Posted on 22 October 2020, 16:29 by:
nisor04 Base +2, Bay K.W. Arde +8, Scrubenstein +6, stupid army +8, Kurono91 +8, Ice_Cream +13, MisterK7 +6, nurd +6, darklord1235 +9, 58569 +10, IncognitoMaud +6, nbdxq +5, gradius -6
Base +2, Lurker31 +7, Bay K.W. Arde -8, Shigimatsu -7, tc_hold +9, viniccius36 +4, ElliE8 +6, FatPrincess +7, SocksGalore +6, Beyond Imagination +6, shinnt +17, stupid army -8, Entei Nevermore +6, and 78 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 02:18 by:
nyanladin Score
Base +6, okmonger +5, Thisx +6, viniccius36 +4, Lv.27_robot -6, MelmothTheWanderer -13, Scrubenstein -6, Soyungundam -8, stupid army -8, Entei Nevermore -6, muramasa122 -6, soul saber -6, Ice_Cream -13, and 8 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 02:25 by:
plsc2 Score
Base +6, okmonger +5, viniccius36 +4, Lv.27_robot +6, SocksGalore +6, Beyond Imagination +6, oheye +9, Syokool +8, kwajalien +13, shinnt +17, Remeark +6, Entei Nevermore +6, soul saber +6, and 90 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 02:28 by:
Imuyaoi Score
Base +6, Chapell +6, viniccius36 +4, SocksGalore +6, Beyond Imagination +6, IaY +10, oheye +9, Egakor +8, shinnt +17, Entei Nevermore +6, bananaramadama-sama +7, Ice_Cream +13, gotdajuice +4, and 58 more...
Base +7, MelmothTheWanderer +13, Scrubenstein +6, muramasa122 +6, Ice_Cream +13, Shyguy +6, Knife Prty +7, 58569 +10, Tarball +13, yongblaster007 +8, elementalanubis +6
Posted on 23 October 2020, 03:13 by:
Argret Score
Base +12, kwajalien +13, MelmothTheWanderer +13, shinnt +17, Entei Nevermore +6, muramasa122 +6, Kurono91 +8, bananaramadama-sama +7, Ice_Cream +13, hazari_13 +6, kemono69 +11, zinos6 +8, @Inkblot +27, and 33 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 03:19 by:
dgjdgjdgj Score
Base +7, stupid army +8, deviatesfish +8, ExtremeRampage +4, Knife Prty +7, xXDGFXX -6, 58569 +10, chesi32 -6, Tarball +13, allelujahhaptism +7, Palaxius -30, swagzillaforila -6, xcaptaincrew -6, and 2 more...
Base +33, stupid army +8, Ice_Cream +13, Nayan -6, 58569 +10, nbdxq +5, yongblaster007 +8, raytester -6
Base +7, AGMlolz +15, shinnt -17, stupid army -8, MelmothTheWanderer -13, muramasa122 -6, soul saber -6, BZo1480 +6, Ice_Cream -13, john34404 +8, deadarm +6, mahoraking13 -13, M0rtis -6, and 19 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 03:57 by:
roxas31 Score
Base +6, shinnt +17, Entei Nevermore +6, gotdajuice +4, john34404 +8, hazari_13 +6, Drocher1489 +6, Ice_Cream +13, nurd +6, Austriacus +6, ExtremeRampage +4, 58569 +10, EdwardxD +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 05:35 by:
RaizelX Score
Base +7, absolutkfx +6, Ice_Cream +13, kinoshita_tokichiro +30, 668 +6, EdwardxD +6, yongblaster007 +8
Posted on 23 October 2020, 09:51 by:
PKLove23 Score
Base +7, absolutkfx +6, DerpyHerpaDerp +6, Austriacus +6, ExtremeRampage +4, 58569 +10, Yossarian762 +7, Ibrahimovich_Z +6, Publix Hair -6, CuriousAboutItAll +6, absolugom -7, Fofotron +6, Barethor +6, and 1 more...
Base +15, Ice_Cream -13, Shyguy +6, mister wolf +6, Overlord2.0 -5, MelmothTheWanderer -17, absolugom -7, redclus +6, elvendrunk -11, arc0123 +8, Barethor -6, Tarball +13
Base +7, squfar +6, Beane +7, ExtremeRampage +4, deinla +6, 58569 +10, Yossarian762 +7, spidib +6, Xalren525 +6, Korgal +6, FearylesZ +6, aubrie paterson +6, Tarball +13, and 20 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 13:52 by:
AHTL Score
Base +6, CrawlerOfSin +12, Wilfriback +20, ExtremeRampage +4, Overlord2.0 +5, 58569 +10, hades_root +6, Publix Hair +6, CuriousAboutItAll +6, Fofotron +6, xDraygon -6, absolugom +7, takuman +11, and 4 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 14:12 by:
bachiko Score
Base +6, Pky2010 +8, Palaxius -30, absolugom -7, NewUser75834 -7, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 +7, consider_tits +6
Posted on 23 October 2020, 14:21 by:
Orion9137 Score
Base +11, soul saber +6, absolugom +7, Barethor +6, awak_ +7
Base +11, ExtremeRampage +4, Overlord2.0 +5, Yossarian762 +7, EdwardxD +6, notknow +11, 58569 +10, aubrie paterson +6, randomname777 +6, OotakuZZz +6, yongblaster007 +8, DreadPool +6, swagzillaforila +6, and 10 more...
Base +6, ExtremeRampage +4, 58569 +10, YamiKonjiki -6, gradius -6, absolugom +7, elvendrunk -11, zephyr_ +6, Vivi1993 -19, Barethor -6, Waitugreat -30, ShaoxBG +6, consider_tits +6, and 1 more...
Base +6, Palaxius -30, Net Imp -8, TenRX -7, YamiKonjiki -6, Draw99Gray -18, absolugom -7, elvendrunk -11, fyemaciel -10, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 -7, Waitugreat -30, alllifeinfate -6, and 4 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 18:13 by:
Twin182 Score
Base +7, ExtremeRampage +4, Knife Prty +7, 58569 +10, yankeeboy27 +6, Jizz23 +6, barkingdead +6, grianj +6, absolugom +7, gunsn1per +6, Fofotron +6, fyemaciel +10, Vivi1993 +19, and 7 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 19:38 by:
GN58 Score
Base +6, Darudius -5, deinla -6, MelmothTheWanderer -14, Longrua +6, akunoko +29, EdwardxD -6, L0wk3y -8, nonShade -12, deviatesfish -8, love_is_over -5, Ryougi -11, Tarball +13, and 18 more...
Posted on 23 October 2020, 23:25 by:
Forgunia Score
Base +6, Knife Prty +7, 58569 +10, Tarball +13, barkingdead +6, gr8alex +6, wildstag +8, grianj +6, absolugom +7, gunsn1per +6, Fofotron +6, Barethor +6
Posted on 23 October 2020, 23:57 by:
Demordred Score
Base +6, barkingdead +6, absolugom +7, Fofotron +6, takuman +11, Vivi1993 +19, Barethor +6
Posted on 24 October 2020, 00:59 by:
Pheebe Score
Base +6, The Inker -8, Overlord2.0 -5, nonShade -12, Xythy -22, xelnaga92 -12, Palaxius +36, MoonCheese -7, TenRX -7, BaperNu -9, gradius +6, absolugom -7, elvendrunk -11, and 2 more...
Posted on 24 October 2020, 01:04 by:
vjbeal96 Score
Base +8, Overlord2.0 -5, TenRX -7, wildstag -8, gradius +6, Fofotron +6, absolugom +7, Neisan14-14 +6, Vivi1993 +19, PinguPrin +7, Tarball -13
Posted on 24 October 2020, 01:33 by:
Kiyonich Score
Base +7, xXDGFXX -6, Overlord2.0 +5, Clamper +6, gradius -6, absolugom -7, Neisan14-14 -6, MelmothTheWanderer +36, Vivi1993 -19, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 -7, Waitugreat -30, alllifeinfate -6
Base +6, TheDiabolical -6, Oldhat +6, absolugom -7, fyemaciel -10, Neisan14-14 -6, Vivi1993 -19, Barethor -6, kenabrxg -15
Posted on 24 October 2020, 10:29 by:
Tontza Score
Base +7, Poodicus -6, Oldhat +6, swagzillaforila +6, absolugom +7, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 -7, ShaoxBG +6
Base +6, AgPhoenix +7, Xythy -22, Poodicus +6, Oldhat +6, cochrane +23, Vivi1993 +16, Jizz23 +6, Publix Hair +6, Palaxius +36, Drocher1489 +6, soul saber +6, Llium +6, and 16 more...
Posted on 24 October 2020, 16:16 by:
ydcy133 Score
Base +3
Posted on 25 October 2020, 13:15 by:
nottolo Score
Base +6, Nymphette +8, Jizz23 +6, abemu +6, Return_by_Climax +6, 58569 +10
Posted on 28 October 2020, 00:45 by:
HeroADI Score
Base +1, Navi_94 -7, MoonCheese -7, AutumQueen92 -6, TenRX -7, soul saber -6, wildstag -8, takuman -10, Derk36 -12, absolugom -7, elvendrunk -11, Barethor +6, Why_Not212 -7, and 2 more...
Posted on 02 November 2020, 07:59 by:
rlsdmm Score
Base +6, SbsC +6, Clamper +6, absolugom -7, beans16 +6, Why_Not212 +7
Base +6, Drode -11, ICE user +6, marmadillo -6, MoonCheese +7, rezarmuk +6, CuriousAboutItAll +6, Drocher1489 -6, BaperNu -9, karmazynowypiekarz +6, jorm55 +6, Fofotron +6, xcaptaincrew -6, and 16 more...
Posted on 21 January 2021, 09:53 by:
DesuEx Score
Base +7, Fofotron +6, Plot manga pls +6, Why_Not212 +7
Base +1, gradius +6, absolugom +7, Fofotron +6, beans16 +6, takuman +11, Vivi1993 +19, Barethor +6, plexorz +9
Posted on 15 April 2021, 00:46 by:
Corpito Score
Base +7, Drocher1489 -6, jorm55 -6, absolugom -7, Zero225 +17, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 -7, T0to -6, plexorz -9, Tarball +13
Posted on 01 May 2021, 14:28 by:
RaizelX Score
Base +7
Posted on 11 May 2021, 18:17 by:
Ranz2.0 Score
Base +6, absolugom +7, Vivi1993 -19, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 -7, Tarball +13
Posted on 11 July 2021, 12:41 by:
Demoni Score
Base +7, absolugom +7, faresryan -6, gunsn1per +6, Vivi1993 +19, Barethor -6, Why_Not212 +7, Waitugreat +33, plexorz +9
Posted on 25 July 2021, 04:58 by:
GGS Score
Base +10, absolugom +7, gunsn1per +6, Fofotron +6, Vivi1993 +19, Barethor +6, Tarball +13
Posted on 16 February 2023, 06:48 by:
Ilyia Score
Base +7, Tarball -13
Posted on 30 June 2024, 16:24 by:
KodokuAi Score
Base +9, Tarball -13