of what it actually would look like just topless at best or little covers for the nipples bottom part always covered and of course no dick swinging around like it had to do in that description.

No sex and the girls carried a tiny hidden dagger in their jewelry to slit their throats to prevent being ravished so inferred rape. Girls lay eggs.

Interesting the only totally evil Martians are the White ones making the story a stealth anti racism pitch I think that one reason John Carter was made a ex Confederate but non slave owner military to better hide the message the other reason just like the good number of ex confederates ending in Western tales the wondering off of many ex Confederate solders gave good reason for John Carter to have no attachments and explore strange places. The majority the noble Red Martians think American Indians, the Black original Martians a proud advanced race but fallen to evil religion but are redeemed. Yellow also evil but turn good only the Whites staying evil to the core. The Red's are a combination of the Black, Red and Yellow. Green martians are not humanoids instead Giant six limb primitive nomads although well armed with the Radium Rifle that fires glass bullets that in the sun blow up powerfully. They are savage but can be noble.
Posted on 23 August 2021, 06:15 by:   Maglad    PM
Score +6
@Rocket 4000

What do you mean the white martians were the only truly evil ones? IIRC they were hunter and enslaved by the black martians. Also, I remember one of the white martian girls falls in love with John and she offers herself as his (and his wife's) slave, and when Dejah (John's wife) and herself are trapped inside a shelter that will take a year to open with food and water for 10 months, she starves herself to death to preserve Dejah, and prove that love had really guided her to a change of heart.

Have YOU tried to feast for a week, let alone 2 months? That poor girl actually made it, but then when she and Dejah made it out of what was basically a panic room, someone shoots on them, and she takes the shot for Dejah, proving her absolute loyalty. It is also implied she had ALSO fallen in love with Dejah but only (extremely) briefly.

Having said all that...

I am proud of the artist/author, FUCKING FINALLY showing a nipple. As for how the kiss looked... well, it is actually hard to draw kisses and make them look good. I recommend the author just looks for one that looks good and copies it, because this one was meh, and I understand that this is a desperate attempt to appeal with sexy, but it is too little, too late.

Honestly author, if you're reading this, just have them lay down next to or on top of, each other while they kiss, and add some sound effects like slide, rub, caress, kiss, and there's your sex scene. And yeah, it seems perfectly IC since they don't remember being sisters so the readers can enjoy some (extremely vanilla) incest yuri, and the characters don't have to be the least bit morally or ethically conflicted about it. Because, again, they genuinely don't remember being sisters, their body types are different, their skin/eye color and personalities are different so yeah, I can believe they have no reason not to go ahead and develop feelings for each other as they go through shared experiences together.

Also, nudity. You did good taking away their clothes, now just DON'T DRESS THEM AGAIN. The original Warlord of Mars novels, as Rocket 4000 mentioned, had full (casually mentioned) nudity, and this site isn't exactly the library of a monastery, you know? I -seriously- doubt anybody here is going to feel the least bit offended. Just give them some bracelets, maybe a set of bejeweled torc, wrist and ankle cuffs, and there's your clothing.

You'll make the Warlord of Mars fans happy, the Ranma 1/2 fans happy... everybody wins.

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