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[rikugou] Piyo Piyo Magica (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) [English]

Posted:2015-03-16 07:33
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Language:English  TR
File Size:22.39 MiB
Length:27 pages
Favorited:62 times
Average: 4.35
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(Mou Nanimo Kowaku Nai 17) [Rikugou Dou (Rikugou)] Piyo Piyo Magica (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) [English] [-anon-], added 2015-03-16 16:26

Showing 1 - 27 of 27 images

Posted on 16 March 2015, 12:10 by:   ninjdsfo    PM
Score +204
>that essay by the translator at the end
Posted on 16 March 2015, 12:35 by:   Skand    PM
Score +112
Anti... Anticrack-kun? Is that you?
Posted on 16 March 2015, 14:09 by:   Acefighter159    PM
Score +131
I'm not entirely sure why he thinks five paragraphs of bitching about how evil and disrespectful it is to read pornography of underage fictional characters in non-canon pairings (as opposed to pornography of underage fictional characters in canon pairings, which is a wise and eminently moral decision that affords them nothing but the highest honor) would improve the experience.

But whatever. Madohomu is Madohomu is lovely. Thanks, anticrackfag! You've proven that if you took the time you spent writing inane tracts and put it into translation, you might be a respectable fellow instead of /u/'s favorite whipping boy.

Kindly keep doing that. The best way to make people love MadoHomu and KyouSaya and so forth over other pairings is to give them lots of material for it, not ramble on and on about those wicked degenerates who dare to imply that Kyouko might be cuter with Mami.
Posted on 16 March 2015, 15:56 by:   mutopis    PM
Score +29
pg 8 should be "why didn't you say anything?" instead of "why did you say anything?"
Posted on 16 March 2015, 16:49 by:   Meganneko-Fishorigu    PM
Score +62
That note at the end was unnecessary and doesn't make sense. But the art is nice.
Posted on 16 March 2015, 17:09 by:   Reboot    PM
Score +154
Really? A 7 paragraph dissertation about ecchi, hentai and lesbian sex of cannon/not cannon pairs of characters?

Posted on 16 March 2015, 18:00 by:   Exhausted    PM
Score +130
Is there a way to get that last 'image' removed? It contributes nothing and doesn't function as a credit page, either.
Posted on 16 March 2015, 20:14 by:   anya_    PM
Score +98
tl;dr a normal credits page with a good kyousaya pic would have been better i think
oh well, time to go back to my blasphemous and degrading alternative pairings
Posted on 16 March 2015, 21:21 by:   Izmaeil    PM
Score +83
OK I usually don't comment but... was that rant in credit page necessary? Or do you really think it might change anything, that it even matters? That someone will take it seriously?
That someone cares?
I don't think so.
Posted on 16 March 2015, 22:28 by:   Izmaeil    PM
Score +207
These characters were created for amusement and for profit therefore there is no correct or right way of treatment, after all these characters are not living human beings which means "they" have no right applicable on real human being. There is no right or wrong way of treatment.
Creators of the show gave us toys and it's up to us what we will do with them, with certain limitations of not using them to make profit and all that is against licensing policy of rights' owner.
Posted on 16 March 2015, 22:37 by:   MSimm1    PM
Score +161
Melonbooks -

Pixiv -
Posted on 17 March 2015, 07:09 by:   nonegiven    PM
Score +101
Reminder that posting from two different accounts doesn't make you two different people.
Posted on 18 March 2015, 06:18 by:   Egasd    PM
Score +96

Even if we take you at face value that non-canon pairings "degrade" the characters involved, how does that cause any harm? They're fictional. I don't think most creators really care about non-canon pairings, as long as fans don't try to sell it or insist "it's totally canon, guys!" To them it's just the fans having fun with their work. In other circumstances, how could this character behave? How would the dynamics work between this character and this character? What are the motivational forces that drive characterization in one direction or the other? It's all writing exercises, albeit ones you say degrade the characters involved.

I'm sure metafiction authors actually love seeing non-canon, since their work is all about how characters and stories work.
Posted on 18 March 2015, 08:03 by:   Egasd    PM
Score +96

In the case of blasphemy is causing hurt to the worshippers of a god and disrespect to a nation you're causing hurt to its citizens. Regardless, disrespect is not necessarily a negative action. I make jokes about the gods every day, and Jesus/Allah/Buddha help me if someone complains about something short of "[insert religion(s) here] is bad and wrong".

Regardless, I don't see how it speaks badly of me to ship, for fun, two characters while acknowledging that the canon relationship is the true one. I am not insulting the feelings of any character because they don't exist, and even if they were to, I am accepting that their strong feelings are canonical and that I'm just having fun. Just because dogs exist don't mean you can't write about a world without them. It doesn't insult the long, fruitful relationship between dogs and humanity to do so, nor the efforts of dog breeders from millennia till now to foster that relation.
Posted on 19 March 2015, 01:11 by:   Egasd    PM
Score +102

At what point am I insulting someone? They are characters, little ideas on a screen and page meant to elicit emotions. They are not real, and have no actual feelings. It is disturbing how you cling so hard to the idea that we must be insulting fictional beings somehow. All human fiction is by its nature worthless, only imbued with worth from the viewers' and creators' interpretation of them. The circumstances and process of imbuing meaning is the entire point of literary and other creative theories, and there is no guarantee that the creators' intent is the final say. Communists and capitalists both read "The Communist Manifesto", but the latter searches outside of the meaning Marx intended for the work. There's an entire literary idea called "death of the author", where they are discarded, and as many other ideas between total death and total adherence to the author's intent as there are people.

If you cannot accept that we can disregard the creator's intent, then we must necessarily view all fiction exactly as intended. This is toxic to critical thought and dissent, and many creators even encourage people to challenge their intent or leave things ambiguous to allow the reader to make their own choices. That doesn't mean we don't acknowledge the creator's intent and canonicity, but that people have their own views on it and will discuss it.

If you insist that non-canon pairings are an abomination, then you are also insisting that we must read all the horrible fictions of the world exactly as how the creators intended. Are you really okay letting Twilight exist without any critique?
Posted on 19 March 2015, 07:04 by:   intervigilium    PM
Score +50
So much energy and fire for a harmless non-h parody, when straight porn is swarmed with ooc garbage often catering to people not even fans of the source material.
Posted on 19 March 2015, 07:13 by:   noisekeeper60    PM
Score +42
Maybe people would be more sympathetic if this person wasn't crazy and didn't stalk people who disagree with them on IRCs.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 06:44 by:   Exhausted    PM
Score +126
Holy shit you idiots don't RESPOND to him. This guy is so obviously a crazy troll starved for attention that he belongs in an internet textbook. Post your witty one-liners about how crazy and pathetic he is, then ignore him. DO NOT ENGAGE. You're only feeding him if you do.
Posted on 20 March 2015, 07:21 by:   Egasd    PM
Score +52

My post on /u/ was stupid, looking back; I had slept very little.

Regardless, you are a strange man with strange ideas that make no sense. I'll continue shipping non-canon, because there is nothing morally wrong with it.


>An insult is both verb and noun, and what are confusing it with is "offence." Which is exclusively a noun, meaning someone must always posses it.

You have no idea what a noun actually IS, do you? A noun is simply a unit of speech that can occur as the subject of a clause (or object of verb/preposition). That's it. No one needs to own a noun. If you have a problem with that definition, then take it up with the linguists.
Posted on 29 March 2015, 06:15 by:   ioctl    PM
Score +64
I think you guys should get back to fapping and save the kvetching for a different site.
Posted on 07 June 2015, 00:01 by:   Bane13    PM
Score +69
Posted on 07 June 2015, 00:03 by:   TheGreyPanther    PM
Score +100
Posted on 05 October 2015, 17:17 by:   h8GWbush    PM
Score +79
*reads doujin and accompanying dissertation*
*attempts to read above comments*


P.S.- Oh, poor Nakazawa-kun!

. . .
. . . . . man, the TL must've stumbled upon a particularly nasty guro at some point.
Posted on 30 January 2020, 19:28 by:   Kagoraphobia    PM
Score +193
today is the day where curiosity killed the cat.

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