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[lordDarthS] Raiden Shogun 1-7

Artist CG
Posted:2022-08-25 02:54
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Length:89 pages
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Posted on 25 August 2022, 02:54 by:   OCPOverEveryone    PM
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The artist wrote a story/log to go along with this.

#1 Beginning (Pages 1-4)
Raiden Shogun was delivered to The Doctor, Il Dottore in Snezhnaya from Inazuma.
Fatui Skirmisher who work in Inazuma caught her by their operation.
They packed her in the special capsule after incapacitating her.

Her figure has distorted within several weeks during shipping to Snezhnaya. Because the renovated slimes for incapacitating her parasitize in her belly.
The concentrated electro (like Balethunder) and the bodily fluids by the slimes and Raiden Shogun fill in the capsule. So, it is risk to take them out.

"Um, their breeding is faster than my assumption. And I can see they have some changes. They might evolve quickly by absorbing her ovum, right?"

He is interested in the evolution of a slime, and decided they will keep it in some weeks for considering a countermeasure and observing her.
Now, she is installed in their laboratory.

Condition monitor: Pregnancy and parasite by a renovated slime, excessive aphrodisiac by a slime, endless orgasm, breast milk available, unconsciousness

#2 "Week 1" (Pages 5-8)
The slimes are increased. I am not sure how many slimes are there in her belly. But, they bred 50% to 70% more, as I assume based on visible them in the capsule.
Some slimes grow up to like a snake.

It has become clear that total weight in the capsule is increased though it is completely closed.
The cause may the electro has been increased. This is a flash idea but the mother might supply them. Why can she create them from zero? Interesting!

Regarding the mother's body.
The waist measurement is increased, but the breasts volume are more increased.
The breast milk might accumulate because a nipple is closed by pushing to a glass.
I think she suffers "Acute stagnant mastitis" as she gets a fever.
It will be a risk of a choke by a pressure, I should consider some measures also within this week.

#3 "Day 8" (Pages 9-12)
As we were discussing measures to deal with the retained breast milk, the slime began to act strangely.
It began to ingest the mother's milk.
More interestingly, it understood where the mother's milk came from and began to squeeze its udder.
Slime does not have this habit. Clearly, evolution has brought about this change.

We are now ready with a method to remove the electro that has become highly concentrated, but we will give priority to observing the changes in the slime.

The mother's condition
It seems that milking by the slime is quite painful, and her expression is distorted even though her consciousness is clouded.
The teat, the outlet for the mother's milk, is blocked, and because of the pressure. There is a risk of lacerations in the worst case scenario.
However, it is a good opportunity to check the level of physical strength of the Archon.

#4 "Day 15" (Pages 13-36)
The changes in the slime that ingested the mother's milk were remarkable. First, the population decreased and became larger due to integration.
The retention of mother's milk, which had been an issue a week earlier, was resolved as the slime lifted the udder and exposed the teats.
The mother's physical condition also seemed to improve as the slime sucked up her milk.
This suggests that the slime had the intelligence of an infant.
This individual-level population is referred to as the 2nd generation.

In the lower part of the capsule, the 1st generation of slime is also multiplying and growing.
Although the mother seems to supply excrement from time to time, unfortunately, there are no signs of evolution in the 1st generation population.
The mother abdominal girth is greatly increased. It is assumed that the pace of reproduction is simply accelerating, but it is also possible that parasitic individuals or other organisms are growing inside the body.
However, an interesting phenomenon occurred during our observations.
Abdominal deformation has often been observed due to peristaltic movement of slime in utero, but only in rare cases was the displacement of the abdomen large.
In addition, luminescence that appeared to be discharges in utero and her convulsions were observed at the same time.
Since there is no record of strong discharges in the 1st generation population, it is possible that a new species is being born.

Condition of the mother
As mentioned earlier, the abdominal area increased. Breasts also show no signs of decreasing in size, although the inflammation should have subsided. Rather, they appear to have increased in appearance.
Although long-term restraints and changes in the abdomen and chest are at a level that would cause problems in a normal human body, there are no abnormalities in the vitals at present. It seems that the body of a Archon is tougher than we understand.
The only thing that seems to have weakened is the expression on her face. In addition, the rate of increase in capsule mass has begun to decrease in the two weeks since we began our observations.
It seems that the mother body's ability to generate electro is decreasing, but the cause is unknown.

#5 "Day 21" (Pages 37-56)
On day 19, the lower part of the capsule was filled by 1st generation slime.
Some slime is now moving back up the digestive tract to the upper part of the capsule.
Interestingly, the 2nd generation slime seems to recognize the 1st generation as food, it is preying on it rather than fusing with it.
Also, the 2nd generation seems to have stopped consuming mother's milk.

Mother's condition
Abdominal circumference increased to the limit of the capsule.
The mother seems to be unable to breathe due to the retrogression of the 1st generation slime, but she has not died of asphyxiation.

Thereafter, the 1st generation is excluded from observation.
Remove the 1st generation in the capsule, except for those in the body.
Move the 2nd generation to the lower part of the capsule and observe for any new changes.
In addition, a milking machine was added to prevent the mother from drowning in her own milk.

#6 "Day 25" (Pages 57-76)
The 2nd generation individuals began to feed on the 1st generation prey remaining in the mother's body, using their tentacle arms to drag the prey out of the body.

In the early stages, they used their tails and one tentacle arm to anchor their bodies to the legs of the mother, and attempted to prey using only one remaining tentacle arm.
Early on, the tips of the tentacles branched off and changed to a shape more conducive to capturing prey.

After two days, the tail also began to change in shape.
It was simple in shape, but it split into several segments so that it could hold onto the legs of the mother in a stable manner.
This allowed both forearms to be free, making predation more advantageous.

The mother's abdominal girth, which had expanded to the same size as the capsule circumference, was greatly reduced as it preyed on the 1st generation of individuals inside the body.

This morning, the 2nd generation, which had lost its forearm, was found. It seemed to be frightened and did not try to prey, which had been active until yesterday.
The mother's abdomen still has some volume.
In my previous report, I suggested the possibility of a new species developing in utero, and I may have been right.

Judging that no further active changes will occur, the 2nd generation was also removed from the capsule today.
The mother's ability to generate electro remained in a decreasing trend and was determined to be debilitating.
It seems that the electro generation was an emergency coping function. We will supply nutrients to the mother afterwards.
At that time, a "new medicine," which was also used in the capture operation, was administered to prevent escape.

The new drug is a powerful medicine that ordinary human species cannot even approach unless it is sealed in a special container.
It can be ingested through the mucous membranes or administered directly into the body, and is capable of weakening even Archon.
The method of production was reported by Fatui Skirmisher in Inazuma, but the principle is not quite clear.
How does a liquid made by boiling and dissolving the residue of Archon work? Fucking Balladeer.

#7 "Thirty days passed" (Pages 77-89)
The discharges in the womb became more powerful each day, so much so that now his own figure emerged.
Surprisingly, the figure resembled a human fetus, with a head, torso, limbs, and what appeared to be a tail.
In addition, although it was difficult to see, parts that looked like the placenta and umbilical cord could also be confirmed.
It is clear that this is an evolutionary development that incorporates reproduction based on embryonic development, rather than the conventional incorporation of the mother's ovum.
Probably, the fetus grew up to this point from fertilization of the ovum.
In other words, this fetus is most likely a new species created between a Archon and a primitive elemental organism, an individual that has inherited more power as a mother's Archon, a new Archon.

From its emergent appearance, it appears to be one size larger than the fetus at the time of human birth, but there are no signs of childbirth.
Instead, a new anemone-like part was exposed from within the womb and began crawling its tentacles all over the mother's body.
It seems to be struggling to squeeze everything it can out of the mother.

Therefore, all plans that were originally planned for this mother were scrapped.
The decision was also made to immediately transfer the mother to a new storage facility in preparation for future changes.
It will take some time for more significant changes to occur.
But we will wait with joy. An unforeseen entity has arisen.
I may be about to get the key to look deeper into the abyss.

The 1st generation that was fed post-milking mother's milk showed the same changes as the existing 2nd generation.
Reproduction experiments of other phenomena are also needed, and there is a mountain of other planning ideas to go further.
Conveniently, a new test subject arrived the other day from Inazuma. We will conduct our experiments there for trivial matters.
But unlike the Delusion research, the sample is limited. We must endeavor not to get carried away and use them up prematurely.
Posted on 25 August 2022, 07:35 by:   l love hutao    PM
Score +11
Posted on 25 August 2022, 08:02 by:   3.142857    PM
Score +12

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