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Bunnies, and Mice, and Bears, Oh My! Vol 2: Eccentric Zoogaloo (AI Generated)

Posted:2025-03-10 04:37
File Size:1.18 GiB
Length:1042 pages
Favorited:270 times
Average: 2.25

Showing 921 - 940 of 1,042 images

Posted on 10 March 2025, 04:37 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Uploader Comment
Here's another gallery full of AI generated furry Rule 34. Enjoy!

-Turing Testes

Edit: Gallery Question - Which series of images in here was your favorite? Why? Which was your least favorite?
Posted on 19 December 2024, 17:17 by:   mdurdy    PM
Score -21
Great job! Definitely want more female bugs bunny!
Posted on 20 December 2024, 07:04 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score -25
@mdurdy - Thanks! And there will definitely be more FemBugs in the future, including your request for a bikini Bugs.
Posted on 20 December 2024, 12:27 by:   Retaneet    PM
Score -23
The bugs bunny looks great as always!
Posted on 21 December 2024, 04:30 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score -18
@Retaneet - Much appreciated! Look forward to more of FemBugs in upcoming updates!
Posted on 24 December 2024, 09:50 by:   MorphoTron    PM
Score +3
. Art's not bad,
. but when it comes to AI,
. galleries tend to be overflooded
. with images.
. I'd say that less is more sometimes...
Posted on 24 December 2024, 14:17 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score -25
@MorphoTron - Glad that you like the art! Just to clarify, is it that you feel like each subject has too much content, or that each gallery should be broken down into smaller galleries by subject? (For example, I just uploaded 100 new pictures of Brandy... is it that you think that number should be reduced, or that it should have been a separate gallery?)

NEW - Just added a torrent for this gallery.
Last edited on 24 December 2024, 21:41.
Posted on 26 December 2024, 20:31 by:   TSP1994    PM
Score -14
@TurningTestes- I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I was wondering, can you please do Kitty Katswell?
Posted on 28 December 2024, 00:40 by:   hentaiman2526    PM
Score -15
more of Rebecca&julie
Posted on 28 December 2024, 02:13 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score -7
@TSP1994 - Christmas was great, I hope yours was excellent as well! I already did see your last request for Kitty Katswell, and I'm already in the process of cooking up some gens of her for you.

@hentaiman2526 - Based bear babe fan... I'll see what I can do for you.

Edit: @TSP1994 - And the Kitty Katswell story is done! Hope you like it.

Edit - Torrent updated!
Last edited on 03 January 2025, 03:25.
Posted on 08 January 2025, 13:01 by:   Caesar Czarson    PM
Score -28
AI trash, I hope you fall down the stairs and STOP using this stupid shit.
Literally stealing from artists worldwide to create slop, its disgusting and fucking horrible for the industry.
Posted on 08 January 2025, 14:33 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +10
@Caesar Czarson- *gasp* Et tu, Caesar? *dagger'd in Greek*
Posted on 11 January 2025, 07:40 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +11
Update - Added a gallery of Rouge the Bat and created an up-to-date torrent. Enjoy!

Update - Added a gallery of Fwench Fwy and Iscream from Chikn Nuggit, and one of female Buster Bunny as a maid. Enjoy!
Last edited on 17 January 2025, 06:08.
Posted on 17 January 2025, 17:16 by:   Cheetah_Secreto    PM
Score -21
you can see this retard have no motor skills and should pick a pencil urgently just by seeing how he wrote on the first image
Posted on 17 January 2025, 17:21 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +11
@Cheetah_Secreto - Ha! Well, I was writing it on a tiny phone screen with my fat stubby fingers, but I can't disagree. If I had decent motor skills, I wouldn't need to use AI in the first place!
Posted on 19 January 2025, 22:02 by:   Caesar Czarson    PM
Score -7
Why are you booing me?! Im right
Posted on 20 January 2025, 00:20 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +29
@Caesar Czarson - You can be perfectly right, but if you say things in a way that people don't like, they'll still boo you. If I had to hazard a guess, they probably didn't like that you wished violence upon me after I told the story of how I was hospitalized. How did that old song go again?

"It's ok to not like things...
It's ok, but don't a dick about it.
It's ok, to not like things...
Don't be a dick about the things you don't like."

Anyhow, the way I see it, I'm just using AI to create things that I'd like to see in the world, and I'm only posting it here to share it with people with similar tastes. I don't charge any money for it or use it to advertise anything, I don't have a Patreon or SubscribeStar or whatever the fuck, and I only use it to make porn of copyrighted characters (a subject that can sometimes get the professional artists in trouble). In addition, I don't aim to emulate any particular artist's style (beyond the style used to create the copyrighted material in the first place). So, in my opinion, I'm doing the least harm possible, and (I hope) bringing a little happiness (fappiness) to those who came here looking for it. Plus it's fun, so I don't feel bad. I hope you can understand my position.
Posted on 29 January 2025, 11:32 by:   Primus0    PM
Score +15
It’s tagged proper. If you don’t want to see AI, block the tag. It’s like you enjoy being angry about stuff that doesn’t affect you. 😅
Posted on 31 January 2025, 05:53 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +12
@Primus0 - Ah, but you don't understand... it's a Crusade! They feel so strongly about their hatred of AI that they feel the need to venture wherever it may lurk and unleash their righteous fury upon its blasphemy. And honestly? I can't be mad at them for it. AI has a lot of potential for good and bad, so who could blame them for spreading their opinion of it? I may play around with AI porn generation, which I think is relatively harmless, but in the larger picture, AI is a big scary monster that's going to shape the future in ways we may or may not like. So, I don't take offense at the comments. I understand where they're coming from, and I can sympathize with their reasoning.

Edit: Added a gallery of Polly Esther, from Samurai Pizza Cats. Also, forgot to mention in the last update, a gallery of Berri from Conker's Bad Fur Day, and one of Wendy O. Koopa from Super Mario Brothers.

Edit: Updated the torrent!
Last edited on 02 February 2025, 16:20.
Posted on 11 February 2025, 14:12 by:   Resud4    PM
Score +9
Your stuff is so good! Any chance of seeing some female Predator/Yautja art? I love them, and there's not much drawn art.
Posted on 12 February 2025, 04:14 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +3
@Resud4 - Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it! Hmm... a predator, huh? That might be tough, but I can at least give it a try.
Posted on 12 February 2025, 23:14 by:   Resud4    PM
Score +9
@TuringTestes Cool! If it helps, there's a Lora that has some really good results. It's here:
Posted on 13 February 2025, 05:11 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +6
@Resud4 - Appreciate the assist, but I'm using Novel AI, which doesn't use Loras. I did a quick test earlier today, and I think it'll be doable, though I should mention, that I won't be posting it in this gallery, but rather in a new gallery that I'm working on featuring things like robots, aliens, and magical creatures.
Posted on 16 February 2025, 23:19 by:   Resud4    PM
Score +9
@TuringTestes Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Posted on 10 March 2025, 04:39 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +12
Added 81 images of female Bugs Bunny at a private pool party. Enjoy!
Posted on 10 March 2025, 12:44 by:   Resud4    PM
Score +9
For your upcoming scifi/fantasy gallery I had a few ideas;
1. A female version of Lord Zedd having a gangbang with the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
2. A female version of Robocop.
3. She-Venom since she's an alien.
4. Female versions of Scorpion and Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat.
5. Power Ranger girls having group sex with Putty Patrollers.
6. A female version of Princess Marco from Star vs the Forces of Evil.
For the current gallery, I thought of:
1. Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet having group sex with her crew to reward them for a job well done.
2. A female version of Lion-O from Thundercats.

Lastly, thank you for all the sexy female Bugs hentai, there's not enough of her in the wild.
I love how you use multiple poses and angles instead just slight variations of the same one. It really ups the quality of your work.
Last edited on 10 March 2025, 13:32.
Posted on 10 March 2025, 17:15 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +6
@Resud4 - Wow, that's a lot of suggestions. Please don't be too upset if I only do a few of them, as otherwise it would monopolize my time. I will say that the likelihood of any of them getting done is based mostly on what characters the AI model recognizes and can work well with, but I can tell you that the most likely thing you'll see on that list is Princess Marco, as I've already dabbled in trying to gen him/her.
As for the comment about poses and angles, thank you very much! I too find it irritating when AI galleries apend too much time posting very similar images. It's the nature of AI generation to end up with a lot of similar images, but I try to curate them as best as I can to keep things interesting.
Posted on 11 March 2025, 14:17 by:   Resud4    PM
Score +9
Oh, I completely understand! I was just spit balling, none of these were demands. I'm actually interested in getting into AI myself for fun. Any suggestions on where to start?
Posted on 12 March 2025, 06:33 by:   TuringTestes    PM
Score +3
@Resud4 - I'd start with a simple, free service, like a Dall-E generator. Even if you can't generate porn with it, you can still get some sexy stuff from it, but the important part is to use it as a learning tool before you get too invested in some of the other available generators. If you take to that easily, try moving on to one of the more involved generators, like stable diffusion which uses LORAs and can be set up to be used offline, or Novel AI (which is what I use) that charges a subscription fee. The point is to not jump into the deep end, lest you become overwhelmed. After that, it's just a matter of learning to talk to the AI to get the gens you want.

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