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[Hoshi no Yume] My Happiness ≠ Her Happiness

[星の夢] 僕の幸せ≠彼女の幸せ

Game CG
Posted:2021-11-25 10:42
File Size:313.4 MiB
Length:1050 pages
Favorited:312 times
Average: 4.19

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Posted on 25 November 2021, 10:42 by:   deathbringer_jo    PM
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Netorase game
Posted on 28 November 2021, 05:35 by:   potato1919    PM
Score +348
Played the game and it was a pretty good netorase game with a decent story backing it up.

The story is essentially about the MC discovering that he's developed a netorase fetish and so he develops the desire to watch his wife, Yahiro, succumb to another man. The MC's netorase fetish might be a bit hard to explain but its essentially that he desires to see his wife bang someone not just for his own fetish, but also for his wife's happiness as he believes that his wife may not be truly at her happiest with him. What spurred this train of thought was a drunk night between him and his wife where she ended up bringing up her ex-boyfriend. As the MC asks about the ex-boyfriend he realizes that Yahiro seems to look as if she missed him and regretted breaking up with him. Furthermore, it seems like he's worried that he is unable to properly satisfy her in bed. It is around this point we learn of the MC's boss. Someone who frequently sexually harassed Yahiro back when she also worked at the same workplace. Said boss still occasionally tells the MC about how he desires to have sex with his wife, though in a more subtle way than how I just typed it. Just as the MC is thinking of actually letting said boss bed his own wife, the boss brings up someone who was asking about Yahiro as they thought she still worked at the company. This someone is Yahrio's ex-boyfriend who rose up in the business world and became successful. The MC ends up working on a joint project between his company and the ex's company so they end up meeting and the MC ends up telling him that he has now married Yahiro despite knowing that the ex may want to reunite with her. It is at this point that the game spits into two routes, the boss route and the ex route.

The boss route is very simple and straightforward. The MC takes his boss up on the offer to bed his wife, though the MC hasn't actually revealed said plans or his fetish to his wife. So essentially most of the start of the route is the MC finding various reasons to bring the boss over to his house for dinner so that the boss can work his way into his wife's panties. It should be known that the boss really desires to impregnate the MC's wife and he doesn't keep it a secret. Usually at dinner, the MC would leave for an hour or two to get beer or get something he was missing at work meanwhile the boss would blackmail Yahiro into doing sexual favors for him. At first it starts off with the boss having sex with Yahiro while she is unconscious to blowjobs to eventual sex, all while the wife slowly feels more and more guilty but convinces herself that what she's doing is for her husband's success. However, at some points she feels like she might fall to the boss as he's better than the MC in every way in terms of sex. Eventually, the MC and boss decide to reveal that they were in on it the entire time and though she is a bit angry, she ultimately forgives the MC and decides to continue her affairs with the boss, but this time everyone is now in the know. Now with no reason to actually refuse the boss' sexual advances, Yahiro becomes much more proactive and even willingly has raw sex with the boss to the MC's dismay and joy. Eventually, the boss brings up another idea to the MC. He wants to have Yahiro at his house as his own wife for an entire month and the MC agrees despite seeing all the signs on the wall that it was a bad idea. By this point, the MC's thoughts and actions are heavily decided by his netorase fetish.. And so, over the course of a month, the MC lives a lonely life at home meanwhile his wife slowly falls for the boss. It escalates to a point where she realizes that she is in fact in love with him and said boss even shows lewd pictures of her around the MC's office. Halfway through the month, the boss and Yahiro start banging seriously with the intention of getting her pregnant and so she willingly stops taking the pill. A couple days after that, Yahiro is very close to falling and at this point she can choose to completely fall or remain with the MC.
If she falls then the MC slowly starts to get less reports and messages from his wife. Eventually he confronts his boss at the end of the month, however the boss says that Yahiro has willingly chosen to stay with him, though he will allow the MC to meet her directly. Once the MC goes to the boss' house, he catches them having sex with it being clear that Yahiro is no longer his. Once the sex is over, Yahiro hands the MC the divorce papers and he willingly signs it. The MC by this point has accepted what has happened and while he regrets losing her, he is happy that she is happy.
If she chooses to remain with the MC, she will continue to stay with the boss for the month and then return to the MC. The boss still fucks her with the MC's consent but for the most part they're back to a normal life. A month or two later, Yahiro is pregnant and she tells the MC that its his. The MC is 99.9% sure it ain't his but he chooses to trust her. He also believes that even if she's lying and its the boss' child, its his decisions that led to this and he will take responsibility no matter who is the father. A couple months later and Yahiro is in her last months of pregnancy however the netorase is still ongoing. In fact she pretty much fucks the boss even without the MC's knowledge but everyone is happy with the situation. It is during her last scene with the boss that she reveals what everyone already knows. The boss is the one that got her pregnant and he promises to give her a new baby after she gives birth. Yahiro of course looks forward to it.

The ex route on the other hand is a bit more emotional and more of a slowburn. The MC invites the ex over for dinner without telling Yahiro eventually the night comes. The MC and Yahiro are waiting for the ex, however Yahiro only knows that the guest is a business associate. Once the ex appears, Yahiro is pretty surprised and the MC realizes that she is acting very nervous and avoiding her ex. As they all sit down for dinner, the ex and Yahiro both confirm that they were once dating and Yahiro even asks the MC if the dinner is a good idea, however the MC responds that he is still a former friend of hers which means that he trusts him as well. The dinner goes well however the MC's fetish compels him to initiate something between Yahiro and her ex, so the MC comes up with an excuse to leave for a while. During that time, the ex confronts Yahiro and even embraces and kisses her, however she refuses his advances as she is now married. By the time the MC returns, he notices that Yahiro looks flushed and erratic so he believes that something may have happenes, though she refuses the thought. The next day, the MC goes to see the ex to continue working on their business project however by the end he confronts the ex on what happened last night and got him to confess the details. Once the ex confesses, he pleads to the MC to take it out on him and not Yahiro as he was the one that initiated it and she refused him in the end. He also reveals that even though he broke up with Yahiro, he always loved and thought of her but he just wanted to be a better man for her, but by the time he became successful, she was already married. The MC chooses to forgive him and even tells him that he actually expected for this to happen, to the ex's surprise. He also makes a proposal to the ex to continue allowing him to meet Yahiro, but the ex warns him that he will without a doubt seriously attempt to steal his wife. The MC reveals that is exactly what he wants though the ex is confused. The MC explains that he's recently developed netorase tendencies but even more important than that is that he wants his wife to be happy. If the ex manages to take his wife from him, that means that Yahiro will be happier with the ex, which is something that he desires the most. Though the ex does not fully understand the MC's mind, he goes through with it as he sees this as his chance to reunite with Yahiro, though the MC introduces some rules. Off the top of my head, the rules were: the ex must always inform the MC before attempting to steal Yahiro. The ex must not force her to do something that she does not want to do. The ex must report what happened every time. With that agreement they set about their plans. Unlike the boss, the ex is more caring to Yahiro and truly does not try to force himself too much upon her. He slowly works his way back into Yahiro's heart and Yahiro knows this so she tries to shut him down at every moment. Eventually, the ex gets sick and the MC uses this as an opportunity to get his wife to go to his house and care for him. Yahiro considers it very strange that the MC would ask such a thing for a business partner however he tells her that he also cares about the ex as he was someone who was once important to her. She goes to the ex's house and eventually things escalate to her giving him a handjob and leaving. By now she feels pretty guilty and she eventually gets another opportunity to meet the ex due to the MC's plans. Things get even more sexual than the last time and eventually she starts realizing that her feelings for her ex haven't entirely been lost. Eventually due to the MC not being around her as much as a result of his plans, she starts to feel lonely and eventually, willingly goes to the ex's house without the MC knowing. The ex even purposefully breaks rules from time to time, however the MC does not mind as it further helps his fetish and purpose. The time soon comes and the ex finally starts having sex with Yahiro again and Yahiro herself feels like all of her pent up stress has left her. The ex even helps her deal with her guilt by convincing her that the entire thing was his fault and so she can continue to indulge herself while he will take the blame. She soon starts to listen to him more and even shortens her hair as the ex preferred it that way. Eventually the ex once again confronts the MC on his plans and warns him that Yahiro is close to being his. Though the ex without a doubt will not stop attempting to seduce Yahiro, he does worry for the MC and asks him if he's prepared for her to leave him. Though the MC says that it is fine if its for Yahiro's happiness, he realizes that by now, the ex is truly confident that Yahiro is already his. Eventually, the MC and ex no longer even needs to create plans to get Yahiro to cheat as she willingly calls the ex over for sex on multiple occasions of her own will. After a while, the MC is at home, hiding in his work room as his wife is trying to get impregnated by the ex in their bedroom. The ex stays true to the words he told the MC and gets Yahiro to admit her love for him. As a last step he tries to get her to remove her wedding ring and it is at this point that the MC has truly understood what he has done and cane make one last choice. He can either leave them be or intervene before she removes the ring.
Should the MC leave them be, the next time he sees Yahiro, she has a different ring, though he chooses not to comment on it. From that point on, he slowly watches as he loses his wife with her showing obvious favoritism to the ex even while they are all beside each other. Furthermore, she does not even try to mask her cheatings anymore though the MC willingly appears ignorant. A couple months later, Yahiro and the ex confronts the MC with a divorce paper and she admits that she has been impregnated by the ex. Though she appears regretful and even cries when leaving the MC, the MC forgives her for it and wishes for her to live a happy life without regret.
If the MC intervenes, he will storm into the room before Yahiro removes the ring and confess to everything. He tells her that he knew she was cheating the entire time and that he set it up. He also goes into explanation for why he did it. Though Yahiro does seem confused and somewhat disappointed, she forgives him however by now she has fallen in love with the ex again. The MC knows this and before she even him, he asks her to stay with him but he is fine if she continues her affairs. By now she fully forgives the MC and even realizes that all that he did was mostly for her happiness and so she embraces him and all is well. Cut to a couple months later and she is pregnant, of course with the ex's child, however everyone knows and accepts this. The MC no longer has sex with Yahiro and he leaves that job to the ex and so everyone is pretty much happy now. The last sex scene has Yahiro and the ex fucking while the MC is at work, with the ex promising to give her another baby.

And that's that. It was overall pretty good and I recommend the game to most netorase fans. I wouldn't say that its anything special however it may scratch the netorase itch. My personal favorite route was the boss route as it was a bit more erotic and it felt like Yahiro was more dominated by lust in that route, meanwhile the ex's route was more emotional which was a bit less to my tastes but still very good. In fact, I ended up liking the ex a bit since he was a pretty reasonable dude for the most part and owned up to his mistakes, but got a lucky chance in aiming for Yahiro and never gave it up.
Posted on 07 February 2022, 05:06 by:   DABnoREGRET    PM
Score +14
After this, I really don't want to be a salaryman. Still, good game story-wise.

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