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[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing)

Posted:2024-03-03 23:23
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File Size:288.7 MiB
Length:363 pages
Favorited:7688 times
Average: 4.61

There are newer versions of this gallery available:

[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing), added 2024-03-11 12:36
[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing), added 2024-03-18 09:33
[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing), added 2024-03-24 22:00
[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing), added 2024-04-01 15:40
[5kun] For Ingnam (ongoing), added 2024-04-08 12:35
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-04-15 12:18
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-04-22 12:13
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-04-29 13:52
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-05-06 12:13
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-05-13 13:00
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-05-20 12:58
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-05-26 18:39
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-06-03 12:19
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-06-10 12:19
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-06-17 12:21
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-06-24 12:29
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-07-02 12:13
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-07-08 13:01
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-07-16 11:57
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-07-22 11:47
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-07-29 14:58
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-08-05 21:30
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-08-06 12:27
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-08-12 21:59
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-08-19 23:15
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-08-26 15:41
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-09-02 15:54
[5kun] For Ingnam (Corruption of Champions) (ongoing), added 2024-09-16 12:33

Showing 121 - 160 of 363 images

Posted on 03 March 2024, 23:23 by:   Dropbear667    PM
Uploader Comment
A Corruption of Champions doujin, based on an ongoing playthrough.
Posted on 14 June 2020, 16:07 by:   sibiris    PM
Score +875
Oh man. Making CoC into a comic is going to be a massive undertaking. I wish you best of luck and hope to see this flourish..
Posted on 15 June 2020, 05:23 by:   johj333    PM
Score +227
Posted on 15 June 2020, 08:16 by:   psuedonymous    PM
Score +152
Posted on 02 July 2020, 02:32 by:   Elekikiss    PM
Score +107
Four holes? Are they counting the ureth- Nope nope, discontinuing that line of thought.
Posted on 06 July 2020, 11:36 by:   Moonlight Rambler    PM
Score +160
Shows a lot of promise; hope it keeps progressing slowly like this. Nice style, too. Maybe some backgrounds would be good, but there is something to be said for simplicity to prevent confusing the eye.

I miss this game's glory days so much. Back when fenoxo could do no wrong. Simpler times. And I'm still mad that Ember was left totally half-baked (among other things).
Last edited on 09 July 2020, 09:00.
Posted on 09 July 2020, 00:20 by:   Kurisu_Makise    PM
Score +117
This is a great comic adaptation of the game, love it so far.
Posted on 09 July 2020, 01:01 by:   melekain    PM
Score +474
honestly this might be the best Corruption of champions porn comic yet

most of them either get ridiculous or escalate way too quickly, the pacing on this one makes it much more exiting imo
Posted on 21 July 2020, 02:04 by:   Genoshia    PM
Score +205
Is this the first CoC comic staring an originally female champion? If it is, it works really well. No idea why, but I instantly like this more than any of the others I've seen so far. 10/10 would 'bate to again.
Posted on 01 August 2020, 15:17 by:   cheese130    PM
Score +95
hope she gets a fat horsecock at some point
Posted on 03 August 2020, 01:22 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +176
....What I like about this is it's an actual real COMIC...and not just 'torture porn'...
Posted on 07 August 2020, 15:28 by:   theCircle57    PM
Score +129
Some luck that PC has bumping into the sand cave in the desert BEFORE Tel'Adre.
Posted on 15 August 2020, 03:16 by:   lord_foebane    PM
Score +135
The first riddle "What is your name?"

Second "What is your quest?"

Third "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Posted on 22 August 2020, 00:14 by:   Garet Issan    PM
Score +162

It's based on a popular erotic web game, Corruption of Champions. The player character is a "champion" that is sent into a portal to a demonically-corrupt world as part of a yearly sacrifice ritual. Literal fuckery ensues. Most of what's happened thus far are events that are also in the game -- assaulted immediately, desert orgies, corruption/lust stats, etc.

Based on the content of the game, the amount of pages the author has dedicated to each "event" on average, and what the author's plans are, there's potential for this to be a very, -very- long comic.

Hope that helps.
Posted on 04 September 2020, 16:33 by:   Zoro the Gallade    PM
Score +207
It's a CoC comic where the protagonist gets to go at least a couple chapters without being warped into some disproportionate mishmash of parts and sexdoll-like randomly inflated bodyparts. Me likey.

Especially dig the first demon form, it's adorable. Guess I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
Posted on 15 September 2020, 16:03 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +258
Because claiming upload credit and getting views is Serious Business, and the mods on this site cant do basic math so they just let voting power decide if someone can reupload your post and expunge yours, claiming it for their own.
Posted on 18 March 2021, 16:21 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +181
This is a story that not only does "Corruption" correctly...but also does a GENUINE story that makes sense. It feels like these are real people. There's a real plot to this.
Posted on 14 April 2021, 18:46 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +105
*Makes Jojo reference*

"Oh,'re not're a Zeppali."

Posted on 11 June 2021, 11:18 by:   minhbi99    PM
Score +127
They don't need to draw them better, neither do they need to draw in the nose any more details than just a few simple stroke or cast shadow, simply because it's their art style. Please don't go around telling people "if they don't do something they never get better" when you don't have any artwork on here yourself.
Posted on 22 June 2021, 23:55 by:   MitchellTF    PM
Score +109
...Aw. Wholesomeness in a CoC doujin. :)
Posted on 25 June 2021, 05:03 by:   lolquendo    PM
Score +125
It's nice that the Champion is given a more short term motivation to keep her on the right track, even if such motivation is buying Bath Slut. I've been playing that game so much that everytime I get to the Sand Witches Temple I'm like "Welp, let's get this girl to the camp while we're at it".
Posted on 18 September 2021, 21:45 by:   Elekikiss    PM
Score +142

Yeah uh, well, Kelt is a Grade AAA asshole so I didn't want to associate with him.
Posted on 22 October 2021, 22:09 by:   Vodhr    PM
Score +149
Fuck that kelt charachter... didn't need that shit in this comic.
Should have his fucking balls punched in while she was down there.
Posted on 21 November 2021, 17:31 by:   theCircle57    PM
Score +186
>Kemonomimi instead of furry
It's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.
Posted on 30 March 2022, 02:54 by:   lolquendo    PM
Score +143
A little note for those unaware: Lethicite is the product of a normal individual cumming so hard into corruption they literally orgasm their soul out in crystalized form.
Posted on 31 March 2022, 21:37 by:   berney    PM
Score +101
...A giant pile of Succubus Milk? Kelt may be in some well deserved trouble.
Posted on 12 April 2022, 07:45 by:   jarlbalgruuf    PM
Score +121
All my homies hate Kelt. ...Or i guess it's gonna be "Kelly" soon.
Posted on 14 April 2022, 14:10 by:   The_Shark33    PM
Score +171
[Everyone liked that]...well almost everyone, Whitney might be a bit peeved.
Posted on 14 April 2022, 19:36 by:   Matronmalis    PM
Score +144
Rip Kelts masculinity, couldn't have happened to a biggest asshole centaur
Posted on 19 April 2022, 01:22 by:   OMJay    PM
Score +194
Kelt getting put in his place will never not be satisfying.
Posted on 23 April 2022, 01:46 by:   Kapuchu1    PM
Score +113
I understand the visceral hatred people have for Kelt, but I never could bring myself to do this. It made me feel like a monster.
Posted on 25 April 2022, 07:59 by:   The_Thong    PM
Score +94
I don't think I ever got to this part in CoC so I am a bit in the dark. However, and as satisfying as it is to see Kelt get his comeuppance, I cannot help but wonder how badly this will bite the farm in the ass in the end. Wasn't Kelt the sole protector of the farm or is there something I am forgetting?
Posted on 09 May 2022, 06:12 by:   berney    PM
Score +338
@Dinaih In game, Kelt is in fact already corrupt. His objective on the farm is to add everyone into his centaur mare harem with is corruptive aura. His intent is to wear Whitney's defenses down and add her to his herd.
Whitney is "immune" by author fiat, and Marble's crack milk ensures his victims return for their doses. His and hers.

Whitney's farm is literally just a front for Kelt's Secret Harem herd and Whitney is too stupid to notice or care.
She is ironically written as an enabler who unwittingly, but actually willingly, sacrifices travelers to Kelt's lusts in exchange for her personal safety.

You are the bad guy for punishing Kelt and making Whitney feel unsafe.
You should have just accepted your fate like all the others.
Posted on 10 May 2022, 05:13 by:   The_Thong    PM
Score +288
I have to side with the MC on this one.
Kelt might have been a good shot, but he was a horrible person. He deserved what was coming for him, even if it means Whitney is defenseless until she can find a replacement. Also, kicking the MC off the farm when they are one capable fighter seems like a mistake.
Posted on 14 May 2022, 02:52 by:   Delphince    PM
Score +329
Even with polygamy in consideration and setting aside actual game lore, there's no way Kelt had any respect for the concept of a "wife". Whitney taking up Kelt's defense on THAT point makes her a dim-bulb cunt, and she has the gall to call the MC stupid. Even if her farm's defense is a concern, she needs some sense slapped into her because of the angle she's taking.
The MC is being a bit of a bitch for standing her ground on someone else's property, but I'd get a bit ornery too over Whitney's reaction.
Posted on 27 June 2022, 01:03 by:   Chroomsh33    PM
Score +166
This is much better than it has any right to be. CoC's development history is a complex one and I'm surprised to see that this comic actually does it some justice. Maybe more than the game itself.
Last edited on 27 June 2022, 01:24.
Posted on 28 June 2022, 05:46 by:   bigbigman121    PM
Score +334
@SirBrinklehoff Oh fucking please. Whether she knew it or not Whitney hired her and left her to the wolves and Kelt... is a rapist. There aren't two sides here.
Posted on 12 July 2022, 02:11 by:   Aokodoku    PM
Score +356
I never thought I'd see the day people actually defended Kelt.
Posted on 04 November 2022, 01:54 by:   diebesgrab    PM
Score +159
Pffft, you don't beat higher level encounters at low levels by eating random shit, you beat them by spamming lust spells. IMMERSION RUINED OUT OF 10.
Posted on 05 June 2023, 13:19 by:   Xiggy4U    PM
Score +100
Ohh, so she’s been pregnant since the demon orgy when she lost her virginity. Woops.
Posted on 20 August 2023, 10:06 by:   Zoro the Gallade    PM
Score +160
Aw, she's starting to purify people. She's heroic after all.
Posted on 03 November 2023, 11:55 by:   Zoro the Gallade    PM
Score +121
They didn't have to put in so much cute details like Vpaula braiding Milky's hair, but they did and I'm glad.
Posted on 04 December 2023, 00:22 by:   berney    PM
Score +163
@Mechonus Zero
The implication is MC has been a dazed mess vanishing for days on end for a month.
Her "friends" do not seem concerned, so she must be sleeping in camp sometimes.

Its supposed to be a recursive issue... Kidnap, Milk, Wipe, Release...

But several "Friends" have taken note of the missing memories, and Impatient Dommy is getting punchy with the preggo.
Violent resolution is imminent.
Posted on 22 December 2023, 21:43 by:   junglecrawl    PM
Score +120
Mostly true to the game, but feels more overall depressing than anything.
Posted on 08 January 2024, 04:19 by:   Jarvis_42    PM
Score +187
Well, thats one way of getting around the problem of giving birth through a penis.
Posted on 27 March 2024, 09:38 by:   Krulla_Chief    PM
Score +162
Ya know, of all the things I was expecting, Shouldra uh, I guess reincarnating into the MC's partially demon daughter was not one of them.
Posted on 26 May 2024, 21:49 by:   VanillaFaps    PM
Score +245
I know for certain that the fact this comic made Urta into a non-furry has Fenoxo SEETHING, and just knowing that makes me very happy.
Posted on 02 September 2024, 19:57 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +20
Time to speedrun the whole Gym!
Posted on 03 September 2024, 18:21 by:   ThePandaKnight    PM
Score +1
Honestly, the best part for me is how it tuned down the furry bits. It's a huge part of CoC but as someone who doesn't like all that much that kind of aesthetics I had to do some mental gymnastics when playing - this comic is a lot closer to how I imagined it in my head (especially Urta)
Posted on 16 September 2024, 12:48 by:   timmehguy    PM
Score +12
She found the boat, wonder if where getting Izma?
Could also just be fetish cultists I guess.
Posted on 16 September 2024, 15:10 by:   preaplanes    PM
Score +8
Ooh, the BOAT!

Personally I'm hoping she bumps into Marae.
Posted on 16 September 2024, 17:51 by:   Deity Link    PM
Score +13
sharkgirl time?
Posted on 16 September 2024, 18:57 by:   lag85086    PM
Score +8
Boat? Then the factory ?

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