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バリキオス (Barikios) "Fox Girl Yandere" & Extras [Esp] {kitsuneko Studios}


Posted:2015-04-26 09:00
Language:Spanish  TR
File Size:19.35 MiB
Length:88 pages
Favorited:134 times
Average: 4.54

Showing 81 - 88 of 88 images

Posted on 26 April 2015, 09:00 by:   felino    PM
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Work from バリキオス (Barikios), originally translated by someone i don't know, but here I'm make a Spanish translation using the raws from pixiv
There is a lot of images of this kitsune, sadly I don't found a translation for them, any way i post them here later in hopes for someone to translate

Also this is the pixiv of the artist:

Trabajo por バリキオス (Barikios), originalmente traducido por alguien que no conozco, pero aquí está mi traducción al español usando los originales de pixiv
Existen muchas imágenes sobre esta kitsune, lamentablemente no encontré traducción, de cualquier modo después las voy a subir con la esperanza de que alguien las traduzca

Pixiv del artista:
Posted on 24 April 2015, 06:49 by:   imercenary    PM
Score +28
Such a fucked up story.

Theres an English translated version of this story somewhere, either here or on Danbooru.

For non-Spanish readers, the story is basically this: The fox girl is in love with the boy's ancestor(s) but she is confined to the shrine so she has no idea that they've all have aged/died. Coincidentally, all the male descendents look the same to her, so the boy goes up to her, slaps a sealing charm on her and leaves. Why? The story is implies the fox girl was 'cursing' the family. But since the fox girl was confined to the shrine in the first place, the reader is forced to assume it was bullshit/character assassination or she's evil/a liar and we're simply never shown it.

Obviously, I'm skipping the minor details (she says something like "I was a good girl the whole time") but thats the core of the story.
Posted on 24 April 2015, 07:01 by:   Nigata    PM
Score +10
@ imercenary
Someone on /a/ is planning to scan it once the book arrives to his house, another guy offered to translate it.
Also there's a good ending for this
Posted on 24 April 2015, 07:06 by:   felino    PM
Score +7
that's is good, i really like to know what happen next

the english version is here:
Posted on 24 April 2015, 11:05 by:   DragonNegro1989    PM
Score +16
Es una historia triste pero no se puede negar que esa diosa no tenia buenas intenciones
Posted on 24 April 2015, 14:10 by:   haco666    PM
Score +13
lo que refleja la historia es que las creenias y tradiciones se estas apartando por las icnorancia de las tecnologias
Posted on 24 April 2015, 23:55 by:   oli335    PM
Score +7
gracias por el aporte
Posted on 26 April 2015, 08:16 by:   Rojo00258    PM
Score +3
la pagina 76 es asdasdasd XD
Posted on 26 April 2015, 09:06 by:   felino    PM
Score +7
Added two new images. . . and yes apparently she is dead. . . just like my hopes and dreams.

Text from twitter:

Text from pixiv:

añadidas dos nuevas imágenes. . . y si aparentemente esta muerta. . . como mis sueños y esperanzas.

Texto de twitter:

Texto de pixiv:
Posted on 03 May 2015, 22:43 by:   sensualaoi    PM
Score +15
Pg 37is sad. The dark skinned girl is a fox god for a shrine that was errected by Japanese soliders in ww2 on an island in South East Asia. This was in occupied territory and when the soliders left the shrine was abandonned and she faced the sea for seventy years waiting for someone to come back to her.

On this page the blond kitsune pops out and says "did the sealing fail?" And when she hugs her she's like "what the heck? Let go of me!"
Posted on 10 May 2015, 21:51 by:   Crociere    PM
Score +12
holy shit this artist love depressive stories. fuck i cant even fap to this. I just want to give them eternal hugs instead.

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