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[Atelier Sakura] Tsuma Kurazaki Sakuna no Uwaki Chousa ~Netorare Tsuma no Midara na Kahanshin Jijou~

[アトリエさくら] 妻・倉崎桜菜の浮気調査 寝取られ妻の淫らな下半身事情

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Posted:2023-12-31 02:48
File Size:587.1 MiB
Length:718 pages
Favorited:461 times
Average: 4.11

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Posted on 31 December 2023, 02:48 by:   alfredmeow    PM
Uploader Comment
Posted on 31 December 2023, 04:58 by:   dydcl123    PM
Score +26
kuroishi ringo is god
Posted on 31 December 2023, 22:29 by:   鬼齿龙蝰    PM
Score +44
summary pls
Posted on 06 January 2024, 06:28 by:   Goukenimaru    PM
Score +154

The story starts with Eisuke Kurazaki, the protagonist, receiving yet another client in his office, another disgruntled person who suspects their significant other of having an affair; it is a private detective gig that Eisuke set up independently after quitting his more secure and renowned job in a large detective agency, he calls his business SABUSUKE Detective (it is a colloquialism / English loan for Subscribe Detective) due Eisuke being quite active in promoting his business through SNS (Japanese messaging app) and social media in general. Eisuke, however, sees himself as more of a handyman currently, since his detective skills are sought after for the most inane things, such as parents wanting him to dig sensitive information over a school they suspect isn’t all that great for their children to enroll, or rival businesses wanting to dig up dirty on each other, his most regular gigs are investigating potential love affairs, with many people coming by for that reason alone by now, Eisuke has earned his success rate reputation with the last one.

Finishing up the appointment with the woman disheartened over having come to a detective to look for proof her marriage is basically over as result of her husband’s escapades, Eisuke receives a call from his wife, Sakuna Kurazaki, to confirm at which hour he is coming back from work, to make sure she will have everything ready at home in time, dinner, bath and so on; Eisuke talks with his wife about his schedule and the call ends. Working with so many cases of affair investigations, Eisuke thinks to himself about how blessed he is to have such a great wife like Sakuna, they’ve been married for years now, he is 30 years old and Sakuna is soon to be 28, they go back as college sweethearts, she was his underclass, they bonded over through debating on the college club, both are very intellectual people, Eisuke graduated to become a detective in a large agency and Sakuna worked for a fashion brand office, for a while, as she quit to become a full-time housewife later when Eisuke grew to be very stable in his work, being able to provide quite comfortably for both of them over the years – unbeknownst to Sakuna, however, is the fact Eisuke no longer works for the large detective agency he climbed the ladder at, she is such a subservient wife that she completely trusts Eisuke, never asking about his work under the reasoning that a model wife shouldn’t be nosy, and Eisuke does not want for Sakuna to know that as the reason he left his previous place is a sensitive topic, as such he works hard to keep the income about the level he had while working under a bigger business – keeping one’s image is a very important thing for this couple, a very plot relevant factor that gives reasoning to several events in the whole game.

Another day, another job, Eisuke is visited by a trendy-looking young man looking for his services, the guy is Makoto Yoda and he wants Eisuke to investigate his lover whom he suspects is having an affair, the way Makoto talks and carries himself has Eisuke fixate an opinion on the guy: a 20 year old college student that speaks in complete slang, without a care in the world, making Eisuke think it is quite odd for a man like Makoto to be serious enough to ever look for a private detective to look into a possible affair, as such Eisuke is bold enough to assume Makoto has many girls on the side, and actually asks why Makoto is bothering to look for his services if he can just jump to the next girl, surely Makoto of all people shouldn’t care about commitment, but Eisuke stops on his train of thought once Makoto promises Eisuke will be paid quite well if he can gather enough strong evidence, more than what he usually charges, so what Eisuke thinks of Makoto is put aside as he decides to be professional, a paying job is a good job. With introductions done Eisuke asks Makoto for what information he has on his lover, but Makoto is oddly dodging giving too much details, and pressing Eisuke to work with little to nothing to conduct his investigation, claiming that since he will be paid so heftily Eisuke should show what his skills are made of, if they are worth that fat paycheck – Eisuke has gotten nothing but bad vibes from Makoto but he wants to shut him down by showing how good of a detective he is.

Makoto only divulged the location of the place he claims his lover would meet with the person she is having an affair with, so Eisuke gets to work; reaching the place Eisuke is in the ready to start his trailing of the target and get all the evidence he needs to present Makoto with. However, Eisuke is soon met with an unbelievable sight, the exact place and time the supposed target was set appear is filled by none other than a woman that looks exactly like his wife Sakuna and she is meeting with Makoto of all people! Eisuke quickly loses himself in a torrent of thoughts, cracking his brain to try and understand how can this possibly be happening, first he tries to force himself into thinking extremely rationally like a detective completely detached should, as if to deny what he is seeing Eisuke thinks to himself that the woman might not be Sakuna, but then he hears her voice and watches her mannerisms which makes him drop that self-imposed denial, but he jumps to the next rationale that just because Sakuna is meeting someone he doesn’t know, a man no less, in secret isn’t actual proof that anything bad is happening, so Eisuke keeps his cool but now he definitely wants to know who the fuck Makoto is and why the hell the guy came into his office to hire him over the suspicion “his” lover is having affair, when it was his own fucking wife that turned into the scheduled spot to meet Makoto, the supposed victim in this case.

The next day, after recollecting himself a little Eisuke did a background check on Makoto Yoda, he is the son of a rich man, an unnamed elder Eisuke narrates is the owner of a business chain, as such Eisuke profiles Makoto as a spoiled college “kid” that acts like a carefree prick because he lives an easy life where his daddy can just give anything he wants, which makes the fact Makoto works as a part-timer in a convenience store quite odd but since Makoto drives a luxurious car to said job Eisuke first assumes this part-time job Makoto has is just some random whim of a rich kid, or his rich father. In his office Eisuke is visited by Makoto who wants to be briefed on any updates, Eisuke cannot believe what the fuck is going on right then and there, some college prick requested his services under the premise that he wanted to know if his lover was cheating, but what seems to be happening is that Makoto himself is hooking Sakuna into affair, if anything the supposed victim is looking like a damn perpetrator, still, Eisuke keeps these thoughts to himself, trying to be professional he relays the investigation has only begun, that he will get to the bottom of it; Makoto gleefully smiles, stating how happy he is that Eisuke is accepting the job, reinforcing that Eisuke will be paid wonderfully for his service, paying an upfront sum to show Eisuke he means business.

First order of business for Eisuke, his own set parameters, not Makoto’s, is to erase all doubts concerning Sakuna’s supposed affair, he wants to know what she is doing so Eisuke keeps up with Makoto’s bizarre approach, as if a make-believe scenario that Makoto presented Eisuke with: “my girl is having an affair”, when reality looks like something completely different; moving forward, Eisuke works along Makoto to wiretap and place cameras on the apartment Sakuna is supposedly having an affair, with that done Eisuke can only wait and see how it will play out – the time comes, and Eisuke’s fears are confirmed, in the apartment Makoto and Sakuna have sex, as Eisuke hears and records all. Reality can no longer be denied, Eisuke cannot believe Sakuna is cheating on him, the absolute irony of a private detective who worked on so many infidelity cases being on the receiving end of it doesn’t go unnoticed in his thoughts; this nightmare only cracks holes in Eisuke’s mind as it becomes increasingly clear that Makoto knows who he is and that Sakuna is his wife, so why the hell is this pest making up this fantasy about him being cheated on, when he is the one moving onto someone’s wife, Eisuke can now only think this is the actions of a crazy rich kid that thinks he can intrude on other people’s lives and fabricate these devilish scenarios for him own amusement, but still, Eisuke wants to know what made Sakuna have this affair, he swears that Makoto is the type of man Sakuna cannot not stand, much less be lover with. Eisuke wants to go through this hell all the way in.


The game’s dynamics is the player dictating Eisuke’s path forward, to complete the game Eisuke must be forced into a death spiral where he grits his teeth, kneeling to Makoto’s insane lie, pretending they are investigating a woman who’s unknown to Eisuke that is supposedly cheating on Makoto with another man, while the reality is Makoto stealing Sakuna away from Eisuke; the more evidence Eisuke collects Makoto rewards him with money, and even twists the knife further by passing as an adjutant who managed to collect his own evidence against Sakuna, “his” lover, as well by sending videos “he found” of Sakuna’s other escapades, that is the home porn videos he made of Sakuna without her noticing she was being filmed. Eisuke keeps the charade up because he wants to gather enough evidence to destroy Makoto’s life instead and find what can Sakuna’s reasoning for this mess can possibly be. There are four main choice options in the game total, each of them boils down to keep moving forward to see where all this is leading to, or stop everything right then and there, confronting Sakuna (in one case Makoto) about the affair face to face, dropping the charade, choosing the latter will immediately lead to an Ending. The caveat of pressing forward, however, is that each time Eisuke keeps going his mind warps more and more, where he begins to feel something that he deems sickening: arousal over watching Sakuna grow sluttier each time Makoto leads her towards a new adventure, to the point Eisuke starts feeling is at fault too as he is allowing, in a sense, for his wife to be taken away under his own eyes.


The game has a few sections where the POV shifts to Sakuna Kurazaki, where her side of the story is told, leading the reader to know most things before Eisuke is guided to discover them for himself and before the results of Sakuna’s actions finally occurring. Anyway, one day in which Eisuke had already persevered and grit his teeth by moving forward with the investigation, after being faced with the second choice to just stop everything and confront but choose not to, Sakuna’s POV starts, she is walking by as she sees a bus of school children, and one of the little kids wave at her, there the reader is shown how Sakuna absolutely loves children, wanting to become a mother as soon as possible, after this introduction Sakuna turns sour as she is about to contact Makoto once again to know what he has in store for her, however, the POV immediately reveals how Sakuna actually detests Makoto, she has nothing but bad thoughts about him: sleazy prick, no manners, etc. while swears by her husband as the superior man in almost every single way (almost being the key) confirming Eisuke’s thoughts that Sakuna would never willingly start something with the guy, their personalities simply don’t mesh together, but Sakuna lays in her private thoughts too about how much of a terrible person she is herself, revealing to the reader how she and Makoto came to be. It all started - soon to be - one year ago, when Sakuna was out to buy stuff on the supermarket, there on the streets Sakuna was approached by a young man in a luxurious car, it was Makoto, who tried to hit on her with the common game college students of his ilk try to, flex his car and his riches, but Sakuna was not impressed, she profiled him as a dumb rich kid who’s obviously flaunting the money his parents have, he has nothing to show for himself, Makoto was pushy at first but as soon as Sakuna threated to yell and call her husband Eisuke he stopped and drove away, Sakuna assumed he was intending to screw with an easy single girl, or a loose girlfriend, not married woman, at least not back then.

Not too long after Sakuna is invited by her best girl friend Miki to go to a bar and have a good time, Sakuna didn’t want to refuse her bestie, but she was trying to make sure not to drink much, Sakuna wants her image as a housewife to be clean and worthy of her good husband, so getting drunk is a no-go. Miki, however, didn’t mention she was bringing friends and her own husband, and as it turns out Miki’s husband is the owner of the convenience store Makoto works part-time at and guy got invited too, Makoto was smiling ear to ear at the coincidence while Sakuna couldn’t believe in what was happening, and so broke her resolve not to drink too much, now wanting to drink her uneasiness away, to forget the slimy bastard that tried to grab her into his car was invited by her own friends to meetup. The night ends with Sakuna pretty drunk and Makoto trying to pass the image of a good boy volunteers to take Sakuna by taxi to her home, Miki obliviously agrees, letting her friend in his care. Makoto is now free to act on his devious plan, with a complete defenseless drunk woman in his possession of course he wouldn’t drive her home safely, Makoto took her to a public bathroom with the intent of raping her, and so he does the deed, but he waited for Sakuna to actually get some of her senses back so she could know, to an extent, what was happening; at first Sakuna voices her protest at being raped, but her drunk stupor is acting like an aphrodisiac so in her private thoughts she can’t believe Makoto forcing himself on her is starting to feel good, comparing the sensation to something she didn’t have with Eisuke before, not like she doesn’t like the sex she had with her husband but Makoto is making her feel something completely out of this world, Sakuna starts hating herself for feeling this way; after finishing his deed Makoto just writes his contact on a paper, leaves by the barely moving Sakuna and walks away, joyfully telling her she can just contact him if she wants to do it again, Sakuna feels even more violated by being treated as an object, she recalls to how Eisuke and her cuddle after having sex, while here she is thrown away like trash after being taken Makoto.

Sakuna just stood in the stall until she regained her strength back, she didn’t want Eisuke to pick her up, and went back home by herself, not revealing to anyone what happened that day. However, the seeds of lust penetrated Sakuna’s very core, the day after Sakuna couldn’t believe she was actually reminiscing the torrents of pleasure she felt with Makoto, to the point she was having a battle with herself, in her own mind, over actually considering the insanity that was taking Makoto’s proposal to meet again so they could have more fun together; Sakuna lost to lust, she willingly sought Makoto then and her personal hell which she reluctantly likes started, they initiated a sex friend relationship that Sakuna justifies in her mind that it is the only way to satisfy her gigantic pent up desires, it turns out the image she has as Eisuke’s wife is that of someone who doesn’t press him for sex anytime she wants it, thinking that would make her look bad, but that is a difficult thing to keep when Sakuna narrates she is insanely horny but is married to a man that only wants to have sex every so often. With that Sakuna swore and told Makoto on his face that they would only be sex friends until her 28th anniversary - they have been together to a year since they first met now. Sakuna mustered all of her strength of mind to think of a scenario where she planned to have her child with Eisuke when she turns 28, telling all her family and friends, and of course Eisuke she is planning to do that, that will be a turning point in her life as Sakuna is trying to convince herself her immeasurable libido will disappear once she has a child, reasoning that the love she will give the baby and love she feels for Eisuke will grow even larger once he becomes the father of her kid, will completely destroy any room her dark desires has on her mind. That way Sakuna is simultaneously hating on herself for cheating on Eisuke but reassuring herself that Makoto is just a living dildo to ease her burden, so while she hates herself for cheating, she loves Eisuke in every single way so the cheating is only a temporary thing – but depending on Eisuke’s choices, Sakuna’s view on what she sees as cheating will change, and how bad she sees herself too, as he moves forward.


Early in the game Eisuke got the firsthand confirmation Sakuna is having an affair, he chooses to cut it short right then and there, confronting Sakuna at home. In this instance Eisuke is not facing any turmoil over growing to be aroused over watching Sakuna having sex with others but at the same time he hasn’t steeled himself over how much he loves Sakuna no matter what yet, so when confronted Sakuna can’t even muster a reaction, she just says sorry once, cries as she runs to her room; Eisuke doesn’t know what to say there, he only hopes they can talk once the morning comes and the tension lowers. However, the morning doesn’t come before Eisuke realizes Sakuna didn’t lock herself in her room for long, she ran away from home. Eisuke runs into the night in search for Sakuna, to no avail, he starts to wonder if she intentionally ran to a place and path they wouldn’t normally use, that’s when Eisuke stumbles on Makoto, the carefree pest asks if Eisuke is ok, he says no, he is looking for his wife Sakuna, Makoto immediately grins and starts asking in an accusatory tone if Sakuna ran away because she cheated, Eisuke sees that Makoto himself is dropping the façade, but here Eisuke can’t even muster the strength to confront Makoto, it was as If Eisuke realizes there just not much love to fought for in such terrible affair. The end is Eisuke coming back home without Sakuna, Sakuna has completely given into Makoto’s lust pit, but doesn’t divorce Eisuke, as Makoto reveals Eisuke secret to her, that he dropped his old job without ever telling her, so now Sakuna rationalizes they are both liars, so why pretend anything has to change, just keep their marriage in a giant messed up affair.


Eisuke believes he has enough evidence, but this is only the second choice transition, too early and Eisuke has the stupid and reckless plan of telling Makoto first that he is calling this case off and that he will sue him, Makoto just sighs in disappointment and says Eisuke is no fun as he leaves the office; by now Eisuke has started feeling aroused and began masturbating over Sakuna’s videos, that’s where Makoto got him, turns out Makoto ddin’t just hire Eisuke to play his game of detective on Sakuna, but Makoto hired other private eyes to keep an eye on Eisuke, he managed to fool Eisuke into being filmed masturbating over Sakuna’s videos, with that Makoto had his social media connections spread the video on what Eisuke likes to do in his lonesome masturbating time. That completely ruined Eisuke’s reputation which depended very much on online presence, as such his business lost all clients and he couldn’t even come back to his old job his rep became office poison, they didn’t want him back. The end is Sakuna losing herself to pleasure, sending a video of her having sex with Makoto since she now knows Eisuke likes to watch, as she mocks him as a penniless loser who has nothing on Makoto’s big dick.


Eisuke has gotten far, enduring close to the end, but not quite there yet; in the event where Sakuna had grown more depraved as she had been accepting Makoto passing her around to other men now, in the hot springs more specifically, that’s when Eisuke decides to confront Sakuna about her affair in a very cold manner, but he is now a hypocrite that has fully embraced the fact he pleases himself watching his wife get fucked by others; with that when Eisuke catches Sakuna trying to leave home late at night he just drops the bomb that he knows everything Sakuna has been doing under wraps, here though Sakuna is very defensive, claiming she doesn’t know what he is talking about, then when recites exactly what happens in her videos, Sakuna then becomes extremely confrontational, lashing out as she asks how the hell does Eisuke can recite what she does in such detail, so when Eisuke says he has been tailing her as a detective Sakuna effectively becomes angry, now demanding to know for how long he has been doing this, at this point Eisuke realizes this isn’t going the way he expected, Sakuna has completely detached herself from any lingering feelings of guilt she had to now yell at her husband for being such a pathetic man, one that would actually sit back and allow his wife to be screwed before he grows some balls and does everything in does everything in his power to stop all of that to protect her and please Sakuna himself. Sakuna then and there changes the outlook on her marriage, wondering if their love is any strong at all, she runs back to Makoto to completely and willingly remove any sense of self-worth, she willingly becomes a mind broken ahegaao’ing slut who sees better value in having none at all if it means at least she can keep having amazing sex.


Eisuke has gotten to the end, he knows he has everything in hand to end Makoto and Sakuna’s relationship, but he chooses to go for the scorched earth approach, he actively wants to ruin Makoto’s life by leaking all videos on the internet and socially engineer a chain of reputation cancellations and present the videos to the police as well so Makoto could be charged with defaming women over unsolicited and unauthorized porn, including the videos Makoto has of his other women, Eisuke was ready destroy the image of women he had nothing personal against, Eisuke wanted for Makoto’s image to become so poisonous it reached his father’s business. On his way to the office, however, Eisuke is fooled by a stranger asking for help, saying he needed help to carry his fainted friend, since Eisuke had a sense of justice still as a detective from his old job, he took a detour, but upon reaching the place Eisuke didn’t see anyone fainted, he fell into a trap as someone hit on the back of his head with a pipe. Eisuke wakes up tied up in a closet, with his mouth gagged he sees that he is being forced to watch Sakuna have sex with Makoto, by then she had grown completely drunk by lust, actually joking that the supposed termination of her affair in her 28th anniversary might not be such a good idea, Eisuke couldn’t believe in what he was hearing and seeing, all the while Sakuna had no idea he was there watching, all under Makoto’s machinations, even worse Eisuke couldn’t believe he was harder than ever watching all unfold. After that, Eisuke was freed, he lost all his will to frame Makoto of anything nor reveal to Sakuna he knows what she had been doing behind his back, Eisuke completely gave in to Makoto’s demands, allowing the affair to continue impeded. Sakuna was free to remain oblivious to all, to the point all of her guilt disappeared, she no longer had trouble rationalizing what she has been doing is any wrong, she can have the great sex she seeks from Makoto while having all the love from Eisuke, while she has pregnant sex with Makoto she is just happy to meet her child, not caring if it is Eisuke's or not, wishing this can go on for as long as possible, no more deadlines.


Eisuke endured all the way in to the fourth choice, collecting all the evidence he possibly could gather, not to give what Makoto wants but to terminate Sakuna’s affair with him in a way Eisuke hopes their marriage won’t be ruined, but Eisuke has already fallen quite deep in shamefully masturbating over the videos he recorded and received on Sakuna’s escapades. He calms himself, and goes home to have a heart-to-heart talk to Sakuna, he calmly tells Sakuna they must talk, Sakuna at first says she has to go somewhere else, likely to do something Makoto told her to, but Eisuke just slowly hugs her and with a weak fragile voice says it is something their whole marriage is sitting on, so please she has to hear him out; it was as if all her senses were telling her something, that the whole weight of Sakuna’s actions caught up to her Eisuke didn’t even need to keep talking, Sakuna herself starts crying and says that this is it, she was found out. Sakuna keeps apologizing over and over again, Eisuke calmly reveals he has been keeping track of her affair with Makoto, and Sakuna reveals why she became like that: her gigantic libido has always been there, Sakuna says that losing her virginity with Eisuke was something she planned their whole date back in college, she wasn’t an innocent virgin, she wanted be held by Eisuke all the time, every day but for some reason she just saw the men she loved more than anything barely have sex with her over the years, coming to think that she would have to endure a life like this by Eisuke’s side if that was what it took to be by the she wanted, Eisuke responds with saying he had a bad past relationship before knowing Sakuna, the girlfriend he considered his true love one day just broken up him by mercilessly revealing Eisuke was just one of the several flings she was having at the same time, that she grew tired of him so it was time break up, since then Eisuke considered sex to be of lesser importance in a relationship, for the next girl he would meet Eisuke would give his everything, believing true love is above sex; Sakuna freezes for a second as she hears this, realizing that she hurt her love again after he experienced so much pain in the past, that’s when Sakuna completely submits herself to a potential divorce process that was sure it was about to happen, being liable for all compensation owed to Eisuke as Sakuna was the party at fault, she even opens herself to physical abuse, saying that Eisuke can slap her if he wants to.

As Sakuna professes her mea-culpa session, Eisuke interrupts his wife by yelling her name, Sakuna jolts in surprise as she thinks Eisuke will take up on the offer to slap her, but Eisuke just screams his own set of apologies instead, revealing the fact that he wasn’t just keeping track of her affair to placate faults, he began to masturbate over them after a while, this piece of information surprises Sakuna as she can only ask of he really has a netorare fetish, but Eisuke isn’t done yet, he also reveals the fact he quit his old agency to become this independent freelancer, Sakuna is even more taken back by this information, asking how if she hasn’t noted any difference in what Eisuke can provide for their home, Eisuke replies saying he works hard through social media reach to keep a great work flow, and finally says why he quit, his old agency was part of a corrupt bust where a celebrity was accused of having an affair, the client they took was actually planning to forge a reason to divorce, Eisuke wanted no part in that so he had a fight with his superior. The climate turns from bittersweet to hopeful as both Eisuke and Sakuna cry as they open themselves up to each other, Eisuke apologizes for not answering to Sakuna’s desires, and Sakuna for being afraid of showing her true self to him, all to maintain a certain image they had of one another; Eisuke assures Sakuna they won’t divorce, but is now afraid he is developing a netorare fetish and doesn’t know how he will satisfy Sakuna moving forward, Sakuna reassures him won’t cheat anymore, they both can find their kinks together as they are more open to talk about their desires now, she jokingly demands for sex at the very least thrice a week as a starter for what they will come up together.

Later both Eisuke and Sakuna go to the SABUSUKE Detective office, Makoto was called so they can finish this mess once and for all; Eisuke tells Makoto he is terminating the case, giving all the money he was paid back, Makoto can’t believe in what he was hearing, like a kid that was about to lose his toy he threatens Eisuke and Sakuna by saying all he needs to do is call his father to completely destroy Eisuke’s business, Eisuke thinks that’s a very real possibility since the unnamed old man is well connected all over society, but Sakuna cuts Makoto and gives her own piece of mind, as she states that now with a calm mind and total spiritual sobriety she can finally confirm how much of a terrible person Makoto is, Sakuna berates him by calling him a petulant manchild that has no qualities at all, blaming herself for even thinking that his great sex skills could ever be considered something that she would dare to compare against Eisuke, the verbal lashing was so strong that Makoto throws a tantrum and leaves the office – proving Sakuna right - saying he is done with an old hag like Sakuna.

The next day it turns out Makoto did ask for his dad’s help, however, it seems the kid was more delusional and ignorant than they thought, his father is actually a person with morals, the old man couldn’t believe the hellscape his son crafted and inflicted on a married couple so he came by Eisuke’s office apologizing on his knees for what his son had done, swearing monetary compensation above and beyond. Months go by, Eisuke and Sakuna rekindled in a way that their love is stronger than ever before, and tbeir sex life was salvaged without Eisuke ever delving into guiding Saakuna into netorare practices, Sakuna got pregnant on her 28th anniversary and they have been having great sex ever since, not only that but Eisuke became a more supportive husband by helping Sakuna on her house chores, as such one day as Eisuke was out to buy stuff he saw Makoto from afar, getting with a girl who looked very trashy, so much so Makoto didn’t even hide his dissatisfaction from being with her, but he couldn’t do better this girl now, Eisuke reminisces to the day Makoto’s father came by apologizing like crazy months ago, the old man also promised he would disown his son, and that’s what he did, Makoto didn’t even have his luxurious car anymore, he had to take his new girl by train now. In the end Eisuke and Sakuna has great sex together with her being pregnant with their child.


I found this Eorge in particular to be more interesting than several others of the same old netorare genre out there, so I believe it deserves a detailed story summary like this, with the game 100% completed.
Last edited on 06 January 2024, 07:32.
Posted on 11 January 2024, 00:29 by:   lkoofu    PM
Score +16
The ending the husband and wife can kiss and make up,he can satisfy his wife,and the Netori guy got what he deserved,which is very good.
Posted on 31 January 2024, 05:09 by:   Wilfriback    PM
Score +20
Multiple endings is the real shit man.

The writing was so good it pisses me off of what has become of Atelier Sakura now.

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